Quadruple split

Chapter 47 Adventurer Team

No need to guess who it is...

"Ya Ya?" Mo Tan looked up at the girl who jumped in front of him and smiled gently at her: "What's wrong?"

He had a good impression of this girl who looked extremely innocent and cute. Although it caused him a little trouble before, Yaya obviously didn't do it on purpose. After all, this girl looked like she was inexperienced in the world.

The girl rubbed her cheek against Mo Tan's shoulder. Her pointed animal ears were slightly turned back. Her light green eyes were filled with grievances. She muttered hesitantly: "Mission... I can't... I can..." I picked it up, but I don’t want it... My stomach feels so squirming..."


The girl's stomach growled at the right time, as if to help her translate.

Mo Tan probably understood about 70% of the content, and basically understood the general meaning. Then he was going to find a store to buy some food for Yaya. However, after taking a step forward, he remembered that his current role could be said I am completely broke. Although I have some good low-level equipment, I don’t have a dime in terms of money...

"I happen to be going to the Adventurer's Guild, so why don't you come with me?" Mo Tan waved to Ya Ya: "It would be best if there is an easier task. If not, I can find a way to get you something to eat."

His method was quite simple, which was to find a place to sell the iron sword Mo got when he logged in for the first time. In theory, he should be able to get some money. After all, Mag had already given him a new set of equipment, including It also contains a high-quality black steel long sword, so the initial weapon you got at the beginning is basically useless, and selling it is not a big problem.

"Wow!" Yaya nodded vigorously, followed closely behind Mo Tan, and waggled his furry tail quickly: "Thank you~"

The sugar content in your smile is at least eight plus signs!

Seven or eight minutes later, the two arrived at the first-floor lobby of the Adventurer's Guild. Just when Mo Tan was about to choose a task, the receptionist who had had a relationship with him before came out of nowhere. He got out and patted his shoulder hard: "Hey, it's okay for you to take the mission, but you can't let this little girl participate."

Mo Tan was slightly startled: "Why?"

Yaya also looked at the young lady with big watery eyes, and his stomach growled again.

"To avoid hidden dangers." The other party shrugged, took out a bone stick from nowhere and handed it to Yaya, crossed her arms and shook her head: "She couldn't explain why she suddenly went crazy and demolished the house. , we have no way of determining whether the same situation will happen again, so she cannot accept personal tasks in a short period of time."

Mo Tan understood this. After all, he had heard about Yaya's 'feat' before. Although he couldn't imagine how this harmless bitch did it, the decision made by the branch was... There is nothing wrong with it, and it is also a kind of protection for teeth.

It was a good thing that she was knocked unconscious when she stepped on the steps while trying to demolish the home of a certain goblin couple. What if she accidentally opened up the stall of some reclusive master next time...

For example, after achieving brilliant results in the religious cause, Sun surnamed Sun has a sharp mouth and a thunderous face.

For example, the white-bearded old man who waited at the bottom of the cliff for hundreds of years and failed to find his rightful husband climbed up and changed his profession to sell vegetables~

For example, a Saiyan boy who has alien blood, bumped his head when he landed on Earth by chance, and spends most of his time chopping wood and fishing in the mountains~

Although I always feel that there is something wrong with these examples, there are indeed many strong people in the Innocence Continent who are usually inconspicuous. Rather than fighting against evil or good forces, these people prefer an ordinary and comfortable life...

It would be great fun if Yaya accidentally offends a few sword masters and magic gods who like to keep a low profile.

"How about you wait here first." Mo Tan looked at Ya Ya, spread his hands and said, "Can I find a simpler task to do?"

It's not because Yaya is pretty and cute that he takes such care of her. The main reason is that on the one hand, this girl is really pitiful and seems to be a little heartless, and on the other hand, it's out of concern for wild animals. And the mentality of a girl with a disability (speech function) impairment (a bit of a brain), she always feels that it is not easy to leave it alone...

