Quadruple split

Chapter 192 Countermeasures

After a short silence.

"We need a way now..." Mo Tan whispered to Yu Chen. He frowned and subconsciously tapped the table, forcing himself to think as calmly as possible.

Although he does not have as strong a sense of justice as he did when he was in 'Lawful Good', he still does not want hundreds of thousands of people in the entire Misha County to be put into hell. Mo Tan has no way not to sympathize with those who have done nothing wrong but are going to hell. Civilians who bleed in vain cannot ignore the disasters happening around them, cannot calmly wait for everything to end, and then do their own thing without any pressure.

No one with a conscience can help but be moved by this.

Perhaps this society is gradually becoming indifferent, and perhaps some people will laugh off the disasters suffered by others, and even happily use them as topics of conversation among friends, but even so, it does not represent the word conscience. Completely obliterated from most people's concepts.

Just because it is difficult for people to be moved by a series of cold, simple, distant numbers or things that have nothing to do with themselves.

Just because I can't see it...

In fact, if we really throw a person who can laugh out loud when talking about the tragedy of the disaster-stricken area to the scene of the incident, let him see with his own eyes the ruins that are like hell on earth, and let him listen to those heart-wrenching stories with his own ears Howl, and then let him find that a life within his reach that he still has time to save is about to disappear. What will he do?

I think most people will make an effort and try to lend a helping hand.

No matter how wrong they are, no matter how bad their conduct, no matter how despicable and dark they are...

Even if their first consideration at that moment is still to escape, and their most important thing is still their own safety, they will try to lend a helping hand, although this may involve 'making sure they are okay first' and 'is the surrounding environment stable? 'Wait a bunch of prerequisites, but they'll still try to help.

This is the so-called conscience. It has not been wiped out from the hearts of most people, it is just covered up by many dark, complicated or realistic things.

The catastrophe that occurred in Misha County was within reach of Mo Tan at this moment.

He saw the elf girl who just wanted to live, but still fell helpless in the end.

He saw the thief who wanted to save him no matter what, but in the end could only kill him with his own hands.

He witnessed lives struggling in the plague. He heard about Marcus who proudly shouted "I love her" and was killed by his lover. He could not forget the man who tried to commit suicide. The orcs who made his wife and children decide to leave the blockade...

So he wants to save, not as a saint or a madman, but as an ordinary person. Even if it is just a drop in the bucket, even if the result is unsatisfactory, it doesn't matter. He just wants to try as much as possible, just Like every one of us who still has a conscience.

[Those monsters that Yu Ying calls "mutants" have definitely lost their consciousness completely, so there is no other way except to destroy them. However, with only Xia Lian and hundreds of paladins, their combat effectiveness is seriously insufficient. If those It's fine if the monsters are concentrated in one place, but they are too scattered...]

Mo Tan narrowed his eyes and looked at the map intently, thinking with all his strength.

Yuchen sat there obediently and stared at him for a long time. Then he stood up gently, closed the window, and tiptoed to a corner of the room to boil hot water.

[Xia Lian is not in good health, and the Paladins are not invincible. They also have to eat and rest. And although those low-level Paladins are much stronger than me, they are only as strong as those fifteen or sixteen level players in the forum. At the same level, it’s okay to deal with three or five mutants at the same time. If you face a large number of enemies at the same time and don’t get a proper rest, problems will soon arise...]

Mo Tan recalled the previous scene when the knights fought hand-to-hand combat with the mutants after the group charge. Each of their blows could cause effective damage, but they were far from the overwhelming strength that Xia Lian had when she first entered the scene. The enemy's level of instant kill.

[So the focus now is that the combat power is seriously insufficient, and once the knights lose their numerical advantage, their combat power will definitely decline. Even if they are only mentioned as organized enemies, Xia Lian obviously does not intend to save just one city, but now she can cure the plague There are too few people, so they will definitely... split up. Each city or population gathering place will definitely leave a sufficient number of paladins, so as to ensure that they will not appear on the front foot, and those who were saved will be on the back foot. What happens if the next batch of mutants is wiped out. 】

Mo Tan scratched his hair in distress, feeling that his brain was a little insufficient, but he knew that this was an illusion. Although his personality was relatively ordinary at this moment, 'Mo Tan's' brain was not so simple that it was not enough. use.

