"What the hell are you up to?" Long walked up to the young man and taught him a lesson: "You are using a power that you can't control at all." Long was really angry this time, Tong Yan Wuji , he can tolerate the minor fights of teenagers, but there is a bottom line in everything, and a child's ignorance does not mean that he can act recklessly and lawlessly.

"That's to say, do you know that you almost killed us just now?" Tou Zijiang chimed in with lingering fear.

The dragon retracted the Lizard King, turned around and said coldly to the young man: "I don't care whether your outfit is imitation or admiration. Before you become famous, any actions you make will be branded as the grandson of the champion of the Yixiu Alliance." Think about it for me when you are ostentatious, and think about whether what you have done will shame your grandfather! This is all I have to say, you can do it yourself." After finishing speaking, he pulled the crowd without looking back. The woman left in a hurry.

As they got off the elevator, the group seemed to hear the young man's sobbing apologies behind him.The corner of Long's mouth curled into a slight arc. He didn't expect Fan Shilang to remember this hard work, but he just wanted the boy to understand a truth. Being a relative of a champion is both an honor and a burden, and he needs to bear greater pressure than ordinary people , Sundae and Sakurai and the others are not like this?

"Okay, old man. You don't need to give us a special gift. You don't have the liberty to bother us today." The dragon arched his hands in front of the club door to signal Mr. Don George not to send him any more.

"It's the old man who should say sorry. I brought you an unpleasant experience. As for the young master, I will handle it properly." Mr. East George bowed and said solemnly: "The old man actually wants to mention another One thing, my brothers plan to hold a grand fighting competition in the Yixiu area, I watched the competition, and your Lizard King is very athletic, and he is an outstanding fighting prodigy, so please be sure to participate, Mr. Long!"

"Go, let's go ~ Uncle. The Lizard King will be very happy. Let's compare and see." Tou Zijiang was very interested when he heard the old man's invitation. This excited girl didn't ask Long's opinion directly. just agree

"Then respect is worse than obedience." Long smiled and took two invitation letters from Mr. East George, "Wrestling competition? I am looking forward to that day."

Chapter 024 Unknown Organization, Strange Speech

I accepted Mr. East George's invitation to the fighting conference, and it was already ten o'clock in the evening when I left the fighting club.The group of four gave up their plan to continue shopping and went back to the Pokemon Center to rest for the night.The next day, Long didn't set off immediately, but bought supplies in large quantities in the town, and then there were no towns along the way before arriving at the destination, which meant that Long and the others would spend the next week camped in the wild.

Carrying big bags and small bags, Long complained: "Hipsan Town is quite far away. I thought it would take two or three days to arrive. No wonder it is necessary to send an assistant to express the Poké Ball there instead of letting the newcomer trainer come to the research institute to pick it up. Having said that Mei, why did you happen to be in Luer Town that day?"

Classmate Mei stuck out her tongue towards the dragon and said playfully, "I'm a graduate of this year's Hinoki Shan Academy. After the course is over, I've been staying at my grandma's house in Luer Town. It was originally planned that I would be the plenipotentiary representative of the three of them." Those who came to pick up the Poké Ball and the illustrated book did not expect Dr. Yew to arrange a thoughtful 'free shipping service'. Now, by accident, I still come to run errands, and the poor two boarding students are still waiting anxiously in the college Woolen cloth."

Long smiled and nodded, perhaps this is the legendary fate.At this time, the roaring salute of the sky and the sound of gongs and drums in the distance suddenly caused many pedestrians on the street to stop and watch.

"That location seems to be the Civic Square in the center of the town. Is there some kind of grand celebration being held there, or is it a concert?" Tou Zijiang said excitedly when he heard the crowd talking nearby: "If that's the case, then We can’t miss it, we have to hurry over to have a look! Little nephew, let’s go~” After Touzi finished speaking, he dragged Mei and his classmates and ran away excitedly, Long shook his head to express his helplessness, there was no other way , this girl likes to join in the fun as always, because of her personality, she can't be called Touzi if she can change it.

The beautiful inspector at the side said in a concentrated voice: "Let's hurry up and follow. It seems that many residents are rushing there. There will be a lot of people in a while, so don't get separated from Touzi and the others."

