Quadruple split

Chapter 53 On Assisted Self-cultivation

With just one blow, the huge staff of the agent in Cordoba's hand directly knocked the armored dragon beast into bloody splatters. Although the latter was not in a very good condition at the moment, it still could not hide this This fierce man had almost explosive combat power. The moment the attack landed, everyone present heard a deafening explosion, and even the gravel on the ground was shocked to jump.

"Oh my God..." Mo Tan, who had just struggled to get up from the ground, was startled. He looked at Cordoba with an almost horrified look: "Is he still a human?"

The blue dragon next to him, who was sticking out his tongue as if he had asthma, rolled his eyes: "Strictly speaking, it really doesn't count~ But that kid is only half-performed at best... uh..."

Fimiguel seemed to realize that he had said a little too much. He immediately stopped and shut up mid-sentence, then rolled his eyes and fainted.

This is not all pretending... I am really exhausted...

However, Mo Tan didn't take it too seriously. The surprise he felt before was not directed at Cordoba's hard strength. He just felt that it was really awesome that this big brother who had just played for more than a day could have such combat power. Of course, after thinking about it for a moment Mo Tan found that he couldn't feel the slightest bit of envy about someone's previous luck.

After all, this was ‘really paid for with one’s life’…

The armored dragon beast that was suddenly hit was already on the verge of collapse. This kind of ferocious dragon with low intelligence and ability instinctively felt that it might die here today, so it began to use all its strength. With all his strength, he wanted to fight to the death with the arrogant guy in front of him.

"Hey, are you going to give me an overnight meal?" Cordoba shrugged and stood there without hesitation, letting the dragon beast in front of him open its mouth to face him.

The light yellow flames are tumbling. Although the breath of the sub-dragon species is completely incomparable to those of their ancestors who made mistakes in the past, it still has a very fierce lethality, not to mention this time of desperate fight regardless of consumption. …


With a roar, the turbid yellow flames that had been brewed to the extreme swept out from the armored dragon beast's mouth. Not only did this breath have an extremely scorching temperature, but it was also mixed with a large amount of impure earth elemental power. The lethality is much higher than that of pure fire!

This is definitely not an attack that can be resisted in the conventional sense!


"That's all." Cordoba glanced at his health, which had dropped by less than one-tenth, and felt the simulated burning and stinging sensation around him, and said so lightly. After saying one sentence, he immediately held the end of the long stick with both hands in a posture of preparing for a home run, and said with a smile: "Compared to what I have experienced before, this level is simply not even a fart in the storm!"

With a terrifying physique of up to 60, and also possessing the two passive effects of Rune Steel and Rune Evil Breaker, Cordoba, who is filled with a blue halo at this time, has an outrageous ability to resist attacks. Even at the same time, he has The dragon's breath, which has both physical and magical damage effects, has little effect...

Immediately afterwards, he raised his chest, raised his head, and twisted his buttocks. Cordoba gave a soft drink, and swung the staff in his hand like a battering ram with a shrill whistling sound!

A normal attack!

A normal attack with the user's strength attribute up to 120 (the passive power doubling effect of Rune Megaforce)!

The heavy and bladed Staff of the Advocate smashed the tough shield, cracked the solid carapace, penetrated the dense thick skin, and severely blasted the sub-dragon into the air and rolled for almost three and a half weeks. .

And just as the giant beast took its last breath silently, Huo Yanyang also heard the system sound ringing in his ears:

[Side mission: Yaron’s tempering, completed, completion level 60%, reward war priest experience: 300 points, additional reward: none]

Looking at his left arm, which was still dripping with blood, and thinking of the hero song that he had to sing even if he didn't sing it, Huo Yanyang suddenly wanted to curse.

The armored dragon beast has been tortured to the point...

The equipment reward that can be obtained by completing more than 80% of the mission is gone...

I also used the bloody battle hymn that I swore I would never use after learning it, and also sang the heroic song...

Someone came up and cracked it twice, and it was gone.

However, Huo Yanyang still walked up to Cordoba with a smile on his face and greeted him in a particularly kind manner: "Master, you are so strong. Thank you so much~"

There's nothing you can do about it. What can such a brave NPC do if he robs you? What's more, this master whose race is invisible may even be a dragon knight, a dragon knight!

So it’s almost real if you use condom quickly...

