Plan to cut off the nine states

Chapter 60 Three People

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The emperor's mood, which had just calmed down, was boiling again. He ordered Zhang Shiyu to find someone, but did not let him go, "Wait, don't fall into the trap. The enemy is very insidious. Maybe... Shao Junqian!"

The person who came was not Shao Junqian, but Lou Chu.

The emperor remembered that he was the one who called Lou Chu into the room, but he was still a little surprised that Lou Chu just walked to the bed like this, "It's your Lou family, it has always been your Lou family. The general should have gone west... Shao Junqian!"

"Yes, Your Majesty." Shao Junqian stood at the door and refused to come closer.

The emperor only heard the voice but never saw the person. "Is your information accurate?"

"Three consecutive secret letters, all with the same content, should be accurate."

"Where is the messenger?"

"Leave it at the city gate, Your Majesty can summon it at any time."

"It must be summoned, I want to find out... cough... why did the general secretly return to the capital with the prince? He obviously has no army in his hands, how can he get my forgiveness? Is it because he has the prince in his hands?"

Zhang Shiyu advised: "Your Majesty, don't think about these things first. It is a good thing that the prince can return to the capital safely. Your Majesty can rest assured and recover. I will send someone to summon the imperial physician and ministers."

"I want the imperial physician, not the ministers." The emperor changed his mind, "Call your father, just him."

"The King of Jibei cannot come." Lou Chu interrupted, hiding the dagger in his sleeve, unwilling to act immediately. He has a plan and must convince Zhang Shiyu first.

The emperor showed an angry look, while Zhang Shiyu was at a loss. He knew that his brother-in-law must have done something that made the emperor hate him, but he didn't know which ones had really happened and which ones were the emperor's imagination. After all, the emperor often blamed the confidants around him.

Lou Chu only looked at Zhang Shiyu and said quickly: "We can't let the fate of the Guangling King and his son happen again."

"What did you say?" Zhang Shiyu was even more confused, but his heart thumped, and his feet seemed to be rooted, and he didn't move a step.

The emperor struggled to get up, and became more and more angry, "You actually believe what he said? I... cough cough..."

While the emperor coughed, Lou Chu said: "The prince is away, the emperor was assassinated, your majesty suspects the Lou family tonight, and tomorrow he will suspect the King of Jibei. Looking at the world, there is only the King of Jibei..."

"Bring the knife! I want to cut this man with my own hands." The emperor stretched out his hand, and the knife was on the table. He couldn't reach it. Zhang Shiyu looked at the emperor, Lou Chu and the knife in turn, but still didn't move his feet.

Although Lou Chu had not finished speaking, Zhang Shiyu had understood. The King of Jibei was the younger brother of His Majesty. After the death of the emperor, the sons were young and weak, and the crown prince was not in the city. The King of Jibei was the most likely person to succeed to the throne. This was enough to arouse the emperor's suspicion.

In Zhang Shiyu's heart, there was even a little doubt that the assassin might really be sent by his father.

Seeing Zhang Shiyu in a daze, Lou Chu felt that the time had come, and he stretched out his hand and stabbed the dagger into the emperor's lower abdomen. There was an original wound there, and blood gushed out again not long after it was bandaged.

Many things are like this. When they were planned in advance, they were full of holes and loopholes everywhere, and it seemed that they could never be realized. When they really started, it was just so simple. The stabbed person was confused and puzzled, and the stabber also felt unreal, as if he was in a dream.

Lou Chu took a step back and tried to pull back his thoughts so that he could stay calm. "If the emperor doesn't die, many people will die because of him."

The first person to react was Zhang Shiyu. He was so anxious that he couldn't make a sound and rushed directly to his brother-in-law.

Lou Chu hugged Zhang Shiyu tightly, "The hesitation just now is a capital crime, don't you understand your Majesty's character?"

Zhang Shiyu ran out of strength, Lou Chu pushed him away and said to the emperor: "Your Majesty regards the people of the world as enemies, and the people of the world wish your Majesty to die soon."

The emperor looked at the dagger trembling on his abdomen, took a deep breath, and shouted for help.

