Plan to cut off the nine states

Chapter 405 Seizing the throne

"The coming king?" Du Gousan didn't seem to understand the meaning of the word. He sat in the middle, watching the swallows pecking the eagle on his left, and Emperor Mu on his right, and said: "The three of us will work together to chop this kid into pieces. How about making meat sauce and giving it to the whole army, and everyone has a taste, leaving only the head as evidence?"

Mu Tianzi said: "Don't worry, listen to what he has to say first."

"What else is there to listen to? He made it very clear that he wants us to rebel against the King of the World and join the Army of the World together. Even though we have no chance to see King Xue, we can't betray him, right? This kind of disloyalty is not good. I don’t do anything righteous.”

Mu Tianzi said: "I won't do it either, but King Xue is dead. The current King of the World is his son. It is said that he is a baby who can't walk yet. The one who is really in power is his sister Jin Shengnu. The King of Heaven has forgotten Is it true? Jin Shengnu once played tricks on King Xiong, tricking him into recognizing her as her mother, and forcibly annexed King Xiong's soldiers, and then tricked him into guarding Xijing alone, which was why Xu Chu forced King Xiong to death. "

Yan Pei Ying was also a little tempted and added: "Xu Chu and the Golden Saint are from the same family, it is said."

All three people looked over and Xu Chu said: "It is true that we got married in Dongdu, but..."

This was enough, Du Gousan suddenly realized, "Ku Mie Tian Wang's words reminded me that since Xu Chu and Jin Shengnu are the same family, they conspired to kill King Xiong, right?"

Emperor Mu was silent, but Du Gousan became more and more right as he thought about it, staring at Xu Chu, waiting for him to explain.

However, Xu Chu refused to explain, and still said: "What, are you three interested in the position of King of the Incarnation?"

Du Gouzan was about to ask more questions, but was stopped by Yan Pei Ying.

"Golden Saint is your wife, and the young king is your brother-in-law. Why do you want to take their royal titles?" Yan Peiying asked.

"It's not me, it's the three of you. I'm just giving you an idea." Xu Chu said with a smile.

"Well, why do you want to help us seize the title of King of the Coming World? Just to save your life?"

"If this reason is not enough - when we were in Dongdu, the Golden Saint led the army back to Qinzhou, and I went to Jizhou myself, can it also explain something?"

Yan Peiying thought for a while and nodded slightly.

Du Gousan frowned and said, "What's going on? Did you have a falling out with the Golden Saint? Did you find another woman, or did she find a wild man? If that's the case, why did you help her assassinate King Xiong?"

"There are some things I don't want to talk about. The three of you can just say whether you are interested in the position of King of the Incarnation. If you are interested, I will continue to give you advice. If you are not interested, I have nothing to say." Xu Chu closed his mouth and said eyes, assuming a meditative posture.

The three heavenly kings opposite looked at each other and said nothing.

After a while, Du Gousan spoke first: "Brothers, no one can pretend..."

Mu Tianzi suddenly stood up and said, "Let's not discuss it here. Let's discuss it somewhere else."

"King Ku Mie Tian is right, we can't let him listen." Du Gousan immediately agreed.

Yan Peiying also had this intention, and the three of them got up and left.

Xu Chu in the tent opened his eyes and breathed out gently, finally arousing the interest of these three people. This was the first step to success, but he felt a little guilty in his heart and murmured to the Golden Saint in the distance: "I'm sorry. , I’m not really going to bring trouble to you by using you as an excuse.”

Half an hour later, three soldiers came in one after another and said at the same time: "The King wants you to come over."

Xu Chu put on his shoes and stood up, and said with a smile: "Is it time to have some food and wine this time? I haven't eaten for a while."

There was really a banquet. The meat was in large pieces, cut and cooked randomly, and there were all kinds of wine, either jars or bottles, snatched from nowhere.

There was not much detail during the march. The three heavenly kings sat on the ground like the He Rong people. The difference was that there was a small table in front of each of them, and the wine and meat had signs of being used.

Xu Chu looked around, but couldn't find his position, so he had to stand opposite the three people, cupped his hands and said with a smile: "Have the three heavenly kings made up their mind?"

Although Mu Tianzi was the first to come to Xu Chu before, he was a man of few words, and Yan Peiying was also stern. Only Du Gousan liked to talk, and he always sat in the middle, thinking that he was half as tall as the two "brothers". head, so he took the floor.