Yuchen quietly placed a cup of black tea in his hand without disturbing him.

[Almost all middle- and high-level professionals are now scattered along various blockades. Even if we include those personnel transferred from other areas, it is still very tight, so we must not move... Moreover, mutants should have appeared on the border by now. They are everywhere. Tight. 】

Mo Tan looked around at the blockade on the map, frowned slightly, and then subconsciously picked up the coffee at hand and took a sip...

The temperature is just right, but it's not coffee.

He turned around and found Yuchen smiling softly at him.

"Thank you." Mo Tan also smiled at the girl, then turned his attention to the map again, and whispered: "Give me some time, I hope I can be of some help..."

Yuchen responded softly and leaned over to refill Mo Tan's cup with some hot water.

A few bright rays of light filtered in from the window, illuminating some smoke and dust that were usually difficult to see with the naked eye.

Hundreds of years later, Leonordi, a famous painter from the Holy Alliance, painted this scene out of his head. The degree of restoration reached almost 10% of his miraculous skills. The famous painting of the century called "Beloved" was Hanging high in the center of the Ascension Auditorium in the City of Miracles, the man above is dressed in a nine-fold divine law, with the original sacred scripture hanging on his waist, an undefeated war hymn on his shoulders, and an uncrowned crown on his head. He has a slender figure, handsome features, and a complexion. Indifferently, with the wisdom and calmness in his eyes that see through everything, he sipped the fragrant tea.

The woman in the painting holds the holy staff of black day, wears a hazy light and shadow dance, wears a girdle of bright and extinguishing divine grace, wears a thousand lights on her head, and walks in the silent night. She has a soft figure, long hair reaching her waist, a face like autumn water, and a pair of Eyes as bright as stars, clean and pure, were leaning down to whisper in the man's ear.

And the surrounding scenery... is only 10% without distortion at all. The future Master Leon personally went to the Holy Union Chapel in Mida City and lived there for half a year, and restored almost every detail here perfectly. Even the angle of the sunlight is copied exactly.

As for the others, that is, the two people mentioned above, the old man basically painted them purely based on consciousness and feeling...

Anyway, I feel like it has little to do with these two people now.

So, back to business.

A few minutes later, Mo Tan finally came back from his deep thoughts. He put away the map on the table and sighed: "Now it seems there is only one way..."

"What can I do?" Yuchen asked expectantly, holding a cup in front of him.


"Conscription?" Saul looked at the two young men in front of him and blinked in confusion: "You mean to form a force with everyone who participated in the defense of the city before?"

Mo Tan shook his head: "Not just them, I want to recruit everyone in the city who can take up arms and fight."

Thor frowned: "But it is difficult for those adventurers and mercenaries to fight like regular soldiers, and their strength is far inferior to that of mid- to high-level professionals, let alone civilians... Pastor, Aren’t we safe now?”

"We are only safe for the time being." Mo Tan shrugged, walked to one side of the room and pointed at the map and said: "But now monsters are constantly appearing in every place in Misha County, and their number will increase. The more they come, the more harm they will cause, and if they are ignored, it may not be safe in the future.”

Thor sighed: "Even if there are saints and paladins, it won't work?"

"The Paladin is not that powerful." Yu Chen said a little embarrassedly: "And the saint sister is not in very good health now. Apart from helping with treatment, it is difficult for me to be useful in the battle..."

Mo Tan showed his hands to Thor: "That's it, if we don't organize and prepare as much as possible now, we will be in big trouble soon, even if there are hundreds of knights and we are in Mida City And the city of Hofer, which has become a place favored by gods, can be safe and sound, but what about the others?”