Lou Chu stepped forward to hold the emperor's mouth. The emperor was still strong, so Lou Chu had to use both hands. He turned his head and said to Shao Junqian at the door: "I have taken a step, do you want to follow?"

Even at this time, Shao Junqian still hesitated for a moment before walking quickly. When she spoke, her voice was a little hoarse, "Mr. Lou is right. It is not someone who wants to kill your Majesty. The people of the world have suffered from your Majesty for a long time..."

The emperor's eyes were like fire. Shao Junqian turned his head to avoid it, pulled out the dagger and stabbed it again. When he spoke again, his voice was much more normal, "Prince Yu, it's your turn."

The emperor was seriously injured and had been injured for a long time. He was no longer able to struggle. Only the anger in his eyes had not been extinguished, but became more vigorous.

Zhang Shiyu did not stop the two from assassinating the emperor, but he did not want to participate in it. He shook his head and stepped back.

Shao Junqian stepped forward and grabbed Zhang Shiyu's arm, saying sternly: "There are three people in this room who want to assassinate the emperor. We must work together. If Prince Yu wants to stay out of it, he will not only lose the trust of us two, but also fail to gain the trust of outsiders."

"I, I don't want to..."

"No one wants to. To tell you the truth, the previous assassin was sent by the King of Jibei."

"Really?" Zhang Shiyu had already lost his mind and turned to look at Lou Chu.

The emperor could no longer shout. Lou Chu let go of his hand and said to Zhang Shiyu: "The King of Jibei is inside and the general is outside. If you don't do it, our two families will become mortal enemies."

Shao Junqian gently pulled, and Zhang Shiyu returned to the bed, knelt on the ground, and without looking at the emperor's face, he reached out and grabbed the dagger, "If your majesty sees Prince Duan, you will understand how I feel at this moment."

Zhang Shiyu exerted force on his hand, and blood flowed from the corner of the emperor's mouth. The anger in his eyes finally gradually subsided.

Zhang Shiyu let go, sat on the ground, held his head in his hands, and began to cry.

Without much judgment, Shao Junqian knew who to consult, and bowed to Lou Chu and said, "The matter has been settled, please let the Seventeenth Master make the decision."

Lou Chu did not refuse. He was tired of endless persuasion. As long as there was a chance, he had to make his own decision.

"You and I, the three of us, stay by the emperor's side. No one can leave even a step, and don't recruit others."

"Of course, the fewer participants in this matter, the better."

"Where is the imperial seal?"

"After returning to the palace, I can imitate the emperor's handwriting and call for the imperial seal."

"Okay, go back to the palace immediately, get the imperial seal, and the matter will be half successful."

Shao Junqian nodded, and seeing Zhang Shiyu lying there motionless, he went to the door to pass the order, asking the guards to prepare the carriage.

The guards had long felt that the emperor should return to the palace, and they immediately went to prepare after hearing the order. No one expected that the room had been turned upside down. The emperor was always moody. He criticized Lou Chu one moment and summoned him alone the next. No one was surprised, especially Shao Junqian and Zhang Shiyu who were guarding inside, and no one would be suspicious.

It was too late to return to the palace to call for the carriage, so they could only requisition the vehicles of the General's Mansion of the Central Army on the spot.

Shao Junqian came out again to pass the order that Lou Ying could move and the guards should remove the door so that the vehicle could approach the gate directly.

Some servants came back from the former palace and were shocked to hear that the emperor had been assassinated. Shao Junqian passed the order again, and all the servants were not allowed to move in the alley after they came back. Half of the guards were on guard, and the other half escorted the emperor back to the palace.

When the vehicle arrived, Lou Chu and Shao Junqian carried the emperor to the car, and then entered the car with Zhang Shiyu one after another. The three of them guarded the body together.

Lou Ying was guarding the car outside, and he also had to enter the palace. This made him very happy, thinking that he had finally obtained the emperor's forgiveness. He was cautious all the way and did not dare to make any mistakes.

It was easy to enter the imperial city, but it was difficult to enter the innermost palace. Usually, the emperor himself had to show up, but tonight the incident happened suddenly. Shao Junqian asked the gatekeeper to look into the car and immediately lowered the curtain.

