Quadruple split

Chapter 1283 Chapter █Thousand Hundred███: ████





"General Lane!"


Richard stood up abruptly, with such a large movement that he overturned the seat under him. Then his body swayed, and he staggered two steps before barely holding on to the table in front of him to stand still. After a while, His dark yellow pupils filled with bloodshot eyes gradually returned to clarity, and his dry vocal cords slowly recovered their function, and he let out a hoarse growl: "Time..."

"Four-fifty in the morning."

A calm voice sounded behind him, and Richard knew who the other party was without turning around. After all, at this time, except for his fiancée and adjutant, unless the position had been completely penetrated, no one else would appear here at all.

Patting his cheek hard, Richard, a tall man with dazzling blond hair, the supreme commander of the fifth, ninth, and seventeenth mixed legions of the Grand Alliance, and an epic war priest [Iron Lion] from the Dawn Sect, finally recovered completely. Sober, he asked with difficulty: "How long have I been asleep, Hess?"

"three hours."

The Templar who was born in the Sun Sect and bears the name of [The Confessor] answered softly. This lady named Hess Dongya looks to be about the same age as Richard. She has a beautiful oval face and a sassy character. She has shoulder-length hair, and the [Flour of Judgment: Sun Flame] heavy armor is heavier than her fiancé’s. There is a hint of worry that belongs to Richard Lane in those pale golden vertical pupils: "You... I’ve slept too little for a while.”

Richard turned his head and glanced at Hess, with a stiff curve at the corner of his mouth: "This is not the reason why you called me at this time, Hess, if it happens again, I will send you to the treaty fort immediately."

"I am your fiancée and your adjutant."

Hess threw out a beam of golden fighting spirit, lit the suggestion stove in the corner of the tent, and said softly: "I am qualified to suggest that you be better to yourself."

"I am your fiancé."

Richard narrowed his eyes slightly and said solemnly: "I am also obliged to send you to a safe place."

Hess bit his silver teeth lightly and said with sharp eyes: "I am still the leader of your [Confessor] special battle group. I am needed here."

"I'm glad you still remember who you are, Captain Hess, who is needed."

Richard sat back on the chair, looked down at the sand table and said without looking back: "So please obey my orders, even during rest time, you must report to me every hour and a half at the latest. .”

Hess subconsciously bared her two white and sharp tiger teeth, but she did not have an attack after all. Instead, she lowered her head after a brief silence: "It's... General Lane."

"very good."

Richard rubbed his brows tiredly, silently cast three [Awakening Techniques] on himself in succession, and then casually released a [Tranquility Halo] centered on Hess that could even take care of the guards outside the tent, and said softly: " Since it took so long to call me, it seems there is no urgent battle report, but let’s report the latest situation first.”


Under the divine power summoned by Richard, Hess, who was warm all over, stood at attention and said seriously: "In the past three hours, we repelled three raids by the [Catastrophic Legion], and the battle damage was about 1: 7. Sentry Towers No. 18, 27, and 35 have been uprooted, and the scope of the purification barrier has been compressed by 35%. It is expected to be restored before dawn. According to your order, it will be more resistant to pollution. High confessors will take turns to fill the buffer area during this period. In addition, the [Environmental Gardener III Type] allocated to us with priority has been consumed more than half. The staff proposed a strategic contraction, sacrificing 798 and 799. Position, give priority to eliminating enemies that continue to harass the supply lines..."


Before Hess could finish speaking, Richard raised his hand to interrupt her, and said solemnly: "We can't give those two positions, otherwise the gap will be too big."

Hess stared directly into his lover's eyes and said in a deep voice: "We don't have enough troops, General. If this continues, it won't take long. Not to mention the two positions 798 and 799, our entire defense circle They will all be torn to pieces. [The Cataclysm Legion] doesn’t care about the casualties, but we do! Those twisted monsters will not be tired, but our soldiers will be! Please be clear-headed, we have done the best we can, we have Try your best!"

"Hei Fan's first command center is serving as a bait behind us! He is working hard every minute to maintain the stability of the entire southern front. The work he has to handle is twenty times that of ours! His final task The two powerful troops are not around! His followers are launching reinforcements one after another that are destined to never return!"

