Quadruple split

Chapter 57 No one can leave

Yinna, who completely concealed her breath for the first time, immediately withdrew her prying eyes, then threw the dagger in her hand behind her, and stuck it straight at Ned's feet.

At the same time, Kalunguyi, who was about to close his eyes and fall asleep, suddenly raised his head and locked his eyes directly on the ancient tree where Yinna was hiding. Then he saw an emerald green bird fluttering its wings and flying lightly into the air. .

"It seems that I am really a little too nervous..." Caron shook his head, muttered in a low voice and closed his eyes again. Unexpectedly, a certain elf was almost frightened and fell out of the tree. drop down.

If Yinna hadn't immediately discovered a biqiu bird when she climbed up the treetop, and at the same time established instant communication with the other party with her racial talent of animal affinity, her junior ranger's concealment skills would have been absolutely impossible to hide. The other party's, but luckily...

The moment the biqiu bird soared into the sky, Caron had already diverted his attention, allowing Yinna to completely hide her figure.

Ned, who was just ten meters behind her, also immediately instructed everyone to enter a hidden state after receiving the prompt.

"Yinna has found the target." Ned mouthed to the people behind him, then glanced at Salazar with a questioning look.

The latter understood it immediately, and saw him bend down gently, and then air currents that were difficult to identify with the naked eye began to appear around his body, and they reintegrated into his body within a few seconds.

At this moment, Mo Tan and Futaba were surprised to find that they could no longer feel the aura of the lizard man monk. If they closed their eyes, they would not even notice that there was a person lying half-lying in front of them.

Unlike rangers and thieves who are proficient in disguise, the monk skill called 'Breathless' that Salazar just used did not make him change in any way, at least not on the surface, but it was almost seamless. It creates a certain resonance with the surrounding environment, assimilates itself with the whole nature, and temporarily blocks its own existence in the field of 'perception'.

Of course, the actual combat value of the entire skill is not very high. After all, blind people like blind sword masters and demon hunters are only a few weirdos. Most people with normal vision and no astigmatism will not ignore a living person, so this kind of 'Stealth' skills without visual deception are rarely useful.

You must know that the concealment of top thieves can even completely erase their dual existence in vision and perception, and powerful rangers can also conceal their bodies and auras with even a blade of grass.

But at least under the current circumstances, Salazar's 'No Interest' is the best choice.

The terrain in this area is very different from before crossing the border. It is in a rather dense forest, surrounded by various large plants that Black Tan cannot name, and it is also one of the natural barriers of the Fire Claw Territory.

Therefore, when the vision is greatly weakened, shielding one's own aura is naturally one of the safest detection methods. Yinna's lower level of concealment and natural affinity are not as effective as this trick.

Of course, there are limitations. In this state, Salazar cannot make any big moves at all, and must devote most of his attention to maintaining his "restless" state. It is said to be a 100% defenseless state. Not too much, and the movement speed will also be greatly reduced.

But this is enough...

Ten minutes later, Salazar slowly retreated from the front. Everyone who dared not take a breath shook their heads, and then said something silently.

Everyone's expressions were solemn, and they didn't know how serious they were.

"You'd better speak." Crabbe muttered in a low voice: "You lizard people really can't tell the difference between your mouth shapes."

Mo Tan and others also nodded with a wry smile.

"Okay." Salazar relieved himself of the resonance with the surrounding environment and gently rubbed his forehead. If he didn't have a cold-blooded constitution, he would have been sweating by now. He lowered his voice and said, "There is indeed a scale in front of us. The camp is not small. There are about thirty warriors in it. There are two secret sentries on the west and north sides. The orc who looks like the leader in the camp should be very strong, at least judging from the aura he invisibly exudes. Kill him. I’m definitely only within a few moves, and from the looks of my clothes, I should be a regular member of the Fire Claws.”

Ned nodded, stared into Salazar's eyes and asked in a low voice: "Then have you seen..."

"Yes." The latter nodded: "I saw at least thirty people under guard, including humans, goblins and elves. They are obviously not the same people as those in the camp."

The truth comes out...

