Quadruple split

Chapter 2315 The beginning is the end

More than two thousand years ago, there was a young man named Jude Kazmore. In order to repay the kindness of Marquis Finn, he joined the guards under his command. Although his talent was relatively mediocre, he rose to the position of captain within half a year with his stubbornness and passion, which seemed to have reached the upper limit of his talent.

Not only that, because of his easy-going personality and fair dealings, he was very popular in the guards. In addition, even the Marquis himself had an impression of the dirty little pickpocket back then and occasionally took care of him in many aspects. Many people joked that little Jude had reached the peak of his life at a young age, and his life was worth it.

Although he himself did not comment on this statement in his early years, after saving a rabbit half-orc girl during a patrol and developing a relationship with her to discuss marriage, Jude himself also felt that... his life seemed to be worth it.

Not only that, maybe because he lost his virginity when he fell in love, Jude, who had been stuck at the peak of the intermediate level for three years, unexpectedly advanced to a higher level. After coming to his senses, he has become a swordsman with high-level strength. He can even vaguely feel that the high level may not be his limit!

To be honest, even in most bard stories, this guy's situation is worthy of being a protagonist. After all, he was stuck at the peak of the intermediate level for three years, and it was already exaggerated enough to advance to the advanced level directly after falling in love. If you add the fact that he can see the epic threshold just after entering the advanced level... Tsk tsk, let's put it this way, no matter how pure love this guy is, if it is slightly polished in the story, he will be adapted into ten or eight confidantes, such as the Saint of Fertility, the Witch of the Night, the Clever Fox Girl, the Shapeshifting Dragon Girl, etc., and then because the family he is loyal to is tragically wiped out, he is forced to wander around the world. By chance, he discovers a shocking conspiracy, and finally goes through hardships to kill the villain whose real identity is the father of the Clever Fox Girl——

Hey! A cheap story worth at least three copper coins!

Unfortunately, the beautiful stories in the story are only stories after all, and Jude in reality did not live a life like a bard's story. The only intersection between his life and the nonsense mentioned above is the "loyal family was tragically exterminated".

Not only that, even if it was the extermination of the family, it was just a self-directed and self-acted play.

However, this so-called "play" was played for real throughout the whole process, whether it was provoking the royal authority, rebelling, or attacking the important city in the south of the empire, it was all real.

And the final extermination of the family was also a literal extermination, from top to bottom, leaving no one alive.

Of course, the following events had nothing to do with Jude, because he died on the banks of the Samler River outside the Black Onyx City long before the defeat of the [Nightless King].

That's right, because he belonged to the Guards of Marquis Finn, who was extremely loyal to the Violet Family, and although he was not the most powerful Tiger Fang Army among his colleagues, Jude was still forced to be sent to the command of [Marquis Wuye] after receiving the military order, and he only had ten minutes to say goodbye to his wife before leaving.

Although he was only a small captain, and although he didn't understand the game between those big men, Jude, who was good at observing the captain's expression, realized that this trip was probably a 100% sure thing and destined to be a dead end.

He was not a saint, so he didn't pretend to break off relations with his wife before leaving, but in fact he just wanted to save his lover. He just picked up the delicate bunny girl and turned around half a circle as usual when he went on a long journey, and promised to bring her more local specialties from the north when he came back.

Then, Jude set out with the large army and came to the border town where [King Wuye] was located. After a brief reorganization, he went north all the way and killed to the suburbs of [Black Agate City].

Of course, they said they went up to kill, but before the siege began, Jude, like most of his colleagues, played the role of "spectators". Often, when they arrived at the so-called battle zone, the enemies had already been crushed by the elites who rushed to the front.

At that time, Jude and a few friends who were on good terms secretly discussed whether this rhythm would continue along the way, and in the end, we, the second-rate soldiers, would go back to our homes without fighting a battle, and by the way, we would get a promotion for going out for a walk.

