Quadruple split

Chapter 2314 General Attack

Game time AM02:20

"Speaking of which..."

While Lamorlock tilted his head and looked at the ornamental potted plants not far away with interest, he asked casually: "Which side does Ms. Gavin think has a greater chance of winning?"

Although the goal has been achieved, Jiawen still planned to accompany the opponent to watch the game out of etiquette and replied without hesitation: "Hei Fan."

"What's the reason?"

Lamorlock raised the corner of his mouth and asked knowingly: "It can't be because of my high opinion of him, right?"

Jia Wen nodded calmly and said: "That's right, but this is indeed the conclusion I reached after careful consideration. In other words, although the core of this judgment comes from you, the thinking process was completed independently by me. , so it’s definitely not perfunctory.”

But the other party smiled brightly, shook his head and said: "It's perfunctory, I don't mind, nor do I care, so Ms. Jiawen doesn't need to be so cautious. Even if you make it clear that you are not interested in this topic, it will not affect everyone. partnership.”

"It's not so much that I'm not interested, but that I'm not good at it."

While stirring the black tea in the porcelain cup, Jiawen said softly: "Not being good at it means it's easy to say the wrong thing. Plus, I've been a person who doesn't like to be a spoiler since I was a child. As long as it's in a field that I'm not good at, , will express as few opinions as possible, it is a small thing to make people laugh, and it is a big thing to lose interest. "

Lamorlock raised his eyes and said with great interest: "I'm really curious about what kind of growing environment it is that can cultivate such an elegant, refined, intelligent and decent villain like you, Ms. Gawen. "

"Or maybe my elegance, sophistication, intelligence, and decency have nothing to do with the environment in which I grew up."

Jia Wen pursed her lips and smiled, and said leisurely: "Only the aesthetics of the evil party can be learned from childhood."

Lamorlock also laughed, shook his head and said: "I'm very sorry, my lady, the reason why I used the word 'evil party' is because I couldn't find a more serious and relatively polite word for a while. I believe that even ordinary The 'evil party' can come from being influenced by the environment. People like you, who are very close to me, are destined to be born bad. "

“It’s easy to get wildly wrong conclusions if you judge others by yourself.”

Gawen was not angry, but said something with a half-smile, and then turned the topic back to the current game and asked: "So, what does General Staff Lamorlock think of this game?"

Lamorlock did not answer immediately, but stared at Hei Fan's face on the screen for a long time before speaking slowly: "Hei Fan suffered a loss, but I am optimistic about [Haunted Church]."


Gawen's beautiful eyes turned, and she became more and more curious: "Hasn't General Staff Lamolock always felt that Brother Hei Fan was very accomplished in military strategy? Why is it that the background of this map is obviously the background of a large-scale military conflict, but it makes it so... Have you come to the conclusion that 'Hei Fan suffers'?"

"It's because you said, 'Brother Hei Fan is extremely accomplished in military strategy.'"

Lamorlock raised his index finger and shook it slightly as he said: "Of course, I don't mean to deny this, but the problem is that Hei Fan's advantage in military strategy is almost impossible to be realized in this game."

Jia Wen was slightly startled: "Why?"

"Because fighting is never easy, my lady."

Lamorlock showed a playful smile to Gawen and explained: "You won't think that the so-called excellent commander just stands in front of the tactical map and points out the country, moving the red or blue chess pieces around. Go, then slap your head and ask the beautiful female adjutant next to you to pass a few commands, and the oars will be wiped out while talking and laughing, right?"

Jiawen did not avoid the fact that she was almost completely ignorant of this aspect. She shook her head and said, "I don't think so, but I don't know what it should actually be like."

"It's complicated, obscure, difficult to understand, boring, tedious, cold-blooded, and counter-intuitive. If I had enough time, I could even say a dozen more similar words. I admit that Hei Fan has extraordinary abilities in military strategy. An ordinary talent, but his ceiling in this game has been locked to a very low level before the word 'strategy' is even mentioned."

