Plan to cut off the nine states

Chapter 61 Leaving the City

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The eldest princess arrived just one step ahead of the imperial doctor. With her hair disheveled, she left the maid far behind. She entered the palace alone and went straight to the emperor's corpse.

No one told her about the assassination, but the eldest princess seemed to have had a premonition. She looked down for a while, as if she was about to burst into tears. When she turned around, her expression had regained her composure, "Where is the assassin?"

The three assassins were somewhat nervous. Shao Junqian stepped forward and said, "They were killed on the spot."

"It's suicide." Zhang Shiyu corrected.

"There are still people who know..." The eldest princess glanced at the corpse.

"No more, only these people in the palace." Shao Junqian said.

Several maids chased after them, and just as they were about to enter the palace, they were sharply scolded by the eldest princess.

When she faced the three of them again, her tone became gentle again, "Three of you did a great job."

Shao Junqian said again: "The imperial doctor will be here soon, over to the Queen Mother..."

The eldest princess arrived late, but she was already aware of the current situation, "Since the three of you have called me first, I will not be polite and give you an idea. Please follow it."

"We listen to the eldest princess." Zhang Shiyu said, wishing that someone would make the decision for him.

"Please Mr. Shao, please stop the imperial doctor for as long as you can. I will go see the Queen Mother right away. It is better than disturbing the Queen Mother. Prince Yu is going to invite the King of Jibei. Don't say what happened first, just invite him. Lou. Young Master—" The eldest princess paused for a moment, "Master Lou, please invite the generals of the Chinese army. When such a big thing happens, we must first stabilize the palace, and then the capital. "

Shao Junqian said yes, Lou Xi nodded silently, Zhang Shiyu still hesitated, "Summoning my father at this time, will it... arouse suspicion from outsiders?"

"With me here, no one will doubt the King of Jibei or the Lou family."

Zhang Shiyu was greatly reassured, and just when he was about to receive the order and leave the palace, Lou Chu said: "There must be an imperial edict, otherwise, we will not be able to go out, and we will not be able to bring anyone in."

Shao Junqian had actually drafted the imperial edict, but since he decided to find the eldest princess first, he did not stamp the imperial seal on it.

The eldest princess took a quick glance and agreed.

The imperial seal was placed on a table nearby, and the four of them stared at it together. After sealing it, Shao Junqian said: "Please call the eunuch to guard the seal with me, Princess."

The eldest princess went to the door in person and called the names of the five eunuchs. When the five people came in and saw that the emperor didn't move, they already understood what was going on. Just when they were about to burst into tears, the eldest princess sternly stopped her and simply explained a few words. She went out first. Go to the palace to see the Queen Mother.

Shao Junqian guarded the palace gate to block the coming imperial doctor.

Zhang Shiyu ran in front with the imperial edict, and the floor foundation stayed behind, standing next to Shao Junqian.

"Master Lou..." Shao Junqian was very surprised.

"Mr. Shao, don't be surprised. This matter is so important that I have to ask."

"Excuse me."

Lou Chu lowered his voice: "Is the eldest princess reliable?"

"This... I can't guarantee anything, but judging from the appearance of the eldest princess, it should be fine, right?"

"Mr. Shao is so smart all his life, why is he confused now? Could it be that Mr. Shao and the eldest princess..."

"Don't talk nonsense." Shao Junqian turned to look at the five eunuchs in the palace, "I know Mr. Lou is uneasy. Do you want me to swear?"

"No, I just want one thing."

"Yu Xi can't do that, that's..."

"I don't want the imperial seal, I want the imperial edict."

"Posthumous edict?"

Lou Chu gently opened the hem of his clothes and said, "I'll trade it with you."

The murderous dagger was in his arms. Shao Junqian didn't see anything, but she was so frightened that she turned pale. She hurriedly took out the imperial edict written by him in imitation of the emperor's handwriting and stamped with the royal seal. With this edict, the prince could ascend the throne without any dispute. Bit.

