Quadruple split

Chapter 1285 Richard Lane’s Exclusive Interview [End]





"General Richard!"


The old man stood up suddenly, and then fell heavily back to the sofa, his bloodshot eyes filled with confusion.

"Are you...are you okay?"

Miranda was startled and said in a panic: "Aunt Hess went to buy bread. Do you want me to call her back?"

Richard Lane blinked, and his cloudy eyes gradually returned to clarity. The auditory hallucinations in his ears disappeared. In his refocused field of vision, the rather lovable little reporter in front of him was looking at him with concern.

"Sorry, little girl."

Richard stretched out his hand tremblingly, but Miranda filled the cup with tea first. He had to look at the half bottle of cocktail next to him with a wry smile, drank the cup of vanilla tea that filled the heart and lungs, and asked softly. : "When did I fall asleep..."

Miranda saw that the old man was indeed fine, and would not die for at least a while. Then she breathed a sigh of relief, spread her hands and said, "You said you wanted to clarify something about your wife, Aunt Hess, and then you I just took out the memo and when I was about to understand the specific situation... I fell asleep..."

Richard nodded slightly and continued to ask: "How long have I slept?"

"Five seconds max."

Miranda stuck out her tongue coquettishly and said with some embarrassment: "I think it is something that is not convenient for Aunt Hess to hear. I am afraid that you will fall asleep until she comes back, so I will wake you up quickly."

Richard chuckled, nodded and said, "Okay, then I'll continue talking?"

"You tell me."

Miranda held her small memo and nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

"Richard Lane lost his fiancée in the war forty years ago, and has never married again. But when he got old, a woman who was more than twenty years younger than him... Marry him quietly."

Richard gently rubbed his forehead and said with some helplessness: "As far as I know, this kind of report has never stopped since I was with Hess half a year ago. It's not difficult to understand. After all, I also It is considered a living historical relic and is a frequent visitor to many books, and most of the reports are fairly fair. After all, they are just telling the truth, but..."

Miranda had already reacted at this moment and continued with a wry smile: "It's just that there are some unscrupulous media who do anything to catch people's attention. They do anything for the sake of sales, taking quotes out of context, and some even How dare you fabricate those false stories out of thin air.”

"I don't mind if they compare me to an old pervert who reveals his true nature in the report. After all, Batty's reputation in this regard was worse than mine when he was young, and even a certain military god has a lot of stories about him and There are a lot of critical articles about women being entangled, and to be honest, I think they are quite pertinent.”

Richard smiled, then his face darkened, and a fierce cold light flashed in his eyes: "But I can't tolerate those people targeting Hess, criticizing her verbally and writing her as a greedy person when they clearly don't know anything. A rich woman, that's an insult! She didn't even allow me to fill in her name in the will..."

"I understand, General Richard."

Miranda stopped recording, nodded sternly to Richard, and then asked softly: "This should be the only reason why you agreed to be interviewed by me, right?"

Richard nodded slightly and said calmly: "Yes, this is the only reason why I accepted the interview."

"Of course I am willing to clarify for Aunt Hess. In fact, that will be the first thing I do after returning from this trip."

Miranda closed her memo and carefully put it back into her bag. After a long silence, she finally couldn't help but ask: "But, General Richard, in my opinion you don't need to go to such trouble at all. You should Knowing your own influence, I can guarantee that as long as you stand up and say a word, our old lady Feiyali... I mean the boss Feiyali, she will definitely let people kill those bastards with bad mouths and hands overnight. Tie him to a stone and throw him into the sea.”

"Yeah, I know."

Richard smiled, nodded and said: "In Feiyali's eyes, although our friendship is not too valuable, she still doesn't mind helping out if it's just a trivial matter like what you just said."

Miranda frowned and asked in confusion: "Then why do you still want me to do it? Although we are indeed the backbone of the younger generation in the newspaper office, our energy is also limited. At least I will never be able to control those people. Tied up with stones and thrown into the sea, ah! Could it be that you..."