This has nothing to do with the other person's race, gender, appearance, origin and other factors. It only depends on whether Mo Tan feels that he should lend a helping hand. In most cases, at this time, he is willing to help everyone who is in deep trouble. Of course, the premise is that the other person is worthy of being helped, but there are actually not as many such people as we think, and it can even be said that they are very few...

Otherwise, Mo Tan would do nothing else under his current personality.

"Huh?" Ya Ya, who was chewing the last bit of food in his mouth, was stunned for a moment, then looked up at Mo Tan and reacted for a while, then flattened his mouth pitifully and let out a whimper.

Are you worried about being thrown away?

Mo Tan gave a bitter smile. It seemed that he and this girl had nothing to do with each other. What was going on with this feeling of being regarded as the owner of a pet?

"What kind of weird atavism is this?" The receptionist covered her forehead feebly and laughed dryly: "If other members of this girl's race saw it, they would probably want to beat her to death. Let’s keep the average intelligence of the whole clan.”

Hey, what you said is a bit heartbreaking!

Mo Tan rubbed Yaya's head and asked the young lady: "Then is she unable to do tasks or anything like this?"

"That's not the case." The other party shook his head and said, "It would be okay if we were in the form of an adventurer team. Anyway, we have to let us know that someone is watching her, and there is still someone who can control her or take the blame, huh. , temporary teams are also fine, as long as they are registered, so what do you mean...?"

Mo Tan nodded.

"No." Unexpectedly, the young lady stretched out her index finger and shook it: "The adventurer team is only three to five people, so it's useless for you to help her, and what happened to this girl has already been spread. It’s basically impossible to find a second stupid... I mean adventurer who’s willing to team up with her.”

Yaya squatted down holding his legs in frustration, a pair of pointed ears drooping listlessly: "Well, there are so many dogs, they all avoid me."

"So, you'd better learn to speak human language first, and then..." When the young lady said this, her expression suddenly froze, she suddenly raised her head and shouted in the direction of Mo Tan: "Don't come over here!"

The latter was stunned for a moment, and then he smelled an extremely ominous burnt smell coming from behind. When he turned around and took a look, he suddenly felt a shiver in his calf.

The first thing that catches the eye is a staff that is constantly emitting wisps of black smoke. To be honest, if the name of this thing is [Crazy Ivan's Cane], then Mo Tan will not be surprised at all... If it were a staff Putting a thunder ball or naughty bullet on the head would better fit his image...

"Hi~ young man." The owner of the self-destructing walking stick... I mean the smoking staff stroked his beard and smiled gently at Mo Tan: "Maybe we are having the same troubles at this moment, do you want to form a team? ?I've been waiting for two for several days."

Judging from his appearance, he must have completely forgotten the last time he almost killed the young man in front of him.

However, he seemed to have overheard the conversation between the few people just now, so he came over with interest.

"Jadeka!" The young lady stomped back a few steps and put on a defensive posture: "You have lived to such an old age. If you are really blown up by that thing one day, it will be considered a blessing. , but don’t always think about whether it’s okay to harm others!”

The old mage chuckled: "Don't say it so harshly, Miss Chris. If I hadn't been able to accept solo missions, I wouldn't have stayed here every day."

Mo Tan finally came to his senses at this moment. Dafa Dafa also received the same treatment as Ya Ya, but the difference is that the latter is a person who does not understand the situation, while the former can probably be used in the eyes of the branch. "Repent" is used to describe it, and sure enough...

"If you change your career to become a warrior, I can not only cancel all your restrictions, but I am also willing to directly promote you to an intermediate adventurer." Miss Chris, who finally had a name, waved her hand like a fly: "So hurry up and Throw away the unstable explosive in your hand."

The old mage's face froze and he smiled bitterly: "This is a bit overwhelming..."

"Get out of here if you don't want to!" Chris glared at him viciously: "I don't accept bargaining!"

Jadeka, who was extremely talented as a warrior and had a proud body (he did not die early), sighed, turned around and walked out with a long sigh, holding tightly to the stick that kept flying sparks as he walked. He looked like he was unwilling to let go.

"Um, please wait a moment..."

