"Who is it? Where is it? Don't pretend to be a ghost, get out of here, Miss!" Tou Zijiang clenched her fists and waved her hand, scolding the mysterious voice coquettishly.

"Trainer, let me listen to the voice of your elf!" As soon as the mysterious voice finished speaking, a black negative energy shock wave swept across the darkness and swept towards the flame lion.Wherever this malicious corrosive atmosphere passed, the flowers and plants there withered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Chapter 026 The Mysterious Trainer, n

When the three of Long and his party found Touzi in the suburbs, the place was already in flames, and a black-gray fox-like elf with a crimson mane rushed out of the sea of ​​flames.Aiming at Touzi's direction is a powerful wave of evil, and the Flame Lion roars and hits it with jet flames.

Classmate Mei straightened her ponytails, which were blown up by the air waves, with a question mark on her head, "What the hell is going on? Why did Uncle Touzi get involved in the battle? Is the other party a trainer or a wild Pokemon?"

Tou Zijiang said dumbfoundedly: "I just wanted to ask. He said something inexplicably, 'Let me listen to the voice of your elf', and suddenly rushed over. He was too strong! I'm afraid the Flaming Lion is not this guy's opponent."

"That's right, the Flame Lion's desire to fight is far less intense than Zoroark's. That's because you have kept your partner in the poke ball, limiting its growth. Zoroark, raid!" While speaking, the mysterious The owner of the voice finally appeared from behind the tree.A green-haired young man wearing a sun hat and about the same age as the dragon opened his arms in a condescending attitude, his handsome face was full of melancholy.

"Hey ^" Zoroark's body suddenly flashed after receiving the youth's instruction, like a black shadow, flying around like a ghost, causing the lion's flame torrent to miss.Tou Zijiang and Huo Yanshi were stunned, just when this person was distracted by petting, the strange fox turned to Huo Yanshi's side in an instant.Zoroark bent his knees and swiped, kicking the Flaming Lion flying with a series of afterimages of the whip legs incomparably quickly.

"The surprise attack of the evil type is to launch an attack faster than the enemy in advance, but it will be invalid if the opponent uses a special move that is not an attack type." With a strong attacking style, he made this move with great thoughtfulness."

The studious classmate Mei took out the illustration book to check the detailed introduction of Zoroark, and this action seemed to arouse the strong dissatisfaction of the green-haired youth, "The elf illustration book? It is to complete this thing that many friends are closed in the Inside the poke ball." He said coldly, with a hint of sadness in his tone.

"Who are you? Because of the poke ball and the illustrated book, the elves have become unlucky. I don't agree with this statement." Long felt that the young man in front of him was not a bad person, so he asked straight to the point.

"The Pokémon Book is a high-tech product that compiles Pokemon information. Some trainers capture Pokémon just to fill up the Pokédex and satisfy their desire to collect them. They are locked in the Poké Ball and ignored. This is an indisputable fact. The green-haired young man paused, playing with the Menger sponge hanging from his waist, and continued: "Although I am also a trainer, I have always had a doubt. Whether the elf who has lived in the shackles for a long time can be happy, once the They are put into the ball, so I can't hear the 'heart' of the elves. My name is... N. Come on, let me continue to listen to the heart of your flame lion. Zoroark, Dark Blast!"

"Hey ^" Zoroark raised his head and howled, the pearl-shaped decoration at the end of the crimson mane glowed with blue light, and a vicious fearful aura erupted from his whole body.The air violently turbulent, and a circle of dark negative energy waves spread and engulfed the entire body of the Flaming Lion.Zoroark waved his sharp claws, and suddenly the dark antimatter mixed with billowing smoke exploded loudly.

Long's heart was startled suddenly and he said inwardly that it's not good, Touzi has encountered a strong enemy today.This Zoroark's level and the power of his moves are probably comparable to his own 'Phantom Overlord'.

"I love you, 'Let me listen to the voice of your elf' means 'come to fight'. Then please meet my eyes, and frankly shout 'come to fight'!" Tou Zi Jiang raised his arms in high spirits and shouted coquettishly: "If you want to fight, I welcome you at any time, because I am aiming at the fire-type Pokemon master and traveling. But ah, saying that the Pokemon ball is the shackles of Pokemon, such a picky person Speech, I don't like it. Huo Yanshi, big characters burn!"

"Roar^" The Fire Lion let out a roar, stomping heavily on the ground and charging out of the gunpowder smoke.The mighty mane gathered heat energy, and the flames above his head were blazing. He raised his head and sprayed a hot "big"-shaped flame from his mouth, but he fired an empty cannon with no aim.

"The Flame Lion is playing hide-and-seek with Zoroark's shadow in the illusion. I can hear him, he's having a great time." N folded his arms around his chest with a smile on his lips, as if he was unmoved by the wind.