"Do I think those scum who are keen on using quill pens to pour dirty water on people are not worthy of death? They may indeed be worthy of death, but this has nothing to do with me not wanting them to live!"

Richard sneered. At this moment, he seemed to have turned into the [Iron Lion] who was able to put lives into the mouth of the war beast without hesitation in order to complete the mission: "Believe me , little girl, with Fiyali’s ability, she will definitely realize this matter when you have just made a draft and have not started to formally write it. Do you want to bet? Before your article is submitted to the newspaper, those three days before it is published If you make a fuss about Hess, the eye-catching bastard will be dead."

Miranda looked even more confused. She was stunned for a long time, and then asked stupidly: "Then why...um...why do you want to clear Aunt Hess's name now? You have been married for more than half a year, haven't you? ?"

"Because I still had some illusions before."

Richard shrugged and sighed deeply: "Imagine that she can bear it and leave me."


Miranda was shocked at that time.

"Because of a bad misunderstanding."

Saying this in an understatement, Hess walked into the room carrying a basket of bread. He glanced lazily at Miranda and Richard, who were almost scared out of their wits. Then he walked to the former and rubbed Miranda's cheeks vigorously. Hair: "The rest is not something a good boy should know."

Although Miranda was under great pressure in front of this domineering lady, she still bravely carried forward her professional spirit and plucked up the courage to say loudly: "Aunt Hess! I am not a good boy!"

"Oh, is it so?"

The corners of Hess's lips curled up into a smile, and he said jokingly: "Bad boys will have their heads ripped off by tigresses~"


The little courage the beautiful girl reporter had just mustered up disappeared in an instant, and she screamed: "Aunt Hess, don't kill me!"


Hess smiled, took out a fragrant bagel from the basket, handed it to Miranda, and asked, "How was the interview?"


Before Miranda finished speaking, she noticed that Aunt Hess's eyes suddenly became sharp, and she immediately changed her words: "Almost! Almost! Grandpa Richard is very cooperative!"

"If you call him Grandpa, you have to call me Grandma Hess."

There is no ordinary woman's sensitivity to age issues at all. Hess corrected her very seriously, and then gently patted Miranda's little head: "In this case, I won't let you eat."


Miranda trembled, and then immediately stood up as if she had been granted amnesty. First she bowed deeply to Hess, then bowed to Richard, and said very obediently: "Then I'll go first. Come on, Aunt Hess! Uncle Richard!"

Richard stroked his white hair dumbfounded: "Uncle..."

"Do you really want her to call us grandparents?"

Hess raised an eyebrow.

"Girl! Be more sensible!"

Richard immediately turned to Miranda and said seriously: "Next time, call me brother or sister!"

"Show some face."

Hess slapped Richard on the back of the head suddenly, causing the old man to stagger.

"Ah ha...ah ha ha ha..."

Miranda laughed twice, saluted the two of them again, and then rushed out of their house without looking back, jumping as fast as she could.

two minutes later

"Have you had a good time chatting?"

Hess, wearing an apron, asked Richard without looking back while cutting bread in the kitchen.

"Well, the little girl is quite cute and polite."

Richard nodded and said with a wry smile: "I almost fell asleep while talking."

Hess paused for a moment, then asked casually, "Have you had another nightmare?"

"how do you know!"

Richard suddenly looked back at Hess.

"Have you never noticed that...even though you insist on sleeping in separate rooms with me in the past few years, we both wake up in the same bed every morning?"

Hess raised the corner of his mouth slightly and chuckled: "After such a long time, even a fool knows what you dream about every day."

Richard stood up suddenly and said angrily: "You..."

"Your legs are bad, sit down!"

Hess cut the kitchen knife into the chopping board with a thud.


Richard sat down obediently and continued angrily: "Since you know I'm having a nightmare, why don't you wake me up!"

"Because you shouted 'Hess' very affectionately in your dream, which is different from when you were awake."

Hess smiled brightly, turned around and raised his chin at Richard provocatively: "But I'm tired of hearing you talk in your sleep every day. It's time to recognize the reality, old man."

