Quadruple split

Chapter 1284 Chapter █Thousand Hundred███: █████

The Fist of the Sin King!

As these four words rang out one after another in the unending madness, the entire command center suddenly fell into a dead silence. A certain aura of fear and despair was spreading crazily, gripping everyone present. personal heart.

The next second, there was another deafening roar. At the moment when the black beam of light lit up the sky and the earth, a correspondent who could hardly make a sound suddenly fell from his chair to the ground and said in a trembling voice: "Fifth Mixed Legion, [War] Department... Silence, he is coming!"

It was obviously a warm season, but the cold chill invariably came out of everyone's heart and seeped into their limbs and bones. Although the sin-immersed tower closest to here had been blown up by the dragon clan, just the [Sin King] These four words are more despairing than a hundred sin-immersed towers!

Only one person, not only did not fall into despair, he even pulled his companions out of the suffocating feeling that could almost drown people.

"The Fist of the Sin King...you really think highly of me..."

Richard Lane grinned, walked up to the correspondent who was lying on the ground and picked him up suddenly. His domineering lion eyes stared at the latter: "The work is not over yet, soldier, I should be able to Will you continue to rely on you?"

Although his face was pale and his body was shaking uncontrollably, the other party still raised his chest and squeezed out a hoarse answer from between his teeth: "Yes, General!"

"very good."

Richard nodded slightly, and his sharp eyes swept over everyone: "What about you? Do you choose to lie down on the ground under the evil name of that demon general and wait for death, or... ha, okay , pretty good."

To those partners who simply ignored the second half of his sentence and started working again, Richard chuckled, and in the next second issued the same clear and unambiguous instructions as before: "From now on , continue to broadcast in the full frequency band, and order all friendly forces within the coverage of the communication link to immediately retreat to position 799."

"Yes, General!"

All the communicators in front of the command link responded in unison, turning a deaf ear to the deafening explosion in the distance.

"Inform Mr. Kaluz and ask him and his friends to do their best to contain the Fist of the Sin King at the extreme distance."

"Yes, General!"

"Draft an intelligence report and send it back to the first command hub to tell Hei Fan that the Fist of the Sin King will most likely lead the [Black Army] to attack our last line of defense. No reinforcements are needed. Richard Lane's subordinates will contain them at all costs. , we can get at most two...no, three days."

"Yes, General!"

"Gather all the [Environmental Gardener Type III] to position 799. That will be our first line of defense. In addition, let the alien special forces be prepared for all members to die in position 799. Don't want to change their numbers. Okay... forget it, it's all in vain, those guys don't know what fear is."

"Yes, General!"

"Also, break the [radio] troops into pieces and immediately go out to find friendly forces. Silence of the communication channel does not mean complete destruction. I need my orders to be conveyed to the ears of every intelligent creature in this area."

"Yes, General!"

"Order all rear troops to assemble. All our positions will enter the highest alert state from now on. Let the supervising team prepare and notify the entire army. Anyone who dares to disturb the morale of the army will be killed and expelled."

"Yes, General!"


Richard hesitated for a moment, and finally said in a deep voice: "The Penitents Chapter comes directly here and asks the person in charge, Hess Dongya, to come and see me."

"Yes, will...general?"

The correspondent and staff officer who answered subconsciously were stunned at the same time. After a while, the former asked in shock: "You mean not to let the Confessor Chapter rush directly to the 799 position, but to come directly to our side? !”

Richard took a deep breath, gritted his teeth and said, "Don't let me repeat it a second time."

"Yes, General!"

fifteen minutes later

"Lee...well, General Lane."

Subconsciously brushing his brown hair that was soaked with sweat and blood, Hess, whose armor had been extensively damaged and whose face could not conceal his fatigue, strode up to Richard and asked in a deep voice: "Why are you still here?"

"Because your fiancé has something to say to you."

Richard touched Hess's cheek as if no one else was around, and then took the latter's warm little hand and walked out of the tent. He didn't say softly until he was out of everyone's sight: "Hess, my dear, I order you..."

"Command me?"

Hess, who still had the blush on his face, frowned slightly and looked at Richard with eyes full of confusion.

"Well, yeah, of course."

Richard smiled and then looked away: "Yes... that's it. I order you to return to the first command hub immediately and hand over this important information to Hei Fan. I have prepared a The [Gafei Cat Type IX] is in the woods behind the position, you can find it if you look for it."

After saying that, he handed Hess a thick letter sealed with fire paint and kissed the latter gently on his forehead.


Hess was stunned for a moment, then looked down at the thick letter in his hand. He was silent for a while before saying slowly: "Richard..."

"time is limited."

Richard interrupted her anxiously, gritted his teeth and said, "If you have anything to say, wait until I get back. You can execute the order immediately, okay?"

"not good."

Hess shook his head and smiled: "Not good at all."

Richard's eyes widened in astonishment, he pressed the latter's shoulders hard, and almost begged and asked, "Why?"

"Because I have always had the final say in matters between me and Richard Lane."

Hess blinked and smiled: "Unless..."

"do not talk!"

"The person who gave me the order is..."

"Stop it! Hess!"

"General Lane."

Hess stared directly into Richard's eyes and said arrogantly to the end: "In that case, of course I will obey your orders unconditionally without any discount. This is what I promised you before."

Richard closed his eyes in pain.

"You can't deceive me... It's better to say that you never intended to deceive me from the beginning, Richard."

