While Fang Yang was busy refining the best innate spiritual roots, on the other side of the chaotic sea, something closely related to the prehistoric world happened.

A divine boat filled with Buddha's light cut through the chaotic void, leaping forward at an incredible speed every moment, so fast that time was left behind.

After a certain jump, the divine boat stopped outside a big world.

"Brother Lingfeng, brother Tongzhou, brother Ren Xi, look, we have found a new world!"

"Great! We can make a comeback again. Once we win this world, we can use this world as our foundation to develop and grow, and take revenge on the great world!"

"This is the great world. It is so beautiful. Only by cultivating in the great heaven and earth can our Taoism improve rapidly."

Since their exile in Chaos, their family has been wandering around all day long, searching for traces of the Chaos Continent and the Great World in the endless void.

During this period, they did not gain nothing. This group of people are all gods. Even if they encounter the Chaos Demon God, they can still defeat him. However, they are creatures of heaven and earth after all. Only the world with distinction between pure and turbid is suitable for their cultivation.

After they occupied a Chaos ethnic group, they found that there was no feedback at all from the preaching among Chaos creatures, so they gave up the idea of ​​developing in the Chaos world.

Their hard work paid off, and after some exploration, they finally found a new big world.

"Calm down, everyone!"

While everyone was rejoicing, a rich voice came from the cabin. Then, Emperor Feng appeared on the deck with a serious face.

"I've met my father!"

"I've met my father!"

"I've met my father!"

Seeing Emperor Feng, Ling Feng, Ren Xi, and Tongzhou immediately put away the smiles on their faces and bowed to Emperor Feng with humility.

There was no way, who made them leave Emperor Feng alone in the Hengyu world in order to escape, causing Emperor Feng to almost be sealed.

If you offend your father-in-law, life will certainly not be so easy.

"Well, I can't blame you entirely for what happened back then. As long as our family can be safe, that's more important than anything else."

When Emperor Feng saw how much respect Ling Feng and the others had for him, and that he only had one daughter left, Feng Linglong, he slowly forgave Ling Feng and the others.

"Thank you, Father."

After receiving Emperor Feng's forgiveness, Ling Feng and the others were overjoyed. Sincerity makes a difference, and they finally used their actions to gain Emperor Feng's forgiveness.

Seeing that the Chaos Treasure Ship was about to enter the scope of the big world ahead, Tongzhou immediately took action and hid the Chaos Treasure Ship.

In the battle with the prehistoric world, they suffered a lot. During the chaotic days of exile, they often held family meetings to discuss the details of the battle.

They concluded that their defeat to Honghuang was mainly because they were exposed too early.

They first exposed their world to the prehistoric world, giving the prehistoric world time to calculate information about their own world. This point directly affected the entire battle situation.

Therefore, after they found a new world, they decided to hide themselves first and investigate enough information before taking action.

"Father, what should we do?"

Ling Feng asked with a flattering look on his face.

Ren Xi and Tongzhou were furious. They hated Ling Feng's servile appearance. But I have to say that Ling Feng's method worked very well.

Emperor Feng said calmly: "What else can we do? First find out the details of the other party's world. If the other party's strength is not as good as ours, then occupy it directly. If the other party's world is too powerful, find another way."

"Father is wise! My son believes that if the opponent's world is so powerful that it is invincible, we can attract the gods from the prehistoric world like we did last time."

A dangerous light flashed in Tongzhou's eyes.

In fact, they had already figured out the location of the prehistoric world. However, the strength of the prehistoric world is too strong, and they dare not come to take revenge.


Emperor Feng immediately understood what Tongzhou meant and praised, "When the gods of the prehistoric world come to attack this world, the prehistoric world will be empty. We will take the opportunity to go to the prehistoric world and attack the prehistoric world. Even if we cannot defeat the prehistoric world, we can take back Henghuang. Yu Da World.”

"It would be better if both the prehistoric world and this world suffer. Whether it is the prehistoric world, the Hengyu world, or this new world, they will all fall into our hands."

"Ha ha."

When everyone heard Emperor Feng's plan, they felt full of motivation.

No one can resist the temptation of a new world. Otherwise, the prehistoric world would not attack the Hengyu world.

After the family meeting ended, everyone immediately took action.

The person responsible for sneaking into Xintiandi is Ren Xi. Ling Feng will please Emperor Feng. Tongzhou is full of clever ideas, so Ren Xi can only do hard work.

Ren Xi had no objection to this, and he was happy with it. He was very happy to be able to show his abilities in front of Feng Linglong.

Ten years later, Ren Xi's body suddenly had countless cracks like porcelain. He was shocked and a mouthful of golden blood spurted out. He urged with a look of horror: "Let's go!"

Tongzhou realized the seriousness of the situation and quickly joined forces with Emperor Feng to mobilize the Chaos Treasure Ship to get away from this newly discovered world as quickly as possible.

I don't know how long I ran away, but it wasn't until the new big world turned into a small star that the speed of the treasure ship slowed down.

At this time, Ren Xi gradually recovered, but the wounds on his body still failed to heal.

"Brother Ren Xi, are you okay?"

When Ren Xi came, he saw Feng Linglong's nervous face. His heart was warmed and he could not feel any pain.

"I am fine. If I say that there is a being in this world who is at the same level as the Father God, do you believe it?"

"At the same level as the Father God?"

When Feng Di and others heard the news, their eyes almost popped out of their heads.

They knew that although they were gods, they were still one level lower than their Father God. If what Ren Xi said was true, such a world would definitely not be something they could attack.

"How is it possible? The Father God is supreme and powerful, and there is no such a powerful being in the prehistoric world."

Ling Feng shook his head and was unwilling to believe it.

Ren Xi smiled bitterly: "Is my injury fake? He caught my clone in just one encounter and searched my soul forcibly. If I hadn't made a quick decision and cut off the connection with the clone myself, our position would have been exposed."

"It's so powerful."

Tong Zhou couldn't help laughing when he heard this.

Emperor Feng looked at Tong Zhou's smile and realized something: "Then let those gods from the prehistoric world come to this new world. They have taken over our world, so we will make them lose their homes!" (End of this chapter)

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