Of course, nonsense is nonsense, they are soldiers, not fools, and naturally they would not fail to see that this was a team that was doomed to die. In fact, the pharmacist who chatted with Jude late at night became a deserter the next night and ran away without a trace while peeing.

Not only that, before leaving, that bitch even carefully collected some detailed information about the army of [King Wuye], including but not limited to the number, arms, and supplies, intending to sell out his master for glory, and use this information that he thought was very important to exchange for a job as a general of the smoke-beating general (a sinecure that the Cangyue Empire has given to the children of nobles since ancient times, responsible for beating drums and burning smoke before the war to boost morale, and is often used as a reward to those who have made great contributions but have no ability, and is useless except for the name of bluffing).

As a result, this guy didn't even see the city lord, and was beheaded by two guards who had heard the whole story at the city gate. There are two reasons. On the one hand, normal soldiers generally despise such traitors and deserters, and the villain's face of the military doctor is even more angry. On the other hand, the scouts of [Black Agate City] were trained very well by a certain ancestor, and the information that this kind of low-level soldier could steal is of no value at all.

So, this shameless deserter was killed on the spot, but his story spread. To this day, there are still folk proverbs in the Violet Empire, such as "I will be the first general when the enemy attacks me", which is full of irony and extremely contemptuous of the despicable behavior of deserters.

However, leaving aside the despicable military doctor, most of the soldiers who fled on the way north of [King Wuye] at that time simply did not want to die, because everyone knew that in the case of openly resisting the royal family and only two marquis families responding, both [King Wuye] and his soldiers would eventually die.

After all, not to mention the increasingly violent royal family in recent hundreds of years, even if it was hundreds of years ago, this kind of open rebellion would be killed without hesitation, and at most a few relatives would be killed.

However, Jude, a high-ranking warrior who might not be caught even if he ran away, did not choose to leave. Perhaps he really felt that his life was worth it. Although he was not crazy loyal to the Finn family, and did not think that he was a dead soldier, he still followed the army to [Black Onyx City].

Then, Jude's story ended.

War is so cruel. On the night after the army arrived, [Nightless King] issued an order to attack the city, but this time, neither the Iron Cavalry of the Kules family, the Tiger Fang Army of the Finn family, nor the Black Crow Guards under the [Nightless King] appeared on the main battlefield, but were arranged to raid the rear, recuperate, and look down with a cold eye.

As the main force of the second round of siege, Jude died silently on the top of [Black Onyx City] after the sun set the next day.

It was just an ordinary attempt, and Jude's death was only the cheapest and most insignificant of the many costs of both sides.

He was targeted by the elite scouts of [Black Onyx City] after showing his high-level strength and killing several defenders head-on, and was surrounded and killed by three people.

It was quite passionate, but not spectacular.

The person who killed him was unknown, and the name Jude Kazmore became history at that moment.

This happened on the second day of Melody of Frost Moon in the 7215th year of the Holy Calendar.


At the same time on the same day, under [Black Onyx City] in the mirror space S7215-3690, Jude Kazmore did not sink into the cold Samuel, but climbed up the towering southern wall and became the first soldier to climb the top of the city.

And behind him and beside him, there were countless people in uniforms, loyal to [King of the Nightless], who rushed up one after another, attacking this wall that had never experienced such a test in hundreds of years.

Just because of a simple, direct, and easy-to-understand order from the person who replaced [King Wuye]:

Put in the reserve team, and push forward with the main force.

To put it simply, it means - general attack!

No need to test.

No need to pull.

No need to confuse the enemy.

No need to hesitate.

Push forward and kill.

Kill him until the blood flows like a river, kill him without a single piece of armor left, kill him until the sky is dark and the sun and moon are dark.

There are no exquisite and profound strategies and tactics, no pleasing beginnings and endings, no interlocking tricks, only killing.