"Dark explosion, the smoke produced by the explosion is hallucinogenic. It is said that people who try to capture it will be imprisoned in an illusory scene as punishment, which can greatly affect the opponent's hit rate. Oops, careless." Tou Zijiang He took out the illustration book and lost his voice.

"Look, I turned over the illustration book again. You can only rely on the information it provides to your opponent's elves. But I am different. Even if I don't do this, I can get the same rewards just by listening to the elf's heart with my ears. Effect. This Zoroark’s voice, including the flame lion’s, can be heard. Because of this, I can know what unique move can maximize the benefits at this moment. No need to investigate specially, only through the elf So, you can’t win mine.” The more N spoke, the more emotional he became, and finally he even shouted hysterically at Touzi: “The Flame Lion is in pain, because he couldn’t convey his heart to you. Ignoring the wishes of the elves, and directing them at will with their own judgment, the elves will only suffer misfortune when they are with humans!"

[On a space battleship above Yixiu]

"Anjie, Wang, where are you now?" Kuiqisi walked around and asked a masked woman beside him.

An Jie and her subordinates knelt on one knee and said, "Tell Lord Quecchis, Your Highness N is fighting an elf battle with a trainer on the outskirts of Tangcao Town. Do you want your Highness to come back?"

Kuiqisi shook his head and laughed loudly: "Hehe, there is no need, that child is going to explore that difficult-to-decipher formula again."

Chapter 027. Z's Confrontation, Super Ultimate Flame Bomb

On the outskirts of Tangcao Town, the battle between Touzijiang and N has reached a fever pitch.Flame Lion slowly woke up from the illusion created by Diablo Blast, but his physical strength was almost at its limit.Zoroark's side was also uncomfortable. The defect of not being good at tug-of-war gradually emerged, and the frequency of attacks had a step-down decline compared to before.

"I've been chattering on and on since just now, and I'm so annoying!" Tou Zijiang choked at the green-haired young man, then pointed to the male lion beside him and said in a deep voice, "The Flaming Lion looks like it's complaining. Is it unlucky to be together? It is struggling like me on the road to become a flame-type Pokemon master, right, Flame Lion." "Aww..." The male lion let out a well-behaved growl, very Standing up affectionately, he stuck out his tongue and gently licked the girl's face.

"See, even though I don't understand the language of the Flame Lion, it really responded to me. The same is true for the Elf Guide. Just because I like elves, I want to know them deeply. This is not a matter of course. I took I have traveled around the world with Uncle and the others. I have learned a lot along the way. I can’t hear the voice of the elf you mentioned, but I will prove it to you. Show your perseverance, Flame Lion , Defeat him, and prove to him that we can understand each other!" "Aww^" The lion roared to the sky, his whole body was bathed in a blazing fire, and the red crystal inlaid on the bracelet of Touzi was a It shines brightly with each other.

"This is the correct way to open the Z move. Touzi's words just touched the heart of the Fire Lion. The mutual trust between the trainer and the elf resonated with Z Pure Crystal!" Xiaodi was taken aback, and then said happily.

Touzi snapped off the hat on his head and shouted coquettishly: "Fire Lion, feel my call, let the fiery flames ignite your fighting spirit, super-extreme explosive bomb!" "Roar^" The Flame Lion suddenly let out a deafening roar With the roaring sound, a powerful force emanated out, and a ball of high-temperature fireball spewed out from the mouth. The huge fireball was like a small sun.The sudden rise in temperature seemed to burn the surrounding air, and the scorching hot breath rushed forward and forced everyone back a few steps.

"Is it from the mysterious inheritance of Alola?" I saw N Gao holding up a black crystal sealed in the necklace and shouting loudly: "In this case, Zoroark, release your full potential and use the power equivalent to it Come on, the black hole devours everything and destroys everything!" "Hey ^" The black Z pure crystal engraved with a pair of demon wings pattern bloomed a dark phantom, Zoroark raised his head and howled, and the whole body once again erupted with malicious terror In the aura, the pupils shone with a strange red glow, and a fist-sized black hole on top of the head instantly condensed into shape.

Zoroark's eyes widened suddenly, and the black hole shot out and flew to the sky above the Flame Lion, spinning rapidly. Suddenly, there was a burst of flying sand and rocks in the suburbs.The powerful attraction released by the black hole is bound to involve everything around it.The high-temperature explosive fireball meets the black hole head-on, the scorching heat flow is entangled with the dark antimatter, and the two Z moves are intertwined to simulate a small-scale galaxy collapse.Two Pokemon fighting each other while exerting their strongest powers at the same time will fight with each other here.The violent explosion spread and spread to the surroundings with the powerful air waves circle by circle.

Dust filled the sky and buried the Flame Lion and Zoroark under a mound of soil. The Flame Lion retreated again and again and then howled, its mighty body fell to the ground on its back.Zoroark stood up from the ruins, trembling for a while, knelt on his feet, and fell to the ground with his whole body.

