Prehistoric: Starting from Foolish Old Man Moving Mountains

Chapter 251 The Innate Positive and Negative Five Elements Formation

Fang Yang cast countless Dao runes between his hands, and the Yin-Yang Heavenly Secret Mirror flew high, and the 129,600 logic arrays inside were running together.

What he cast was all his understanding of the Five Elements Law and the basic principles of the array.

The Yin-Yang Heavenly Secret Mirror would generate countless logics based on Fang Yang's understanding of the Five Elements Law, and then convert the basic principles of the array into algorithms in the logic array.

Then, all the logic array units would deduce and calculate based on these logics and algorithms to deduce the principles of the innate positive and negative five elements array.

Fang Yang's own computing power could not reach this level.

He was only a Daluo Jinxian, but the computing power of the Yin-Yang Heavenly Secret Mirror was equal to forty-nine times 129,600 Daluo Jinxians.

From this, it can be foreseen that once the innate positive and negative five elements array is deduced, its power will be huge.

Unfortunately, the ability of the Yin-Yang Heavenly Secret Mirror is based on Fang Yang's own realm. Therefore, he could neither use the Yin-Yang Heavenly Secret Mirror to help him comprehend the law of cause and effect, nor could he use the Yin-Yang Heavenly Secret Mirror to help him break through the realm.

Fang Yang's consciousness was connected to the Yin-Yang Heavenly Secret Mirror, and he paid attention to the deduction process of the Yin-Yang Heavenly Secret Mirror.

In his consciousness, he saw countless births and deaths of the five elements, as if countless small worlds were created, maintained, destroyed, and destroyed, and countless mysteries were deduced by the logical array.

This feeling cannot be described in words.

During the observation process, Fang Yang felt that his understanding of the law of the five elements had actually improved.

However, no one could see all this, not even the Holy Heart Taoist.

What he could see was Fang Yang sitting cross-legged and casting magic power at the Yin-Yang Heavenly Secret Mirror. He knew nothing else.

The deduction continued, and Fang Yang's improvement continued.

He had never had this experience before, as if someone was performing magic in front of him. It was really a world of Qian Qian, a mystery of Kun Kun, and it was indescribable.

Under the unremitting deduction of the Yin-Yang Heavenly Secret Mirror, the first array unit was deduced.

As soon as Fang Yang raised his hand, the formation unit was visualized. With one operation, thousands of rays of light shot out from the formation unit, colorful and shattered a large area of ​​space in an instant.

The Great Five Elements Extinction Divine Light Formation!

Seeing that the first formation unit had such power, Fang Yang was overjoyed.

In his conception, the Innate Positive and Negative Five Elements Formation had a total of 3,000 formation units, and each formation unit was a five-element formation.

These formation units were connected to each other, operated with each other, and evolved with each other, and finally formed the Innate Positive and Negative Five Elements Formation, a super formation.

Ten years later, the second formation unit was also born.

The second formation unit was called the Qiankun Reversed Five Elements Displacement Formation. Once the formation was activated, it could move away the enemy or the power exerted by the enemy.

However, these two formation units were just the beginning.

Five Elements Five Pole Element Magnetic Array, Five Elements Vacuum White Lotus Array, Five Elements Thundering Heaven Array, Five Elements Maha Array, Five Elements Taiyi Dust Array, Five Elements Blood-Transforming Array, Five Elements Heaven-Transforming Earth Array

If Fang Yang were to deduce these arrays by himself, it would take him a long time. However, if the Yin-Yang Heavenly Mirror were to deduce them, it would be much faster.

However, with the emergence of these arrays, Fang Yang realized a serious problem, he didn't have enough manpower again!

The more powerful the array, the more difficult it is to complete.

For example, the Zhoutian Star Array requires 365 Daluo Jinxians, 129,600 Taiyi Jinxians, and everyone who sets up the array needs a star flag.

At the beginning, when Patriarch Hongjun established the Heavenly Court for the second time, because there was no star flag, he had to order Nuwa to return the true spirit of Patriarch Kunpeng, and then he got the star flag in the hands of Patriarch Kunpeng.

Fang Yang had to complete the innate positive and negative five elements formation. He not only had to deduce the three thousand formations, but also had to refine the five elements formation flags needed to set up the three thousand formations.

How long would it take for the forty-nine Taiyi Golden Immortals to refine?

"This time, I'm afraid I have to borrow people from my allies. With forty-nine Taiyi Golden Immortals and nineteen Golden Immortals, I don't know when the formation flags for the three thousand formations will be refined."

Fang Yang smiled bitterly and continued to deduce the formation.

After hundreds of thousands of years of development, their alliance has become very powerful.

Not counting the Nanyue God who was imprisoned in Kunlun Mountain by Lu Wu, Hong Zhou, Taixuan Taoist, Zhujiang Water God, Dongting Dragon God, and Xiangjiang Water God have all achieved Daluo Dao.

In addition, Ningbi Fairy, Siming Star God, Chuanbei Zhenren, Heishan Zhenjun, Funiu Zhenren, Qiantang Dragon God, and Viper Zhenren have become Daluo Sanxian.

Each of these people has established his own power and has many masters under his command.

This deduction took 24,000 years.

Even Fang Yang could not imagine that it would take more than 20,000 years to deduce a formation.

He originally planned to sell the peach tree in Pangu City, and then go to the West to find an opportunity to comprehend the law of cause and effect.

However, the longer the time, the greater the gain.

After persistent deduction, the innate positive and negative five elements formation was finally deduced.

After repeated tests and deductions by Fang Yang, he has determined that the innate positive and negative five elements formation is definitely a formation comparable to the Hunyuan Heluo formation.

If this formation can be arranged and exerted, it can allow him to compete with the quasi-sage.

However, to set up this formation, one needs a five-element formation plate of the best acquired spiritual treasure level, 3,000 large formation flags of the best acquired spiritual treasure level, 48,000 small formation flags of the middle acquired spiritual treasure level, countless formation symbols, and five five-element spiritual roots as the formation eye to complete this formation.

This configuration did not surprise Fang Yang.

The last time he presided over the Hunyuan Heluo formation, he had already understood the price to pay for setting up such a large formation.

The greater the price paid, the more powerful the formation will be!

Take the Zhoutian Xingchen formation for example, the 365 main flags are all top-grade acquired spiritual treasures. The Hetu Luoshu used as the formation eye is even a top-grade innate spiritual treasure.

Without this configuration, how can it compete with the Twelve Gods and Demons Dutian formation?

Fang Yang recalled the Yin-Yang Tianji Mirror, and a cloud gradually rose on his face.

His original plan was to deduce the innate positive and negative five elements formation into a saint-level formation, but now it seems that his idea is still too naive.

He has understood why Tongtian, as a saint, has not comprehended the formation of the same level as the Zhoutian Star Formation and the Twelve Gods and Demons Formation.

It is not that Tongtian did not comprehend it, but after he comprehended it, he did not have enough resources to complete this peerless formation.

In the past, the demon clan mastered the thirty-three heavens and the Zhoutian stars, and spent financial resources that outsiders could not imagine to create the Zhoutian Star Formation.

This feat cannot be replicated by future generations.

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