The beautiful inspector put down her bags and said to everyone: "There is no other way, everyone can only rest in this wilderness for a night, I will cook, and we will talk about filling our stomachs."

"Long live!" Mei and Touko clapped each other to celebrate, "Finally we can eat!"

Speaking of Long, the people began to divide the work, cooking for cooking, collecting firewood for firewood, and tents for tents. Anyway, no one was idle.Cooking smoke curled up, and the rich aroma of the soup soon wafted away, whetting one's appetite.

Touzi Jiang, who had just ended a big battle, suddenly felt a little hungry, picked up the soup bowl and took a sip, the soup was really delicious.The girl drank the soup in the bowl and said with a smile: "I saw Sister Luo La's cooking skills on the way to Tangcao Town before. The cooking is really delicious, so we will all have good food in the future. .”

Long secretly admired his foresight. It was true that when he said he was sleepy, someone sent a pillow, and when he said he was short of a chef, he sent a beautiful woman right away... Or how can I say that I have countless girls, and I was in the shadow of the dark gym early on. Such a generalist.He cooks, he is proficient in multi-regional languages, and he can even fly an airplane.If he knew that Long's motives were impure, the beauty inspector would have preemptively revoked the business license of the Dark Gym.However, it doesn't matter, anyway, now that I have Laura, I don't have to worry about being hungry anymore.

"That's right, as long as everyone likes it." Laura looked at the happy expressions on the faces of the three people who were feasting with a smile. Looking at everyone's appearance, it was clear that they were all satisfied with her cooking skills. For a chef There is no higher praise than 'Operation CD' where diners eat and drink.

Long sipped his soup and chewed a sandwich and asked curiously, "Mei, what are your plans when you return to Hinoki Town? I mean your plans for the future."

Long's question made Mei frowned, "Uncle Long, to be honest, I am very confused. After watching the battle between you and Uncle Touzi, I want to try to be an elf trainer. But I can't bear to watch Seeing that they were harmed, the true intention deep in my heart is more inclined to help me become a breeder and have my own pokemon breeding house." The girl distributed the food in her hand to the leaf vine snake on the side, blushing Face explained.

Long immediately gave Mei a thumbs up, "It's a good ideal. I also know many excellent breeders. The road to becoming a breeder is not easier than that of a trainer. At the same time, what I want to say is that an outstanding elf There is no contradiction between a trainer and a top breeder. I was fortunate enough to make friends with an old man named Yukang on Topli Island in the Kanto region. He is a master of trainers and breeders. I have benefited a lot from him who advocates the coexistence of humans and elves. So I still have to have a dream, what if it comes true?"

Faced with Long's encouragement, Yai said with a little emotion, "Thank you, Uncle Long, I will definitely go all out towards this goal."

After a delicious meal, the yawning group discussed going to bed early, and there was nothing worth paying attention to nearby, so everyone washed up and went back to their respective tents to sleep.It was night, the fire that was lit before the meal had been extinguished and smoke was rising, and at this moment there was a loud commotion outside the wilderness, like the sound of foundation pilings on a construction site waking up the people sleeping in the tent... …

"It's so noisy, that bastard who was paid a thousand dollars actually disturbed my sleep. Don't you know that this lady has just experienced a fierce battle today? What is she up to?" Tou Zijiang took the lead in attacking, throwing a pillow, wearing a A pink nightgown rushed out of the tent angrily.

After Toko-chan, Mei, the beautiful inspector, and Ryu, one by one, ran out of the tent sleepily wearing various nightgowns.I can't wait to find out the culprit who disturbed people's dreams immediately, and a group of people followed the sound to the scene of the incident, only to see a burly elf with a funny red nose suddenly waving two sticks in the night. The concrete stone pillar, the abnormal noise just now was undoubtedly caused by it.

Chapter 029

Classmate Mei was startled and quickly took out the illustration book and said, "It's midnight, what kind of elf is making trouble here."

"Repair the old man, a Pokémon with muscles and bones, whose attributes are fighting. It is said that the concrete production technology was taught by him 2000 years ago. The concrete pillar used as a crutch can be swung freely without relying on brute force."

"There is an old man repairing this kind of place." Long looked at this big man who was cutting mountains and rocks in the night, and said in a voiceless voice: "There are no other engineering equipment of the construction team and roadblock signs planned for the construction site, it seems that it is a wild one. Elf. If we don't drive this guy away tonight, we won't be able to sleep peacefully."

Laura, who was wearing a white nightgown, took over the conversation and said: "Not only that, the old repair man carried by the general construction team is only about 1.4 meters tall, which is not as tall as an adult, but you should pay attention to the size of this one. Two meters, even the one that the Four Heavenly Kings Lianwu master entered the palace, it is not so big in terms of size alone."

Hearing the analysis of the beautiful inspector, everyone's faces showed sudden expressions.It's no wonder that there are few Pokemon living together on this road. It is estimated that they were forced to move out of this area because they could not bear the harassment of this "migrant worker brother" day and night.After all this tossing, everyone was completely sleepless, staring at this uninvited guest who disturbed people's dreams full of resentment.

