Plan to cut off the nine states

Chapter 59 Bloodstains

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When the emperor went out of the palace for a tour at night, the most nervous people were not the noble attendants, nor the confidants who were often beaten and scolded, but the guards responsible for protecting the emperor.

The assassin waited in the shadows for an unknown period of time, and jumped out silently. When he was about to pounce on the emperor, he shouted "Dog Emperor".

The emperor was strong and responsive, and he did not panic when he encountered an accident. He opened his arms and hugged the assassin, and the two fell to the ground and rolled together.

Everyone in the courtyard was stunned. The emperor had rolled on the ground twice. The five beauties who were in good shape were the first to scream in fear. Infected by them, Lou Ying also screamed.

Lou Chu and Zhang Shiyu ran over at the same time, one wanted to make up a knife, and the other wanted to save people.

But someone was faster than them. Several guards whizzed past, held down the two people who were hugging each other, and separated them with force.

The emperor was not dead. He was shocked and angry. He was helped up by two guards and shouted at the top of his lungs: "Cut him into pieces... Wait, leave him alive..."

The assassin refused to surrender. He laughed loudly and fought with all his strength. He waved the short blade in his hand everywhere, forced back the besieging guards, and finally stabbed himself in the stomach.

The laughter stopped abruptly.

The emperor shook off the guards, rushed over a few steps, grabbed the assassin's collar, and asked sternly: "Who is it? Who sent you?"

The assassin made a few hoarse sounds in his throat, spit out a mouthful of blood, and slowly collapsed in the emperor's hands.

The emperor let go and let the body fall to the ground. With a heart full of anger, he turned around in place to find the mastermind behind the assassin.

"It's you!" the emperor shouted angrily, "It's you again!"

Lou Chu was extremely disappointed, but his face remained calm, "If it were me, someone would have to pass the message on my behalf."

The emperor calmed down a little. Yes, Lou Chu had been imprisoned in the imperial city these days and had no contact with the outside world. The emperor decided to go on tour tonight during the day, so Lou Chu had no chance to reveal his whereabouts.

When he thought of the word "whereabouts", the emperor turned his eyes to Lou Ying, "It's you, the only person outside is you..."

"Your Majesty..." Lou Ying's voice trembled, his body trembled, and even his eyes seemed to tremble.

"Shut up!" The more the emperor thought about it, the more reasonable it seemed, and the more angry he felt.

"Your Majesty..." Not only Lou Ying, but Zhang Shiyu on the side also trembled.

"Even you..." The emperor became even angrier, and suddenly felt strange. Those guards who had just made contributions to protecting the emperor were actually trembling slightly.

The emperor felt a strange pain and looked down. There was a large piece of blood on his abdomen. He was just angry just now and didn't notice that his body was injured.

Seeing that the blood seemed to be still flowing out, the emperor's steps were unsteady and he swayed a few times.

The people around him came to help him, but the emperor calmed down, covered his abdomen with his right hand, and stretched out his left hand to stop him, "Stop." He glanced around, "Prince Yu, come here."

Zhang Shiyu immediately ran to the emperor's side and supported his arm.

The guards could still be trusted, and the emperor continued: "The people in the yard stay and check the room. Tell the outside that I am fine, and no one is allowed to walk around or talk nonsense at will. Anyone who dares to spread the news will be executed without mercy."

The head of the guards obeyed the order, sent his men to search everywhere, and went out to pass the order himself.

Things happened too quickly, the guards outside didn't know what was going on, and the servants who were having fun in the central military mansion opposite were even more unaware.

The emperor looked at the five women, "Play music later, as usual."

The five women had not yet woken up, and could only nod blankly.

The emperor stared at the Lou brothers for a while, "Stay here, don't move."

Zhang Shiyu couldn't help but interrupt, "We have to send someone to invite the imperial physician."

The emperor shook his head, "If we alert the imperial physician, the whole city will know that I'm in trouble. I feel okay, the injury is not that serious, help me in and bandage it."

"Your Majesty!" Zhang Shiyu wanted to persuade him again, but the emperor was determined and he could only obey.