Lamorlock made a funny gesture, and after Gawen pretended to be listening, he continued to speak leisurely: "Let me give you the simplest example. You know that Black Fan is in Misha County with the Holy Mountain Sumir. When these two places were planning strategies, who were the scouts? "

Jiawen pretended to think for a moment, then shook her head gently: "I don't know."

"It's a player."

It was obvious at a glance that Gawen was perfunctory, but Lamorlock, who was just looking for someone to interact with to clarify his thoughts, saw through it without revealing it, and continued to say in his tone that sounded like a breath of fresh air at first: "Just You can guess from the battle report that the first thing Hei Fan did after taking command was to establish an independent scout system. In simpler words, it was to use the characteristics of players to establish a real-time, no-delay intelligence network, and this kind of thing is done in [ The cost of this game's world view is so high that it has almost never been popularized in wars except for a few elite units of a powerful dynasty in the past. "

Gawen looked stunned and asked immediately: "So what you're saying is that since there are no player scouts, and even teammates can't send messages to communicate with each other, Hei Fan can't adopt the usual command mode. Can we only leave intelligence work to regular messengers like thieves, rangers, and knights?”

"That's just one aspect."

Lamolock nodded slightly and made a scissors gesture to Gawen: "The second key factor, and the most important crux in my opinion, is that Heifan doesn't understand the army under his command, and the system only gives him three hours, which is not even a drop in the bucket."

Gawen didn't say anything, just watched the live broadcast of the game while listening quietly to Lamolock's commentary, and in the process tried to answer the question that had troubled her for a long time, that is, what is the command level of the "boss".

Although she had received the unsurprising answer of "monster" from Arthur, Gawen still hoped to get inspiration from Lamolock. After all, in her opinion, although Arthur was outstanding, he still couldn't be compared with Lamolock in this regard.

The latter did not disappoint her. Almost at the beginning of the game, he began to analyze the situation and laid out the battle situation in front of him in another way.

"Based on the previous conversation between the two sides, I can be sure that both [Haunted Church] and [Sailor Moon] are quite familiar with the background of this game, but "history books" and "war reports" are completely different things. The roles they play in this story today are ridiculously high in terms of power and status, or to put it bluntly - they are completely the supreme commanders of their own side."

Lamolock narrowed his eyes and suddenly changed the subject: "But, this It doesn't mean they understand their own army."

"Even Hei Fan can't do it?"

"Even the gods can't do it."

"So you mean-"

"A Hei Fan who has no delay-free intelligence network and has almost no understanding of his own army, what can he do with the five chess pieces in his hand, including himself, is really exciting~"


At the same time

[Crime Battle·Team Battle] Finals, Mirror Space S7215-3690, Black Agate City Administrative Hall

"Let's go."

Lucie stretched her body lazily and walked briskly from Kasena and Mi Ka walked by the two of them and said casually: "Let's go find Nana first. She should have appeared in this city directly in the form of a dragon. She must be very panicked now."

Mika smacked his lips, and followed Lucy side by side with Kasena, and asked curiously: "But is it really okay for us to be so leisurely? Didn't you say before, Xiao Qian, that the bigger the scene, the more powerful the Black Brahma is?"

"Yes, I said that."

Lucie walked in the stone corridor full of gorgeous reliefs but with an unusually cold and gloomy atmosphere, and said lightly: "But the problem is that this scene is too big."

Kasena cast He released his fighting spirit to dispel the coldness that lingered in the corridor for the three people, and asked: "So what?"

"So we are not that difficult to fight."

Lucie looked back at the two people lazily, showing a seductive smile: "As for more, I won't say it to give the commentators something to do."

After that, Lucia stopped talking, quickened her pace and left the "special area" of the administrative hall with the two people, and then met up with Samuel Hopkins, the lord of [Black Onyx City], who had been standing outside for an unknown period of time, and was respectfully led by the latter to find Christina.