"噗咚^" Repairing the old man yelled loudly, his fierce eyes conveyed a severe chill, the sudden appearance of so many people made his vigilance suddenly increased, and he suddenly raised his two thick arms with both hands to penetrate the ground forcefully Throw a huge rock shaped like a hill towards the direction of the dragon and his group.

"Since you do it first, don't blame me." After a day of exhaustion, everyone was exhausted physically and mentally, Long decided to make a quick decision, took out a poke ball and threw it out, "Please, Lizard King, Daoye! ""Cha^" Lizard King flew out from the ball and directly bounced two three-foot long jasper blades from the outside of his arms.

"Uncle, pack it up quickly so we can go back to sleep." Tou Zijiang showed a tired smile, covered his mouth with his hands and yawned lazily.

"Don't think that if you can lose a few mountains, you can surpass the Lizard King in strength." Dragon waved his arm and shouted: "Of course, the first choice for fighting Pokemon is the flying-type trick. Go ahead, Fancy Flying !(Acrobatics)" "Cha^" Lizard King stared suddenly, and his body completed a Thomas maneuver in mid-air, like a cloud-piercing arrow swishing towards the repairing old man.

Repairing the old man calmly used two concrete stone pillars to block in front of him, and ate the Lizard King's high-speed attack head-on. His two-meter-high body was as motionless as an iron tower!The Lizard King missed a single blow and quickly retreated, distanced himself from the repairing old man again and returned to his original position.

"噗咚^" 'Migrant Brothers' frowned and then shook his aching jaws. When he turned his gaze to his opponent again, he seemed to be fine. The Lizard King's blow just now only made its palm numb.Classmate Mei covered her mouth and said in disbelief: "This...what an amazing physical strength, just relying on the protection of the stone pillar to defend against the attack of the Lizard King under accelerated state!"

"As long as there is that concrete pillar, the usual attack will not be able to do anything to repair the old man. It is worth watching how the dragon breaks this situation." Luo La smiled and pouted her lips with deep meaning.

"噗咚^" Repairing the old man trampled the ground with heavy steps, two circles of sharp rock blades criss-crossed and swirled around the purple ribs on his shoulders.Hearing an angry shout, the sharp rock blades all over the sky shot towards the Lizard King like a string of bullets.

The dragon responded immediately, raising its arms and shouting: "Lizard King, cooperate with the sword dance, and use the dragon's claws!" While slashing and slashing a pair of green light blades vertically and horizontally.With the attitude of chopping melons and vegetables, smashing all the rock bullets close to him, the sword dance trick greatly improved the attack power and attack speed of the Lizard King, the thick and long needle-leaf tail swept the ground, and Skyrocket stretched out a green dragon claw, and his movements were coherent and precise.

"噗咚^"'Migration Brothers' beat their chests heavily with their arms, and the muscles of their bodies were highlighted layer by layer. The strong and beautiful chest muscle lines and well-developed biceps are simply enviable to others The repairing old man, who strengthened his physique to enhance his attack and defense, shouted angrily, his arm was covered with a layer of brown light, and the powerful heavy-armed hammer seemed to be able to smash the rocks and smashed towards the Lizard King with the momentum of thunder.

The two elves fought quickly, but the speed of the Lizard King was obviously much faster than that of the repairing old man. Almost at the same time as the migrant workers started, the Lizard King nimbly dodged sideways to avoid its powerful arm hammer.The pillars and claws intersected, and the powerful dragon claws of the Lizard King set off a green light curtain to bypass the defensive range and hit the opponent's blind spot. Lose your balance.

Looking at the repairing old man who was forced to a dead end by the Lizard King, Tou Zijiang shouted excitedly: "Look at you, you will still be arrogant in the future, revenge and revenge! Helujia, purgatory!" The consequences of disturbing the sleep of a rebellious girl are quite serious. , Tou Zijiang, who couldn't swallow this breath, came aggressively to make up the knife. "Wow woof^" The devil dog's eyes flickered, and his mouth opened and shot two intertwined flame tornadoes at the repairing old man.The blazing flames suddenly surrounded the 'migrant workers' brothers, and then rose into the air circle after circle, engulfing them in a sea of ​​flames.

"噗咚^" The repairing old man held up two concrete stone pillars and swung them down fiercely. He actually forcibly split the flames that engulfed him, cutting the head and limbs of the "migrant worker brother" who made a bloody way out of the sea of ​​flames. It was covered with burns and several scratches, even so, for the repairing old man with a strong physique, this attack was still not enough to knock it down.The red-eyed repairing old man incarnated as the 'Vengeance Flame Soul' with both fists set off a sharp wind in the air, and rushed towards Hei Lujia furiously.

Chapter 030 The Helpful 'Migrant Brothers'

"噗咚^" The repairing old man let out a loud roar, and the heavy punch surrounded by Ling Lie's fist hit Hei Lujia's head, turning the devil dog and flying it. There was a convulsion, and he fell to the ground with a wail.The red-purple light shone all over the body of the 'migrant workers'. After closing their eyes for a moment of rest, the repairing old man was full of energy and revived his vitality.

