Quadruple split

Chapter 191 Crow and Misha’s desperate situation

next day

Game time AM07:03

[Your spiritual connection has been detected and personal information is being synchronized...]

[Connection completed, reading personal information]

[Welcome back, chaotic neutral Tan Mo, will soon enter the realm of innocence, wish you good night]

The eastern part of the Innocence Continent, the outskirts of Venn City

Mo Tan appeared behind a tree beside a path. For no other reason than there were people on the road.

"It's really peaceful." He wandered out from behind the tree and sighed leisurely. The atmosphere here was completely different from that of Misha County, which was depressed and deserted due to the raging plague. Early in the morning You can see many caravans and travelers on the road, and occasionally you can see one or two bards squatting on the roadside playing and singing. Most of the people around them are children with few coins in their pockets. Although these little guys They can't give half a cent of reward, but the anecdotes they occasionally hear from their family members can often make the poets exchange for a glass of wine in the hotel.

A peaceful scene...

【But it’s a bit boring~】

Mo Tan picked his nose, then wiped it on a child who ran past him, thinking boredly.

He yawned loudly, and then planned to find a secluded place to change his clothes. After all, it was still a long way from the northern border of the Violet Empire. If you wanted to go at full speed, it was better to dress like a thief than to wear long clothes. The impression of a flamboyant poet is even less likely to attract attention.


"Hello, buddy~"

A cheerful and kind voice suddenly sounded behind him.

Mo Tan slowly turned around and found a dark elf man standing behind him with a smile.

"This road is rarely traveled. Are you planning to go to the Violet Empire?" The other party asked with a smile, and then stretched out his right hand: "Let me introduce myself, my name is Cro, Croy Lumina. .”

Crow is a typical dark elf. He has a silver mohawk, a slightly feminine face, long pointed ears, and a pair of red pupils. However, he looks like the kind of person who speaks well and gives people A very cheerful feeling.

Mo Tan laughed, held the other person's hand and shook it: "Hello, my name is Cordovar Rubi, and I am a bard who is not very lucky. Do you know me?"

He did not report a name similar to Gulande Fader. After all, Mo Tan did not know whether the Crow in front of him was an NPC or a player, so he cautiously reported the name of Cordoba. In this way, even if you offend the other party accidentally or intentionally later, the trouble will not come to you immediately.

"I don't know." Crowe shook his head as expected, and then smiled and said: "But the bards are the same family, and I happen to be planning to go to the south to have a long experience. Brother Lu Wei, you seem to be planning to go there too, So I came up to say hello, and if it’s convenient, we can walk together for a while.”

This young dark elf is wearing a white robe, with a pair of delicate triangles hanging around his waist, and holding a common black leather notebook in his left hand. He is indeed a graceful bard no matter how you look at it.

"I have no objection at all, man." Mo Tan raised his eyebrows slightly, then pointed at his swaying legs, and said with a smile: "The premise is that you are willing to accompany me to find a caravan to give us a ride. I really Some can’t walk anymore.”

So a few minutes later, Crowe stopped a large goblin caravan heading to the Fernan Territory. With only two gold coins, the person in charge of the sharp-mouthed monkey-cheeked man invited them into an empty carriage. , that is used for loading goods on the return trip.

"I'm sorry for costing you." Mo Tan stretched out comfortably in the car and smiled sarcastically at Crow across from him: "I've been short on money lately~"

The generous dark elf shook his head: "It's always good to have a companion. I like the excitement."

Then the two chatted casually, mainly to exchange each other's knowledge. Mo Tan told a few things he got from Jun Wu, most of which were low-level anecdotes such as 'sows have dystocia' and 'chickens lay duck eggs'. , but there is also information about the sudden appearance of the Paladin Wrath X cultist in Pato City. After all, this matter is no longer a secret, and it is relatively easy to find out if you are interested.

But Crowe knew a lot of things. He mentioned the new gods who appeared in the City of Light, mentioned that a certain well-known adventurer in a certain place had annihilated a certain monster, and mentioned that he was very famous in this area recently. The bard Beolucanus also mentioned a natural disaster in the west, which was many times more valuable than the one mentioned by Mortan.

