Quadruple split

Chapter 54 Speculations and Questions

At this time, it was already dark in the Innocence Realm, and there was a slight chill in the slightly humid air around. Occasionally, nameless insects that only come out at night would make a few low calls, lingering in this silent forest for a long time. echo.

The moonlight is a little cold...

Mo Tan's eyes were also a little cold. The changes in his personality and mood made him think in a completely different way than before. The issues he was thinking about and concerned about under his lawful good personality, such as Cole and Xiao Ai, His safety situation and so on were all forgotten in an instant.

For Mo Tan at this moment, there is only one thing that needs to be considered most, that is, the instant disconnection when the game was just available to log in today, and the nearly five hours of blank time (game) that followed.

"When I was about to log in to the game, I was in a state of 'keeping good'." Mo Tan irresponsibly applied the camp nine-square grid pattern to distinguish his various personalities, thinking: "Then the moment I logged in to the game, I was disconnected. The connection was disconnected, and when I came back to my senses, there had been a gap of about five hours, which is two and a half hours of real time under normal proportions..."

While thinking about it, Mo Tan's hands were not idle. While packing his luggage, he also quickly replaced his equipment. You must know that there was a lot of loot collected from the cult stronghold in Pato City. Those few pieces that were put on before the last offline are not all.

There are still many things that need to be compared based on your own situation to determine the choice...

"Although it hasn't lasted more than three hours, the disconnection time is different each time." Mo Tan whispered to himself while changing into a pair of boots, and then began to quench poison for a short dagger that was all dark blue. : "It is not ruled out that there will be longer blank time in the future..."

After inserting the dagger upside down into the leather sheath on his waist, he took out the [Hundred States] mask that had finished cooling and began to pinch his face.

[Basically, it’s almost the same. There is a personality that I don’t know is also in this game, and the character may have been established, but there is no other information at all...]

Putting the mask on his face to make himself look like a human man with a slightly pale complexion, Mo Tan put on the white robe he bought in the city again.

【What a challenging detective game~】

With that evil smile on his face again, Mo Tan walked from the forest to the path, his expression was very comfortable and relaxed, and he even hummed a little tune.

He has adjusted his emotions and completely put aside the worries he just had. After all, only stupid people would bother with problems that cannot be solved in a short time, but that kind of behavior has no meaning at all except adding worries.

Maybe in the state of the other two personalities, he would be more or less idiotic, but this will definitely not happen to him now.

Although Mo Tan is the one who cares most about 'blank time' now, he is not willing to do useless work at all.

Problems that can be dealt with are not worth bothering with because just do them.

Things that cannot be solved are not worth worrying about, because there is no point in worrying about them.

This is not an attitude of giving up or that the ship will sink when it reaches the front. In fact, it is quite the opposite...

[I will definitely find you out, although it may not be now, but it doesn’t matter... the game has just begun~]

The young man on the path staggered along as if he was drunk...

But he always felt that he was the most sober person.


HP: 220/220

Physical fitness value: 210/210

Sensitivity: 400/400

Occupation: Deceiver Level 5 (127/900); Rogue Level 2 (140/150)

Belief: None

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Talents: Chaos, Cunning, Sophistry, Faithless

Basic attributes: Strength 4, Dexterity 15, Wisdom 14, Constitution 11

Civilization attributes: Eloquence 12, Charisma 12, Knowledge 11, Leadership 4

Combat attributes: Cunning school level 9

Skills: Confusion, Bewitchment, Stealth, Stealing, Throat Slitting, Backhand Spin, Escape, Kidney Shot, Swift Stab

Lockpicking level: 9

Special equipment: Baitai

Weapons: Evil Ice Shard, Ritual Dagger

Shoulders: gray gauze

Upper body: snakeskin armor

Lower body: Dark weave leggings

Feet: comfortable and light

Appearance (no additional attributes): Tunic robe

PS: In order not to take up too much space, the more important equipment will be introduced separately in the future, or like the various masks, they will be introduced immediately when they are initially obtained.

