Quadruple split

Chapter 193 Prepare for a rainy day

The battle ended quickly, and there was no suspense about the outcome...

Although there were more than three times the number of paladins, these monsters still had no chance in front of the former. In less than ten minutes, a total of sixteen paladins had annihilated all the monsters, only one person was slightly injured. It's just the price of a war horse.

Yu Ying, who did not participate in the battle, showed a relaxed smile, and many infected civilians who were watching the battle from a distance cheered excitedly. The powerful Paladin gave them a sense of security, and their overwhelming victory gave these spirits a boost. People who were extremely vulnerable were given a shot in the arm.

But Mo Tan didn't show the slightest bit of relief. On the contrary, his face was very worried, and he kept his brows furrowed, not knowing what he was thinking.

Yu Ying glanced at the paladins who had completed their formation amidst the cheers of the people, turned her head and asked Mo Tan curiously: "You don't look very happy, why?"

"Eight minutes." Mo Tan stared at the returning paladins and sighed softly.

Yuying's dark red eyes narrowed slightly: "You mean the time of the battle just now?"

Although Yu Ying never COSed the cold-faced killer in front of fellow player Mo Tan, her reaction was still quick, which shows that this girl is also a delicate and calm person in reality.

Mo Tan nodded: "Yes, it took a total of eight minutes from the time when the Paladins charged in formation until the last mutant had his head chopped off."

"Is eight minutes a long time?" Yuying tightened the red scarf around her collar and said with a smile, "They are facing enemies several times their size. To achieve such a result is already pretty good."

There is nothing wrong with her words in theory. After all, those Paladins whose strength is at least as strong as a level 20 player have each killed an average of three to four mutants, and they have remained uninjured almost the entire time. This is absolutely understandable. Compared with the combat effectiveness of the crushing level, it is undoubtedly a quite impressive record under normal circumstances.

[But this is not a normal situation now...]

Mo Tan gave a bitter smile and shrugged at Yu Ying: "The battle lasted for eight minutes in total. Sixteen paladins and fifty-three mutants were involved. The first round of charge directly wiped out eighteen of them. Six minutes later, all the enemies were killed. Destroy..."

Yuying rolled her eyes: "What exactly do you want to say?"

"There are one hundred paladins in Mida City." Mo Tan stretched out a finger and shook it slightly: "Based on the battle just now, even if the paladins remain in peak condition forever, they can only cope with their own number of five at the same time. There are eight times the number of mutants, and there are more than 300,000 civilians in Misha County. At least one out of three of these civilians is infected with the plague, and the seriously injured people infected with the plague have a high probability of converting into mutants..."

Yuying pondered for a moment, and her face gradually turned gloomy: "It seems that the situation is not so optimistic."

"No." Mo Tan shook his head, turned and walked towards the city: "The situation is terrible."

The girl stood there in silence for a long time, then curled her lips in the direction of the former: "Tch, why are you so cool..."

ten minutes later

Mo Tan and Yu Chen, who met at the Holy Union Chapel, arrived at the temporary station in the west of Mida City and found the middle-level paladin Taylor in front of a row of simple barracks who was inspecting the situation.

"Your Highness the Saint." The latter immediately bowed to Yu Chen and nodded to Mo Tan as a greeting. Then he quickly asked: "What are you doing here? Is it safe outside the city? "

Mo Tan nodded: "Yes, Mr. Taylor, that group of mutants has been annihilated by the knights."

"Very good." Taylor nodded with satisfaction: "The great goddess protects us, and all filth will disappear under the light of dawn."

Mo Tan smiled, but in his heart he was a little dissatisfied with these standard words of a magician. After all, he had already communicated with the goddess mentioned by the other party twice, and the impression she gave him was really not that good.

Yuchen's expression was also a bit strange, as if she had been choked by something. It was obvious that this girl was not very good at controlling her emotions.

"We will eventually get through this test." Mo Tan also replied in a very stern voice, and then whispered: "But there are some things that Saint Wangyu and I want to discuss with you..."