Richard slapped the table with his eyes wide open and roared: "Baty's seventh mixed army has been destroyed! Did you see that he withdrew from Hongyuntai? Lai Nan is dead! Batty's direct sharp knife regiment resisted orders and charged forward. We entered the high ground that had been leveled and only recovered her body!"

"Lai Nan... died in the battle?"

Hess swayed and looked at Richard in disbelief, who had aged almost ten years in just six months, and said in a trembling voice: "Are you talking about General Batty's lover, Lenan Lena?"

Richard nodded with red eyes, gritted his teeth and corrected: "To be precise, it should be his wife. Batty had heard that 'getting married after a war' was unlucky, so he secretly held a wedding with Lai Nan. , even though I didn’t catch up on the Western Front at that time, I still received the news... and the result... that damn thing..."

"Don't say his name!"

Hess interrupted Richard with a scream and said angrily: "You still think those monsters are not strong enough!"

"I promised to be the godfather of their two children...I promised that fox that I would make up for their contributions after the war!"

Richard lowered his head dejectedly and murmured: "I promised..."

Two lines of clear tears slipped silently from Hess's cheeks. She was silent for a long time before she asked softly: "When... did it happen? Why didn't I receive the information?"

"The spider lady from ANBU came yesterday and told me the news."

Richard twitched his lips and said dryly: "Obviously, that lunatic seems to think that the latest information from Hongyun Terrace will have an motivating effect on me. He also knows that we are about to be unable to survive."

Hess raised his hand to wipe away the tears from the corners of his eyes, and said softly: "He succeeded, right?"

"No, although he has always been good at playing with people's hearts, this time is different."

Richard looked down at the sand table in front of him with a ferocious expression, gritted his teeth and said: "Even if I don't know about Lai Nan, I will be nailed here! As long as Theresa has not succeeded, as long as Hei Fan is still acting as Bait, I have to stay behind that cautious bastard! He can die, but he must die behind me!"

Hess clenched his fists hard and stared at Richard's livid face without blinking: "Because the Grand Alliance Army can live without Richard Lane, but it cannot live without the God of War, right?"

"That lunatic once said that although we all seem to be equal, our responsibilities are actually not the same."

Richard took a deep breath, tried hard to focus on the sand table and the battle report, and said without raising his head: "Hei Fan's life is not more valuable than other people's lives, but the responsibility he shoulders is destined to die more than others. Sorry."

"Then you can afford to die!?"

Hess finally couldn't hold back his emotions and screamed angrily.


Richard raised his head, stared at Hess with his clear, bright, resolute, wise but devoid of desire for survival eyes, and said with a smile: "At least compared to that guy, I am lucky, I am more likely to die than him rise."

Hess was silent.

And Richard also looked at the battle report on his desk again. As time passed, his frown became deeper and deeper.



Richard suddenly stood up, clutching a crumpled battle report in his hand, and asked in shock: "Were there only three attacks!?"

"Huh? What?"

Hess, who seemed to be distracted, could not react for a moment.

"three hours!"

Richard poked the battle report in his hand hard and asked almost roaring: "Only three raids? That [Catastrophe Legion] only launched three raids?! And it also gave us a battle loss ratio of 1:7?! "

Hess, who had already memorized the information, nodded vigorously: "Yes."


Richard's face lost all color in an instant, and then he rushed back to the sand table and sketched on it frantically: "It's broken... that girl is gone! She was discovered... Lamorlock saw through it!"

Hess's eyes widened: "What did you say——"

"Two positions, 798 and 799!"

Richard interrupted Hess rudely, strode to the corner of the tent, picked up a heavy silver flail, and asked without looking back: "When was the last routine communication?"

"Thirty minutes ago."

Hess responded subconsciously, then exclaimed: "What are you going to do?!"

"Go to the front! Our plan has been seen through. Lamorlock already knows that Hei Fan is a bait! The girl has been removed. The three previous raids were just to paralyze us. They changed people!"

Richard ran wildly out of the tent, raised his hand and fired several golden light bombs into the sky, and said to Hess who was following him closely: "Lamorlock knows very well how long he has been delayed. If nothing else happens, he will definitely give up on Teresa's side and try to eat Hei Fan's 'bait' in a short time! He is going to attack!"


Hess's eyes widened and he said in a trembling voice: "What are the [Catastrophic Legions]? They are obviously so..."