Everyone finally recovered from the fierce battle, and Mei-san said in surprise: "I didn't expect that the final result of this battle would end in a draw."

"Two Z-moves confronting each other, it's really scary to fight the needle point against Maimang." Long Ningsheng said: "Although it seems to be the result of a draw, in fact it is the Flame Lion who has fallen into the disadvantage. The one named N Being a trainer is not easy."

"I heard the voice of the Flaming Lion, there is such a little elf who said such words, go and help it recover." N smiled and took out a golden vitality medicine cube from his pocket and handed it to Tou Zijiang , Judging from the degree of generosity of his shots, Long guessed that this person's family background must be extraordinary.

"I can no longer be confident in my calculation results. You are different from the trainers I met in the past, and I discovered again, an unknown calculation formula... goodbye..." N muttered to himself With Zoroark on his back, unable to move, he walked straight towards the depths of the forest, and then turned into a black spot until he disappeared from everyone's sight.

"It's a strange young man who doesn't take Zoroark back into the poke ball even though he has lost the ability to fight." The beautiful inspector said doubtfully.

Tou Zijiang stroked the Flame Lion who had regained health, and said happily: "Sister Laura, don't worry about those details. Although that guy has ideas that run counter to ordinary people, but...he is a good person!" The girl silently awarded N a good person. Card.

Classmate Mei happily jumped in front of Touzijiang and said happily: "It's really great, Uncle Touzi successfully used the Z-movement, I was still worried that it would be like yesterday in the battle against the club, the fireball would hit us in the middle of the way It's coming over."

Long put his arms around his chest and said to Mei with a smile: "It is indeed a gratifying thing for Touzi to use the Z move, which proves the deep bond between her and the Flame Lion. It's a pity that the flame Z pure crystal is a one-off , as far as I know, the only person in the Yixiu area who distributes flame-type Z pure crystals is Bert, the sommelier from Sanyao City, someone who rejected this travel itinerary at the first time, and I don’t regret taking the medicine right now.”

Long Zigu said jokingly, but he didn't notice that Tou Zijiang sneaked behind him with a "smile of 0.5 and kindness", and felt the sounds around him suddenly become quiet, and when he realized something was wrong, Tou Zi had already raised his knees and slammed Bang on his ass.Caught off guard, Long immediately fell to the ground and yelled angrily, "Hey, girl, what are you doing, you didn't bite enough and you bumped it with your flying knee, didn't you?"

"Hmph! Bad uncle." Touzi proudly pinched her nose with her thumb, and then the girl waved her pink fist mischievously and said, "I wanted to treat you to a glass of juice to talk to uncle about the morning thing." I apologize, seeing your schadenfreude, there is absolutely no need for it." Seeing this amused scene, the beautiful Inspector and Mei-san couldn't help but hold their stomachs and let out a series of silver bell-like laughter.

Chapter 028 Camping in the wilderness, Mei's ideal

In the endless wilderness, Long Yi's group took the Yixiu Alliance as their goal and continued to move towards their next destination, Cypressan Town.Seeing that the sun was about to completely sink below the horizon, Long said helplessly: "Because of the speech, we were delayed for a long time. According to the established route, we probably won't be able to get out of here before dark."

After hearing Long's words, Tou Zijiang, who was trotting all the way, said angrily: "Uncle is blaming me, let's not mention the speech for now, those people can even encourage the trainer to release the elves. I’m just doing what’s right.”

"I never said that, it's just that it's getting late now, and I'm thinking about how to set up camping tonight." Long said with shame on his face: "Besides, if you think about it carefully now, don't you think that the trainer named N explained Does that set of theories sound the same as the tone of the strange man who gave a speech at Tangcao Town Square during the day?"

"Really, it can't be the same party. Damn, next time you meet that 'tropical dragon', you must ask clearly. With this lady in charge of 10, you can't allow these black sheep to do whatever they want on the Yixiu continent. !” The girl clenched her fists and said righteously.

A picture popped up in the mind of the dragon naobu after the description of Touzijiang, "'Tropical dragon'? It's quite vivid after you say it, but he's a handsome guy, he should be the most popular among girls of your age. Kind of welcome."

"Too high and cold is not my thing. Standing with such an iceberg, I will be out of breath. Could it be that you are jealous, uncle?" Tou Zijiang rubbed his chin and showed a look that I knew very well.With a bang sound, before the girl finished speaking, she was hit on the head by Long Yiji, why was he jealous, how many male compatriots in various regions were jealous of him, and this little girl started to imagine again.

Mei touched her hungry flat belly and raised her hand timidly: "I'm sorry, it's my first time to travel, I can barely keep up with everyone, but I get hungry more easily, that...can I go first?" Dinner."

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