"Uncle, be careful, this guy's punching style seems to be able to drain the opponent's physical strength." Tou Zijiang quickly reminded after checking Hei Lujia's injury.Unexpectedly, apart from his astonishing size, this repairing old man could even master recovery-type absorption punches.

"Shouldn't the attack ability be greatly weakened by the burn state attached to Purgatory? Why is the attack of this repairing old man even more fierce than before." Student Mei asked without knowing it.

"Then I have to ask your uncle! Are you helping me, Touzi, or are you assisting the opponent? Repairing the old man's family has the characteristic of 'root character', and your purgatory ultimate move doubled its attack power Promoted." Long wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and said with a wry smile, the word "helping more and more busy" does not describe this girl.

On the other side, the repairing old man also bullied himself and approached the Lizard King. His huge fist was covered with a layer of golden light, and the destructive power was astonishing at first glance.However, in the face of the inevitable heavy blow from the repairing old man, the Lizard King dodged it by jumping leisurely.Although the Explosive Fist is powerful and has the side effect of throwing the opponent into chaos after hitting, the hit rate of this move is really unsatisfactory, let alone a player of pure strength like the 'Migrant Brothers' who can fight The Lizard King is simply a fantasy.

"Lizard King, use tile cutting!" As the dragon yelled, the Lizard King instantly launched a counterattack, and two three-foot-long white light blades popped out from the two elbow blades on his arms. "Chirp Kayin^" The Lizard King jumped up from the ground violently, and with his right arm, he performed a powerful tile cut trick, and slashed at the old man who repaired it. He raised one hand above his head to hold Lizard King's three-foot-long magic weapon in front of him, and under the surprised eyes of everyone, he staged a good show of catching the sword with one hand.

The other arm of the repairing old man picked up the concrete stone pillar and smashed it towards the lizard king, but the lizard king's left arm chopped and flew the repairing old man at a faster speed.Lizard King's tile cut is very domineering, "How Rui^" repaired the old man with a headache and snorted, and his whole body flew across the body and then fell heavily on the ground. The white light blades on Lizard King's arms were retracted and turned back into two ordinary of the leaves.

"Boom ^" During this period of time, the repairing old man who was continuously oppressed by the Lizard King couldn't find a suitable opportunity to fight back.Probably remembering something more important, the repairing old man suddenly turned around when he was about to retreat to the haystack, hugged two concrete pillars, turned and fled in the direction of the rock wall where the group first found it.

Long snorted coldly and waved his hands and shouted: "I want to escape from the Lizard King's grasp. Your little skill is not enough, speed up and catch up!" Catch up with the repairing old man from behind. "Chirp Kayin^" Lizard King yelled loudly, brandishing a blade and slashing at the repairing old man's back, the "migrant worker brother" snorted, and his body was quickly smashed towards the rock wall under the pressure of Lizard King.

There was a loud bang, and the dust flew up. The students Mei and Tozijiang, who were watching from the side, smiled and clapped each other in celebration: "The winner has been decided, you can go back to sleep."

Although he fell heavily to the ground due to exhaustion, the repairing old man gritted his teeth, his arms trembled, trying to support his body to get up again with the help of concrete stone pillars.

The dragon hurriedly stopped the lizard king who was about to continue attacking, "Wait, stop, old man. That guy didn't fight back at us. It seems that the purpose of his effort is to get rid of us as soon as possible, and to speed up the destruction of that rocky mountain. .”

The repairing old man looked up at the cave blocked by the boulder, his eyes full of unwillingness and persistence.Classmate Mei frowned and said suspiciously: "This repairing old man, like this, why don't you give up?"

"There is another mystery behind that boulder. The Lizard King went to help the old man repair it and cut open the hole." Long murmured and beckoned the Lizard King to help him.With the joint efforts of the two Pokemon, the boulder blocking the entrance of the cave was quickly crushed, "creak^" several little Lada timidly huddled together to keep warm, shrugging their heads and looking sickly, Obviously, they have been trapped in the cave for some time, and there is not much food left in it. If they were not discovered in time, these poor little guys might not survive tonight.

"We all misunderstood the repair old man. He may have noticed that some elves were buried in the cave by the landslide rocks. So we tried every means to break the rock mountain with concrete stone pillars to rescue them. But we... sorry, repair Old man, please let me heal you." The beauty inspector couldn't help feeling a little guilty in his heart, and threw an elf ball.

Ladias flew gently to the repairing old man's side, covered it with his small hands, and a wave of spiritual healing power swayed from Hongmei's small arms to slowly heal the physical wounds of the 'migrant worker brother'.

"It turns out that you are here to save these little guys. I'm really sorry. Miss Ben won't pursue the matter that disturbed my sleep." Tou Zijiang fed an ice-blue tree fruit that relieved the burn into the old man's mouth, and touched it. He touched his head and said arrogantly.

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