This dark elf bard is not only generous and personable, but he is also very talkative. He seems to know a little bit about everything. Chatting with him is like a spring breeze. Mo Tan feels from the bottom of his heart that if this guy goes You will definitely make money by being a duck. He doesn't even need to provide any special services. He only needs to chat with those lonely and wealthy girls or aunts, and he will be able to have enough food and clothing.

[However, there will be at least two sentences in every ten sentences that contain probing meaning... Isn't this guy tired? 】

While Mo Tan was chatting with Crowe with a 'earned money' look on his face, he vomited in his heart.

Yes, this guy's motives were not pure, and it was no coincidence that he found him. Mo Tan had already seen through this kind of thing from the beginning, because there were really many flaws and flaws in it, so it was different for the time being. List one.

In short, from the moment the two got into the car, the dark elf named Crowe never stopped testing Mo Tan.

Therefore, the effective information Crowe obtained is as follows:

Cordoba Rubi is in his early 200s. He has the strength of a three-legged cat who is a trainee ranger. He is good at cooking and has many people in his family. He is the second eldest son of several juniors. One of his children died because his head was caught in a door when he was a child. The sister who cannot take care of herself is called Futaba Luwei. The purpose of his travels is to find medicine for his sister. He is very poor.

Then, the effective information obtained by Mo Tan is as follows:

Croy Lumina is the real name, the identity of the traveling poet is true, but it may not be the whole story, it is true that he went to the Violet Empire, he only has the strength of a trainee warlock, it is false, and the story of having a rich uncle is false, It's true that he was born in the city of freedom, he has a teacher who takes good care of him, it's true, he got a good friend and junior fellow student some time ago, it's true, his identity is an NPC, and his intelligence sources are extremely extensive.

As for the reason why the other party came to test him, Mo Tan also guessed the reason...

It was a somewhat bloody misunderstanding, but he was not going to resolve it for a while.

There was no special reason, Mo Tan just thought it was fun.

two hours later

[You have been disconnected urgently, please choose whether to reconnect]


[Reconnection begins...]

[Connection completed, reading character information]

[Welcome back, the absolutely neutral Black Brahma, will soon enter the realm of innocence, wish you a good night]

Meda City, United Holy Church, Yuchen’s room

"Sorry, sorry." Mo Tan pulled Yu Chen up from the ground with an embarrassed look on his face, scratched his head and said with a smile, "I didn't mean to scare you."

Yu Chen, who had just been startled by the former, stood there in shock. He took a long time to react before finally breathing out: "No, it's okay. I forgot that you, Mo Tan, logged off here yesterday."

"Something happened last night." Mo Tan shrugged and sat down opposite Yu Chen: "I was dragged out and didn't have time to say hello to you."

Yuchen nodded slightly, and then said with a serious face: "In the future, it is best to ask your friends to press the emergency call button first. This is always very dangerous."

Mo Tan smiled awkwardly: "I know, be careful next time."

Yu Chen is not an alarmist. You must know that more than ten years ago, when the spiritual virtual system was first introduced, there were indeed security risks for a long time, that is, sudden disconnection would cause tons of mental trauma.

Although businesses have paid great attention to security measures and have passed many relevant quality inspections, virtual devices at that time still experienced accidents due to power outages, rational disconnection by people, etc. The specific manifestation was long-term mental confusion. There is no such thing as becoming an idiot or being locked up in a so-called virtual world.

There were probably less than a hundred thousand people who had accidents because of this back then, 30% of which were due to sudden power outages, 20% of which were due to children being addicted to entertainment and being violently beaten by their parents in the real world, and 50% of which were caused by playing in major games. When he was on the inside, he took the initiative to ask someone to open a gate for his family, trying to become a bug and stay in the game world. Black clothes are like the wind, long swords are like snow, adventures are fun, and the harem is wide open...

Anyway, the end result was that I lived like a fool for a few months in a state of confusion, and then I was notified of my dismissal, notified of my expulsion, notified of making up for my homework and notes, and notified of finding a professor named Yang for electrotherapy... No such thing.