Suddenly, a helpless voice sounded from behind him. Jadeka looked back and saw the half-dragon boy raising his arm and asking him: "If you can promise not to blow us up... of course you can't. It affects the mission... We have a second-class mage here."

Jadeka was stunned. He didn't know how many years it had been since he heard someone call him "mage" in a serious way. Moreover, he was still aware of some of his own characteristics. Mo Tan's words just now almost made this person angry. The old man's eyes were red.

I saw him placing his left hand on the top of the unstable explosive, covering it with a thin layer of frost after two failed spell castings, then turning around and walking back slowly, Chong Mo Tan and Ya Ya leaned over slightly. : "Junior Mage Jared Carbondisel is willing to serve you two."

"Are you serious?" Chris looked at Mo Tan with an expression as if he was looking at a popular Zaku pilot who had promised to challenge Jishen in a duel, or simply looking at a grave where weeds had grown two feet high: "Are you planning to team up with Jadekar?!"

Mo Tan nodded: "I think you can try it."

Although he knew that he might be playing with fire or thunder, Mo Tan still felt that this old man who had always insisted on the path of a mage deserved respect.

Everyone has dreams, and some of them are particularly worthy of admiration...

People who clearly have no ability, but finally achieve success through hard work.

People who can decisively give up their dreams, go another way for others, society, country or honor, and give everything they have to shine.

There are also people who clearly see no hope, but still insist on their original dreams without hesitation, and are unwilling to give up no matter how many setbacks they encounter.

Jadekar clearly belongs to the last group...

Too many people have pursued many things when they were young or young, which now look back like a joke, such as music, painting, basketball, science, artists...

But in the end, the vast majority of people chose another future that was more realistic but not in line with their original intentions.

This is not sad, because there are always too many helplessness and changes in life, and everyone is given different talents. But those dreams hidden deep in our hearts have not actually disappeared, they are still ready to move all the time. It's just that as we grow older and more experienced, as we become more realistic, we are hidden better and better.

Perhaps the biggest hobby of people who have become football superstars is to play basketball on street courts all afternoon, which even elementary school students can't watch.

The well-known financial oligarch may just like to use his tone-deaf voice to make a lot of meaningless noises that can scare children into tears when he is alone.

Artists or singers who often appear on TV may also have a scientist's heart, even though they can blow up half a desk during an oxygen-generating experiment.

Dreams never die. Maybe if there is a chance to make a new choice, many people will embark on a path that is more mediocre and may even starve themselves to death, but it is completely different from now.

But Jadekar is different from most people. Not only did his dream not die, but it almost caused the death of many people... Sorry for the drama...

I mean, even though he has absolutely, very, very little talent as a mage, he still persists in this dream, even if he receives countless looks and criticisms along the way, and even if most of his body is buried in the ground, he still has no complaints. regret.

Mo Tan respected this kind of person, and now he had a chance to make the old man feel better, so he made such a decision that would make him extremely happy in the future.

Acknowledge and accept him.

As long as you always pay attention to keeping yourself full of blood, you won't be easily blown to death. Although Yaya looks quite slender, she should be much stronger than herself, and according to Mag, orcs generally have good physiques.

"Okay, okay~" Miss Chris nodded helplessly: "Since you two have no objections, I can help you register and recommend a task to you that is not too difficult and should not cause any trouble. Come with me."

So the three of them followed her to an empty display window.

He went around to the back and simply registered a 'temporary adventurer team' for the three of them, and filled in Mo Tan, who seemed to be the most reliable, as the captain. Chris said quietly to the three of them: "South of Anka Market There is a farm not far away. Its owner posted a relatively urgent task this morning. The content is to help him look after the farm for a day. The number is 4414. No one has accepted it yet..."

The three nodded eagerly.

"Then I'll register it for you." Chris looked at them with his cheeks in an indistinct manner, and said viciously: "This is a task that anyone can handle. If you can mess it up too..."

Mo Tan and others swallowed their saliva at the same time.

"Then let me die ten thousand times!"

Chapter 45: End

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