Quadruple split

Chapter 2313 [Invade like fire] [Defend like a mountain]

Chapter 2313 [Invasion Like Fire]/[Defense Like a Mountain]

[Invasion Like Fire]

Category: Special Side Quest

Quality: Legend

Introduction: No one can punish the people of the Bressen family, not even the blue moon that is high above and overlooks all living things. Since the foolish tyrant is not willing to be checked by "loyalty", someone must be responsible for Violet's anger.

Although the ending was determined long before the army set out, and although the Duke had already admitted that they would only meet again in the next life after this farewell, [Marquis Wu Ye] still did not hesitate at all. After leaving the Three-Color Courtyard, he rushed back to the territory and led his direct troops [Black Crow Guard] to rebel against the family. On the same night, he led people to massacre the border town where the family was located. Not only did he kill his brother, the current head of the family who inherited the name of [Marquis Bai Ye], but he also wiped out all the direct members, leaving only a young man from the side line who was extremely talented but had never been reused because of his status.

The next day, [Marquis Wuye] launched a coup, sued the Cangyue royal family for hundreds of crimes in the border town, and proclaimed himself [King Wuye], calling on the wise men of the empire to respond. For a time, the empire was in turmoil, and the powerful nobles simultaneously issued condemnations, declaring that they would be unconditionally loyal to the royal family and then sent troops to defend the king.

However, not far from the border town where [King Wuye] was located, the Kulais family and the Finn family, who had been cared for by the Violet family for many years, responded to the call like lightning, resolutely abandoned the status and inheritance of the hereditary marquis, and used their own territory as the rear of [King Wuye]. Not only did they send the family's most elite legions and private soldiers to help, but they were also responsible for the supply of the army, openly raising the flag of rebellion.

Grand Duke Rocas Bryceen, the current head of Violet, was greatly shocked by this. He openly stated that the rebels' offense to Cang Yue's majesty was tantamount to seeking death, and advised them to surrender early, otherwise the two families would be wiped out and no one would be left alive.

However, the rebels who went straight from the southern border to the heart of the empire turned a deaf ear to their persuasion to surrender. The only response was to annihilate three elite knights of the Hopkins family head-on. It took only three days to reach the city of [Black Onyx].

The time to be loyal has come.

Mission objective: Invade [Black Onyx City] and advance the siege to the street fighting stage.

Special objective [Sealing the Mountain]: Attack and occupy the 'Anhadol' quarry.

Special objective [Cut the River]: Attack and cut off the moat of 'Samler'.

Special Objective [Decapitation]: Kill any of the following targets before breaking the city: Kasena Yuk/Mika Yuk/Lucie Yuk/Christina Yuk/Samuel Hopkins.

Special Objective [Quick Decision]: Complete the mission objective within one hour.

Mission Success Reward: Add abnormal status [Low Morale] to all enemy units; Add status [Momentum] to all friendly units.

※Low Morale※: Seal all passive skills and passive talents

※Momentum※: Clear all negative status, force all skill cooldowns to zero, restore all health, physical value and main resources including but not limited to magic value, acuity value, etc., and increase movement speed by 50%.

Mission Failure Penalty: Until the mission is completed, every 30 minutes, all units on the side will obtain the stackable status [Long Attack].

※Long Attack※: Skill cooldown is extended by 10%, damage is reduced by 10%, and defense is reduced by 10%.

Special Target [Sealing the Mountain] Reward: The enemy's stone throwing speed, accuracy, and damage are greatly reduced, and the efficiency of wall repair is greatly reduced.

Special Target [Broken River] Reward: All attributes of all enemy NPC units are reduced by 10%, and the morale value is slightly reduced.

Special Target [Beheading] Reward: All attributes of all our NPC units are increased by 10%, and the morale value is greatly improved.

Special Target [Quick Decision] Reward: The morale of the enemy NPC is greatly reduced.

※Morale value※: Invisible resource, affects the NPC's fighting spirit and combat power, and has a high probability of causing mutiny under extremely low circumstances.

Special target failure penalty: None

[Note: None]

"What a complicated task!"

Inside the king's tent, Yuying turned to Mo Tan, who was sitting at the top, with stars in her eyes, and said with wide eyes: "Can you understand it? Can I not look at it?"

"Obviously, this is the fourth situation..."