Lou Ying woke up as if from a dream and took a step forward. Immediately, two guards drew their swords to stop him. They strictly abided by the imperial edict and did not allow the Lou brothers to move.

Lou Ying quickly retracted his feet and said in a sad voice: "Your Majesty, it really wasn't me..."

The emperor did not look back, and slowly entered the room with the help of his nephew.

A guard said to the five women: "Your Majesty ordered you to play music."

The five women were terrified, and only one could speak: "The things... are in the hall..."

There were more than a dozen guards in the yard, and someone immediately went to the living room to get musical instruments and five stools.

The five women sat down, each playing the strings and flutes. Their skills were not good to begin with, and now the chirping sound was even more unpleasant, as if a group of birds were fighting for food and territory.

The guards outside rubbed their ears, but the people in the courtyard were in no mood to comment.

Lou Ying took a look at the corpse on the ground, shuddered all over, and murmured: "It's over, it's over, no matter what, the assassin came from my family... What can I do? His Majesty will never believe me again..."

Regardless of how many people were present, Lou Ying sobbed and cried.

Lou Chu stood by and advised: "Don't be afraid, Third Brother. His Majesty is very observant and will not wrongly accuse anyone."

"Unless the mastermind is found immediately, and must be found immediately... Seventeenth Brother, you are the smartest, think about who the master of the assassin is?"

Lou Chu knew who it was. He had planned with Ma Wei and Guo Shifeng to arrange assassins in three small harems. When Guo Shifeng went west, Ma Wei fled, and Lou Chu was trapped in the imperial city, he thought the plan had ended, but he didn't expect it to continue. Ma Wei's disappearance made the plan even more untraceable.

The head of the guards examined the body and stood up and asked: "Is this person a servant in the mansion?"

"Definitely not, I've never seen him." Lou Jiang said immediately.

The emperor didn't trust the Lou family brothers, and naturally the leader of the guards didn't believe it either. He said to one of his subordinates: "Call in the Lou family steward from outside."

After the steward opened the door of the Zhongjun Mansion, he stayed outside. When he was brought in, he heard strange noises in the courtyard and was already worried. When he saw the corpse on the ground, he was so frightened that he almost fell down and was pushed by the guard. , stumbled to the body.

"Do you recognize this person? If you lie, you will lose your head." The leader of the guards asked.

The steward was in confusion, "I recognize it, I recognize it, this is... the servant the mansion bought a few days ago, named Luo San'er."

The head guard glanced at Lou Ji, whose face was as pale as a sheet of paper, "Old Zhao, don't talk nonsense."

Lao Zhao did not understand what his master meant, and he did not dare to lie in front of the palace guards, "It is indeed Luo San'er. He was originally from the Liang Kingdom. His family was in decline and he had no job to do, so he had to sell himself as a slave. I think he I can write a few words, so I stay in the house, but I don’t know why I came here.”

Lou Gang immediately said: "You heard it, it's the servant he bought. It has nothing to do with me. I have never seen Luo San'er at all."

The head guard didn't reply, just waiting for the emperor to give an explanation when he asked.

Zhang Shiyu opened the door and came out with a much calmer expression, "Bring me some wine."

Everyone was somewhat relieved that the emperor could still drink. No one in the Lou family could move. The head guard went to the hall to bring the wine and handed it to Zhang Shiyu.

"Your Majesty is fine, your Majesty is aware of everything." Lou Jian said these two sentences repeatedly, his expression never recovered.

Not long after, Zhang Shiyu came out again and said, "Stop playing music, it's too unpleasant to listen to."

The five women put down their instruments, their expressions as ugly as those of the Chinese general.

"I will send them all away tomorrow!" Lou Jian was still trying to please the emperor. As for what was happening at home, he no longer had the heart to think about it.

Zhang Shiyu opened the door for the third time and said, "Your Majesty summons the foundation of the building."

Lou Jian immediately reminded in a low voice: "To protect me is to protect yourself."

The floor stepped forward and walked into the house. The two guards got the hint and followed him closely. After entering the door, they blocked the front.

A candle was lit in the room. The emperor refused to go to bed and sat on a chair. The wound on his abdomen had been bandaged. His face was slightly pale, but he seemed to be fine.