Although it was just Mo Tan's own idea, he took Yu Chen along very naturally.

As soon as Taylor heard that Her Highness the Saint had something to discuss (he subconsciously ignored Mo Tan), his face immediately became solemn: "Yes."

So Mo Tan recounted the details of the previous battle outside the city to Taylor, and repeated what he had just said to Yu Ying, and finally concluded: "So Her Royal Highness the Saint and I both I feel that although we are much stronger than those mutants in terms of individual combat capabilities, the opponent has an absolute numerical advantage. The number of monsters is increasing every moment. If this continues... the situation is indeed not optimistic. The Paladins are very likely to suffer casualties."

"Each of us is ready to be martyred at any time." Taylor replied seriously: "Death and danger cannot shake the faith of the Paladin."

Mo Tan sighed with a headache...

Taro is a very holy knight. He is firm, Chinese-faced, loyal, brave, and kind. He abides by the knight code and has no scheming and palace. He does not care about sacrificing himself for his faith. But at the same time, he He is also a bit stubborn and rigid, which is why Mo Tan went to the city hall to discuss with Sol before, instead of coming to this 'one of his own' immediately.

Mo Tan originally planned to gather the low-level professionals outside the city and then come to Taylor for discussion. However, the sudden monster attack just now gave him an opportunity, or rather a reason, so he went to the city first after returning to the city. It's time to bring Yuchen over here.

"There are only a hundred paladins in Mida City now." Mo Tan said to Taylor while thinking about it: "You are also made of flesh and blood, you will also be tired, your horses will be injured, and those monsters are likely to be injured in the future. They will appear continuously, and by then our situation will become very passive."

Taylor patted the sword on his waist: "Our will is as strong as steel."

"I believe it." Mo Tan nodded immediately, and then said solemnly: "But even so, there will still be casualties. When the number is 1:5, one knight was injured in the fight, and another A war horse's chest was torn open in a chaotic battle, what if the opponent's number is greater?"

Taylor made a prayer gesture and said devoutly: "After a glorious death in battle, we will return to the embrace of the gods."

[I guarantee that the goddess doesn’t want to hug you...]

Mo Tan complained in his heart, and then asked with a smile: "Then when everyone is killed in the battle, what will happen to the civilians?"

Taylor hesitated for a moment, and then said seriously: "We will protect the innocent until the last moment."

"But after the 'last moment' is over, those people will still be killed completely." Mo Tan narrowed his eyes slightly and pointed at Yu Chen: "Our saint may also be included among them."

Yuchen shrank his neck and his face turned a little red.

Taylor was silent. The determined paladin remained silent for a long time, and finally sighed: "We can only do this. As you said, Black Van Priest, the number of mutants is too great." too much."

"I have an idea." Mo Tan blinked at Taylor, and then repeated the 'recruitment' plan he had told Thor before.

"Let those civilians who don't know how to fight take up arms?!" Taylor's eyes widened and he shook his head vigorously: "No, this is absolutely not possible. They should obviously be the protected party, we can't do this."

Mo Tan played with the cross on his wrist and added: "Not only the civilians, but also the low-level professionals who have defended the city before, they also have a certain fighting capacity."

Taylor frowned and said in a deep voice: "I admire those people very much, but they do not have the blessing of divine power, nor have they experienced formal baptism. If they are injured by those monsters, they will easily contract the plague."

"The choice is in their own hands." Mo Tan smiled and said softly: "The city lord has prepared some rewards, and we can give priority to treating the family members or relatives of those brave people, even those who are still young despite being infected with the plague. If the strong infected people are willing to fight to defend their homeland, Her Majesty the Saint can give priority to treating their bodies..."

Taylor waved his hand suddenly and interrupted in a deep voice: "You are a threat."

"No, this is just a reward for the brave." Mo Tan shrugged and spread his hands: "We just want to inspire them to take up arms to defend their homeland. Your Highness the Saint also means the same."