"The Cataclysm Legion is more suitable for containment! Although there is an endless supply of them, their average strength is actually not outstanding, so they were replaced and should be replaced by..."

Richard shook his head and did not say any more. Instead, he ordered Hess in a deep voice: "Within twenty minutes, I will see your [Confessors] special battle group on position 798."

"And you?"

Hess asked subconsciously.

"I will integrate the mobile forces in the main formation and the alien special forces on the spot, and immediately go to the front line with them."

Richard waved his hand vigorously, signaling Hess to execute the order as soon as possible: "See you in twenty minutes."

After saying that, he quickly walked towards the middle-level commanders who had completed the assembly and were waiting for orders, without looking at Hess again.

seventeen hours later

"The Fifth Mixed Legion, all the Explosive Bears were destroyed, and a large area of ​​the third line of defense was lost!"

"The remnants of the Ninth Mixed Legion and the Morning Wind Special Forces rushed out of the position. They...they held the space distortion prism in their hands! No!"

"The regiment directly under the Iron Wall applies for attack! Repeat, the regiment directly under the Iron Wall applies for attack!"

"More than half of the Penitent Special Forces were lost, and they refused to return for repairs! Damn it, who is going to bring those lunatics back!"

"Call from the Red Dragon Team [Flame Crossbow]! They have successfully destroyed the Sin Tower No. 3!!"

"Well done, tell them to come back quickly, we will retreat in twenty minutes!"

Standing in the 798 temporary command center where shouts came one after another, Richard Lane, with his arms wrapped in thick rune bandages and his robe covered in blood and dust, waved his fist and loudly shouted at the few people guarding the communication link. The correspondent shouted: "Contact Commissioner Kaluz Webbert, I ask him and his team to give me the air superiority before the [Flame Crosser] turns back to the position! Do you hear that! Tell Kaluz, he must... …”


A correspondent with a thick bandage on his left eye and a super-long-distance communication crystal attached to his ear loudly interrupted Richard and said through gritted teeth: "The channel of the [Flame Crossbow] team...has been silenced."

"Message from the mechanics on the front line!"

Another correspondent suddenly stood up and said in a deep voice: "1 minute and 17 seconds ago, their observers witnessed at least fifteen Red Dragon comrades launching a suicide charge against the No. 3 Sin-Immersing Tower. They seemed to be speaking through dragon language. The magic has guided a torrent of indiscriminate magic power, and after observation by our mechanics, Sin Tower No. 3 has completely stopped."


Not far away, the young staff officer who lost his left arm in the previous strangulation battle stood up suddenly and shouted: "The 798th position has completed its assigned mission, we should retreat immediately as planned!"

"I know it without you having to tell me!"

Richard wiped the blood from his forehead, strode to the communication link, and after several correspondents adjusted the settings to full-frequency broadcast, he loudly said: "I am Richard Lane, and the 798 position has completed it. The entire mission, now, everyone immediately retreats to the rear of the position, repeat it, everyone immediately retreats to the rear of the position, prepare to move laterally to the 799 position, you have twenty minutes..."

boom! ! !

The next moment, a deafening roar suddenly exploded somewhere several kilometers away. Along with a lot of noise in the command link, a mushroom cloud as black as ink suddenly rose, and then, a series of terrifying shock waves spread. It swept across the ground like a hurricane, and even the tents of the temporary command center were blown away.

one minute later

"The Fifth Mixed Legion, six units in total, [Magic Gun], [Alban], [Subwoofer], [Burning Hammer], [Haru Village], and [Leaning Tower]... the channel is silent."

"The Ninth Mixed Legion, [Gabriel], [Blade], [Ye Lingzong], [Gong Huolie], [Thunder Roar], a total of five...the channel is silent."

"The Seventeenth Mixed Legion, a total of seven units currently in position 798...all are silent."

"The Penitent Special Forces, urgent message!"

"Urgent message from the frontline mechanic observation team!"

"Special Commissioner Kaluz sent an urgent message!"

"Message from the Fifth Mixed Legion [War] Department!"

"The Fist of the Sin King was observed!"

"The Fist of the Sin King was observed!"

"The Fist of the Sin King was observed!"

"Repeat! The Fist of the Sin King was observed! The original sin demon general - [The Fist of the Sin King] intervened on the battlefield!"

Chapter █Thousand Hundred███: The End

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