"I know that this matter must be related to you." The emperor thought over and over again and came to the initial conclusion.

Lou Chi stood at the door, unable to take another step forward, and said flatly: "No matter what, your Majesty will blame this matter on me."

"Haha, this is a true prophecy. I really don't understand why I want to keep you alive until now."

"Your Majesty will make the truth known in Tongguan."

"Yes, Tongguan, hey, you two brothers are still of great use. We will leave for Tongguan tomorrow."

Zhang Shiyu didn't quite understand what the two men were talking about, but he knew that the emperor's injury was not as light as it seemed. "Your Majesty can't go on an expedition anymore. It's time to return to the palace now..."

"When the others come back, I said that tonight, regardless of whether you are a king or a minister, we will have fun together."


The emperor gently pressed the wound and said with a smile: "Just think that I was injured early in the battle. Get out of the way, I'm talking to the foundation."

Zhang Shiyu had to stand aside.

The emperor looked at the foundation of the building and said, "Do you think I will be angry? No, this stab woke me up. Anger is useless and will only do bad things. I myself have provided you with too many opportunities. The so-called confinement is a joke. The late emperor was wise. Shenwu, if you make a mistake in this matter, you will either kill all the people from the five countries or pardon them. Imprisonment will be the same as forcing you to rebel. "

Lou Chu was wondering if he could break through the interception of the two guards, but he concluded that he couldn't.

The emperor smiled and said, "I swore a poisonous oath in front of the memorial tablets of my ancestors. I will never exempt anyone from imprisonment. Therefore, there is only one option left - kill them all. There is no way. The late emperor forced the people of the Five Kingdoms to rebel, and the people of the Five Kingdoms forced them to rebel. I'll kill you."

"It is impossible to kill all the people from the Five Kingdoms."

"The people of the five countries are all good people, so there is no need to kill them. The number of scholars and their relatives in the five countries is about six to seven hundred thousand. The women will be spared from death. All the men, old and young, will be killed. There are about three hundred thousand people. Tiancheng Dynasty can bear it. Affordable.”

Lou Chu shut up and said nothing.

"You can go out and tell the tough fat guy that his fat body won't last for more than a few days - I want to hear his cry."

Lou Chu withdrew. No matter how the third brother asked, he refused to say a word.

The rapid sound of horse hooves was heard outside, as well as the guards' stern shouts to stop. Lou Jian was startled again, "Who dares to break in here?"

A guard hurried over and said to the leader at the gate: "Shao Junqian is asking to see you. He said he has urgent military affairs."

The leader announced through the door. After a while, Zhang Shiyu opened the door: "Let him in."

Shao Junqian ran into the courtyard and saw the corpse on the ground. She was stunned for a moment and thought it was the emperor who killed people on the spur of the moment. She was not too surprised and said to the brothers of the Lou family: "The general and the prince are safe. They are on their way back to the capital. They will arrive tomorrow. ”

"General, are you okay?" Lou Jian almost laughed out loud.

"Well, but the river workers inside and outside Tongguan rebelled..." Shao Junqian said as she ran, not having time to complete the sentence.

"What does Hegong's rebellion... mean?" Lou Jian asked blankly.

"It's not just Qinzhou where there are rioters." Lou Chu said.

The emperor's roar came from the room, and calm quickly returned. After a long time, Shao Junqian opened the door and waved to the floor.

Every time he asked his brother to come in, Lou Jian was very dissatisfied, but he didn't dare to fight for it. He could only whisper: "Say nice things."

Two guards wanted to follow, Shao Junqian waved her hand, "Your Majesty only saw him."

When Lou Chu entered the room again, the emperor had moved to the bed and was explaining to Zhang Shiyu: "Find the imperial doctor and summon all the officials. I will leave the town overnight to defend the army..."

Shao Junqian leaned into Lou Chu's ear and said in a very low voice: "When do you plan to take that step?"

This was the code word that the two of them had talked about. Lou Chu understood its meaning and without thinking about anything, he leaned over, pulled out the dagger, and walked towards the bed inside.

You only get one chance.

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