"Everyone in Tangcao Town, good morning everyone, today I came to your place because there is something that must be told to everyone anyway. The topic we want to share...that is, about [Let the Pokemon be free]. "

When Long and Luo La came to Tangcao Town Square, it was already crowded with people, and the four fan-shaped auditoriums were full of people, surrounded by a temporary and simple stage in the center.Between the auditorium and the stage is a row of 'staff' holding banners and wearing medieval monk's clothes.When the two came, they were immediately pulled by Tozijiang and Mei classmates to stop and watch. A middle-aged man with gray-green long hair, a monocle, and a gorgeous robe was giving a speech on the stage.

The middle-aged man introduced himself on the stage and said: "My name is Quecchis Harmonia. We humans and elves live together. Presumably everyone thinks that humans and elves help and support each other. Do you value the relationship as a partner?"

Like a deflated ball, Tou Zijiang rubbed her hair and said in frustration: "It's been a lecture on elves for a long time, and the speaker is an uncle who is even older than the uncle. Now I'm not interested at all. .”

On the contrary, classmate Mei was happy. He took out a class notebook from his satchel and prepared to write down some essential quotations carefully.

"However, is this really the case? Haven't everyone ever thought that this is purely wishful thinking of us humans?" Looking at the dignified faces of several trainers under the stage, Queches continued with a sneer on the corner of his mouth: "The trainer will command the elf at will, and use it as a work partner at will. Who here can say with confidence that [it has never happened]? What kind of expression does your elf look like? The one who came to face and accept the order. Please observe carefully, please reflect carefully!"

"You!... Uh..." Tou Zijiang rolled her eyes and almost fell back and fainted. What is this all about?Long found that Touzi had a tendency to yell and hurriedly covered her mouth, put his other hand on his lips and made a silent gesture, signaling her not to have a fit, and continued to listen.

"Do you know, everyone? Pokemon are by no means a tool to be enslaved to satisfy human self-interest and desires. Pokémon are creatures that are different from humans and contain infinite possibilities. There are many things we can learn from, very noble Creatures! For such a great life, what is the action that we humans must take quickly?" Queches asked rhetorically, walking to the front of the stage, and opening his hands as if embracing the blue sky, "That's right , that is... to liberate the elves! Let the elves be free! Only in this way can the relationship between elves and humans become equal. Everyone, in order to live with the elves correctly, what should be done, please think carefully Let's go." Finally, this strange man who advocated 'liberating the elves' bowed and ended amidst the mixed opinions of trainers on the spot.

"It's a lunatic, a fool will release the elf that has been cultivated so hard." After listening to the speech, a passerby trainer raised his middle finger and said contemptuously.

Tou Zijiang squeezed her pink fist and said, "Look, look~ No one believes that one-eyed uncle's nonsense."

"Touzi, you are wrong. This is exactly 0.5 of his shrewdness. Kuiqisi made use of his strengths and avoided his weaknesses just now, but he said it was watertight. You want to refute him, but you can't find an argument, right?" Long stroked his chin He said with a serious face: "He planted a 'seed' in the trainer's heart from the very beginning, and repeatedly hinted in the subsequent speeches that it will not take long for these 'seeds' to take root. If you don't believe me, Just watch."

In the open space, a young sailor pressed the switch of the elf ball for a long time, a blue light flashed, and an elf in the shape of a blue duck flapped its wings and flew towards the sky, "Grey and blue duck, you are free, you must live well As Long said, some trainers really chose to release the elves after listening to Quecchis' speech!

Chapter 025 Undercurrents Surge, 'Liberate the Elf'

"Please wait a moment! Is this really all right? How long have you been with that gray-blue duck?" Tou Zijiang stopped the sailor boy and asked.

The sailor's face was stunned, and he said as if recalling: "...It's been almost five years, I've been sorry for it all this time, I will miss the days when I was with it."

"Five years?!" Touzijiang was surprised, and then said in a deep voice with a layer of frost on her pretty face, "Even so, did you let your cherished partner go free just after listening to that nonsense speech?"

"Girl, you are very annoying! Because I think this is the best home for it." The girl wanted to argue, but the sailor waved at the gray-blue duck and strode away.

Long took all of this into his eyes, his eyes were a bit dim, he had already expected it earlier, but now he just confirmed his conjecture in his heart.That middle-aged man's speech was undoubtedly demagogic, he took advantage of the sympathy and guilt of individual trainers for the elves, and constantly hinted at them to think differently, but what was the purpose of his extravagant efforts? .Just to 'liberate the elves'?

