Fang Yang took a deep breath and his eyes became firm.

No matter what, he had to give it a try. It is certainly not an easy thing to prove the Dao. If it could be easily proved, then there would be Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian everywhere in the prehistoric world.

He left a mark of the immortal heart lamp to the Holy Heart Daoist Lord, and after handing over everything in the Daoist temple to the Holy Heart Daoist Lord, he left the Daoist temple.

His first stop was Pangu City.

When he arrived at Pangu Tower, Wu Peng still received Fang Yang.

Wu Peng took out a thousand acres of merit very readily and handed it to Fang Yang: "Friend Fang Yang has a way to make money. Your peach saplings are very popular with the Taoist friends in the alliance. Every time they come, they will ask me if there are any peach saplings for auction."

When he lacked subordinates, Fang Yang understood the ideas of these powerful people. However, he did not come to sell peach saplings this time, but to sell peach trees.

He raised his hand and showed two adult peach trees.

Wu Peng stood up with a bang when he saw two adult peach trees, and said excitedly.

"Young friend, you are actually going to sell adult peach trees this time?"

Fang Yang said softly: "Yes! In the past 470,000 years, I have been in seclusion for cultivation and have no time to cultivate peach seedlings. In order not to disappoint fellow Taoists, I took out these peach trees."

Everyone would say polite words, he just wanted to exchange more merits to increase the origin of his natal world.

Wu Peng certainly knew that Fang Yang was saying polite words. Even if it was polite words, he didn't care, as long as Fang Yang could take out the peach trees, he would be happy.

"Fellow Taoist, are you going to auction it or sell it directly to my Wu clan?"

Wu Peng calmed down and asked.

"Of course I will sell it to the nobles. Last time, didn't I reach an agreement with my predecessors that all future peach trees would be sold to nobles?"

The price given by the Wu clan was always fair, so he didn't need to haggle.

Besides, Shengxin Daojun is a disciple of Hou Tu Niangniang. With this relationship, the Wu Clan will never cheat him.

"Good! Good! You are indeed a trustworthy person."

Wu Peng deliberately ignored the loopholes in Fang Yang's words.

Their agreement was for peach seedlings, not adult peach trees. Adult peach trees are not comparable to peach seedlings.

Wu Peng estimated in his mind, and thought of the relationship between Fang Yang and the Wu Clan, and said: "A peach seedling is worth 800 acres of merit. Adult peaches will be purchased at 1,600 acres of merit!"

This value is a bit high.

The survival rate of peach seedlings is very high. As long as the soil is suitable, they will definitely grow into big peach trees.

Fang Yang had no objection to this price and agreed directly.

After the transaction of peach trees, Fang Yang said goodbye and left.

He did not leave Pangu City immediately, but walked through the weapon refining workshops in the city.

Array flags and magic weapons are different.

A single array flag is equivalent to a part on a machine, and there is no big secret. Even if other people make parts, it is useless if they do not understand the array.

Therefore, Fang Yang handed the task of refining small array flags and array talismans to the weapon refining workshops in Pangu City.

The big business delivered to the door, the major weapon refining workshops will naturally not refuse, and they will gladly agree.

After doing all this, Fang Yang hurried to the Yangtze River Water Palace.

He did not see Hong Zhou. He was told by General Yangtze Alligator that Hong Zhou was in seclusion in a secret place and he didn't know when he would come out.

Fang Yang calculated the time and knew that Hong Zhou was almost recovering to the realm of Hunyuan Jinxian.

However, General Yangtze Alligator knew that Fang Yang was an ally of Hong Zhou, so he gave Fang Yang a token and asked Fang Yang to borrow people from other water palaces in the south.

The Yangtze River Water Palace is the foundation of Hong Zhou, and it needs masters to sit in it and cannot leave at will.

Fang Yang thanked General Yangtze Alligator and left.

Dongting Dragon King was very happy to hear Fang Yang's arrival and welcomed him with great fanfare.

Without Fang Yang's help, Hong Zhou would not be able to prove his Dao. If Hong Zhou could not prove his Dao, how could it be his turn?

After Fang Yang exchanged a few words with Dongting Dragon King, he explained his purpose.

Fang Yang's request was too simple, and Dongting Dragon King agreed without even thinking about it.

Dongting Dragon King not only lent out the five Taiyi Golden Immortals and fourteen Golden Immortals from Dongting Lake, but also sent a message to Qiantang Dragon King to transfer experts from Qiantang River.

Fang Yang thanked him and gave Dongting Dragon King fifteen peaches as a thank you gift.

Next, Fang Yang went to Xiangjiang River, Taihu Lake, West Lake, Po Po River, Jinguang River, Wulong Mountain, Heishan and other places in turn, and each trip had huge gains.

When he returned to Hengshan Cave Heaven, there were already 196 Taiyi Golden Immortals and 546 Golden Immortals in his natal world.

Not only that, these masters knew that they had to refine weapons, so they all brought their own acquired spiritual treasure furnaces and cauldrons.

After returning to Hengshan Cave Heaven, Fang Yang first held a banquet to reward these masters, and then assigned the task of refining weapons.

Fang Yang handed over the core array plate to the 49 Taiyi Jinxian and 19 Jinxian of the Destiny World.

This group of masters was responsible for refining 3,000 array flags of the upper-grade acquired spiritual treasure level.

During the refining process, Fang Yang clearly felt the loss of wealth. Every moment, he had to consume a lot of resources.

He now realized the helplessness of the two saints in the West.

Indeed, material resources are not very useful for Daluo Jinxian and saints. However, if you want others to do things for you, these resources are indispensable.

Fang Yang made a rough calculation. When the innate positive and negative five elements formation is completed, his wealth will be almost reduced.

The resources of the Destiny World are limited. If he grabs them without restraint, it will be a disaster for the world itself.

"When the innate positive and negative five elements formation is successfully refined, I will find the second three thousand worlds no matter what."

Fang Yang is not alone. He has a large group of subordinates to support and develop power.

It is definitely impossible to develop power by selling peaches and trees alone.

After leaving a clone to take charge of the overall situation, Fang Yang left the Taoist temple and entered the West.

He asked people to refine the weapon in order to save time and spend all the time on cultivation.

This is Fang Yang's first time in the West.

In everyone's impression, the West is a barren land. In fact, the West is a barren land.

The human race in the West was created by two Western saints imitating Nuwa. Due to different aesthetics, the human race they created is similar to the Ah San on Earth.

The man wore a white turban, a nose ring, and cinnabar on his brow.

The women hid indoors, and even the women among the monks rarely showed their faces outside.

Fang Yang activated the Qi Tian Bao Lun, turning himself into a Western casual cultivator who had just died, and then embarked on the road to find Brahmanism.

In the West, in addition to Western religions, Brahmanism also has a very deep study of cause and effect. Fang Yang naturally couldn't go to Western religions, so he set his sights on Brahmanism.

The power went out at night, so I couldn't write the fourth chapter

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