Yuchen, who had finished discussing with Mo Tan on the way, nodded slightly: "Yes, Mr. Taylor, everyone...has the right to defend their homeland, and the goddess also hopes that everyone can unite to tide over the difficulties, and It’s not about leaving everything to a few people.”

Apart from the fact that he was undermining the goddess, these words were also Yuchen's own thoughts and were not the previously arranged lines.

Taylor nodded with some struggle and said hesitantly: "But those civilians..."

"It would be best if the Knights could train them." Mo Tan knew exactly what the other party was hesitating about, and explained calmly: "Although the physical fitness of those mutants is several times stronger than that of normal people, that's all. That’s all, I think those trained civilians can at least help the knights contain the enemy.”

"Contain it?" Taylor scratched his cheek, his expression a little confused.

Mo Tan nodded as he should: "Of course, I don't want to treat them as cannon fodder. The main combat power is the knights plus those low-level professionals. At least under the current circumstances, those civilians only need to cooperate with you. There is no risk. It will be huge, not to mention Her Royal Highness the Saint will give priority to treating them."

After hearing this explanation, Taylor finally breathed a sigh of relief and nodded: "Okay, I will fully cooperate."

This somewhat rigid and stubborn paladin was finally convinced...

half an hour later

Holy Union Chapel, Yuchen’s room

"But this is just the first step." Mo Tan leaned tiredly by the door and yawned, then smiled bitterly at Yu Chen and said, "I don't know what the specific effect will be."

The girl smiled and said, "Mo Tan has worked very hard and is much better than me."

"Don't say that." Mo Tan shook his head slightly and said with a smile, "If it weren't for you, most of the infected civilians would have died by now."

Yuchen chuckled, and then cast a holy healing spell on himself.

"Did you lose blood?" Mo Tan asked curiously.

"No." Yu Chen shook his head slightly, and then released a warm Dawn Star on the spot, and said softly: "I just want to try to see if there is any harmless magic under the interference of darkness. In this case, Mr. Mo Tan You don’t have to be me... well, a target every time."

Mo Tan shrugged: "I don't mind, anyway, it can increase my health."

"But it won't be very comfortable, ah, here it comes!" Yuchen exclaimed softly, then pondered for a moment, clapped his hands and said, "Let's try [Calm Halo] this time~"

Five seconds later, a snow-white halo spread out with the girl as the center. Due to the talent [Incarnation of Holy Light], this interfered magic still shone with holy light, and no blackening component could be seen at all.


"It seems not bad, I didn't lose my life... Huh!?" Mo Tan, who was brushed by the halo, was just halfway through his words, when he felt his whole body stiffen, and then rushed out of the door under Yu Chen's incomprehensible gaze.

The girl stood there with a confused look on her face, feeling a little out of place.

After a while, the door opened again, and Mo Tan walked in with a helpless look on his face. He waved his hand vigorously to Yu Chen: "This won't work, this will definitely not work."

Yuchen tilted his head: "What's wrong with this?"

"It didn't lose blood, but this thing has a forced fear effect." Mo Tan said with a wry smile: "I suddenly felt a chill all over my body just now, and then my body opened the door and ran away uncontrollably. There was an extra character on the character panel called [ The negative state of panic lasted for about four or five seconds."

Yuchen was startled: "Ah, what if I use this during treatment..."

"I highly doubt that those who were seriously injured would be frightened to death." Mo Tan made a serious judgment and looked at his hands with lingering fear: "It's completely out of control, and I feel a little panicked. If I change It may be more obvious on NPCs, your skill is a bit powerful...it will scare the crowd in the range."

Yuchen smiled and stuck out his tongue: "Sorry, I scared you~"

"That's not true, it's just..." Mo Tan shook his head, then suddenly froze for a moment, then smiled at Yu Chen and said, "It's time for me to log off. There's something else going on outside. Let's talk later."

The girl nodded blankly: "Oh, okay."

Then Mo Tan quickly returned to his room without saying a word, and then exploded on the spot... I mean, he was disconnected on the spot.

Chapter 190: End

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