"Wuuu... regret." Just as everyone was deep in thought, an old man not far away suddenly covered his heart with a painful look on his face. Mei and Long were shocked, and Laura was even worried. The old man must have had a heart attack.

"Grandpa, are you okay? Do you want to take you to the hospital?" Touzijiang and Meiyi asked the old man who was crying bitterly while he was lying on the ground, and asked with concern.

"What should I do, old man!" The old man stood up suddenly with his body trembling slightly, startling the two girls, and took a few steps back.The dragon and all the girls looked at the old man who was trembling and tearing up in astonishment and said in a deep trembling voice with excitement: "Although the old man has been with dozens of elves so far, he has never thought that this may be all It's the shackles imposed on those children."

"How could it be! With your care and company, the elves must be very happy. That strange uncle is talking nonsense, grandpa, don't believe him!" Seeing that the old man also had the idea of ​​releasing the elves, Tou Zijiang said anxiously.

"Little girl, you don't need to persuade me... Now that things are going on, it seems that the old man can only set those children free..." The old man interrupted Touzi and said without turning his head. The lonely back gave people an indescribable feeling. feeling of depression.

"Unforgivable!" Tou Zijiang made a beeping sound with her fists, raised her hand and slapped it heavily on the railing of the square, her eyes were about to burst into flames: "Where did those bastards who make speeches go?"

"Probably I plan to pack up my things and go to the next town to give a lecture tour." The beautiful inspector looked at a large helicopter on the outskirts of the town from a high platform in a condensed voice.At the tail end of the plane is a black and white shield with a logo interspersed with blue PZ letters. There is a speech and a special plane to pick them up. These people don't look like ordinary civil organizations.

After hearing Laura's words, Touzi immediately lowered the brim of his hat and lifted the satchel on his shoulder, and rushed down the steps angrily chasing after her.Long opened his arms to block Touzijiang and said loudly to the girl: "Touzi, what are you going to do, don't be impulsive!"

"It's obvious, catch up with those guys and make them stop their crazy speeches." Touzi slapped Long's arm away angrily: "Uncle, don't stop me."

"No matter what you think, everyone has different ideas, everyone has their own ambitions, you can stop it..." Long naturally hated the so-called "liberation of the elves" by those people.But this matter must be considered in the long run. They obviously premeditated and formulated a careful plan to launch their actions. Wearing the cloak of touring lectures, there may be a huge organization operating behind them.Long didn't want Touzi to wade through the muddy water before their real purpose was clarified.

"Do you really think so? Uncle! Is the released elf happy because he is free? Whether it is the gray-blue duck or the old man, it seems to me that he is crying. Although I don't understand the big reason, I don't think leaving such feelings for the elves is an act for their sake, and I can't ignore this matter!" However, Tou Zijiang is the coal turtle eating the weight this time, and the iron Desperate to serve justice.Not only did she yell loudly for the dragon to let her go, but she also showed her small canine teeth and bit the dragon's wrist fiercely.Long hissed in pain, and took a deep breath. This girl's wings have grown hard, and even the uncle dares to bite, without showing any mercy!

"Uncle Touzi looks so excited, it's the first time I've seen her lose her temper like this..." Classmate Mei was startled by the girl's swearing just now, unexpectedly, Touzijiang, who had been playing with her these two days, broke out It turned out to be so powerful.

"This girl has such a jealous temper, let's hurry up and follow her." Long said and hurriedly beckoned Laura and Mei to catch up.He was worried that this girl's head would get hot and she would do something out of the ordinary. Don't get into a fight with someone, because it would be her fault.

Tou Zijiang ran to the outskirts of Tangcao Town in one breath, and sent Fire Lions to look for the group of people.It really looks like Miss Junsha commanding the well-trained 750 Hayoke to fight crime.

"Damn it, I lost them. I probably left by plane." Tou Zijiang said angrily as she inspected a flattened haystack. "Roar^" The Fire Lion roared a few times, and ran to Touzi, as if he had noticed something abnormal around him, and reported something.

"Indeed, you want to tell me the clues, but I don't understand Elven language." Touzi wiped the sweat from his brow and said helplessly: "Forget it, go meet up with uncle and the others, and treat uncle to drink later." A glass of juice, please apologize."

"Haha, so you don't understand, the trainer who only knows how to fight but can't communicate with his partners is really pitiful!" Accompanied by a dark and strange whirlwind, the leaves were flying, and only a series of sneers were heard from one person.

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