"Haha." Ned laughed bitterly: "There is no misunderstanding, and there is no need to prove anything. Those people must be the victims who were snatched last night. It seems that there is nothing fishy about the previous intelligence. , we seem to really think too much..."

Crabbe stared angrily, took off the ax behind him with his backhand, and growled: "I can't agree."

Futaba opened her mouth, as if she wanted to say something, but finally sighed, obviously agreeing with Ned's words.

Mo Tan was the same as her. Although she felt that this matter was still not as simple as it seemed, at least there were some things that no longer required doubts.

Then the next step is...

"We must save them." Ned said solemnly: "We can't delay for a second, Black Van..."

Mo Tan gently rubbed his forehead with his index and middle fingers.

"I have a plan..." Ned whispered: "If I can restrain that strong man for about a minute, is it possible for you to lead everyone to rescue those prisoners, and then break through the encirclement and escape intact?"

"I'm not sure." Mo Tan shook his head slightly, and then immediately said: "But if the warriors Salazar mentioned before are similar in strength to the ones we met that day, I think we can still be 70% sure. "

Ned pondered for a moment, then patted Mo Tan on the shoulder: "That's enough, that's it for now. Your mission is to keep the prisoners and our team safe, and then break out and retreat as much as possible."

"What about you?" Futaba suddenly asked Ned: "Are you going to be heroic?"

Ned shook his head, took out a silver pendant from his collar, and said with a smile: "Don't underestimate your captain, I have a lot of good things here. This magic item that can perform a random teleportation is enough to protect my own safety." It’s safe.”

"Such a powerful necklace~" Futaba whispered in Mo Tan's ear: "If it is true, it must at least be an epic piece of equipment, right?"

Mo Tan shrugged and didn't express any opinion, but he finally breathed a sigh of relief. He was also quite worried that Ned was going to sacrifice his life for righteousness.

"Then it's settled." Ned smiled slightly: "In five minutes, we will start taking action..."

Caron is a little irritable...

That damn beast hasn't come yet!

It stands to reason that the certain bastard he caught should be very important to them, and the most suitable person to rescue people is definitely that beast, but he just didn't come!

There is no way to wait any longer...

The great chief's patience must have reached its limit. Being able to tolerate his disobedient little warlord to this extent can be said to be a sign of consideration.

No matter what, we must retreat before tonight!

And even though he said he wanted to chop up that bastard, he might still have to take him back intact. After all, the information that guy held was too important, and I was not good at torture at all...

I’m really unwilling!

He sighed, and was about to pick up his battle ax and prepare to go out for a walk and bring back some game for the warriors, but suddenly his face became solemn and he shouted murderously: "Who?! Get out of here!!"

The next second, a tall figure came from a short distance away with a sword. Ned looked at the burly orc in front of him with a frosty face, who was at least two heads taller than him, and asked in a deep voice: "Kill wantonly, Are you the ones who robbed innocent people?”

"Oh?" Caron stared at Ned with his scarlet eyes, revealing a hint of a sinister smile: "What? It turns out that you were the one sent to rescue by those bastards from Marshall?"

"I mean..." Ned was about to continue asking, but was interrupted by a hoarse howl.

Not far away, in a wooden cage filled with barbs, a dirty orc suddenly shouted at him: "You finally came to me! Hurry! Get me out! Otherwise I will definitely be killed." Yes! By then everything will be too late!!!"

Looking at the orc covered in blood, Ned's eyes gradually began to become bloodshot, and he roared: "Action!!"

A bolt of thunder suddenly flashed through, and the blood-stained wooden cage was instantly blown to pieces. Under the precise control of the caster, the prisoners inside were not harmed at all!

Then he saw Salazar's figure flying out from behind a bush, directly elbowing the orc warrior closest to him and sending him flying away. Crabbe followed closely and rushed forward with a roar, holding the weapon in his hand. The battle ax directly knocked a muscular brother next to him who was almost as strong as him to the ground.

Ned, who had been blessed with the Prayer of Endurance and the Shield of Law in advance, jumped forward, slashed an ice-blue sword light towards Carondi, and at the same time kicked the orc who had just escaped from trouble in the butt, knocking him directly. Kicked to Crabbe's feet.

