Quadruple split

Chapter 56 The storm is coming

The scale of this operation is by no means small. Almost all the members of the Marshall Autonomous Army affiliated with Dieyan City came out in full force. The total number of people must be more than 200 at least. Although it does not look like much, it was dispatched just because of internal friction. This situation of hundreds of regular troops is relatively rare for the Violet Empire. After all, in the current relatively stable political situation, the power holders rarely engage in open disputes outside the negotiation table.

As for secret fights, they are commonplace... I was accidentally put in a sack by a few big men and pushed into the alley. Who can blame me...

Large forces have been assembled near the border, and one-tenth of the small force is responsible for cross-border reconnaissance. The specific task is to search for possible places to hold prisoners on the border of the Fire Claw Territory, and release them while causing as much chaos as possible. Signal.

Fenrir's team is one of them, and there are four other teams with strong overall strength that have received the above task. They will infiltrate and investigate the borders of the Fire Claw Territory from several different locations.

As the captain, Ned is responsible for formulating the travel plan and movement route, and the specific positions and formations during the process are arranged by Motan. This is a task forcibly entrusted to him by the former.

"If we encounter a battle, everyone, including me, will listen to your command." Ned nodded to Mo Tan: "You have to be a little stressed."

At this time, the six people had crossed the border and officially came to the sphere of influence of the Fire Claw Territory. Although the surrounding scenery had not changed much, everyone still couldn't help but become nervous. After all, accidents may happen every second. It is impossible to say that there is no pressure at all...

Except for Ned and Salazar, who were relatively calm, Yinna, Crabbe and the two players gradually began to enter a state of high alert, guarding against dangers that may appear at any time.

"Relax a little." Mo Tan, who was also very nervous, said softly to everyone: "Crabbe, your position is a little too far forward. Do you have any thoughts about Salazar's butt? Yinna, slow down a little. At least let us see your back, otherwise it will be difficult for us to support you if there is any trap."

As a result, the elf ranger, who had extremely sensitive hearing, became even more nervous. He almost stumbled under a sudden stop and turned around to give a certain priest an angry look.

To be honest, Mo Tan's psychological quality was not very good at the moment, but he still tried to force himself to calm down. After all, excessive pressure or tension to a certain level would cause many negative effects, such as a sharp increase in physical exertion, and Excessive concentration will lead to distraction for a period of time, which is not a good thing.

Since you are trusted by everyone, you must at least do your best.

This is what he thinks...

"Hei Fan is right." Ned, who was at the front of the team alongside Yinna, raised his hand to signal everyone to rest where they were for the time being. Then he turned back and said with a smile: "Our mission is just reconnaissance. Logically speaking, it may not happen. What kind of conflict is this? Places like the border are not suitable for living in the first place. I have never heard of information that the Fire Claw Territory has troops stationed nearby. Maybe there will be nothing in the end."

Salazar said suddenly from the side: "But the orcs we encountered before were obviously warriors of the Fire Claw Territory. That time they directly crossed the line."

"And they actually rushed into our side last night to massacre and plunder!" Crabbe clenched his hands and gasped, "God knows if those people are crazy."

Yinna, who unscrewed the water bag and took a sip, also sighed: "Bringing people, or prisoners, will definitely not move too fast. Maybe they really may have secretly established a stronghold on the border. Maybe."

"Uh..." Ned was stunned for a moment, then nodded with some frustration: "What you said makes sense. If the Fire Claw Leader really did that kind of thing, then now is really not the time to be blindly optimistic, but Everyone, please don’t be too nervous, there are some things... you still have to see them to believe..."

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and then they all felt that something was wrong with their captain. In fact, Ned himself didn't even know what he was talking about.

He seemed a little haggard. If you look closely, you can see two faint dark circles under his eyes. He felt like he had not rested well at all. Although he still gave people a feeling of energy most of the time, the fatigue that occasionally showed was real. It is clear……

"Captain." Yinna said softly: "How about we stay here for a few hours and then retreat. There will be more than six of us in this operation."

