Quadruple split

Chapter 48 Contrast, not too cute

In front of a roadside stall in the southern area of ​​Anka Market

Yaya was holding a piece of barbecue with unknown ingredients at his desk and chewing it. While eating, he vaguely thanked Jadeka who was sitting next to him: "Gulu... there are too many barks! Many times... barks!"

"Thank you very much." Mo Tan also held a fried vegetable skewer and smiled at the old mage: "You also want to treat us to something to eat."

The old man chuckled, shook his head and said: "It's okay, it's not easy for us to be adventurers these days. I've also heard about the trouble caused by this half-orc girl before. Those goblins are after money rather than their lives. , I guess I’ve been blackmailing you a lot, right?”

"A friend of mine helped pay off the debt." Mo Tan said honestly: "I am really penniless. As for Yaya, I actually just met her not long ago~"

Jadeka took a sip of a local drink with the same unknown ingredients, and smiled at Mo Tan: "It's a good thing to have more friends. If the other person is willing to help, it means you are worthy of the help, right? You are really good..."

When he said this, there was a hint of loneliness in Jadeka's eyes, and then he sighed longly: "To be able to accept a useless mage like me as a teammate, my heart and courage are really..."

"Everyone who perseveres deserves to be respected." Mo Tan answered easily: "Although efforts and rewards are often not directly proportional, what does it matter?"

At this moment, Yaya has finished the barbecue in his hand and is burping with satisfaction~

Jadeka stared at Motan for a long time, then after he and Yaya got up, he paid the bill and walked beside the young man, and walked out of the city with the two of them.

"I was born into a family of knights." It wasn't until he walked out of the city gate that Jadeka slowly said: "My father is a great knight, and my grandfather is a high-level conquest knight. It is said that there have been several extraordinary knights in the family history. Lord Knight..."

Most of these contents had been told by Mo Tan before from the mage Ka'Sa from the Voldemort Dragon Mercenary Group, but he still listened quietly to Jadeka's continued words without the slightest hint of impatience or boredom.

"Everyone thinks I should be a knight~" Jadeka shrugged and made a face at Motan and Yaya: "But I have been fanatically wanting to be a mage since I was a child! Even though my ability to perceive elements is extremely poor, the so-called My fire element affinity can only prevent me from being blown up by myself, but I still want to become a mage."

Ya Ya blinked: "Wang Yuan Yuan..."

Mo Tan pinched her ears wordlessly, trying to keep the girl quiet for the time being.

"Haha~" Jadeka just smiled heartily, obviously not paying attention, and then continued: "Elegantly driving the power of nature, erudite, mysterious, wise, and powerful, comprehending the power of elements in meditation, In the magic tower, I discuss academics and knowledge with my companions. In battle, I am the most trustworthy partner. I can turn the situation around just by talking and laughing... It’s very naive, isn’t it?”

Mo Tan shook his head slightly: "I think he is very handsome."

"I also think it's very handsome~" Jadeka applied ice to his staff that started to smoke again: "So I didn't hesitate to leave the family, so I got this staff from the black market for two gold coins. The staff is my treasure. It’s not that I like to create explosions, but I can’t use higher-end staffs at all. This thing at least allows me to feel the existence of a little bit of elements.”

"I think it repaid the feeling." Mo Tan joked: "At least you are still alive and well, right?"

Jadeka glanced at him in surprise, obviously very surprised by the bowl of chicken soup with a unique angle just now, and then gently clenched his fist: "Maybe, of course it may be a physical problem. When I was a child, my family said that I was a born knight. , even if I fight with some not-so-strong orc warriors now, I won’t necessarily lose, but after so many years, the only thing that looks like a mage is my appearance and age, doesn’t it sound ridiculous?”

"No, you don't look like a mage." Mo Tan said this, and then nodded to Jadeka, whose face was a little red: "You are a mage, even if one day you can defeat the dragon with physical combat, Also a mage.”

This time, the other party's silence was especially long...

"Call me Jadeka, buddy." It wasn't until they were almost at their destination that the old mage said to Mo Tan: "Thank you."

Mo Tan patted the old man's shoulder: "Okay, Jadeka~"

"Wandeka!" Yaya shouted happily to Jadeka: "Wandeka! Meat, thank you Wangdeka!"

"Haha~ Yaya has such a good personality."

"That's right~"


Five minutes later, not far south of Anka Market, Jerry Farm

"That's probably it." A mentally healthy old orc said to Mo Tan and the other three: "Then on the day when I go to visit my relatives, the farm will trouble you."

Mo Tan nodded: "Clean up the weeds outside, fertilize the crops and eliminate insects."

Jadka continued: "Fix the leaky roof, check that the fence is strong, and get rid of the wild animals that want to destroy the crops."

Yaya tilted his head: "The boss is in charge!"