Lou Chu took the imperial edict and put it in his arms and said, "From now on, the Lou family and Mr. Shao will share the same hardships."

"Together through adversity."

Lou Ji hurried away.

He understood that he had made a very serious mistake before. He should not have agreed to summon the eldest princess first, but should have insisted on calling his third brother Lou Jian. The short period from the emperor's death to the leak of the news was extremely important. Who would take charge of the situation first? Whoever gets the upper hand will get the upper hand. As soon as the eldest princess arrives, she arranges everything in an orderly manner, and the upper hand is already in her hands.

There is a high probability that Shao Junqian and the eldest princess have colluded for a long time.

After all, the foundation of the building is a man of few words. Once the opportunity is lost, it will be difficult to regain it, so he coaxed and intimidated him to get the imperial edict.

At this night, everyone is in danger and panic, and it is inevitable that they will make some mistakes.

Lou Chu met the imperial doctor on the road. As expected, there was not just one doctor, but a team of seven or eight people, all carrying medicine boxes and running quickly under the escort of the eunuch.

Lou Gang and his guards had been guarding the palace gate, and when the imperial edict arrived, they were released.

Lou Gang was so anxious that he stepped forward and grabbed his brother's shoulders, asking eagerly: "How is your Majesty?"

"You'll know as soon as Third Brother leaves."

The two of them walked to the banquet side by side. Lou Jian dragged his fat body and walked very slowly, "Your Majesty is angry? I really don't know how the assassin got in..."

There was no one behind or behind him, so he stopped at the base of the building, grabbed one of the third brother's arms, and whispered: "You must insist that I go out of the city to deliver the order to the general later."

"Why do you want to pass on the edict?" Lou Jian looked confused.

"Remember my words, you must remember, the Lou family..."

There were footsteps coming from behind, and Lou Chu pulled the third brother to continue walking.

The brothers from the Lou family were the first to arrive. Lou Gang felt something was wrong as soon as he entered the palace. When he saw the emperor lying motionless on the couch, and several eunuchs covering their mouths wanting to cry but not daring to cry, they immediately understood and rushed over in a few steps. He knelt down and cried bitterly. When he cried, the eunuch also knelt down and howled.

"The Queen Mother hasn't arrived yet, General Zhongjun, don't do this..." Shao Junqian stepped forward to persuade him, but before she finished speaking, the King of Jibei and his son arrived.

Although the Princess had instructed not to reveal the truth too early, the King of Jibei still asked the Crown Prince about the truth, cried into the palace, ran to the couch and knelt down, and cried bitterly while supporting the corpse.

The three assassins stood at the door, feeling more and more nervous, especially Zhang Shiyu, who felt that his father was not a participant in the assassination. He was suspicious of the other two and knelt down and cried with his father.

"He will leak the secret." Lou Chu whispered.

Shao Junqian also saw it, "When the time comes, we will refuse to acknowledge him. Prince Yu is young, and no one will believe what he says."

"Don't be careless." Lou Chu is only three or four years older than Zhang Shiyu, but he seems to be decades more mature. "Someone has to go out of the city to welcome the prince and the general."

"Mr. Lou wants to go out of the city?"

Lou Chu nodded, "I will hand the will directly to the prince."

"But I can't write an imperial edict now."

"Mr. Shao will persuade the princess later."

Shao Junqian approached Lou Chu, "You won't encourage the general..."

"The Western Expedition Army is all in Tongguan, and there are imperial guards outside the city, which are not under the control of the general. What is Mr. Shao afraid of? I'm only worried that Prince Yu will talk nonsense, rumors will spread, and the prince and the general will be blocked and unable to enter the city."

Shao Junqian was about to speak when the empress dowager arrived.

It was dawn, and the empress dowager had woken up in the bedroom a long time ago. She was restless. When she heard the news that the emperor was assassinated, she immediately collapsed all over. She got up after a long time and cried all the way over.

