"Ridiculous, do you think that our human race has lost the power to fight? I dare to guarantee that as long as the Wusheng Sect dares to occupy the human world, our human race will definitely mobilize all soldiers and fight bravely to the last man."

The words of the Holy Emperor Fuxi were full of confidence. He believed that his descendants were not cowards.

The conditions proposed by Fang Yang were too harsh, and he could not agree to them. If he agreed to these conditions that would lose power and humiliate the race, the human race would be nailed to the pillar of shame in history forever and could not get off the stage.

Hearing the words of the Holy Emperor Fuxi, Fang Yang's heart was not shaken. He had never thought that the human race would agree to the conditions he proposed. As the saying goes, asking for a high price, but paying a low price, he could get enough benefits by raising the price a little bit.

"Fellow Daoist Fuxi is right. I also believe in the strength and determination of the human race. However, the resources used by Daoist to build the human world all came from the earthly immortal world. After the human world was formed, the human race in the earthly immortal world did not get any benefits from it. Daoist, if my Wusheng Sect cooperates with the human race in the earthly immortal world, we will attack the human world again."

Speaking of this, Fang Yang paused, and seeing that Emperor Fuxi was as steady as a mountain, he continued.

"By then, the human race in the earthly immortal world and the human race in the human world will kill each other, why should my Wusheng Sect help?"


The human race's high-level officials all changed color. They could never have imagined that Fang Yang would use such a sinister trick to deal with them.

The human race in the earthly immortal world has long been resentful of the human race in the human world. Last time, Emperor Fuxi wanted to requisition the resources of the human race in the earthly immortal world to fill the deficit in the human world, which made the human race in the earthly immortal world and the human race in the human world disconnected.

If Fang Yang really cooperates with the human race in the Earthly Immortal Realm, the human race in the Earthly Immortal Realm will definitely not miss the opportunity to enter the human world.

Sage Emperor Shennong looked at Fang Yang with disappointment: "Fang Yang, I have always regarded you as a good friend of the human race. Do you really want to vent your anger on the entire human race for the mistakes of a few people and put the human race into an irreparable situation?"

To be honest, Fang Yang has no ill feelings towards the Three Emperors. Among the saints, they are true gentlemen. However, they stand on the opposite side of Fang Yang.

Fang Yang thought for a moment and said coldly: "But the actions of a small number of people in your human race almost put my Wusheng Sect into an irreparable situation. Fellow Daoist, don't think that if my Wusheng Sect does not take action, the human race in the Earthly Immortal Realm can live in peace with the human race in the Human World. I clearly tell you that this is impossible! As long as the news of the complete defeat of the human race in the Human World spreads to the prehistoric world, the human forces in the Earthly Immortal Realm will definitely move upon hearing the news."

"Who made you fellow Daoists too partial? You have always allowed the human race in the Human World to absorb the luck and resources of the human race in the Earthly Immortal Realm, which has broken the hearts of the human race in the Earthly Immortal Realm. Their hatred for the human race in the Human World has accumulated to a certain extent, and they are just waiting for an opportunity to explode."

The injustice and partiality of parents often cause discord between their children.

The high-level people of the human race have always been partial to the human race in the Human World, and have disappointed the human race in the Earthly Immortal Realm again and again. In matters of life and death, the human race leaders abandoned the human race of the Earth Immortal Realm, and the human race of the Earth Immortal Realm had long hated the human race of the Human World.

The human race leaders wanted to use "everyone is a soldier" to make the Wusheng Sect retreat, so Fang Yang used the threat of the human race of the Earth Immortal Realm to warn the human race leaders and break the last barrier of the human race leaders.

Fang Yang's words shocked the human race leaders. With Fang Yang's reminder, they paid attention to the ideas of the human race of the Earth Immortal Realm for the first time.

Before, even if the human race of the Heaven Realm and the Earth Immortal Realm broke away from the control of the Human World, the human race leaders did not care. They comforted themselves more than once that the human race of the Heaven Realm and the Human World were just playing a childish temper, and they would naturally return to the human race after the trouble was over.

For the overall situation of the human race, the human race of the Earth Immortal Realm sacrificed a little bit. What reason did the human race of the Earth Immortal Realm have to have a grudge against the human race leaders?

However, Fang Yang's words completely tore their fantasies apart.

Their actions really hurt the hearts of the human race of the Earth Immortal Realm. If the body is injured, it can be healed and recovered, but if the heart is injured, it can never be repaired.

While the Three Emperors of Heaven, Earth and Man were reflecting, the Holy Heart Taoist said again: "In fact, our conditions are already very favorable. If it weren't for the friendship of the prehistoric fellows, this sect would not need to care about the life and death of the human race. It is true that the human race is the protagonist of heaven and earth, but there is no eternal protagonist in the world. This seat is fully capable of creating a new kind of creature to replace you humans."

If Fang Yang is threatening the human race's top leaders, the Holy Heart Taoist is stabbing the human race's top leaders in the heart.

Recreating creatures, replacing the human race, and becoming the new protagonist of heaven and earth, it sounds terrifying. The human race's top leaders will not forget that the human race also replaced the two races of witches and liches to become the protagonist of heaven and earth.

With the Taoism of Fang Yang and the other two, Hou Tu Niangniang, and Hong Zhou, it is entirely possible to create a batch of new creatures.

At this time, the three holy emperors of the human race really felt threatened. They dared not have any illusions anymore and began to bargain with Fang Yang.

Fang Yang is a man who will not release his eagle until he sees the rabbit. He has caught the weakness of the human race, so of course he will kill the human race.

This battle also cost the Wusheng Sect a lot. Whether it is the consumption on the battlefield or the consumption of the disciples of the Resurrection Sect, it is an astronomical figure.

If they don't get it back from the human race, wouldn't this battle be in vain?

Of course, this battle is also to paralyze the human race, making them think that everything is over. The real killer move is still when the two realms merge.

When Fang Yang swallows the human way and ascends the throne of the spokesperson of the human way, the human race will know what true regret is.

After some negotiations, the compensation of the human race was finally settled.

The human race did not lend Fang Yang the position of spokesperson for humanity, because it was unrealistic. However, Emperor Fuxi agreed to let Fang Yang enter the human world to comprehend humanity.

On the issue of the River Map and Luoshu, the human race did not give up an inch. After all, it was their own innate treasure, and they could not give it away.

Emperor Fuxi did not agree to apologize to the Wusheng Sect in person. He pushed the five emperors of the human race out and asked them to apologize on behalf of the human race.

The identities of the three emperors were too special. If they admitted their mistakes, the human race would have no face left. What's more, the matter of Baili Huang was itself a calculation of the five emperors of the human race.

Regarding the borrowing of the Qiankun Ding, Nuwa Niangniang also put forward conditions. She asked the Wusheng Sect not to use the Qiankun Ding against other saints or the human race.

Fang Yang borrowed the Qiankun Ding, and it was not originally used as a weapon, so he agreed to the additional conditions of Nuwa Niangniang.

The human race did not have much objection to the other conditions.

Seeing that the human race and the Wusheng Sect had reached a consensus, the saints who were witnesses breathed a sigh of relief.

Anyway, the war in the human world is over. They are also worried that if the war continues too long, it will trigger a catastrophe. (End of this chapter)

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