When Fang Yang arrived in the West, he discovered one thing, that is, the prestige of Western religion in the West is not high.

In the West, Western religion has a great reputation, but it is not a good reputation.

Most Western creatures have the impression that Western religion is "cowardly" and "incompetent".

The reason for this phenomenon is that Hongjun Patriarch has raised the West too high.

Hongjun Patriarch's words "There are saints in the East, and there must be saints in the West" made Western creatures think that their status in the West in the prehistoric world is far above the South, North, and China, and is on par with the East.

But the real situation is that, except for the fact that there are saints in charge, the status of the West in the prehistoric world is not only inferior to the East, but also inferior to the South, North, and China.

The most obvious manifestation is the Heavenly Court.

The Heavenly Court was established in accordance with the will of Hongjun Patriarch and is an institution that governs the entire prehistoric world. In name, the West is under the jurisdiction of the Heavenly Court.

However, in such a large Heavenly Court, all the gods in it are from the East, South, North, and China, but there are no Western creatures.

This makes the Western creatures feel that the creatures in the East, South, North, and Central are managing them.

The Western creatures don't know that the two Western saints don't want to send disciples to the Heavenly Palace, but they can't because of the obstruction of the Three Pure Ones.

But it is precisely because the Western creatures don't know this that they think the two Western saints are cowardly and incompetent, and it is the weakness of the Western religion that makes them lose face.

After that, the incident between Vilanpo and Lu Ya broke out, and the Western creatures looked down on the Western religion even more.

In the West, the status of women is very low. Men have very strict requirements for women. Whether Vilanpo is a Daluo Jinxian or not, in the eyes of Western creatures, she is a woman.

As a woman, betraying her Taoist partner and having an affair with others, Western creatures really can't accept a sect that teaches such a disciple.

For Western casual cultivators, even if there is no above reason, they don't like Western religion.

Hongjun Laozu thinks that Jieyin Taoist and Zhunti Taoist can represent the West, but these casual cultivators never want to be represented by others.

After the two saints of the West took control of the West, they vigorously developed Western religion and used all the resources and luck of the West to support Western religion.

The result of the two saints of the West was that Western religion became stronger and stronger, and Western independent practitioners became weaker and weaker.

Of course, independent practitioners would not like Western religion.

Gradually, Western religion was resisted by Western independent practitioners and ordinary Western creatures.

Brahmanism quietly rose when Western religion was spurned by Western creatures.

The doctrine of Brahmanism is very practical, that is, whatever you ask for will be answered. No matter what you ask for, as long as you believe in Brahman and worship Brahman, you can get a response from Brahman.

How could Western religion compete with such a sect?

From the mouths of Western creatures, Fang Yang learned about the sect structure of Brahmanism.

The highest position in Brahmanism is the leader Brahman. Under the leader are the two great protectors, Tiema and Shengnati. Under the protectors are the eight great priests, including Tiansha Mingwang, Youming Shengmu, Prajna Xinzun, Zhenyu Mingwang, Chiyan Mingzun, Zhihui Zunzun, Longxiang Fawang, and Shala Yaojun.

Among them, Brahman, Tiema, and Shengnati have all cultivated to the realm of Daluo Jinxian, and the eight great priests are masters of Taiyi peak.

Fang Yang was immediately puzzled.

With the strength of Brahmanism, not only was it not destroyed by the Western religion, but it was also growing and developing in the West, suppressing the Western religion so much that it could not raise its head. This is too unreasonable.

With doubts and confusion, Fang Yang entered the Tiansha City of Brahmanism.

Brahmanism occupied eight cities in the west, and used these eight cities as the holy cities of Brahmanism, letting eight priests sit in respectively and preside over the preaching of the sect.

Since Fang Yang wanted to explore the secrets of Brahmanism, of course he had to go directly to the high-level leaders of Brahmanism.

As soon as he entered the city, he saw two familiar faces.

At the gate of Tiansha City, Hua Lian, a disciple of the Western Sect, was sitting cross-legged in the air in purple clothes, preaching to the city.

"There are eight sufferings in life: birth, aging, sickness, death, separation from loved ones, long-term resentment, failure to obtain, and the prevalence of the five elements. Therefore, if you have no desire, you will be strong, if you have no desire, you will be strong, and if you have no desire, you will be strong."

"Everyone cherishes their lives, and there is no difference between humans and animals. If you want to eat sentient beings, try cutting your own flesh first."

Countless scriptures were flying in the air, with bursts of Sanskrit sounds, and golden sound waves constantly vibrating. Countless goddesses surrounded Hua Lian and jumped up and down.

Opposite Hua Lian, there sat a Taiyi Jinxian with four faces and eight heads, ugly appearance, and a black sun behind him.

This Taiyi Jinxian was wearing a gray imperial robe, with death all over his body, and he was actually preaching.

"The weak eat the strong, this is the way of heaven and earth. The rules of heaven and earth, morality and etiquette are all false. As a human being, you should destroy the law and keep human desires."

"The dream is long, how long is life? Those who do not work for themselves will be punished by heaven and earth."

This Taiyi Jinxian is also an acquaintance.

Fang Yang has seen this person in the memory of Baidu Tongzi. This person is the Black Sun King who fought against Jiejiao together with the Nine-Child Mother Goddess and the Sala Demon King.

After Wuzhiqi was suppressed, the Black Sun King disappeared. It turned out that he actually fled to the west, took refuge with the Brahmans, and became the Tiansha Mingwang of Brahmanism.

If Hua Lian's preaching is to let people let go of all desires and be pure in heart, Tiansha Mingwang's preaching is to let people release their desires and indulge themselves.

The two preached at the same time, and in the territory of Brahmanism, the result can be imagined.

There are very few people on Hualian's side, and they are all old, weak, sick, and disabled people who have been eliminated by society.

On the other hand, the side of King Tiansha Ming was full of people, and behind him, there were dense crowds of believers.

Seeing that she failed again in preaching the scriptures, Hua Lian couldn't help but look a little ugly.

Before she came, she was still thinking that since she was a disciple of the saint and Patriarch Hongjun, it should be very simple to convert believers.

But she never expected that in a contest with Tiansha Mingwang, she would lose completely, with no chance of winning at all.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

The evil king in the sky laughed loudly, "Hualian, I have long said that your Western teachings are hypocritical and unrealistic. Look, who is willing to listen to your scriptures except this group of trash? Do you believe in your teaching?”

Fang Yang finally saw the power of Brahmanism.

When facing the saint's disciples, the Brahmans not only were not afraid, but even went to death to offend them.

"Heretics, we will only believe in the great Brahman, not you. Get out of Tiansha City!"

"Get out of Tiansha City!"

Led by a believer in black clothes and a black hat, Brahman believers took action one after another. Rotten eggs and vegetable leaves flew all over the sky, driving away Hualian.

Hualian was angry and angry. After gnashing her teeth for a while, she turned into light and left.

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