Almost at the same time that Yuying gave up, Mo Tan understood what [Invasion Like Fire] was talking about. With a relaxed expression, he casually said, and then nodded to the female assassin and said: "You know what to do, so you don't have to look at it."

"Thank you."

Yuying pulled the red scarf at her collar and said so gratefully.

"I really envy you."

Yidong glanced at Yuying, who was overjoyed, and muttered helplessly, then staggered to his seat and pulled up his hood reluctantly.

Then, this handsome and tall young man turned into a rotten, cold, gloomy, and degenerate corpse in the blink of an eye. The pair of eyes under the hood that flowed with icy blue cold air no longer had any life.

And he was not the only one who took action. When Yi Dong transformed himself into a "dead person", Gu Xiaole also shook out his five-bone bat fan named [White Zetsu·Shura Hell], knelt down and sat in a daze after pinching a word with his left hand, and by the way... he kept summoning shikigami in the tent with astonishing efficiency.

Hongye, Tubi, Dog Ghost, Bridge Princess, Bone Woman, Fei Tou Man, Tsuchigumo, Straw Sandals, Wheel Enter, Katakura Carriage, Yan Yan Luo, Umibozu, Crow Tengu, Ichiban Mumen——

Under the gaze of countless people who almost stared at them, those shikigami that were familiar or unfamiliar to people, or strange or exquisitely shaped, appeared one after another. Because they all have the ability of super spiritual bodies, these shikigami are under the command of the master as soon as they appear in the world. Shikigami that are directly transformed into spiritual bodies do not take up space. As long as they are not in combat mode, there is no problem even if dozens of them are stacked in place at the same time. Compared with the shadowy figures behind Ito, they are not very environmentally friendly!

"Tell me briefly about the background of the game."

While Mo Tan was playing with the cross on his wrist that had more practical significance than its decorative purpose, he was squandering the game preparation time that countless professional players regarded as extremely precious. He said in a story-telling tone: "This is far from the normal timeline. The Southeast Continent for more than twenty centuries, and our location is the lower reaches of the south bank of the Samler River in the Cang Yue Empire. It is worth mentioning that in the future, an empire named Violet will appear on the ruins. Replace the Cang Yue, which countless people thought would never fall, and become the overlord of the Southeast Continent.”

It was clear that Mo Tan had a background in popular science rather than a background in telling stories to relieve his boredom. Chen Chen smiled and said, "Does the Violet Empire have anything to do with the Grand Duke of Violet in our mission statement?"

"Of course, it's a pity that we don't have enough time to discuss how the Blaisen family led others to overthrow the brutal royal family step by step, and finally completed the coronation on the ruins."

Mo Tan also laughed and said in a brisk tone: "In short, what we are experiencing now is a turning point in history. Three marquis families loyal to Violet stepped forward without hesitation and tried to take back Locas Blaise. En's sister, and met an unexpected end in the subsequent liquidation. Except for [Bai Yehou], the hereditary marquis, who was passed to the only survivor of that 'betrayal', all the participants in that coup were The whole family was wiped out without exception, and the brutal rule of the Mad Moon was spread with blood. "

Yuchen blinked and asked curiously: "Then we...well, or are you Hei Fan?"

"The rebel leader, the [Wuyehou] who almost killed his whole family just now."

Mo Tan, who had confirmed his identity immediately, shrugged and said in a lazy tone: "At this moment, 'I' who have arrived at [Black Onyx City] have only one purpose, and that is to kill Luo Ka. The younger sister of Si Blaisen, the second young lady of the Violet family at that time snatched her back. "

But at this moment, Yu Ying frowned and asked, "Am I blind? That second lady you mentioned, why isn't it in the mission target?"

"Of course."

Mo Tan spread his hands and said calmly: "Because that lady was killed by Emperor Cang Yue as early as the night she was imprisoned. As for the news that she was imprisoned in [Black Onyx City], it was Grand Duke Hopkins. The false information spread after learning the truth of the matter prevents the Violet family from directly losing control and causing irreparable consequences. "


A hoarse and decaying voice sounded from under the hood, and Yidong, who was surrounded by shadows, struggled to open a bottle of mana potion, and laughed in his harsh voice as if a broken bellows: "How can this matter be hidden until then? Will the Duke of Violet be buried?"

