Quadruple split

Chapter 55 Breaking up

6:30 a.m.

Mo Tan climbed out of the game cabin, visually judging that he had no intention of continuing to play in the remaining half hour.

This is also reasonable. After all, the time in the Innocence Realm is now six o'clock in the morning. Except for Tan Mo's character, who can catch up a little bit, the other two personalities are of no use logging in. Mo Tan's transformation just now The passive state was switched to the 'absolute neutral' state, so after thinking about it for a while, I quit the game directly without choosing to reconnect.

"Anyway, there's nothing to do after I'm online..." Mo Tan yawned slightly, and muttered as he moved towards the bedroom: "And lately, I've been playing games for twelve hours each time, and I feel that my sleep quality is a bit... I’m in trouble.”

To put it simply, he still wanted to sleep for a while, but he always felt that he should make some excuse for himself.

However, compared to other players, Mo Tan's online time is indeed quite long. After all, except for professional players and individual liver emperors, few people can play the game for 24 hours every day, which is 7 p.m. in real life. to seven o'clock the next morning.

You must know that there is day and night in the game, and the NPCs in Innocence Continent are also different from their counterparts in other games. The latter are generally very dedicated, whether they are buying weapons, giving tasks, or waiting for escorts. , those captured by monsters, those who guard the castle, those who grill skewers, those who sell vegetables, those who collect scraps, and those who repair insoles are all full of energy 24 hours a day, waiting in the wind and rain for the players who will wander over at God knows when. Say a few words to yourself, and you won’t get tired of saying the same lines thousands of times. You can be called a model in the service industry!

The NPCs in Innocence are different. For example, if a player has a mission and needs to ask the owner of a weapons shop for a wrench, it shouldn't be a big problem during the day, but if you knock on someone's door in the middle of the night, When you borrow something, it's easy to be ignored. But if you encounter someone with a hot temper or someone who disturbs the nightlife, you might just open the door and chop him down.

In fact, there are players who have died like this... Don't think too much, this is just an example, it's really not Cordoba!

All in all, there are not many players who can remain active at night. The main reason is that many people have nothing to do even if they don’t want to go offline. Take Mo Tan as an example. He is absolutely fine if he plays the corresponding character Hei Fan. Ergan, as a member of the Territorial Autonomous Army, you don't have to work overtime even if you want to.

So, to sum up, Mo Tan decided to sleep a little longer...

During the game, although the body in reality remains asleep, it is not deep sleep, or it feels like dreaming while in deep sleep.

We must know that most of us will sleep a little longer when we are dreaming, it will be more difficult to get up, we will be more irritable after being woken up by the alarm clock, and we will want to hit someone more when we see the unit leader or the dean (cross out)... …

So if you play the game to the fullest, although the twelve hours of sleep during the game will not affect your daily life, it will still make you a little tired.

When you are tired, you will sleep for a while. Mo Tan's thinking at this time is obviously the same as that of most of us~

So, he went back to the bedroom to sleep.

Look how roundabout it is...

At the same time, in the southeast of the Innocence Continent, Dieyan City in the Marshall Territory

Ned, who was tossing and turning in the station and couldn't sleep, suddenly heard the noise coming from outside. He rubbed his aching eyes, stepped over Crabbe, who was sleeping soundly, and poked his head out. As a result, he happened to see the man who had recruited Mo Tan's lizardman officer was striding over.

"Thank God." Officer Gart glanced at Ned, shook his head and said, "You are the first squad leader to wake up without my calling. There will be a meeting in ten minutes, so hurry up and clean up."

Ned looked at him in astonishment: "Now? What happened?"

Gart walked straight past him and said in a deep voice without looking back: "Something big happened. People from the Fire Claw Territory crossed the border a few hours ago. It is said that they caused a lot of trouble. I don't know the details. It’s too clear, someone should explain it to us when the meeting starts, see you later.”

"What's wrong?" Salazar appeared quietly behind Ned and asked in a low voice: "Trouble?"

