Seeing that Nuwa was willing to compromise, the other veteran saints breathed a sigh of relief.

Their opponents were not only the Wusheng Sect, but also the entire new saint team. Since they had failed in the battle with the Wusheng Sect in the human world, they needed to open up new battlefields and win in other battlefields.

The fight between saints was not only for a moment, but also for a lifetime.

After Nuwa decided to negotiate, the war in the human world finally came to an end. The Wusheng Sect and the human race retreated and stopped fighting.

However, everyone knew that if the human race leaders could not reach an agreement with the Wusheng Sect, the war would definitely continue.

"I didn't expect that we would face such terrible revenge when we drove the Wusheng Sect away. The Wusheng Sect attacked the human race with all its might, and countless human soldiers were killed and wounded. Even five human emperors almost died in the war."

"After the war began, all the major sects in our Chuyun Kingdom sent their elite disciples and core elders to the battlefield. However, few people were able to come back alive. Miserable, miserable!"

"Who would have thought that the Wusheng Sect was so powerful? It is said that even many of our human race's great men have fallen. This war caused huge losses to our human race."

"I don't know what our top leaders are thinking. Why steal their treasures? Isn't it better to live in peace with the Wusheng Sect?"

The failure of the war cast a shadow over the entire human world. More people began to question the decision-making of the human race's top leaders.

On the other hand, the morale of the human race also dropped to the freezing point.

You know, the human race has not been defeated for a long time. In the hearts of the human race, the human race is the strongest, and no force can compete with the human race.

However, this war destroyed the confidence of the human race. If they can't even defeat a sect, can the human race still hold the position of the protagonist of heaven and earth?

Even the human emperor of the human race may not know the answer to this question.

The strength of the human race is unquestionable, but the human emperors are confused by the repeated defeats in the face of the Wusheng Sect.

Fang Yang will naturally not be kind enough to analyze the reasons for the human race's defeat. He is now negotiating with Fuxi Saint Emperor and Nuwa Niangniang.

This negotiation was held in the Chaos World.

The three saints of the Wusheng Sect represented the Wusheng Sect, Fuxi Saint Emperor and Nuwa Niangniang represented the human race, and other saints were witnesses on the side. After everyone arrived, the meeting began immediately.

The Lord of the Wheel of Reincarnation spoke first, listing the things that the human race had done before, to show the justice of the Wusheng Sect's initiation of the war.

Xuanyuan Saint Emperor naturally did not want the human race to bear the responsibility of the war, so he accused the Wusheng Sect of being too extreme, which caused the war.

The Holy Heart Daojun immediately refuted that the human race had no remorse before the war, and the human race's original intention was to provoke a war.

The two sides exchanged verbal attacks, trying to take the initiative.

However, during this process, Fang Yang, Fuxi Shenghuang, and Nuwa Niangniang remained silent.

At this point, there is nothing to argue about. The human race is seeking peace and has no bargaining cards.

Perhaps, if the human race fights to the death, it will cause considerable losses to the Wusheng Sect, but will the human race be willing to give up everything?

After becoming the protagonist of heaven and earth, the human race has lost the spirit of sacrificing for the human race.

Apart from anything else, nearly half of the human race's senior officials are either fighting for power or on the road to fighting for power every day.

Such a human race, the human emperor of the human race cannot be at ease. They dare to sacrifice themselves, but they dare not hand over the human race to the current human race senior officials.

"Fellow Daoist Fang Yang, you win this time. Before we discuss the terms, can I ask you a question?"

The expression of Emperor Fuxi was very serious. He finally regarded Fang Yang as his opponent.

Fang Yang had no objection: "Of course, but I may not answer."

"How did you know that my human race would definitely seize the Vacuum Creation Sutra?"

It turned out that after Baili Huang was captured, Emperor Fuxi realized the problem.

The Immortal Treasure Conference held by the Wusheng Sect was aimed at the human race. However, the powerful people of the other races were not up to the task and really fell into the trap of the Wusheng Sect.

Fang Yang showed a faint smile on his face: "There is an old saying in my hometown, which is that people's greed is like a snake swallowing an elephant."

The greed of the human heart is endless. In such a large human race, there will always be a few people who will do anything to achieve their goals.

Is the Destiny World full of simple and honest people? No, there are more cunning people in the Destiny World. Fang Yang never underestimated the desires of the human heart. What he could do was to educate the creatures to control their desires and not become slaves to their desires.

Hearing this explanation, the doubts in the heart of Emperor Fuxi suddenly disappeared. The problem he had been unwilling to face finally brought disaster to the human race.

"What a greedy man! Daoyou has seen through human nature. Whether it is the human race or the Wusheng Sect, it is the same. It's just that the Wusheng Sect won the victory with its powerful strength, and my human race failed."

"Let's stop chatting here. Let's agree on a ceasefire as soon as possible. This contract contains the ceasefire conditions of my Wusheng Sect. As long as the human race completes these conditions, my Wusheng Sect will immediately withdraw from the human world and will never actively invade the human world within a kalpa."

The reason why Fang Yang said this was to give the human race a taste of sweetness.

The human race would not feel at ease if they just withdrew their troops, because they could come back after withdrawing their troops. Fang Yang set a time limit, which was considered a real withdrawal.

The high-level people of the human race nodded secretly when they heard this, and felt that Fang Yang was very sincere.

However, when they saw the conditions offered by Wusheng Cult, they almost cursed.

"First, lend the position of humanitarian spokesperson to Fang Yang and return it after five thousand years."

"Second, use the Hetu Luoshu as compensation to the Wusheng Sect to appease the injured hearts of the Wusheng Sect."

"Thirdly, humans in the human world are never allowed to step into the world of destiny and the Hengshan cave."

"Fourth, the human race must compensate the Wu Sheng Sect for six thousand high-grade acquired elixirs and one innate elixir."

"Fifth, the human race needs to lend the innate treasure, the Qiankun Ding, to the Wusheng Sect for two billion years. The human race has no right to interfere with the use of the Qiankun Ding."

"Sixth, Holy Emperor Fuxi, as the father-god of the human race, apologized to the Wusheng Sect and admitted that the war was caused by the human race."

Each of these conditions is more outrageous and mean than the last. Even with the state of mind of Holy Emperor Fuxi, his face looked livid.

These conditions of the Wusheng Religion are basically digging into the roots of the human race and shaking its position as the protagonist in the world of the human race.

"Fellow Taoist Fang Yang, the conditions of your sect are too difficult. The position of the spokesperson of humanity is determined by humanity and cannot be decided by just a few people. Hetu Luoshu is my most precious treasure for enlightenment, how can I leave it to you Wusheng Cult?"

Holy Emperor Fuxi frowned and raised his doubts.

Fang Yang smiled slightly: "That's why we have to talk! If fellow Taoists are not willing to talk, we can fight for a thousand years and then talk again. Maybe if the war continues for a while, the human race can turn defeat into victory? "(End of chapter)

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