Quadruple split

Chapter 52 Misunderstanding

"Old man, please calm down!" Mo Tan seemed to be able to feel the cold and piercing killing intent behind him, and quickly turned around to try to comfort him: "There must be a misunderstanding here, I will help you..."

Buzz! !

The sound of breaking through the air interrupted the second half of his sentence. The old orc, who was obviously unconscious, yanked the bolt hard, jumped into the air, and held the chainsaw high to kill with a terrifying momentum. , and roared vaguely: "It's useless to talk more!"

Although Mo Tan dodged the blow with a sudden leap, a deep ravine was cut into the ground behind them, and the harsh sound of the chainsaw made the two of them feel cold in the back like a life-threatening talisman. , even Cordoba, who has very strong attributes in all aspects, does not have the courage to fight back.

After all, it was indeed their fault!

"This orc..." The blue dragon Fimiguel looked at the old orc who transformed into a chainsaw maniac with a pair of dragon eyes, and sighed: "Obviously his physical fitness was very average when I saw him just now. But how come he suddenly has such a strong combat power now? Neither strength nor speed is what he can achieve at his physical level."

Cordoba dragged Motan and crawled to the dragon's side, hugged Fimiguel's paw, and shouted at the top of his lungs: "Go! Hurry up!!"

Mo Tan didn't want to run away, but Cordoba was holding on to him tightly at this time, and he said seriously: "It's okay to regret it later. If you dare to stay now, you will definitely be a fool." die!"

"Wait a minute!" Fimiguel muttered: "But I'm so tired...you know..."

Buzz! !

"Kill you...kill you..." Glistening saliva slipped from the corner of the old orc's mouth. His eyes had lost focus, and his hand was unconsciously pulling the chainsaw wildly. His whole person looked sick and weird: "Kill you...kill you!!!"

Fimiguel suddenly looked horrified, stared with his huge eyes and shouted: "This is a magical horse's fighting power!"

Then he kicked the ground violently, flapped his wings wildly, and in the blink of an eye he was flying into the air.

Two minutes later...

"Kill you! Kill kill kill!!"

The old orc who was standing on the ground muttered a few more words, then rolled his eyes and lay on the ground. After a while, he snored happily, and the engineering creation still held tightly in his hands gradually stopped. Turning, slowly returning to silence.

Surrounded by horrific ruins, the farm, which had been destroyed three times in less than a day, was like a war site, filled with endless vicissitudes and desolation.

High in the sky

"Uh... ow..." Femiguel gasped and flapped his wings desperately. He looked extremely tired. Mo Tan, who was hanging on the left dragon claw, even saw him sticking out his tongue. .

Cordoba, who was hugging the other paw tightly, let out a long breath and sighed with lingering fear: "Finally ran away, who is that old man? Even you, Fimiguel, are panicking. "

"Actually, it's not very strong. It can even be said to be non-threatening..." The dragon's voice trembled a little: "But I always feel that that guy's aura is terrifying. Phew, let's not talk about it for now. I'm really going to die from exhaustion. Got it!"

Cordoba curled his lips: "Are you a dragon? Why do you get tired so easily?"

"I brought you here from Tianzhu Mountain, then teleported myself back and flew back in the shortest time!" The giant dragon gasped without any image: "In order to be faster, I I used five gust runes at the same time! As a result, I took you two up to the sky again before I could catch my breath after landing, and now I am almost completely exhausted..."

At this point, it suddenly tilted its body, and the entire dragon tilted dangerously in mid-air. It finally managed to maintain its balance again.

"Are you okay?" Cordoba was frightened and said with a blue face: "Don't make a plane crash for us on a whim! If you fall from such a high place, even if we are okay, My friend will be smashed into a box!"

Mo Tan was also startled and said quickly: "Brother Long, hold on!"

"I can't hold on for much longer!" Fimiguer, who was flapping his wings desperately, gritted his teeth and said, "I definitely won't be able to go back to Tianzhu Mountain today. Is there any place nearby where I can come down and have a rest!? "

This dragon is indeed not in good condition. Mo Tan has seen Tianzhu Mountain in Mag's notes before. Although that place is also in the northwest continent, it is quite far from Anka Market. Even if it takes ten minutes to walk, It would take a day and a half to get there, but this giant dragon named Femiguel was actually able to cover almost a return distance in a few hours, and the second time it seemed that he would just step on the accelerator to the bottom. , it can be seen that it is not unreasonable that he has started to stick out his tongue now!