However, this kind of safety hazard has been eliminated two years after the popularization of mental virtual devices. Although there are still very few accidents that may occur, at least the game cabin produced by Guilty Company will never have such a problem. The probability is one in ten million.

Back to business...

"Sister Saint has left." Yu Chen did not dwell on the topic for too long, and just said to Mo Tan seriously: "She went to the camp outside this morning to release a group of infected civilians. Purify, and then leave with four hundred paladins."

Mo Tan's eyes narrowed: "The people who went to investigate before are back? Are those 'mutants' appearing all over the place?"

"Yes." Yuchen nodded lightly and sighed: "And it is said that the situation is already out of control. In addition to the other two cities in the north, Hofer City and Mida City, many people died, and many others were originally still alive. The inhabited villages and small towns have also fallen, and there are a lot of monsters wandering in the wild. Now there is no safe place in the entire county."

Although he had expected this situation, Mo Tan's face still didn't look much better. He could guess how bad the current situation was without even thinking. Even if it was an optimistic estimate, it would take less than forty-eight hours from the night before yesterday to now. The game time is enough for those mutants to kill tens of thousands of people!

"But the cities that the knights have visited are still holding on." Yuchen whispered: "And the saint sister also wrote a letter in the morning to request support from the Holy Religion United through the Magician's Guild here. If they act quickly, if……"

Mo Tan rubbed his forehead: "How long will it take if you move quickly?"

"At least half a month." Yuchen spread his little hands weakly.

"It's too late." Mo Tan immediately shook his head and said, "It's definitely too late. In half a month, there won't be tens of thousands of people left in the entire Misha County."

Yuchen whispered: "But Sister Saint, she has already..."

"She alone and more than 400 knights can't solve any problem." Mo Tan smiled bitterly and spread out on the table a map of the entire Misha County that he had received from the city hall yesterday: "Xia Lian was in Huo before. The backlash of divine power that Fucheng suffered was very severe. Although I don’t know much about this aspect, looking at her performance in the past two days, I know that there is a huge problem. If she really maintains her peak state, then those paladins before yesterday will not be able to do anything at all. There is no need to appear, just look at this map..."

Yuchen stepped forward and took a look, his expression confused.

"Eleven cities, even if you ride a horse from south to north, it would take two or three days to cover an area with a population of more than 300,000." Mo Tan tapped two places on the map and said with a bitter look: "Even if you plan Going to Hofer City and Mida City, there are still nine cities that need to be saved. In such a large place, a severely injured saint and four hundred low-level paladins will not be able to make it in time... This is already a desperate situation."

Yuchen looked at him blankly: "What should we do?"

Mo Tan did not answer, but asked: "What did Xia Lian explain before she left?"

"Sister Saint asked Mr. Taylor and the remaining knights to protect Mida City. While ensuring the city and..." Yu Chen shrank and whispered: "We will try to accommodate the refugees as much as possible under the premise of being with me. Then she asked me to try my best to treat those infected civilians during this period and wait for her to come back."

Mo Tan sighed and continued to ask: "Since I was disconnected last night, how many people have turned into monsters?"

"There are less than a hundred people." Yuchen, who has not been offline since before the server was shut down and logged in as soon as possible after seven o'clock in the morning, quickly replied: "There are less than a hundred people in total after several times. The situation is better than before. many……"

"There are less than a hundred people..." Mo Tan bent his index finger and gently rubbed his chin: "You have been treating them, right?"

Yuchen nodded: "Yes, but this morning the saint sister went over there and took me back by force. She also asked Mr. Taylor to look at me. She said that if I always use the interfered magic on myself, something might happen. , let me wait for you to wake up..."

"How do you explain my disconnection?" Mo Tan looked curiously at the girl in front of him.

"Uh, I said you were sleeping in your room." Yuchen replied hesitantly.

Mo Tanqian laughed: "But when I logged off, I disappeared on the spot. What happened next?"

"Then she said she was going to go in and wake you up."

"What happens next?"

"When I was anxious, I said you were not wearing any clothes, and stopped her to prevent her from entering... but the saint sister overthought it again, and I... didn't react when I said it."


Chapter 188: End

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