Hess casually tore open the varnish on the 'Important Information' letter, chuckled and pulled out a bunch of blank parchment paper: "You just want me to have a tacit understanding with you, you just want to be Hess... Dongya, I am willing to follow your fiancé’s advice, what a pity…I am not such an easy woman to deal with.”

She threw the pile of parchment to the ground and sneered——

"Between us, when will it be your turn to have the final say?"

One minute, after the longest minute in Richard Lane's life...

"Can't you just listen to me once in a while?"

Richard turned his back to Hess and sighed deeply.

"No way, that's just my temper."

Hess laughed and made a face at Richard's back: "Do you want love?"

Richard covered his eyes and his voice trembled slightly: "So..."

"So, what does General Lane think?"

Hess interrupted his lover briskly and asked calmly: "Sorry, I'm very busy now and can't listen to what my fiancé Richard said."

"I can't die yet."

Richard clenched his hands and said dryly: "I...at least can't die now."

"Yeah, you told me."

Hess nodded and smiled: "You can't afford to die."

"This defense needs me."

Richard's speech gradually began to speed up. He almost gritted his teeth and said in an almost manic tone: "No one can fight this battle for me. Black Fan is the target of the Sin King's Fist. If If he comes to the front line, he will be beheaded directly. If the demon general makes up his mind to kill him, even God...can't stop him."

Hess continued to nod and said in a very leisurely tone: "Then you can't let him come over. After all, that poor guy can't afford to die more than you."

"Skolk's reinforcements should be arriving soon. As long as they enter the Treaty Fort, even the Fist of the Sin King will not be able to easily get an advantage. Lamorlock will not let his colleagues take such risks, even though he can mobilize the Sin King. Fist of the King, but in the final analysis, as the same Demon General of Original Sin, he is not qualified to let the Fist of the King of Sin execute orders that may cost his life after the situation has begun to reverse."

Richard closed his eyes in pain and roared: "The premise of all this is that we can successfully persist until Skolk arrives on the southern battlefield. There is no need to continue hiding when Lamorlock has realized that Black Van is a bait. The trace reinforcements are probably on their way now, but that will still take time."

Hess hugged Richard gently from behind and whispered in the latter's ear: "How long will it take?"

"have no idea……"

"Really bad."

"Yeah, that sucks."

"Hey, so what? It's time for you to stop pretending, right?"

"If I am 'General Ryan' in your eyes now, your current behavior has..."

"You can punish me later."



"I must live. Although I don't know how long it will take for reinforcements to arrive, I know that only I can hold on the longest."


"So, in order to ensure my survival, I must let...the troops with the strongest resistance to pressure besides the Iron Wall Direct Regiment break up the rear here."


"The Penitent Chapter... I need the Penitent Chapter to hold off the Fist of the Sin King at Position 798 for at least three hours."


"Are you listening to me?"

"Well, do you have a battle plan?"

"Just finished it five minutes ago."

"Does the plan include the combat power of a half-step legend like me?"


"Are you listening to me?"


"Haha, really, I knew you had guessed that I would react this way from the beginning. Tsk, tsk, what a hypocritical man."


"Three hours, is it enough for you to make your backside impregnable?"

"I don't know, but it's probably the best I can do."


Hess laughed and forcefully pulled Richard's shoulders to make him face him. He wrinkled his nose in front of the man whose eyes were red from crying: "If you use your identity as General Lane to order me to evacuate the battlefield, I will behave obediently." Be obedient, after all, your fiancé is far less important than military orders."



Hess gently held Richard's cheek, looked deeply into the other's painful eyes, and smiled with satisfaction: "Now, tell me your order, General Lane."

Richard opened his mouth hoarsely: "Hess..."


But the other party interrupted him without hesitation and repeated: "Tell me your order."

"Captain Hess Winterfang."

"Yes, General!"

"You have been relieved of your duties as aide-de-camp, effective immediately."

"Yes, General!"

"I order...order you...I..."

"Keep talking!"

"I order you to lead the remnants of the [Confessor Special Forces] and immediately establish a blocking point at Position 798 as planned to intercept the Fist of the Sin King and the rest of the Sin King Army for at least three hours! Buy time for the main formation to evacuate, and for you The supreme commander, my survival is to buy time so that I can survive the enemy's attack, no... no..."

"why no?"

"at all costs."

"Yes, General! Promise to complete the mission, General!"


"Do you love me?"


Richard couldn't finish his words because his lips were already blocked by Hess. Although this was not the first time, but——

"Kiss you one last time."

Hess pushed Richard away suddenly, licked the blood that belonged to him at the corner of his mouth, and smiled: "Let's break up, I already know the answer."

Richard froze.

"If you really love me, even as General Lane, you will let me go to a safe place, right?"

Hess smiled and patted the other party's shoulder, then lowered his head and said softly: "But you can't do it, can you?"


"So I don't love you either. Don't worry, the person who is in trouble now is your ex-girlfriend."

Hess made a face and stuck out his tongue playfully at Richard: "Hess is not the leader of the [Confessor] Chapter, Dongya. It's only three hours, so easy~"

"Hess, I..."



"Go! Roll, roll, roll, roll, roll, roll! Leave your plan behind and disappear!"


"Now! Give it to me! Disappear!"


His voice was so heartbreaking.

But she still didn't look back.

Finally, his footsteps gradually faded away and disappeared.

The next second, she fell to her knees and sobbed like a child.

"I'm sorry...I lied to you..."

six hours later

Position 799, temporary command center



"Position 798 encountered a strong energy impact 20 seconds ago and has been razed to the ground. The Penitent Special Forces...are completely silent."


Chapter █Thousand Hundred ████: The End

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