What hundred-step deduction, what evil formation, what center blossom, what lions and tigers chase the deer, what wolves bite the bones, what Miller's blitz method, what horizontal bear defense system, what zipper breakthrough, these messy and fancy things, as long as Mo Tan figured out where he was, he threw them into the bottom of the Samler River.

In this match, none of the above things can be part of the winning formula of [Haunted Church].

As someone outside the field said, this match was very "disadvantageous" for Mo Tan. To put it more clearly, the system activated the point of "Black Brahma" by giving the [Haunted Church] team the background of "war". However, due to the extreme and special nature of this war, Mo Tan, who had long been found to have excellent command attainments, actually could not find any room to play!

There was no player messenger who could control the overall situation at all times and use his fingers as if they were his arms.

There was no understanding of the warriors, so that even if he wanted to know the composition and number ratio of his troops, he had to look at the tactical map of [King Wuye].

This was never a game that was favorable to [Haunted Church] or Mo Tan, but a terrible test that made people's scalps numb.

In this case...

[Evil people need to be beaten by evil people. ]

Behind the long table next to the king's tent, Mo Tan was holding his chin, his index finger kept tapping his forehead, his eyes were stern and cold.

Compared to more than ten minutes ago, when everyone was surrounded by a large number of Shikigami and undead and left the king's tent, Yu Chen was the only one left beside Mo Tan. In addition, there were only a few logistics personnel busy around like background boards in the camera, and even the dwarf deputy general didn't know where he ran away.

The reason is simple. In Mo Tan's own words, everything that should be done has been done.

"This is a game, not a war."

This is what Mo Tan said to Yu Chen in person two minutes ago.

As for more, Her Highness the Saint did not ask more, and Pastor Heifan did not explain more.

And Lamorok, who was watching the game, smiled and shared his views with Gawen-



The chief of staff of the Dreamland Church, who had slaughtered a large area of ​​land in the northern border of Griffin, raised his mouth slightly and said with an extremely happy expression: "He really didn't disappoint me. He immediately seized the biggest advantage of the attacker in this game."

Gawen frowned slightly and repeated: "Rhythm?"

"That's right, only 'rhythm' is something that the attacker can control, and what Heifan did is to directly use his highest authority to maximize the rhythm, skip all the links that may extend the battle for even an extra minute, and fast forward to the final battle."

Lamolock clapped his hands and said excitedly: "Blood for blood, injury for injury, quantify all units of both sides directly into numbers to compare the size, abandon all factors that complicate the battle, and use the most unreasonable way to promote the direction of the game. He was not confused, but tried his best to struggle in the ridiculously compressed space, trying to simplify everything. Haha... As a scheming chess player, he did not hesitate to reduce the dimension of the game content. This kind of courage is really numbing."

Ga Wen hesitated for a moment, and after a few seconds, she looked at the long-range shot that occupied the center of the screen and included the entire southern wall of [Black Agate City], and asked: "So you mean that Hei Fan has regained the advantage?"

"No, what I mean is that Hei Fan was not crushed by the disadvantage, and even chose one of my favorite ways of playing, tearing the situation apart with a casualty ratio that ordinary people could hardly accept."

Lamolock smiled as he watched countless soldiers falling from the wall like dumplings, and said happily: "As for the advantage, it depends on whether the other cards he prepared can come in handy."

"Other cards?"

"Ms. Gawen, do you know the biggest benefit of the player team reducing the dimension and simplifying the battlefield?"

"I don't know."

"Do you want to know?"

"If you don't want to say it, I don't want to know."

"That is to allow those non-commanding players who would have been overwhelmed by NPCs to regain their "sense of existence" and then play a targeted role."


"In other words, it's the difference between 'one hundred and one 1s' and 'three 33s, two 1s'.

"I see, what's the use? "

"In the macro sense, it is to let teammates play their roles."

"What about the details?"

"That is a little secret that only the authorities know~"

Chapter 2306: The End

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