In short, these are the current attributes and equipment status of the character Tan Mo. It can be seen that his strength has improved a lot in a short period of time. Although it is still not a top-notch configuration among players due to online time and other reasons, it is still the same. Yes, there are definitely not many people who can get the only epic level special equipment of 'Hundred States' at the beginning. Generally speaking, it's pretty good~

By the way, this character has the highest level of unlocking among current players, bar none.

While walking in the direction of Kalan City, Mo Tan browsed his friend's messages. As for who the other party was, there was no need to say more... You must know that his character only has Futaba as a friend so far.

"Complaining, nonsense, nonsense, nonsense, testing, nonsense, testing, complaining..." Mo Tan shook his head and sighed while browsing a large amount of information: "Doesn't this guy have nothing nutritious to say?"

But despite this, Mo Tan was still thinking about how to reply after reading a lot of 'nonsense'. The reason has been mentioned before, he didn't want Futaba to be interested in a certain 'game' between the two. Gradually lose patience, otherwise you will lose a lot of fun~

'If you are really too bored, why not take your time and think about how to find me, or accumulate some advantages for yourself, instead of just talking nonsense like a 38 all day long that may expose your weaknesses~'

Mo Tan sent such a malicious message to Futaba. His attitude towards his partner was never very polite, especially after the previous 'meeting', it became even worse.

And within a few seconds, he received a reply from the other party.

'So how can you tell if these weaknesses are real or fake? Couldn't I be misleading you on purpose? ’

Completely different from the previous trash talk, Futaba, who knew that he was communicating with the other party in real time, was not disturbed at all, and even tried to disturb Mo Tan in turn.

'Because I'm smarter than you. ’ Mo Tan replied without thinking.

'oh? I really want to know where this self of yours comes from, stupid testing machine? Or foolish confidence? ’ Futaba, who was sitting by the bonfire at Fenrir’s station, was looking at Ned, who was a little uneasy in the distance, while replying to Mo Tan at an extremely fast speed.

She felt uneasy for some reason when she logged into the game today, but she couldn't say why. In short, she just felt uncomfortable, as if something bad was about to happen.

‘Don’t do this boring temptation that can be seen at a glance. ’ Mo Tan was a little surprised at the other party’s recklessness, and then he seemed to suddenly think of some interesting idea, and then added: ‘You must know that our current conditions are not equal. ’

Futaba was stunned for a moment, then quickly realized that what Tan Mo was talking about was probably referring to the fact that he didn't know the other person's appearance yet. When they met in a public space that day, he didn't hide his appearance, but Black did. Coded, so even though both parties already know each other's nicknames in the game, the information is still not equal.

At least in terms of the 'game' between the two, Futaba suffered a bit.


‘It doesn’t matter, the fun of the game has never been about fairness~’

Looking at Futaba's reply, Mo Tan was a little dazed. After a while, he laughed foolishly. Then his expression became a little more serious and he replied: "Give you a chance, I will guess a few things about you." If it's right, you answer a question for me. If it's wrong, I'll answer a question for you. How about that? ’

'unfair! ’ Futaba replied instantly: ‘If you guessed that my gender was female, wouldn’t I be at a disadvantage? ’

‘If you deliberately lie or don’t answer at all, there’s nothing I can do about it, right? So do you want to consider believing that I won't be that bad and agree to this proposal? ’

Futaba was speechless for a while. Just as he was about to refuse to go back viciously and express that he didn't believe that a certain guy had any character at all, another piece of news suddenly popped up...

‘What’s more, the fun of games has never been about fairness, right? ’

What he said before was knocked back unchanged by the other party.

A minute later, Mo Tan, who was still strolling leisurely, received a brief reply.

'good! Take your guess. ’

Mo Tan whistled, and then replied without hesitation: 'I guess you are a woman. ’

“@#¥%\u0026* @!!!!!”

A string of garbled codes jumped out in the blink of an eye, containing the uncontrollable anger of a certain girl.

‘Then I’m not welcome, may I ask what color your underwear is today? ’

Mo Tan calmly raised such a question that could definitely be reported for sexual harassment...

'roll! ! ! ’

Futaba, who had no self-respect for a lady, replied with eyes almost on fire, and cursed at the same time.

Ned, who was not far away, was startled. He didn't know what happened to this sweet and cute team member who usually didn't talk much. Suddenly, Futaba, who was sitting obediently by the campfire, suddenly turned his head. He jumped up and cursed into the air.