Salazar nodded and agreed concisely: "Agree."

Crabbe didn't say anything, but he shrugged and said he was fine no matter what.

Mo Tan also opened his mouth and was about to speak...

"No!" Ned categorically objected: "I'm fine. This operation is related to the lives of many people. If it is true, then we must do what we should do as much as possible. This is not the case now. When you’re lazy!”

"But..." Yinna seemed to want to say something else.

"I agree with the captain's point of view." Futaba, who had been silent since not long ago, suddenly said: "There are too many strange things about this incident. If we want to know the truth, we must continue the mission."

Salazar tilted his neck and asked calmly: "Weird?"

Others also cast their inexplicable gazes on this girl who didn't talk much, waiting for the next words.

But Mo Tan nodded slightly thoughtfully.

"The Marshall Territory and the Fire Claw Territory, which have always been in peace and had never had any friction, suddenly had frequent accidents." Futaba pushed up his glasses: "This is not normal in the first place. The Randian Team, which was originally just on routine patrol, was suddenly involved in their own territory. Is it reasonable for the superiors to mobilize a large team of people to search for someone who was deemed 'missing' and who just came home late for a short period of time?"

[Perhaps for ‘Cordoba must die’? 】

Mo Tan complained in his heart...

Crabbe touched his big nose: "Isn't it unreasonable?"

"Unreasonable." Salazar had already reacted and shook his head: "At that time, the Randian team had only lost contact for less than two hours, and the superiors immediately announced that they were missing and issued an emergency search order. This is true. It’s very wrong, you know we’ve been late a lot of times, so logically it shouldn’t be a big deal…”

Yinna looked at Salazar in surprise: "Wow!!"

The lizardman monk blinked: "What's wrong?"

"This is the first time I've seen you talk so much in one breath!" Yinna exclaimed excitedly: "I thought you had a terminal disease that would kill you if you spoke more than fifty words at a time."

Salazar: “…..”

"Then what?" Ned stopped the elf ranger's interruption and looked at Futaba with burning eyes: "Is there anything else?"

"Are your heads all solid? Futaba said helplessly: "Of course there are. For example, the seemingly overreaction judgment above turned out to be correct. When we arrived, the Randian team had been completely wiped out, and we almost lost our lives. Go in, and the enemy is the regular warriors of the Fire Claw Territory. "

Mo Tan also nodded and added: "And those guys are very hostile to us."

"That's right." Futaba narrowed her beautiful eyes slightly, with a playful smile on her lips, and said softly: "Then this matter was dropped after the captain reported it. As a result, within a few days It happened that people from the Fire Claw Territory came over overnight to burn, kill, and loot. Don’t you think it’s strange?”

Yinna was stunned for a moment by Futaba's words, and finally nodded blankly and said: "I didn't think so. It seems quite strange to hear you say that."

Ned seemed to be more energetic and nodded repeatedly.

Mo Tan, on the other hand, looked at Futaba whose aura seemed to have exceeded 1.6 meters with a strange expression...

"The only remaining witness was well protected, and the information provided was trusted unconditionally." Futaba tapped his lips lightly with his index finger: "The detailed death toll, the rapid response measures, the slightest The military action without any concern for political impact, the public opinion that spread to the entire city in a short period of time...haha..."

There was a blazing light in the girl's eyes, and she smiled: "I'm really interested~"

"Uh..." Yinna was startled by Futaba's mysterious aura, and then jumped over lightly and rubbed the other person's face: "Sister Futaba is so handsome!"

"Ugh! Liwa Soura Kai!" The flustered young mage tried her best to resist, but she was still bullied to the point of losing her temper.

Ned came over and slipped Yinnati aside, and smiled at everyone: "Keep moving!"

Mo Tan noticed that his condition seemed much better than before.

And there is...

The girl next to him who was gently rubbing her cheek seemed to have let him see another version of himself just now...