"In charge of the food~" The old orc pointed to a stone house not far away: "There are a lot of ingredients and cooking tools there, you can use them."

Yaya's eyes suddenly widened: "Wow!"

"Then I'll leave first." The employer nodded: "I'll take care of you for the rest of today and before tomorrow night!"

After saying that, the orc old man turned over and sat on the goat-like creature that was sick and seemed to be about to die, and swayed away at a speed that was slightly slower than normal walking.

"Wang Yang, did you make a mistake?" Yaya looked at the back of the poor stumbling animal slowly walking away and scratched his cheek: "So, you were punished by Wang?"

Jadeka stroked his beard: "No, I don't think it's punishment, it's just pure bad luck..."

"Agree." Mo Tan nodded in agreement: "It's really unlucky..."

Isn’t it unlucky! The old orc and the baggage on his back were almost twice as big as the sheep-looking creature!

After some simple emotion, the three decided to start working.

The technical content of this job is really not too high. Even a few ordinary people with no ability can do it well. It can even be said that in addition to fertilizing, removing insects and repairing roofs, it can even be more obedient. My son’s dog can handle it.

By the way, the above content has no reference or metaphorical meaning at all...

"Leave it to me to fertilize and remove insects." Jadeka said to the two of them: "Mo goes to look at the roof, and Yaya goes to check whether the fence is strong enough. Is it okay?"

Mo Tan agreed happily, and Yaya nodded vigorously to express that he had no objection.

So... work started...

Mo Tan relied on his ability as a level 3 warrior (he used the experience gained from the previous debt repayment mission) to easily climb to the roof of the farmhouse. He looked at Jadeka, who was walking swiftly with a bucket of fertilizer in each hand, and Jadeka who was walking near the fence. Yaya is jumping around, feeling that the future of this mission is bright~

However, it must be said that this task is indeed not difficult. The reason why Miss Chris can arrange it for the three of them casually is not only a little care, but also because other adventurers are not interested.

Both the reward and the adventurer's qualifications are quite small, and it is also very time-consuming. Even a new rookie adventurer will not have much interest in this task.

But these three people don't really care...

At this time, Mo Tan, who has always maintained the mentality of "Don't ignore the small things," aside from Judd, who is always isolated and excluded by other low-level adventurers (high-level adventurers and genuine mages cannot exclude him) Of course Ka doesn't mind, not to mention Yaya. Being able to do tasks with everyone makes this girl as excited as anything.

Everything went so smoothly, and then...

After the three of them worked for a long time, they were ready to have dinner. Is anyone looking forward to something? Stop making trouble, the time has not come yet~

During this time, Motan had simply repaired the roof of the main house using the materials left by the farmer. All that was left was the details, and Jadeka had also completed the fertilizing work. He only needed to do a little more work before dark. After finishing tidying up the few pests, Yaya also patted several sections of the somewhat flimsy fence, which were extremely strong...

"This girl is so energetic." Jadeka slurped her tongue while simmering vegetable broth: "She's almost catching up with me!"

Is this the sigh a mage should have...

Mo Tan also nodded. He was the one who checked Yaya's previous work (because he was worried), and gave the dog girl a thumbs up: "It's really amazing~"

"Hey!" The latter immediately put his hands on his waist and shouted loudly: "Wang has been full of strength since he was a child!"

Then continue to stare directly at the vegetable soup in the pot~

Yaya doesn't know how to cook (Mo Tan expressed no surprise about this), and although Mo Tan's cooking skills are good, the ingredients from the Sinless Continent are still too unfamiliar to him, and he is more worried about whether he will eat it rashly. This led to problems such as food poisoning for three people, so in the end it was Jadeka who cooked~

But this junior mage who looks like a Dafa is also enjoying it.

As the sun sets, the three people who are full of food and wine continue to work. Mo Tan quickly completes the repair of the roof that has been almost repaired, and Jadeka also crushes some pests with his bare hands within twenty minutes (...) , during this period of time, Yaya was immersed in dealing with those weeds.

Until the other two people finished their work, the girl didn't seem to have made any progress. Of course, this was normal. No one had noticed before that Yaya ignored the sickles and other farm tools piled next to her and actually used them. Hand grasp...

Even though the nails are very sharp, they are still human hands! The characteristics of a half-orc are not as obvious as those of a half-dragon like Mo Tan. The former only has animal ears, a tail and pointed tiger teeth, while the latter has a few scales on its face and a slightly protruding forehead, although it still looks like a half-orc. It is considered a person, but it is difficult to see the player's original appearance.

Of course, it is still much better than players who randomly choose races like goblins or ogres. They are somewhat exotic and handsome, right?

"Ya Ya, please give in." Jadeka clapped his hands, picked up the unstable explosives beside him, and rolled up his sleeves: "Let me take care of these things!"

Yaya turned back and blinked: "Woof?"

Then he took two steps to the side...