The palace gate was opened, and Lou Ying and the guards could not follow in, so they stayed outside.

Shao Junqian and Lou Chu drove together, and under his guidance, they drove directly to a side hall, dismissed the eunuchs, and the two carried out the body. Zhang Shiyu calmed down a little and helped.

The first thing must be to find the imperial physician, otherwise it will arouse suspicion.

The second thing is to call the imperial seal.

The third thing is to draft the relevant imperial edict as soon as possible before the imperial physician arrives.

The first two things are very simple. The eunuchs outside set out to find the imperial physician, and the imperial seal was delivered quickly. Although the eunuchs had doubts, they did not dare to ask more. When doing the third thing, Lou Chu and Shao Junqian had a conflict.

The most important imperial edict is to establish the prince as emperor. After that, Shao Junqian wants to summon the King of Jibei to the palace, but Lou Chu insists on waiting until the general and the prince enter the city together tomorrow before summoning others to the palace.

"It's impossible to suppress this matter with just the three of us." Shao Junqian pulled Lou Chu aside and persuaded him in a low voice, while Zhang Shiyu stayed beside the body.

"It only takes half a day. When will the general arrive?"

"It is said that it will be tomorrow, maybe in the morning or afternoon, but the current hours are the most important. Once the imperial physician arrives, the news will spread. None of us three are qualified to guard the coffin."

"After the imperial physician arrives, don't let him leave."

Shao Junqian was anxious, but laughed instead, "Seventeenth Master, things are not that simple. You don't understand the rules of the palace. If the imperial physician comes, it must be more than one person, and the news must be passed to the queen mother immediately. Even if we can keep the imperial physician silent, what about the queen mother? Once she comes, she will still summon the King of Jibei. Why don't we..."

Zhang Shiyu came over with a dazed look on his face. He hadn't fully recovered yet, but he could understand what was said here, "Let my father come, he can make the decision."

Lou Chu said: "The emperor was assassinated and died. At this time, whichever minister arrives first will be suspected in the future."

Zhang Shiyu was young after all. When he heard that he would be suspected, his face changed suddenly, "Yes, it's enough for me to be here. Once my father comes, he will definitely be suspected. Brother-in-law, what do you say we should do?"

It's easy to persuade Zhang Shiyu, It was difficult to convince Shao Junqian, so Lou Chu stepped forward and asked, "Mr. Shao, do you know who sent the assassin before?"

Shao Junqian spread her hands, "I really don't know. If it wasn't a coincidence, I wouldn't have gone to see His Majesty tonight."

"First, issue an imperial decree to let the general of the Central Army and the King of Jibei take charge of the guards together, and summon Madam Lan at the same time."

Shao Junqian said, "These are all fine, but... Mr. Seventeen, don't you think there are too many members of the Lou family? In the future, people will not suspect the King of Jibei, but the Lou family."

Lou Chu was blocked by what he had just said, so he had to say, "We have to find a third person."

"This person must have a high status, be willing to trust us, and be close to the palace, available at any time, even if he is not a man..."

"The eldest princess." Zhang Shiyu blurted out, "She has been staying in the palace these days and will be here soon. Her status is high enough."

"The eldest princess is the most loyal. Seeing His Majesty like this..." Lou Chu glanced at the corpse. Although the stabs were all in the abdomen, even if he was not an imperial doctor, he could see that the wound was not caused by a single knife.

Zhang Shiyu said: "Not necessarily. The princess has been treated coldly recently and is dissatisfied with the death of Prince Duan. She can understand our choice. After all, the real assassin is someone else, right?"

Lou Chu was still hesitating, Shao Junqian said: "There is no time to lose. The imperial physician will be here soon. Seventeenth Master, make a decision quickly."

"Okay." As soon as the words came out, Lou Chu regretted it in his heart, but he couldn't find a reason to object for a while.

Shao Junqian immediately drafted the decree and stamped it with the imperial seal.

Lou Chu didn't know at this time that this would be one of the most important lessons in his life.

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