He briefly recalled the simple map in his notes, and suddenly whispered: "The ruins of Underhill!"

"Huh?" Cordoba blinked: "What did you say?"

But Fimiguel stuck out his tongue with satisfaction (it nodded without energy), flapped its wings a little more, and said feebly: "Good idea! The ruins of Underhill are a good place, not only with the sky, but also with the sky." Zhushan is in the same direction, and it’s not far from here, it’s right there! You two, hold on tight!!”

After that, it squeezed out the strength it had to break out of its shell, and flew towards the southwest with its swinging wings, which were almost cramped...

At the same time, the ruins of Underhill

Among the ruins, four people and one beast were facing each other...

Wan Yang, or you can call him Huo Yanyang now, was panting and looking at the giant beast in front of him. He was sweating profusely as if he had just been fished out of the water. In front of him, two orcs The warriors are holding high their huge fang shields and are waiting...

Behind the three people who were covered in bruises, stood a thin old orc with a wrinkled face, holding a long bone staff, carrying a huge black totem, and wearing a snow-white sacrificial robe that was obviously too wide. , seemed to be dozing off with squinted eyes.

"Teacher!" Huo Yanyang smiled bitterly and looked back at his dry mentor, Meng Duopan, who also had the title of high priest, and shouted anxiously: "If this continues, it will be useless no matter how much our ancestors try to fool us. The three of us really can’t hold on any longer!”

The latter shook his head slightly, stroked the bone staff in his hand, and said softly: "On the way to the Holy Mountain, every training has meaning. My child, you must know that you are a war priest..."

Then nothing more happened.

Huo Yanyang really wants to cry. He is indeed a war priest, and he is a promising new war priest in the eyes of these NPCs. But the key problem is that all the skills he currently masters are auxiliary, and the use of The conditions are ridiculous...

Even if the two tribal warriors beside him are not weak, the sub-dragon in front of him will not be easily killed by an orc warrior who has only been blessed with bloodthirsty!

"Roar!!" The sub-dragon species with a small amount of rock dragon blood roared, and its body like a rhinoceros ancestor was suddenly covered with an earthy yellow film. This is one of the few innate abilities it can use, and it is very useful. Being single can make you more resistant to beatings!

It's a good thing that this is the case, otherwise if this beast with thick health, high defense and strong energy had two more offensive skills, Huo Yanyang and the other two tribal warriors would have been on the street long ago.

The huge head hung down, and the armored dragon beast began to dig the ground with its forelimbs. This was a sign that it was about to charge!

Reaching out and banging twice on the war drum hanging on his waist, Huo Yanyang applied two bloodthirsty spells to the two people in front of him and immediately said loudly: "You two spread out, and try it from both sides later to see if you can overturn it." It, let me stop it!"

"But, Lord Priest..."

"Just do it! I won't die for a while!"


After the two men in front of him moved out of the way, Huo Yanyang pulled out a short bone knife from the outside of his boots, and then swiped hard on his arm, drawing out a pool of hot blood.

The high priest behind showed an imperceptible smile...

Activate the skill and sing the bloody battle!

The handsome orc with long red hair seemed to be struggling, but he still howled hysterically the moment the enemy started to charge:

"The big river flows eastward!!!"

The light red mist continued to escape from the pores, and then flowed back in an instant, coating his exposed skin with a layer of blood!

“The stars in the sky join the Big Dipper!!!”

The right arm that suddenly swelled in a circle was pushed forward fiercely. In an instant, with nearly doubled strength, Huo Yanyang was able to block the armored dragon beast's unfinished charge, even though he was still shaken to the point of vomiting three liters of blood. , and at the same time lost nearly half of his health, but he still successfully stopped the enemy!

"Hehehehehe!" Huo Yanyang's handsome face turned red for some reason, and he grabbed his bleeding left hand and held the opponent firmly in place: "Shen Beidou!!!"

The Armored Dragon Beast let out a low roar, and just as he was about to lift off this little thing that was making crazy noise, it was hit by a wooden stake to the ground, and stars flashed before his eyes!

