Quadruple split

Chapter 46 Cui Xiaoyu

When Mo Tan woke up, it was already past eight o'clock in the morning the next day. He usually had a very regular schedule and slept for nearly an hour more than usual. The main reason was naturally that he had been a little addicted to [Guilty Free] in the past few days. 】, the wake-up function of the game cabin will have a certain impact on the biological clock. After all, humans are one of the most susceptible creatures to become dependent, especially on things that can obviously make them more convenient.

For example, after getting used to using some kind of weird fully automatic toilet, your manual ability will deteriorate...

Ahem, I respect myself.

In short, Mo Tan also noticed this, but he didn't pay much attention to it. After all, a relatively stable schedule actually meant little to this current college student who wouldn't show up at school for a long time, and he was basically all the time recently. I'm playing games and don't have any other plans, so getting up late and going to bed a few hours later isn't a problem.

What's more, his personality at this time is still the most kind-hearted one...

"It seems that I was sleeping well before." Mo Tan turned over and sat up from the bed with messy hair and muttered. It can be seen that he was very relieved that he didn't find himself lying in the game cabin as soon as he opened his eyes.

Like most of us, he very tolerantly let himself fall back on the bed and held his cell phone for a while. Then he slowly got dressed and reluctantly walked into the bathroom to brush his teeth and wash his face. In the process, he I almost never opened my eyes...

Then he walked into the kitchen, and after briefly looking at the remaining ingredients at home, he prepared breakfast for himself while thinking about when to go shopping. At the same time, he subconsciously began to calculate his daily consumption and the shelf life of discounted food. Son.

I have mentioned before that Mo Tan's life is relatively difficult. To be honest, this kind of thing is quite reasonable for any young man who lives alone and is still in school, but it does seem a bit awkward for him. Violation.

After all, apart from anything else, his hacking skills and ability to extort money in certain situations are enough to make Mo Tan live happily...

This question is very simple. First of all, he has no worries about food and drink. No one has ever seen Mo Tan starving and freezing himself.

Secondly, although Mo Tan has many ways to make money, he also has several fixed expenses that are not small. The first one among them is his extreme computer. Just the hardware updates every once in a while are not a big expense. It's a small amount, not to mention that a second-hand dealer he's familiar with usually buys him whatever is expensive...

Finally, it is a matter of his character.

To put it in simpler terms, Mo Tan, who is in the [Chaotic Neutral] state, pays most attention to spiritual pleasure, not truffle foie gras and caviar, a bottle of 1982 Lafite and a bag of 8 A $2 cup of coffee doesn't make much difference to him. He doesn't mind material comfort, but he never takes the initiative to fight for it, because there is no "fun" in that kind of thing for him. Of course, if there is some The things he is interested in require money, so he will never be lenient...

Then there is [Lawful Good]. When Mo Tan is in this state, he almost never pursues any material things. Although the reasons are different from the above-mentioned states, at this time he is also the kind of person who pursues some kind of spirit. Food's type.

Finally, since Mo Tan is in the [Absolute Neutral] personality state at this time, he is no different from ordinary people at this time. If there is something delicious, he will not want to eat something unpalatable, and if it makes him feel better, he will not want to eat it. It's hard on himself, but he actually yearns for those luxury cars, villas, and pretty girls (crossed out)...

But at the same time, he also has a lot of worries, and he is happy-go-lucky enough. Although he hopes to have more money, he stays away from things that are somewhat risky or that put a lot of pressure on him. Besides, he doesn't mind what he is doing now. After all, this way you can keep a low profile...

There is no person without desires in this world, but everyone's needs are different. At least for Mo Tan, this kind of life rhythm is quite good.

Of course, people are fickle, and Mo Tan, who has serious self-contradictions, is the same, so there is no guarantee that one day he will suddenly do something random on a whim, make a lot of money, and then make some money for himself. Beautiful girls in cars, villas and so on...

Anyway, I guess I can’t see it in this book.

So, the detour is over and let’s get down to business.

Just when Mo Tan had finished breakfast and was turning on the computer to watch animations on Shuishui Forum, his doorbell rang.