"I understand." Saul is not an ignorant person. After hearing what Mo Tan said, he pondered for a moment and then nodded seriously: "What should I do?"

Mo Tan smiled and said: "Give Her Majesty the Holy Lady and I the authority to issue a recruitment order in the city. I will prepare the specific content for you, and then find someone to set up two registration offices, one in the city and one outside the city. .”

"Okay." Since Thor agreed, he no longer hesitated and immediately said to Mo Tan: "The paper and pen are on the table, and I will let the guards follow the command of Her Royal Highness the Saint."

Mo Tan leaned forward slightly: "Thank you very much. May the goddess be with you, Lord Thor."

five minutes later

"Please find someone to copy these two things, and then distribute the first copy throughout the city. We will come to pick up the second copy later." Mo Tan handed over two pages with wet ink. Thor smiled and said, "Sorry to trouble you."

The latter nodded happily: "I will make arrangements right away."

"Then let's take our leave first, Lord Sol." Yuchen saluted Sol and smiled softly: "There are still many people outside the city who need treatment."

The two then left the city hall.

After a while, outside Mida City

"Is there really no need to say hello to Mr. Taylor?" Yu Chen tilted his head and asked Mo Tan as he walked, "He is very nice."

Mo Tan shook his head: "Don't worry about it now. It doesn't matter if you tell him later. There are some things I don't know yet."

Yuchen smiled lightly: "Okay."

Next, the two of them came to the camp where the infected civilians were stationed and started treatment work. To be precise, Yu Chen was doing the treatment, and Mo Tan was the target of the dark interference, treating dozens of people before the next batch of mutants were transformed. Coupled with Xia Lian's group purification in the morning, the place with almost no serious injuries has regained a little vitality.

After the time point calculated by Mo Tan came, no new mutants appeared here. This fact made the people in the station very excited. Their mental state was much better, and the previous fear had subsided. Most of it,

Although it is only partial, it is somewhat a good start.

"Sure enough, this mutation can be controlled." Mo Tan also breathed a sigh of relief and smiled at Yu Chen who was spending a lot of money around him: "Let's take a rest for the time being. Other clergy can also do this to restore their physical strength."

The girl drank another bottle of mana potion and was about to answer when she heard a burst of noise coming from a distance, and then she saw a Holy Knight from the Dawn Sect approaching on horseback.

"Your Highness the Saint, there are dozens of monsters approaching here. Please follow me back to the city." The young knight dismounted and saluted, then leaned down respectfully and said, "It's very dangerous here."

Yuchen was stunned for a moment: "There are many civilians here..."

"The other knights will protect everyone's safety." The other party pointed at a dozen knights lining up not far away, and said loudly: "But the safety of Her Royal Highness the Saint is above all else, and it is still too dangerous here."

【it is as expected. 】

Mo Tan narrowed his eyes slightly, and then whispered to Yuchen who still wanted to say something: "You go back first, I will stay to help."

"I can do that too..." Yu Chen shook his head and whispered: "Divine magic can also cause harm to those mutants."

Mo Tan smiled and said: "It's not that I don't think you can be useful. Anyway, you go back first. Dozens of mutants don't pose any threat. I just want to observe them up close."

Yu Chen didn't insist anymore, and after telling Mo Tan to pay attention to his safety, he reluctantly followed the paladin and left.

A few minutes later……

A harsh roar came from the distance. A group of mutants had appeared in Mo Tan's field of vision, and the knights who had assembled in front of the camp launched a charge at the same time.

"I thought you were gone."

Yu Ying, who came from a short distance away, walked to Mo Tan, then raised her head and glanced in the direction where the mutants were coming, and sighed softly: "It looks like there is another group of refugees."

"There are many people like this." Mo Tan, looking in the same direction, replied casually.

More than a dozen monsters had their chests instantly pierced by the same number of spears after just one encounter, and each one was carried four to five meters away.

Yuying smiled: "But they are obviously no match for those knights."

"Yes, but as I said just now, there are many, many such people..."

Chapter 189: End

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