After the negotiation, the Wusheng Sect did not withdraw immediately. The Wusheng Sect was waiting for compensation from the human race. If the compensation was not in place, they would not withdraw no matter what.

The human race had betrayed their trust more than once or twice.

The human race, which had suffered a lot, cherished the hard-won peace very much. After receiving the order from the Holy Emperor Fuxi, the Five Emperors immediately began to prepare for compensation.

The human race was worthy of being the protagonist of heaven and earth. In just a thousand years, they mobilized enough resources, including the innate elixir that Fang Yang requested.

The innate elixir that Fang Yang got from the treasure house of the demon race was about to take shape. As for this innate elixir, Fang Yang planned to cultivate it into the Taoist partner of the first innate elixir, so that they could reproduce more elixir.

Before that, he had let two acquired elixir that had taken shape combine to give birth to a new acquired elixir. As long as the innate elixir took shape and combined with the powerful combination, as long as they gave birth to offspring, there was a high probability that an innate elixir would be born.

When the Five Emperors of the human race announced the prehistoric times and publicly apologized to the Wusheng Sect, the heavens and the worlds were shocked.

Everyone realized that the giant Wusheng Sect had finally revealed its claws. Defeating the human race with the power of one sect, this strength has already caught up with the two witch and lich tribes of the past.

Wusheng Sect's allies were grateful that they had always followed Wusheng Sect and did not give up halfway.

Wusheng Sect's enemies were trembling and fearful. It turned out that they had offended a force that they could not even dream of.

When the news that the human race was defeated and paid a lot of compensation to Wusheng Sect spread to the prehistoric world, all the heavens and the worlds were silent. They knew that Wusheng Sect was going to become stronger again, stronger than before the war.

So far, Wusheng Sect has been the only one in the Southern Continent, and no force dares to compete with Wusheng Sect for the right to preach.

The Zhenkong League also benefited a lot from this. The members of the Zhenkong League became the objects of friendship for the great powers in the prehistoric world, and all the major forces treated them as guests of honor.

However, these things are not the most important. After getting the Qiankun Ding, Fang Yang began to refine the best innate spiritual roots.

The treasure Qiankun Ding is used to refine innate spiritual treasures, which is actually a bit of a waste of talent. As a treasure that can reverse the innate, whether it is magical powers, magic weapons, materials, or spiritual roots, they should be able to reverse the innate.

Fang Yang thought of this when he attacked the human race.

Other things are incidental, and his real purpose is only two. One is to paralyze the human race, and the other is for Qiankun Ding.

Fang Yang looked at the three-legged small tripod in his palm and admired it.

This small tripod contains all the mysteries of the universe, and its internal rules are self-contained, just like a small prehistoric world.

The truth of Qiankun Ding's reversal of the innate is to transform the original material into an original Tao seed, so that this small prehistoric world can be reborn, and finally transform the acquired into the innate, becoming an innate thing.

"However, the restoration of the Qiankun Ding comes at a price. To gain something, you have to lose something. Even the Qiankun Ding cannot contain an inexhaustible innate origin, and in the process of reversing the innate, the Qiankun Ding also needs to consume energy. Therefore, when reversing the innate, you must prepare enough innate origins and merits in advance."

Fang Yang's cultivation level is so high that he just grabbed the Qiankun Ding in his hand and immediately communicated with the spirit of the Qiankun Ding and learned how to use the Qiankun Ding.

This is the benefit of deep cultivation. If he was just a Hunyuan Jinxian, it would be a question whether the spirit of the Qiankun Ding would pay attention to him.

Fang Yang called Yue Feng again and ordered him to go to Pangu City to purchase the gold-attributed acquired spiritual roots and the innate gold origin.

The Wusheng Sect can still take out this little bit of resources, but Yue Feng has to go to the Wu Clan to collect the debt. The Wu Clan owes the Wusheng Sect 8 billion acres of merits. Fang Yang can't help but take back so many merits.

Wusheng Sect had just experienced a war, and it was the time to reward meritorious officials. If these merits were taken back, Wusheng Sect would have more money in its hands.

Yue Feng went to Pangu City again and was warmly welcomed by the Wu Clan. Compared with the last time, Xiang Liu's attitude towards Yue Feng was closer.

People with strength and background are welcomed wherever they go.

After learning about Yue Feng's intention, Xiang Liu did not dare to delay at all. He immediately ordered to collect the necessary materials for Yue Feng, and transferred 8.8 billion mu of merits to Yue Feng from the account book of Panhuang Tower.

At the beginning, when Fang Yang discussed with Hou Tu Niangniang, he did not mention the interest. Fang Yang lent merits to the Wu Clan in order to let Hou Tu Niangniang help him keep the ownership of the human world. So the Wu Clan has already paid the interest.

Yue Feng saw that the Wu Clan gave so much interest, and he did not dare to make a decision on his own and accept the interest. Xiang Liu told Yue Feng that the 800 million mu of merit was not interest, but a gift from the Wu Clan to congratulate the Wusheng Cult for defeating the human race.

Yue Feng then accepted the interest.

When he left Pangu City, he finally realized that the Wusheng Cult was already a super power on par with the human race, the demon race, the Wu Clan, the Heavenly Court, etc.

When Yue Feng returned to the Destiny World, Fang Yang, who had calculated what Yue Feng had encountered, was also full of emotion.

Honghuang is indeed a world where strength is respected. When the Wusheng Cult was slapped in the face, some immortals from small forces looked down on the Wusheng Cult. When the Wusheng Cult won a great victory, even the Wu Clan treated the Wusheng Cult disciples with courtesy.

"Okay, I know everything about this matter. Remember, you must guard against arrogance and impatience, and don't forget your original intention!"

"Follow the teachings of my uncle!"

The higher the Wusheng Cult stands, the more Fang Yang pays attention to the teaching of his disciples.

No one can be the only one in the Honghuang, not even the ancestor Hongjun can do it. If anyone wants to dominate alone, the three paths of heaven, earth and man will definitely take action and bring out another powerful being.

When Pangu created the world, he had already established relevant rules. This is why, even though Hongjun Laozu has become the Taoist ancestor, Hou Tu Niangniang can still become the spokesperson of the Tao.

After Yue Feng left, Fang Yang began to refine the best innate spiritual roots.


He waved his hand, and hundreds of gold-attributed acquired spiritual roots flew out. These acquired spiritual roots have grown for several kalpas, and their acquired origins are extremely strong.

The height of some spiritual roots once reached the level of innate spiritual roots, and the crown alone is as big as a star.

"The Wu clan is really attentive. The foundation of these acquired spiritual roots is almost catching up with some innate spiritual roots."

Fang Yang felt the rich origin in the acquired spiritual roots, and he was more and more satisfied.

Any living creature has growth potential, which does not mean that acquired things are necessarily inferior to innate ones. How can the innate spiritual roots that have just grown into saplings compare with the acquired spiritual roots that have grown for several kalpas?

"Next, as long as these acquired spiritual roots are fused, a top-grade acquired spiritual root can be obtained. With a top-grade acquired spiritual root and the Qiankun Cauldron in hand, it is not impossible to refine a top-grade innate spiritual root. However, I have to figure out the most appropriate fusion method to avoid any problems." (End of this chapter)

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