"Man! I brought my friends to play with you!"

Yi Dong's voice sounded outside the door.

So Mo Tan adjusted his mental state, and then stood up slowly to open the door...

"Hey, you guys have such a good relationship." After opening the door, Mo Tan glanced at Yi Dong in front of him and Wan Yang, who he had met at the party that day, and then looked at another person he had never met before. Smiled: "Who is this?"

This man is estimated to be nearly 1.9 meters tall, with a very strong build, but unlike Wan Yang, who is also tall and muscular, not only does he not have that slightly unruly temperament, but he even gives people a very reserved feeling. She is quite pretty and wears a pair of black-rimmed glasses on her face. She looks quite sunny and intellectual...

I just don’t know why, but Mo Tan always feels that he exudes a... uh... sister-in-law Xianglin feeling...

"Let us go in first~" Yidong shrugged: "I have been walking around outside with you two for almost a whole morning."

Mo Tan nodded and let a few people into the living room, then brought a few cups and a bottle of juice that was about to expire but had not yet expired, and sat down around the tea table with the three of them.

"Hey!" Wan Yang winked at him: "Long time no see ~ although it's only been a few days."

Mo Tan smiled kindly at him. Wan Yang left a good impression on him that day~

"First meeting." The boy he had never met before stretched out his hand to Mo Tan: "I am Cui Xiaoyu. I was supposed to go to the party that day, but it was delayed due to some uncontrollable reasons."

Yi Dong stretched out his head and added: "Little cute little, sleet and rain."

Mo Tan's smile suddenly froze.

Cui Xiaoyu......

This man's name doesn't quite match his appearance!

"Uh..." Cui Xiaoyu laughed dryly, spread her hands and said, "My parents originally wanted to name me Cui Xiaoyu, but it seems that they got it wrong when registering for residence registration, so..."

Mo Tan stretched out his index finger and scratched his cheek: "It should be possible to change it, right?"

"Yes, it can be changed. Originally, my father was going to change it for me." Cui Xiaoyu sighed: "But at that time, I happened to catch up with my somewhat arrogant grandfather who was eating at home, so he decided to do it for me. One hexagram, then, Cui Xiaoyu - good luck."

Mo Tan feels that he is a little bit...

"Then your dad gave in?" Yi Dong asked while suppressing a smile. This was the first time he heard this matter mentioned by this friend who he had just met.

Cui Xiaoyu shook his head with a grimace and said, "No, I heard that my mother compromised, but I was still unwilling to accept it, so..."

"So?" The three of them became curious.

"So it is said that he himself calculated the name for me in a thoughtful way." Cui Xiaoyu looked hopeless: "Then he compromised."

The atmosphere was very solemn for a time...

It would be fine if this brother was weak and effeminate, but if he was placed here in such a contradictory manner, anyone would be somewhat psychologically affected!

"Ahem." Mo Tan quickly changed the subject and asked Yi Dong, "You have quite a lot of free time during this time."

Yi Dong half-reclined on the sofa and said with a smile: "That's right, the elders' party is not over yet. Xiao Yu just came over yesterday. When I picked him up, I felt that he was not in a good mood. I asked Shang Wanyang to accompany him today. I'm walking around, and I'm passing by your house."

"Now I feel too boring during the day." Wan Yang spread his hands: "Playing Innocence at night is quite fulfilling."

Yidong's eyes suddenly lit up: "Yes! My nightlife has never been so rich!"

The three of them were speechless for a while, and then...

"The realm of innocence." Cui Xiaoyu suddenly sighed lifelessly: "It's not fun at all."

Wan Yang was stunned for a moment: "Are you playing too?"

"Haha." Cui Xiaoyu, who instantly transformed into Xianglin's sister-in-law, seemed to have some real resentment behind her, and said with a dry smile: "I loved..."

Then he lowered his head and fiddled with his cell phone as if he had entered sage mode.

"You must have been too busy recently." Yi Dong rolled his eyes at Mo Tan: "Last time we agreed to meet in a public space and let me go. Although it is not incomprehensible."

He knew most of Mo Tan's situation, so he was indeed more open-minded.