"Ridiculous!" Caron directly smashed the sword light without avoiding it, and then stomped hard to the ground. The terrifying force actually launched Ned directly into the air, and then he raised the ax and dropped it. !

Boom! !

Ned, who barely blocked with his sword, was sent flying nearly ten meters away like a ball before hitting the ground with blood spurting from his mouth.

one strike! !

With just one blow, Ned, the strongest member of Fenrir's team, almost lost his combat effectiveness.

Salazar's judgment is still too optimistic. The strength of this orc warlord is definitely not something they can handle, even if they tie everyone together!

Whoosh whoosh!

Three feather arrows pierced the sky, causing Karon who was about to pursue him to pause for a moment. Yinna jumped down from a tree not far away and shouted loudly with a confused look on her face: "What's going on?"

"The latest plan! Cover the evacuation of civilians!" Mo Tan, who rushed out at the same time as Futaba, raised his hand and put a shield on Salazar, who was organizing the retreat of the thirty or so people, and then said loudly: "Yinna, evacuate to Kela Behind the cloth, restrain the guys closest to the captain! Futaba interferes with the higher archers on the right!"

Another purple lightning flashed, and one of the orc archers on the secret sentry went black. Although he did not suffer any fatal injuries, he began to tremble in place.

Unlike Mo Tan, whose current role has hardly improved his strength, Futaba, who has been working extremely hard recently because of a certain 'game', has been running to the Mage Guild a lot these days, and has also completed several side quests in Dieyan City. , the strength is completely different from that of the previous encounter.

This situation is especially normal in the early stages of the game. After all, it is difficult to go from ninety to one hundred, but I have never heard of working hard from zero to ten and having to work so hard... I guess... ...?

And Yinna immediately pulled away and flew back at the same time. Her slender figure appeared behind Crabbe with a few moves, and then a string of arrows trapped the two orc warriors.

"So it was you little girl just now~" Caron glanced at Yinna disdainfully, then he picked up the stone chair behind him and threw it directly over there: "Get away! You little guy!!"

Crabbe was immediately frightened. He shouted "Mother" and immediately fell to the ground. Before that, he pushed Yinna out with his butt.

Then there was a loud noise, and the stone chair directly rubbed Crabbe's scalp and hit the ground not far behind him. It immediately had the effect of a fragmentation grenade, turning into bricks and flying out in all directions, and one of them happened to be hit. Behind Crabbe, the strong man let out a miserable howl.

At this time, Salazar had already told those who were about to be frightened to death to run away. Then he immediately rushed to Crabbe and pulled him back: "Are you dead?"

"Not yet!" The latter spat out a mouthful of blood foam and grinned, "But it's going to be soon!"

Motan raised his hand and threw the newly cooled Prayer of Perseverance and Holy Healing on Crabbe, and then shouted to Ned: "Captain, you can withdraw!"

"You go!" Ned finally struggled to stand up, slashed at an orc warrior who was about to rush towards Mo Tan and others, and shouted: "I'll buy you some time before retreating! "

Then he found that he had been shrouded in a shadow. When he looked back, the tall orc leader was standing behind him with a sneer.

"Don't overestimate your capabilities!"

He didn't even use the weapon, he just threw out a simple punch. Ned, who was half a beat too slow to react, was immediately knocked back four or five steps. His face was a little deformed, and a few teeth sprayed out with a lot of blood. on the ground.

"You won't be able to leave if you don't leave!" The double-leaf staff waved lightly, summoning a red fire streak that burned towards Charon, and then shouted to Ned: "Now!"


Another orc warrior who wanted to pounce was kicked to the ground by Ned. The latter turned around and smiled at everyone, pointing to his necklace: "Idiot! I am much safer than you! The teleportation radius of this thing is far. It’s here!”

"Let's go!" Salazar said decisively and solemnly: "The faster we go, the safer the captain will be!"

"Really?" Caron answered faster than the members of Fenrir's team. He glanced at the adjutant who was dragging the half-dead orc back not far away, and said with a ferocious smile: "None of you can leave! "

Chapter 55: End

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