Richard silently looked away, and after a long silence he sighed: "Yes, you have spent your youth..."

Boom! ! !

This time the kitchen knife came into close contact with the tabletop under the chopping board.

"Mr. Richard, can I understand that... you think I am old?"


"Louder, do you still want to live if you speak so quietly?"

"No! Ma'am! Absolutely not! Ma'am!"

"Very good, go on, husband."



"Oh okay! I mean...I...no matter how hard I insist, there's no point in it, right?"

"Your persistence was meaningless from the beginning."

"I don't understand, Hess..."

"What don't you understand?"

After bringing the sliced ​​bread to Richard, Hess Dongya sat where Miranda had just sat, looking at Richard with interest.

"Why would you forgive me?"

Richard looked into the other party's gentle and calm eyes and asked softly: "You said it yourself that you no longer love me. You should hate me. You should hate me forever."

"I have also told you personally one thousand eight hundred and sixty-six times. Counting this time, it is one thousand eight hundred and sixty-seven times. Mr. Richard Lane, I lied to you because you were a despicable person. You are a coward, so I have to give you a push to get you to where you are really needed.”

Hess looked at Richard calmly and said word by word: "As for hating you for the rest of my life, you are right. I should hate you for the rest of my life, and I do hate you for the rest of my life."

Richard clenched his fists: "Then why did you..."

"Six hours."

Hess elegantly picked up a piece of bread and brought it to Richard's mouth. It wasn't until the latter finally bit it down with a grimace that he smiled and said, "Since you left, I hate you every minute. Why do I hate you?" I want to die. I hate why you value the line of defense more than me. I hate why you value Hei Fan more than me. I hate why you value this world more than me. Just like that... I hate you all the time. I killed you for six hours."

Richard, who almost choked on the bread, gasped heavily and said angrily: "What on earth do you want to say?"

"I want to say that I have indeed hated you forever."

Hess smiled and gently leaned over to help Richard wipe the crumbs from his mouth: "After that, the only thing left in my heart was pride..."


"I'm proud of you. I'm proud of myself who loves you deeply and is also deeply loved by you. I'm proud of myself for being placed on the same scale as you and the world. I'm proud of what you've done. Proud of everything.”


"I'm proud of you who is obviously a pervert but has never married a wife. Even a beautiful woman like me is trying to dodge you."


"I'm proud of you who was obviously just a weakling, but you hid from me for twenty years and was only caught by me three years ago. You were successfully pushed down by me despite your age. Well, five-star praise."




"I'm not apologizing to you. You haven't done anything worthy of my apology in the past forty years. I just repeated what I said after you left that day."


"So, are you willing to forgive me? Are you willing to... stop hating the person I am proud of?"

"but I……"

"Look into my eyes, Richard, we are not young anymore, so let's stop running away, okay? I'm tired, aren't you tired? If you have so much energy, why don't you use it where it should be used? Okay?"


"Let's do it again. This time, we all speak from our hearts."


"General Lane!"

Hess stood up suddenly and stood in front of Richard like a javelin. Even though there were wrinkles in the corners of her eyes, even though she was wearing a pink apron, and even though there were still crumbs on her hands, at this moment, Richard The person in his eyes has transformed back into the wild rose wearing battle armor, standing quietly in the flames of war.

Subconsciously, he also stood up, just like the unruly lion general who could not lift his head in front of the rose.

"Now, tell me your orders!"



"Hess...Captain Hess Winterfang."

"Yes, General!"

"You have been relieved of your duties as aide-de-camp, effective forty years ago."

"Yes, General!"

"I...order you..."

"Keep talking!"

"Die for me."

"Yes, General! I love you, General! Nothing, including death, can stop me from loving you, General! You can only belong to me, General!"

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha……"

The next moment, the old [Iron Lion] fell on the sofa and laughed loudly.

Looking at the red-eyed woman in front of me, although she is beautiful, she is no longer young, looking at the woman in front of me with a smile that is more dazzling than anyone else——

Richard Lane burst into tears, crying like a child.

Chapter 1,276: End

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