"Is it okay?" Mo Tan asked worriedly, "Safety comes first..."

"That's easy to say!" Jadeka smiled confidently and began to wave the staff in his hand: "Although I am only a junior mage, it is not a big problem to clean up these weeds!"

Mo Tan looked around Jadeka, nodded after making sure there was nothing around that would be troublesome if blown up, and then moved a few steps to the side.

"Red Cloud!" Jadeka roared excitedly. He flicked his staff and outlined a trace of fire. Then a second later, it quickly spread to the ground and spread towards the weeds. Finally, it was precisely when it was about to burn. The fence disappeared.

Perfect casting!

"Awesome!" Mo immediately clapped his hands: "It's so convenient!"

Jadeka stroked his beard and was about to say something when he suddenly heard a low roar not far away...

Mo Tan naturally heard it, so he immediately turned his head stiffly and looked intently.

Then he discovered that Yaya was squatting on the ground, holding the tip of his tail in his right hand, staring directly at the two of them. His original emerald green eyes were filled with bright red, and the tiger teeth on both sides of his mouth seemed to be A bit longer...

At the tip of her tail, there was an obvious trace of burnt black...

At this moment, Mo Tan suddenly remembered what Miss Chris said before...

[Half the house was demolished~]

【Plowed someone's yard~】

[With extremely high killing efficiency...yes, that's what I mean~]

There seems to be a few more sentences, but there is no time to think about it!

Yaya is coming! !

"Ouch!! It hurts so much!!!" The girl appeared in front of Jadeka in almost an instant and grabbed the collar of his dirty mage robe before the latter could react. Then he threw it away with great force: "It hurts so much, you bastard! You old thing, you can burn someone's tail if you don't want it to explode, right? It's uncomfortable if you don't seek death, right?"

I don’t know why, but her originally sweet little naughty voice (…) is now filled with the air of a cold imperial sister, and the key point is…

He actually spoke the common language extremely well! And he speaks very fast! !

"Ya Ya!" Mo Tan suddenly realized that this was not the time to lament this. He suddenly became excited and hurriedly ran to the girl, shaking his head and saying, "Calm down..."

Boom! !

As one-fifth of his health disappeared, Mo Tan flew out gorgeously and crashed directly into the main house!

"Don't get in the way, you guy!" Yaya roared without looking back, then his limbs fell to the ground at the same time, exerting force suddenly, and the whole person appeared behind Jadeka who had just climbed up with an afterimage. : "How dare you treat a lady's precious hair like this! Go and die for me ten thousand times, old bastard!!!"

The girl's slender right leg quickly swept to the ground, disrupting the balance of a junior mage. Then she immediately hit him with a broken spine and threw him over his knees and shoulders. Finally, she lifted his legs upside down and began to spin wildly, screaming while spinning. Said: "Rookie Master, let me die, die, die, die, die!"


As soon as his slender hand was released, Jadka immediately drew a circle and flew out, plowing a deep ravine in the farmland and then smashed the stove where the three people had been cooking, and then smashed it with all his strength. It stopped after a large fence.

"Ya Ya!" Mo Tan climbed out of the half-collapsed main house in embarrassment at this moment, and shouted loudly: "Calm down! Stop making trouble..."

"You're very verbose!" Yaya's eyes flashed with a violent red light and he rushed behind Mo Tan: "I'm going to say it to you, don't you believe it?"

Then Mo Tan also flew away...

Flying straight towards Jadeka who was struggling to get up...

And half a second later, he collided hard with the latter and rolled several meters away!

"Are you okay?" Mo Tan, who still had half of his blood left, immediately looked at the old mage who had been severely beaten and asked with concern: "Are you seriously injured?"

But the latter shook his head: "It's okay, I'm in pretty good shape..."

The whistling started again, and Yaya, who had entered a strange state, rushed towards the two of them without any pause!

"Get away quickly!" Jadeka shouted to Mo Tan: "I thought of a confinement magic, which may be able to temporarily subdue her!"

Mo Tan immediately crawled several meters to the side with all his strength... His legs were a little numb now...

At the same time, Ya Ya also rushed over like a strong wind!


boom! ! ! ! !

It was still that familiar feeling. The moment he was thrown away, Mo Tan had already understood that this was not an attack from Yaya, nor was it some kind of confinement magic, but something from Jadekar's writing staff that read as an unstable explosive. It exploded again!

"Finally, after Yaya woke up, she and Jadeka asked me to go back to the city to rest and leave them to clean up the mess at the farm." Mo Tan sat on the sofa in the living room with a dark face and said to Yi Dong on the other side of the phone: "Later I I was disconnected and changed my number on the way back to the city to buy repair tools, and nothing happened after that... Hey, are you listening to me? Hello?"

A few seconds later, a string of hysterical laughter sounded on the other side of the phone...

Chapter 46: End

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