"My son..." The Queen Mother did not go to see the Emperor, but first hugged the Prince of Jibei and cried bitterly.

The Queen Mother brought many people with her, and the side hall seemed a little crowded. Shao Junqian approached the Princess and talked in a low voice. The Princess did not speak, but went to support the Queen Mother and cried together.

Everyone in the hall was crying. Lou Chu slowly walked to Madam Lan and whispered, "I need to go out of the city to see the general."

Madam Lan should have been in front, but the Princess occupied the Queen Mother's side, so she stayed behind and sent her daughter-in-law to comfort her. She had already seen Lou Chu, heard his words, nodded, said nothing, and asked nothing.

Lou Ying had long forgotten his brother's instructions, and cried so hard that he almost died, and the people around the Queen Mother had to come to persuade him.

After Shao Junqian talked to the Princess once, she did not move forward again, and knelt behind and cried.

Lou Chu really couldn't squeeze out tears, so he walked out of the side hall and stood guard at the door.

Below the steps, dozens of eunuchs and palace maids knelt on the ground, motionlessly waiting for orders to decide the extent of crying.

Amid the cries, Lou Chu regretted his mistake more and more. He was just a commoner. With the arrival of nobles, he would quickly retreat to the edge without even the chance to interrupt.

He had once guarded the corpse and made plans, but now he could only watch the power slide to others.

The cries gradually stopped, and eunuchs and palace maids ran in and out, conveying all kinds of inexplicable orders. The queen mother obviously had not found a support.

But the person who made the final decision must be the princess. Lou Chu hoped that someone would send him out of the city before that. Otherwise, as soon as the princess or the queen mother spoke, he would have to hand over the will and would be useless from then on.

Huanyan ran from a distance and climbed up the stairs. Seeing Lou Chu, she was slightly stunned and asked, "Is it true?"

Lou Chu nodded, and Huanyan ran into the hall.

Madam Lan came out in person and handed a piece of paper to Lou Chu, "This is the queen mother's decree. You leave the city immediately."

"Yes." Lou Chu felt relieved and sighed again. The only person who was willing to listen to him was Madam Lan.

"You didn't... Forget it, don't say anything, go quickly."

Lou Chu bowed and saluted, then walked down the steps and hurried out of the palace.

The news had spread, but there was no chaos in the palace. It was just that no matter who saw Lou Chu and the imperial edict in his hand, they had to cry for a while before executing the order.

Lou Chu was anxious.

In the imperial city, the guards were gathering, indicating that the King of Jibei had taken power.

Lou Chu wanted to get a horse and ride out of the city, always feeling like someone was chasing him from behind.

Outside the city, the imperial army occupied the old camp of the Western Expedition Army, and no changes had taken place. When Lou Chu passed by, he looked into the camp and knew in his heart that whoever took control of this army first would be the new master of the Eastern Capital.

After running west for more than ten miles, Lou Chu finally saw the team on the road. The scale was small, but there were many flags.

Someone in front of the team stopped them, and Lou Chu asked loudly: "Is it the general in front? I am Lou Chu, the son of the general, and I am here to greet him by the order of the empress dowager."

The team stopped, and soon someone called Lou Chu over.

It was really the general, sitting in the car, with a haggard face, looking at his son for a few times, and waving his hand to let others leave, "You will definitely not have good news."

Lou Chu said nothing, and handed over the emperor's will.

Lou Wen opened it and his expression changed immediately, the haggard look disappeared, and he stood up and said: "Your Majesty..."


Lou Wen was dazed, and Lou Chu asked: "Where is the prince? Shouldn't he be with his father? With this will, at least you can be credited with supporting him."

Lou Wen regretted it, "The prince was taken away by Liang Shengzhi and Guo Shifeng and entered the city early."

Lou Chu didn't meet any special pedestrians on the way, and the prince must have entered the city early.

I thought the assassination was over, but Lou Chu realized at this time that everything was just beginning.

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