But Ned just looked back and didn't pay much attention to this slightly nervous little girl. He was in a bad mood now and really had no time to deal with such a thing...

‘Well, it turns out they are blue and white stripes~’

Futaba looked at the latest message from the other party and stood there as if struck by lightning. After confirming several times that what he just said was definitely 'Get out! ! ! ’ After that, I suddenly felt a chill on my back.

‘Blue and white stripes, yes or no? ’

Futaba stood with dull eyes for a while, then managed to calm down, then gritted his teeth and replied, "Yes."

‘Question: Are you not even 1.6 meters tall in real life? ’

‘Isn’t it illegal to be under 1.6 meters tall? ! ’

It feels terrible to be led around by someone's nose. If I had known better, I shouldn't have agreed to that shameless, dishonest, neurotic bastard! !

But if we stop now, we will lose!

A pair of willow eyebrows frowned slightly, Futaba gritted his teeth and thought, not even noticing that Yinna, who had just returned to the station, was greeting him.

Immediately afterwards, Mo Tan's message popped up again: 'Is your profession a berserker? It's the kind that's very powerful when excited, but the intelligence is rather impatient. ’

'no! ’ Futaba immediately replied: ‘It’s my turn to ask you, what is your real name? ’

two seconds later

‘Does that mean you gave up on this issue? ’

From the text, Futaba could picture the guy's extremely bad tone and his eyes as if he was looking at an idiot.

Revealing one's true identity is the biggest taboo of every hacker. Futaba himself did not expect the other party to answer him honestly. Rather than saying that as a 'question', it is better to understand it as a reply to the previous question about the color of underwear. A riposte to the question, but…

'I'll give you another chance. ’

Mo Tan actually said this.

Futaba immediately calmed down and quickly input with consciousness: 'Your race and profession. ’

It was obvious that the guy was deliberately giving herself the opportunity to reduce the disadvantage of information asymmetry. Although she was a little angry, her best choice at this time was still to ask some substantive questions.

‘Those are two questions, but it doesn’t matter, half-elf and level 2 thief and level 5 fraudster. ’

Mo Tan replied seemingly generously, and then immediately went on to make a third round of guesses: "You take your mother's surname." ’

After Futaba raised more constructive questions, Mo Tan's speculations began to become more serious, and at the same time, he was conveying a signal.

He also needs to be serious~

‘No, I don’t take anyone’s last name. ’ Futaba replied very generously, as if she had returned the favor of Mo Tan answering two questions at once, but only she knew that this answer was completely irrelevant, and then she immediately asked: ‘Your approximate location? ’

‘The path between Pato City and Kalan City. ’ Mo Tan sped up: ‘I guess you are like me. I am the only one in the friend list. ’

Futaba, who was completely in the mood, laughed: "Yes, I am not as autistic as you. Apart from you, there are other men in my friend list~"

Mo Tan stopped, scratched his hair helplessly, and laughed softly: "Sure enough, there are only two friends, Tan Mo and Hei Fan... What a pity, that 'other man' is also me~"

Of course, he would definitely not reply like this, and Futaba's next question had already come.

‘How much time do you spend playing games on average every day? ’

Mo Tan narrowed his eyes slightly and answered truthfully: "I'm here all the time. If I don't reply, I'm just too lazy to talk to you. Don't mind." ’

This is so mind-boggling to say, okay! ! !

Futaba pouted angrily, waiting for the other party to continue.

Then it took a full five minutes for her to receive a new message, the content of which was...

‘Where you are, there is slave trading. ’

Of course Futaba was confused, then shrugged and replied: 'I don't know, what do you mean? ’

‘If you don’t know, go check it out and then reply to me when you have a conclusion~’ Mo Tan replied instantly.

"Hey!" Futaba shouted angrily: "Didn't I agree that all I have to do is answer! What does it mean to reply after you have reached a conclusion!?"

But this time, no matter how many messages the girl sent, the other party never replied to her.

on the path

"Anyway, you have nothing to do~" Mo Tan lay casually on the roadside, twisting a red leaf beside him, with a smile in his eyes: "Why don't you do me a favor..."

Chapter 52: End

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