Ned shook his head gloomily: "I don't know. I'm going to a meeting now. Don't wake everyone up yet. Let's talk about it when I get back..."

Then he patted his companion on the shoulder and strode out of the camp. Unexpectedly, he almost bumped into Futaba who was trotting all the way over.

Ned was obviously surprised: "You haven't rested yet?"

"Just came back from the Mages Guild~" Futaba yawned slightly, looked around the military camp that was gradually becoming brighter, tilted his head and asked curiously: "What's going on?"

Ned shrugged: "I don't know, I'm just going to a meeting."

"Okay, then I'll practice the spell here for a while."


seven in the morning

Although we can probably talk about it until the end of this chapter if we describe it carefully during the rest of the day, let’s not go into detail.

In short, Mo Tan slept for a while, got up and read the forum, received an email, and made up for a few episodes. It was almost half past seven. Of course, he also ate something in the middle and changed his personality twice.

Then, night falls...

[Your spiritual connection has been detected and personal information is being synchronized...]

[Connection completed, reading character information]

[Welcome back, the absolutely neutral Black Brahma, will soon enter the realm of innocence, wish you a good night]

As soon as he turned out of the alley not far from the military camp, Mo Tan felt a trace of solemnity in the air. This atmosphere made him feel a little unnatural.

Then he saw an orange-haired girl wearing a rose-red robe approaching from a distance.

"Are you here?" Futaba shrugged at him, then pushed up his glasses slightly and walked toward the military camp: "Go back to the station first, and talk as we walk."

Mo Tan nodded, walked beside Shuangye, and asked in a low voice: "I remember not taking a break these two days, why did you suddenly send an email asking me to come online?"

That's right, Mo Tan was called here by Futaba. He received an email from Futaba at noon (the address Mo Tan left for him last time). The content was not much, and it probably meant to let him If conditions permit, I will try my best to go online as soon as possible today. It seems that something serious happened here.

So at about 6:50 in the real world, Mo Tan, who was originally in a state of 'lawful good', took the initiative to change his personality with ease, and then landed in the role of Hei Fan.

"Unexpected situation." Futaba said listlessly: "Captain Ned was called to a meeting before. When he came back, he immediately ordered us to assemble. It seems that he has to carry out a very difficult task today, and it seems that all active members of the Autonomous Army Everyone wants to participate, so I said hello to you."

Mo Tan quickly thanked him. He was obviously very touched that Futaba could think of him like this...

"Don't get me wrong." The girl curled her lips: "I just think that if there is any danger, it will be very troublesome without treatment."

By now, the two of them had arrived in front of the Fenrir team's station. On the way, Mo Tan did see many people preparing for action, and everyone's expressions were a little solemn.

"Okay, everyone is here." Ned greeted the two of them from a distance. When Mo Tan and the others came over, he immediately said in a deep voice to the entire team in front of him: "To make a long story short, let me explain this. The content of this emergency mission was that just last night, two villages and a small town near the border of the territory were attacked. At least more than 300 people were slaughtered. According to the information provided by the survivors who fled here, the identity of the attacker was …”

He gritted his teeth, and it took a long time before he squeezed out the last words: "The Fire Claw warrior who fought with us before."

Everyone was stunned...

Although they had been attacked by the opponent for unknown reasons before, no one expected that the Fire Claw territory would completely break up with Marshall!

The Fire Claw Territory and the Marshall Territory are both one of the nine autonomous territories of the Violet Empire. The former is a union of orc tribes centered on the Fire Claw Clan. Each generation of Fire Claw Chiefs also holds the title of Grand Duke of the Empire. The location of their territory Close to the Marshall Autonomous Territory, it is known for its tough folk customs and the production of elite warriors. However, it rarely has contact with the other eight forces of the empire in the political field. At least in recent decades, Rhino, who is also the Duke of Fire Claw and the War Chief. Blood Ax almost never leaves his territory, and even the number of times he goes to the royal capital is only a handful.

But despite this, the relatively closed Fire Claw Territory has never had any friction with the Marshall family. The last border encounter still left everyone confused, and they did not get any feedback from them in the following days. Or explain, until today, the situation has changed dramatically.