On the other side, Mo Tan saw that the fight was over, and quickly walked to his temporary companion, nodding to Huo Yanyang, the high priest and others.

He didn't know why, but he always felt that this handsome orc boy with long red hair looked familiar.

"It's easy to talk about!" Cordoba was so high-spirited at this time that he cheerfully extended his hand to Huo Yanyang: "My name is Cordoba."

Huo Yanyang also reached out and shook his hand: "My name is Huo Yanyang."

【What's your name? ! 】

Mo Tan was stunned for a moment, and the memory that had gradually become clear was immediately recalled. Looking at the guy in front of him who he had met not long ago, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart that this world is really small...

What surprised him even more was that Cordoba was also stunned.

"Huo Yanyang?" Cordoba reacted, then looked at the other party with a face full of surprise, and whispered in shock: "Are you Wan Yang?!"

Huo Yanyang's eyes widened: "Who are you?"

"I'm your Brother Yu!" Cordoba laughed and immediately made the two Lei next to him burnt on the outside and tender on the inside: "This world is really small!"

[Yes, yes, this world is so small. 】

Mo Tan turned pale. Now he finally understood why Cui Xiaoyu was in such a bad mood that day. It was because he was hit by playing games...

"Brother Yu?" Huo Yanyang reacted for a long time before suddenly slapping his head: "Damn it, it's you! Cui Xiaoyu!?"

Cordoba hugged Huo Yanyang: "Yes, yes, it's me!"

"Get out!" The latter elbowed him away and said angrily: "What you mean by abandoning the trap is that you gave up on killing monsters yourself and instead came to steal other people's monsters, right?"

Now that he knew it was someone he knew in reality, Huo Yanyang was no longer polite. The pain in his balls that had been suppressed before suddenly came to his head at a speed of 200 kilometers per hour, and his whole body felt bad.

"I'm here to help you fight monsters, okay~" Cordoba also glared: "I'm here to assist you! Do you understand my assistance?"

Huo Yanyang: "Bah! You don't look like an assistant!"

"I'm a priest." Cordoba raised his chest and raised his head, then thrust a staff of at least a hundred kilograms at his side, stirring up a circle of dust.

"Mu, your third uncle's teacher!" Huo Yanyang trembled in shock, and his face turned red with anger: "The priest of the God of War doesn't play like this, right? The thing you took out in your hand said it was for demolition. Everyone believes it!"

"This is a staff!" Cordoba snorted: "You know nothing!"

Huo Yanyang pointed to the agent's staff and sneered: "Is your staff sharpened?"

"I don't care!" Cordoba started to puff on the back of his neck: "Anyway, I am an assistant! An excellent assistant!"

"Don't embarrass the assistant! Who's the priest who rushes up and kills someone's head when they see him carrying a guy!"

"Isn't the auxiliary's mission to protect his teammates and ensure everyone's safety?"

"How much money does that have to do with you?"

"If I kill all the enemies, will my teammates be safe?"


Huo Yanyang was really choked by Cordoba. He felt that his mind was a little confused...

Support = protect your teammates, crack the enemy's skull = ensure the safety of your teammates, so, crack the enemy's skull = excellent support?

I always feel like something is wrong!

"Hmph! I'll tell you what it means to be an assistant!" Huo Yanyang was considered an assistant himself. After pondering for a long time, he hummed softly and waved to Mo Tan, who was standing aside: "This half-dragon brother, come here. I'll help you." Do you want to add a BUFF?"

Because he doesn't have a perverted physique like Cordoba, Mo Tan was knocked down when he fell from the sky just now and only has about 10% of his health left. When he heard that Huo Yanyang planned to give himself a BUFF, he felt Still quite gratified.

After all, Cordoba, who calls himself a 'priest', doesn't seem to have any intention of giving himself two mouthfuls of blood.



Huo Yanyang took out a whip from nowhere and whipped Mo Tan to the ground!

【Passionate whipping】

Active skills

Mastery requirements: War Priest Level 3

Consumption/restrictions: 1 stamina, special equipment required in the bag: Blood Thorn Whip

Effect: Spur your allies, causing damage equal to 5% of the target's maximum health. If the target is not dead, its damage will be increased by 40% for 20 seconds. Additional damage will be done at a rate of 2% per second. Gradually decays, and the cooling time is 1 minute. Whipping the same target again in a short period of time will also cause the effect of this skill to decay.