"Let's go." Mo Tan put the messy things behind for the time being, and then began to give instructions to everyone: "Yinna walks at the front, but don't exceed the fifteen-meter radius with the captain as the center, Shuangye Follow the captain, Salazar on the right, me on the left, Crabbe behind..."

Fenrir's team began to move forward again.

Marshall Territory, near the border

The soldiers of the Autonomous Army have completed setting up a simple station and are currently resting in small groups. The second search team has also set off not long ago, and some senior officers are among the not-so-dense crowd. Shuttle back and forth, constantly giving out the next orders and arrangements.

In the center of the station, a thin middle-aged man was squatting on a temporary map table, his sharp eyes like snakes constantly wandering among the autonomous army soldiers in the distance.

He had short gray hair, wore a set of faded leather armor, and had a scar on his face that extended from his temples to his chin, making his originally elegant face look a little ferocious.

"Sir, the second batch of search teams has set off." Lizardman officer Gat stood respectfully behind this man, lowered his head and whispered: "According to the established plan, the third batch of search members will be..."

"Forget it." The man suddenly muttered dullly.

"Huh?" Gat was stunned for a moment: "You just said..."

The middle-aged man stood up, stretched his body with his hands raised, and then turned back with a gentle smile: "I said forget it, there is no need to send a third group of people."

Garrett nodded and asked, "What about the follow-up..."


A trace of blood appeared on his face. The originally defensive scales of the lizard man had no effect at all. A slight coolness accompanied by a faint sting made Gat's eyes widen in horror.

"Your efficiency is really poor." The middle-aged man, who gently licked the blood from his fingertips, chuckled and shook his head: "I have already wasted a lot of time on the road. If this continues, let alone rescue, I may have to collect the corpses." It’s too late, so…”

He jumped off the map table, turned around and patted Gat's cheek: "The planned plan is cancelled. I will leave immediately. You and the rest of the people just need to wait here. Do you understand?"

"Yes...yes!" Gat immediately trembled: "I will follow your instructions."

"I was originally going to avenge myself." The man played with the silver blade that appeared in his fingers at some point, but his calm tone contained a cold murderous intention: "Now, I have been waiting for It’s too late…”

The coldness gradually receded, and when Gat raised his head, trembling all over, the man had disappeared.

The lizard man officer, who was so frightened that he was covered in white hair and sweat, shuddered. He quickly found his adjutant and asked him to inform the others that the next plan was temporarily cancelled. Then he immediately walked to an unnoticed corner and took out the paper. pen, wrote a few lines on it and then placed it on an ice blue tray.

fireclaw collar, border

Kalunguyi, who had been leaning quietly on the stone chair, suddenly felt uneasy for no reason and stood up suddenly.

"Lord Karon?" The orc officer next to him looked at him cautiously and asked in a low voice: "What's the matter..."

Kalon narrowed his blood-red eyes and said solemnly: "Is there any new news from the chief?"

"Yes." The other party smiled bitterly: "The chief has sent a messenger for the third time. Let us take that bastard back as soon as possible, and..."

"what else?"

"What to do with the caravan over there?" The officer glanced at the south side of the camp and whispered, "We can't keep them here forever, can we?"

In that direction, there were about twenty people gathered there with sad faces, all decently dressed, along with a few mules and horses and a cart of goods.

Caron sat back again, closed his eyes, and hummed: "We will naturally let them go after we leave. At this time, they are busy doing business across the border. It is bad luck for these people, so what if they are detained for a few days?"

"Yes." The officer's answer seemed weak, and then he spread his hands: "But these people are quite good at eating. Most of the prey we have hunted these days..."

"Shut up!"


"Wait for one more day, if there is still no movement over there..." A sharp look flashed in Caron's eyes, and he looked at the cage not far away: "Just kill this guy, and let's go back with his head." .”

Ten minutes later, a graceful figure appeared on a nearby treetop.

"Target found!"

Chapter 54: End

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