When both teams left the king's tent and the administrative hall respectively, the audience was able to realize from two sets of long-range shots that this battlefield was not only huge in scale, but also was even going on now. In other words, it was - fighting! Now! Fighting!

That's right, although both sides maintained a minimum of restraint, the army under the command of [Nightless King] was always attacking the outer defense line of [Black Onyx City], carrying out high-intensity long-range strikes in positions hundreds of meters away from the moat 'Samler', and continuously harassing the defenders.

[Black Onyx City], where a large number of Hopkins' private army was stationed, sent a large number of spellcasters, risking being sniped by the opponent's ranger professionals to support layers of one-way magic barriers on the city wall, protecting the city wall and other defenders.

Looking around, although the sun has not completely set, the south of [Black Onyx City] is shining with beautiful and dreamy light like stars, including campfires, scout signals, various barriers, and mysterious power bursting from the fingers of spellcasters.

The [Black Agate City] at the end of these little stars is like a ‘cocoon’ full of light, flickering at an unstable frequency, and constantly rippling with colorful and beautiful ripples.

Unfortunately, although this dreamlike scene has mesmerized countless viewers, it is not romantic in the eyes of the parties involved. On the contrary, every flicker of the starlight means that at least one team has been eliminated, and every ripple of the light cocoon means that a caster has been attacked by magic because he cannot bear the pressure.

In this case, those who know nothing about war and do not understand its cruelty will find it beautiful and romantic; those who have some superficial understanding of war can see the cruelty through this romance and realize the cruelty under the gorgeous appearance; in the eyes of the very few people who can clearly see through the fog of war, all this is the result of both sides' strong restraint.

Of course, although it is said to be 'both sides', the initiative in this war is always in the hands of the attacker. In other words, the fundamental reason why both sides can 'restrain' is that the [Nightless King] did not want to take the initiative from the beginning. Things were set in stone, and although he knew very well that his end was doomed, he still maintained his patience for quite some time after mistakenly believing that his fiancée was still alive and was just being imprisoned in the city.

But Mo Tan doesn’t have this patience——

"Put in the reserve team, press forward with the main force, and cover at least the south and east sides."

Mo Tan lowered his head and looked down at the extremely chaotic tactical map in front of him. Without raising his head, he watched the time flow again. After the deputy general trotted all the way to him and waited for instructions, he ordered: "In addition, bring the Cules family's cavalry and Finn The family’s Tiger Tooth Army has been integrated, and I need to get them back here to take on new tasks as soon as possible.”


The sturdy dwarf, who had followed [Nightless King] for more than twenty years, widened his eyes and said hesitantly: "You mean... a general attack!?"

Considering that in terms of military literacy alone, the old dwarf was higher than most of the audience, so he immediately guessed the latter's intention after hearing Hei Fan's order to "put in the reserve team". As for asking this subconsciously.

"That's right."

Without showing off his official power, Mo Tan just responded to the other party's doubts in an exceptionally calm tone, confirming concisely: "General attack."

"But...but Mr. Hou..."

Although it stands to reason that you should never question the decision of the 'King' in front of you, let alone call him 'Marquis', but as a confidant of the [Nightless King], the old dwarf is more like a family member than a lieutenant. He hesitated stiffly and said: "If we launch a general attack, what should we do if the Hopkins family's mermaid breaks through and hurts the second lady?"

"What should I do?"

Mo Tan sneered, shook his head and said: "It's not us who should think about 'what to do', but Samuel Hopkins who is destined to bear the wrath of Violet if he touches that person with one finger. Trust me. , even if we smash the 'black onyx' in front of us, that person would not dare to say a harsh word to Grand Duke Violet's biological sister, unless..."

"Unless what?"

"Unless she wasn't here to begin with."


"That's not your concern, old man. Go deliver the orders."


"Let everyone not have any scruples. We are a group of people who are about to die. Isn't it always death whenever we die?"

Chapter 2305: End

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