[Note: Get up and work! You cute little bastards! 】

Mo Tan, who was knocked down by a whip, felt a warm current gushing out of his body, and then found that his strength seemed to have become much stronger, and then a mouthful of old blood spurted out...

Cordoba looked at the red-haired orc next to him with disdain: "What you call assistance is beating your own people half to death?"

"Stop!" Huo Yanyang glared at him, then squatted next to Mo Tan and tilted his neck and asked: "How are you, man! Do you feel that you have become stronger?"

Mo Tan turned over with difficulty and said with a wry smile: "I think... I need to be rescued as soon as possible!"

To be honest, Huo Yanyang's skill is really good. If it is a very sharp auxiliary skill under normal circumstances, 5% of the maximum health value in exchange for a 20-second damage bonus is not a disadvantage, and if cooperated with The effect of some powerful skills will be even more significant, but this also has a prerequisite...

At least the one who was buffed had to save some blood. Mo Tan's health, which was originally around 10%, was almost wiped out by the whip just now.

"Yanyang, don't be ridiculous." The high priest who finally wandered over slowly scolded Huo Yanyang, then leaned over and muttered to Mo Tan: "The spirits of the ancestors are fooling you..."

Then Mo Tan felt his already extremely tired body warm up. When he zoomed in on the panel and took a closer look, he found that his health was rapidly recovering at a rate of about ten percent per second, and it took only a moment for it to be fully restored.

"I feel much better." Mo Tan got up from the ground and expressed his gratitude to the high priest with unfathomable strength: "Thank you for your treatment~"

No wonder he could knock down an adult dragon with just a raise of his hand. It seemed that apart from the fact that Fimigel was extremely exhausted, this old orc high priest did have two brushes.

Mengduo shook his head at Mo Tan, saying that this was what he should do, and then told Huo Yanyang: "I'm going to see my dragon friends now. Yanyang, please accompany these two first. Remember not to let the ancestors Shame on you."

After saying that, he turned around and walked towards Femiguel, who had collapsed into a pile not far away.

"I'm sorry~" Huo Yanyang apologized to Mo Tan: "I was a little excited just now. I thought you were like this guy. Uh, are you two friends?"

Mo Tan shrugged at him: "I am also a player, and I traveled with Cordoba for some reasons."

"He is a good man." Cordoba said leisurely from the side, and then said to the two of them: "Let's add each other as friends."

Mo Tan and Huo Yanyang happily agreed. Well, at least Mo Tan agreed happily. Anyway, in the eyes of the two of them, it is impossible to associate the character of Mo with himself, so naturally they don't think there is anything inappropriate. Thanks to the racial characteristics of the half-dragon male, otherwise it is very likely that he would be a gangster because of his appearance.

"I plan to get off first."

After becoming friends with the two of them, Mo Tan saw that nothing would happen in a short time, so he immediately said hello to the two of them and got ready. You must know that he did not suddenly switch personalities and go offline for half a day today. , according to the past rules, problems may occur at any time in every second!

"Okay." Cordoba nodded, then looked at the giant dragon not far away who was being treated by the high priest, spread his hands and said: "Fimiguel should still be here to recuperate for a few days. I think he is a little overdrawn. That's too much, remember to say hello to me after you get in."

Huo Yanyang also smiled and said: "My mentor will probably take care of the giant dragon until he recovers, so we should stay here for a while, although...it's a little uncomfortable."

At the end of the sentence, he glared at Cordoba angrily.

"By the way~ I have something else that I hope you two can help me with." At this time, Mo Tan suddenly smiled and said: "If you find two NPCs who are very... very individual while I am away, I hope you can take care of them a little bit. It’s a half-orc girl and a human mage of quite a certain age, if you meet them.”

Cordoba patted his chest: "No problem!"

"That's great, but there's one thing you need to pay attention to." Mo Tan suddenly looked solemn: "Please be careful..."

[You have been disconnected, please choose whether to reconnect. 】

two minutes later

[Your spiritual connection has been detected and personal information is being synchronized...]

[Connection completed, reading character information]

[Welcome back, chaotic neutral Tan Mo, will soon enter the realm of innocence, wish you good night]

Chapter 51: End

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