The warriors from the Fire Claw Territory actually attacked several border towns that most people couldn't even name, and their methods were said to be extremely cruel!

"Not only that..." Ned sighed: "It is said that they also robbed a large number of civilians, and our mission this time is to rescue those innocent people."

Yinna clenched her fists angrily and said angrily: "What on earth are those guys thinking? Are they really planning to have a head-on conflict with us?!"

"What's the reason?" Salazar was calmer and asked Ned, "Have there been any signs before?"

The latter shook his head: "Except for the unclear encounter we had before, nothing at all. Although the Marshall Territory and the Fire Claw Territory have been neighbors for too many years, they have always been on the same page. There shouldn't be any political disputes between Grand Duke Fire Claw and Grand Duke Buffy Marshall, who rarely visit the royal capital."

"Then what are they doing killing and robbing people!" Crabbe sat down dully and hummed: "This kind of people are actually the same race as me, damn it!!"

Ned was silent for a long time and said with a wry smile: "Okay, Crabbe, don't think so much. My mentor once told me that he has seen the most despicable humans and the noblest orcs. Many things are related to Race has nothing to do with it.”

"Captain, this sentence is suspected of racial discrimination." Crabbe rolled his eyes: "Why can't it be the noblest human being and the despicable orc I have ever seen? Doesn't it mean that we orcs are generally..."

Mo Tanqian laughed and suddenly interrupted: "Ahem, Crabbe, that's not what the captain meant!"

He always felt that if this continued, there might be no end...

Ned also choked, and then glared at Crabbe, a guy whose brain suddenly learned to turn around, and said helplessly: "Anyway, our mission this time is to enter the Fire Claw Territory to rescue those civilians. If there is no problem, we can clean it up quickly. , leaving in ten minutes!”

"Robbing the civilians..." Yinna muttered as she changed the string of the long bow in her hand: "What on earth are those guys thinking, are they taking people away to farm for them?"

Futaba was flipping over a few scrolls that he had cheated from the Mages Guild, and said absently: "Agriculture seems to be more developed in the Fire Claw Territory. I heard the captain say it before."

"Indeed, so it's not realistic to be robbed of farming." Mo Tan was checking his novice suit with a frown at this moment, and now this character is the most miserable in terms of level and equipment.

But thinking about Cordoba...well...I suddenly feel quite happy like this.

"Tsk, tsk~" Yinna scratched her hair: "You can't sell someone, right?"

Futaba's whole body was shaken, and suddenly the words of a bad guy last night rang out...

[Where you are, there is slave trading]

At the same time, a strange color flashed in the eyes of Mo Tan, who was sitting on the ground with his back to the two of them.


The information I got in Pato City was indeed correct!

At this moment, Ned had already begun to greet everyone to set off...

An hour later, everyone had arrived at the small hillside that had made Cordoba's gaming experience extremely poor, which was where the previous encounter broke out.

"The direction we are responsible for is here." Ned said solemnly: "But this time we have to cross the border and go deep for a long distance. Everyone, please stay vigilant. Enemies may appear at any time..."

Salazar shook his arm and said calmly: "Although it has only been a few days, the previous battle is really nostalgic."

"Thanks to Hei Fan~" Yinna said with a smile: "I feel so comfortable for the first time. It's simply an art."

Ned also lightly bumped Mo Tan's shoulder and joked: "If you can still bring everyone back alive this time, I will leave it to you to be the captain."

"Luck, just luck!" Mo Tan sneered a little awkwardly: "The main thing is that everyone is better."

"It can't be luck." Ned suddenly looked solemn and said to Mo Tan solemnly: "That's something only you can do, so if something unexpected happens, I'll be fine."

Not sure if it was an illusion, but Mo Tan always felt that there seemed to be something else in Ned's slightly tired eyes...

Futaba, who was walking behind, was thinking about another thing.

[What does that worthless guy...know exactly...]

Chapter 53: End

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