"The friendship between life and death~~!" Huo Yanyang lowered his head, holding the totem pole he had just taken off his back with both hands, and pushed the crazy wheel on the face (head?) of this low-level sub-dragon species: " A bowl of wine!!”

The two orc warriors next to them were so excited that they rushed over to them with howls, and they kept cheering: "Wow! The priest is so powerful!!"

After all, the armored dragon beast is just a weak sub-dragon. After the yellow membrane on its body was smashed by two strong men three times and five times, it finally showed its defeat. It was hit on both sides of the torso one after another and let out a sound. With an earth-shattering roar, he opened his mouth desperately and prepared to spit out something. However, Huo Yanyang shouted, "You have it, I have it all," and was stabbed back by a pillar.


Suddenly a loud dragon roar rang out from the sky!

Huo Yanyang, who had just lost his sense of shame and was about to show off his enthusiasm, felt his legs go weak at that moment. Did he bully a younger one and bring an older one?

Just as this dragon was about to be dealt with, a pure-blooded one appeared! ?

While muttering 'Hey hey hey hey, it's all there', Huo Yanyang looked up and actually spotted a huge figure in the sky not far away. It was obviously a genuine giant dragon!

And looking at its wings that are flapping rapidly and its dragon roars that are louder and louder, it is obvious that it is coming from thousands of miles away to help!

"Yanyang, you all get out of the way!" The high priest who had been closing his eyes to meditate said softly. Then he raised his arm, which was not much thicker than a firewood stick, and lifted the arm that was at least two meters behind him with just one hand. The five-high giant totem pole slammed in front of him: "This is no longer a training you can bear!"

The three of them immediately let go of the heavily injured armored dragon beast and quickly slipped behind the high priest.

"The dragon's mood is very unstable." High Priest Meng sighed, and then lightly patted the totem pole in front of him with his backhand: "I have to let it calm down before I can communicate with it... The spirit of the earth, Please listen to my call..."

The air suddenly became thicker, and then Huo Yanyang and others saw a dark yellow halo suddenly appear in mid-air, hovering for a moment not far from the high priest, and then began to feel more and more pressure toward that end. The powerful dragon spreads out!

And the other party also reacted in time, and when there was a loud dragon roar: "Fuck!"


Why did I seem to be able to understand the dragon roar just now...

Huo Yanyang was stunned for a moment, and then he saw a scene that shocked him extremely.

The giant dragon that was swept by the halo trembled, and then fell straight down from mid-air!

[The power of the high priest is so terrifying! 】

The two orc warriors next to them were stunned at that time. Looking back, the high priest with a stiff expression suddenly seemed much taller and majestic to them!

"Teacher's power is boundless! He is invincible in all attacks, invincible in battles, his magic dominates the Central Plains, his magical powers are vast, he will enjoy immortal blessings forever, and his life span will be as long as the heavens!" Huo Yanyang didn't say anything, and turned around and knelt down in front of his great mentor. .

But why is the great mentor looking confused at this moment...?

"are you crazy!"

The dust not far away gradually dispersed, and I saw the ice-blue adult dragon roaring loudly: "I have been flying for so long and almost died of exhaustion on the road. I finally found a place to stay just now." , what are you doing to beat me down for no reason!"

I bet this giant dragon is not here to cause trouble?

Sweat immediately appeared on the forehead of the high priest, and he waved his hands repeatedly and said: "Misunderstanding! We were dealing with a violent sub-dragon species just now. I am really sorry for accidentally hurting you just now!"

The two tribal warriors looked at each other and immediately felt admiration. No wonder they were the great priests. You see, there is nothing wrong with what they said!

"Oh~ Brother Daqing, are you fighting monsters?" Another voice sounded from the feet of the giant dragon, and then several people saw a tall figure that looked like a human but not human walking towards this side in disgrace, and then passed by the When he was covering the armored dragon beast, he stopped.

The sharp, sharp, sharp 'staff' was raised high, Cordoba nodded to Huo Yanyang and others, and then with his backhand, he smashed the head of the still dazed Yalong, causing blood to flow, and said loudly : "Then let me assist you in the battle!"

Chapter 50: End

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