"I've added you several times." Wan Yang also echoed: "Every time I'm prompted that there is no corresponding online role. Mo Tan, are you afraid you've given up?"

Mo Tan immediately shook his head and said: "No, I'm just busy with other things recently and don't have much time to play games. I'll join you next time I go online. You two should be here every day~"

The two nodded.

"I was here every day before." Cui Xiaoyu's tone was full of despair, and he murmured while shaking his head vigorously: "Give up the trap, abandon the trap..."

The three of them wisely did not ask any more questions, and then chatted casually for a while. In the process, Mo Tan discovered something quite coincidental.

I still remember that when he used the character of 'Tan Mo', when he deliberately identified the wrong person in a public space in order to anger Futaba, the red-haired orc who grabbed him turned out to be Wanyang.

The latter regarded this matter as a sign of mental illness, and he complained about it for a while just now...

Of course, in a sense, what he said is not wrong.

In the afternoon, the three of them said goodbye and left. During this period, Cui Xiaoyu always looked like he was hopeless. Although he chatted a lot and left a good impression, there was always a feeling of sadness and vicissitudes of life. Her aura and back view when she left seemed to Mo Tan to be the same as Mrs. Xianglin's...

More than half an hour later, Mo Tan, who had changed his personality once, went out to feed the stray cats and dogs, returned home, and started browsing the forum.

He was feeling a little depressed. The reason was the previous conjecture about the 'two hours missing'. If there was really 'that possibility', he had to find a way to solve it, so as soon as he got home, he immediately started working on [The Innocence of Innocence]. Looking for information on a certain aspect in the forum of [World]...

As a result, he couldn't find any relevant information. In the process, he saw a post that was pinned to the top of the comprehensive area.

The title is "Maliciousness from All Over the World", and the poster's ID is: Being Killed Like a Super God

Then he clicked to take a look, and oh, Mo Tan discovered that he had seen this poster's post before. It was a popular science post about the punishment of death a few days ago.

It briefly explains the price of death in the Innocence Realm. It is basically equivalent to deleting the account and starting over. The system will randomly create a new race and initial refresh location for the dead player. All the previous items and experience will disappear, which is simply serious. It couldn't be more serious.

Today's post is a mood post. It basically talks about how miserable, how pitiful, and how unlucky this poster is, and how many tragic tragedies he has experienced from the day he started testing until now. , and finally expressed his decision to AFK, cherish life and stay away from online games from now on.


Because I received a lot of support and encouragement in just a few hours after this post was posted, the poster seemed to be slightly cheered up in his latest reply, saying that he might consider whether to give this game another chance. .

Mo Tan felt that he could not let this unlucky child suddenly lose his dream, so he simply replied to the first floor. The general meaning was, 'He who is given a great responsibility by heaven will be tortured, disgusted, spoiled, and hurt'. With his remarks, I hope this poster believes that as long as he keeps fighting, he will eventually be rewarded...

Then he continued to collect intelligence, and after spending two fruitless hours, he closed the computer and lay down in the game cabin.

[Your spiritual connection has been detected and personal information is being confirmed...]

[Connection completed, reading character information]

[Welcome back, lawful and kind Mo, will soon enter the realm of innocence, wish you a good night]

When Mo Tan appeared in a corner of Anka Market, the largest trading area in the northwest continent had already woken up, and it was very lively with an endless stream of merchants and travelers coming and going.

There are still two days before Elder Lin Jing said that someone would come to pick him up. Mo Tan plans to stay away from danger as much as possible during this period, hoping to safely complete that world mission.

But at the same time, he also hopes to slightly improve his strength. After all, the two characters Tan Mo and Hei Fan are now much stronger than Mo, especially after the former has just completed the 'Destroy' Hero Dave 'After this only mission, his Deceiver profession was directly upgraded to level five, but his current character is only a level 1 warrior...

Suddenly feeling very tired, Mo Tan thought for a moment and walked towards the Adventurer's Guild, secretly determined to complete a few serious tasks today!

As a result, at this moment, he suddenly heard a loud, long-sounding, clear, sweet, and cute call from far to near.


Chapter 44: End

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