Mo Tan shook his head slightly and said nonchalantly: "Of course not. In fact, when [Black Onyx City] was breached, Locas Bresne, who received the tip immediately, already knew the truth, but At that time, he had already vented his anger once. Although he was hit hard, he could not go any further. After all, completely breaking the window paper meant that Violet broke with the royal family, and the consequence of the breakup between the two parties at that time was whether the royal family could The continued existence is unknown, but the Violet family will definitely be wiped out.”

"A small impatience will ruin a big plan."

Gu Xiaole was fanning himself while showing off his Chinese proficiency, and even extended the sentence: "If you don't have a big plan, you don't have to endure it."

Yu Ying said with a relaxed face: "But since the [Black Onyx City] in the official history has been destroyed, it shouldn't be difficult for us to fight, right? See what this means, Hei Fan, you should be the one in this fight It’s up to the highest commander of the battle, we are extremely stable.”

"That's not necessarily the case."

Mo Tan stood up unsteadily when the preparation time was half a minute away. He lowered his eyes and looked at the not-so-rigorous tactical map on the table, and said softly: "If I remember correctly, that person back then [Wuye Hou] attacked the city for seven days regardless of the cost, and the time left for us in this game is probably only——"

"About two hours."

On the third floor of the administration hall of Black Onyx City, Lucy Elle rubbed her chin and spoke in a calm tone——

"Referring to the series of tasks we have received here, this should be the ideal time that Hei Fan can come up with."

【Shou Rushan】

Category: Special side mission

Quality: Legend

Introduction: Locas Bresne's clumsy tricks did not fool anyone. Well, maybe he succeeded in keeping the poor His Majesty in the dark, but the living fossil of the Hopkins family, because of chance, And [Ms. Red], who has become a blood seeker and has lived for nearly a thousand years, does not accept this trick. As a strategic advisor to the young people in the family, in order to delay as much time as possible, she even did not hesitate to intervene in this matter personally. The crude war also brought reinforcements that ordinary people could not imagine!

Nothing can bring a sense of security more than a thick earth dragon. Although it is just a young dragon, after being blessed by the secret ritual of [Red Lady], the oppression brought by the giant beast can still make any normal soldier retreat and be terrified.

And in this story, the only regret is that the [Nevernight Marquis] who is in charge of commanding the siege on the opposite side will never compromise, whether as the guardian knight of Rocas Bryce or as the fiancé of Diana Bryce.

He will crush all obstacles in front of him and ensure the safety of a dead person at all costs!

Mission objective: Defend [Black Onyx City].

Special objective [Blindfold]: Kill as many enemy scouts as possible.

Special objective [Burning Food]: Ignite the supply depot of the enemy's base, causing at least 30% of the materials to be publicly lost.

Special objective [Break the Cauldron]: Destroy the Samler Bridge.

Special Target [Hero]: The following special units remain in combat with enemy units outside the city for more than 30 minutes: Kasena Yuk/Mika Yuk/Lucie Yuk/Christina Yuk.

Mission Success Reward: When you are in [Black Onyx City] and this mission has not failed, you will gain the [Defender] status. If the remaining game time is less than half an hour when the opponent breaks the city, all friendly units will gain the bonus [Struggle of Trapped Beasts].

※Defender※: Your upper limit of health is increased, and the value is equivalent to the current city defense value.

※Struggle of Trapped Beasts※: The power of all damage skills/talents is increased by 100% and causes true damage, and the cooldown time is increased by 300%.

Mission Failure Penalty: All our units lose 0.5% morale per second, the damage received is increased by 100%, the upper limit of health is reduced by 50%, the defense is reduced by 80%, the total resistance is reduced by 80%, and the movement speed is reduced by 50%; if the [Struggle of Trapped Beasts] conditions are met, there is no failure penalty.

Special Target [Blindness] Reward: For every 10 additional enemy scouts killed, the command system will be paralyzed for 10 minutes.

Special Target [Burning Food] Reward: All attributes of all enemy NPC units will decrease by 10%, and morale will drop significantly.

Special Target [Break the Cauldron] Reward: All attributes of all our NPC units will increase by 10%, and morale will increase slightly.

Special Target [Hero] Reward: Enemy NPC morale will drop significantly.

※Morale value※: Invisible resource, affects NPC fighting spirit and combat power, and has a high probability of causing mutiny under extremely low conditions.

Special Target Failure Penalty: None

Current City Defense Value: 1000000/1000000

[Note: None]

Chapter 2304: The End

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