"You continue to express your ideas. If your ideas are pleasing to the eye, we will discuss them again. If your ideas are not pleasing to the ears, we will be beheaded."

Xu Chu touched his head and said, "It turns out it's not stable yet."

"If it's not stable, we will still chop it off at any time. Judging from your thin skin and tender meat, if you cook it in a pot, the taste will not be too bad."

"It must be very bad. When it comes to meat, don't you talk about it while eating?"

Du Gousan glanced at the leftover wine and meat in front of his table and said, "If you say it well, you can reward me with wine and meat. If you say it badly, you can just chew your own fingers."

Xu Chu coughed, "Okay, I'll say it. It's actually simple. Do you three know that the King of Avatar not only married his daughter to me, but also accepted me as his disciple?"

"Which coming king?"

"The only one who can marry off his daughter is King Xue Liujia." Two days ago, Xu Chu never expected that he would use the identity of Xue Liujia's disciple again.

Du Gousan glanced left and right, "I believe you for the time being. Just keep talking."

"When King Xue accepted me as his disciple, he also gave me the Emperor-killing Rod that can completely kill the Emperor..."

"That's obviously called Qianjin Invincible Beating Magic Stick." Du Gousan corrected him disdainfully.

"There are always many names for divine objects."

"Or are they not the same root?"

"King Xue only has one magic stick in his hand."

"You go on to say that King Xue gave you many good things. What does it have to do with us?"

Xu Chu said seriously: "It has a lot to do with it. In fact, King Xue intended to pass the throne to me when he was in Dongdu..."

Du Gousan laughed, "Is King Xue crazy? Your surname is not Xue."

"King Xue is a direct disciple of Maitreya. What he cares about is not his surname, but his relationship with Buddha."

"Do you have a connection with Buddha?"

Xu Chu shook his head, "I don't have it, but King Xue thought I had it, so he wanted to pass the throne to me, but I didn't dare to accept it, so he returned the magic stick to the Golden Saint, so that his brother could take over as the young king."

Du Gou San was dubious and looked at the kings on both sides.

Yan Peiying said: "There seems to be such a rumor. It doesn't matter. I'll find out the details when I find a few old army leaders."

Xu Chu said: "You can ask yourself. As long as you are an old army officer who has been to Dongdu, there is no one who doesn't know about this."

"The Hundred-Eyed King hasn't arrived yet, and he has the most old soldiers. Quan Dang, what you said is completely true. You didn't dare to take over the position of King of the World, and you are even less worthy now."

Xu Chu smiled and said: "At the beginning and now, I am alone, with no relatives or friends to back me up in the World Army..."

Du Gousan curled his lips and said: "That's quite right. One hero has three gangs. Take me as an example. Although one shot is invincible, it still needs the support of many relatives and friends. Our Du family... you say yours ”

"When I was in Dongdu, I knew that I couldn't compete with the Xue brothers and sisters, so I would rather hand over the magic stick and go away to Jizhou. But the more I thought about it, the more wrong I became. Who is King Xue? A direct disciple of Buddha, with boundless magic power and vast supernatural powers. How could this happen? Did he see the wrong person? There must be a reason why he appointed me to succeed him, and he ascended to heaven after the appointment. Apparently, he felt that everything in the world was settled and there was nothing to worry about anymore. "

Du Gousan looked at Xu Chu again, frowning slightly, "Why don't I see what's so good about you?"

Xu Chu smiled and said: "Listen to me, after meeting the three heavenly kings, I suddenly understood what King Xue meant."

"What's the deep meaning?"

"King Xue had already expected everything. He knew that I would not accept the title of king. He knew that his youngest son would definitely become king after his death, and the generals of the World Army would be in trouble because of this. So he put the title of king on my head and asked me to bear it. It seeks the true coming King.”

Xu Chu's eyes swept across the faces of the three people opposite him one by one, his eyes full of unspeakable meaning.

The three kings looked at each other, and Du Gousan laughed, "You want to give up your title to us... the three of you?"

"First of all, I must get the king's title first."

"Didn't you say that the old soldiers are known to everyone..."

"Everyone knows that I handed over the king's title, so I have to find a reason to regain the king's title."

"Is there a reason?"

Xu Chu nodded and did not answer, but looked at Mu Tianzi.

Emperor Mu was stared at for a while, and then he said: "The reason is ready. The Golden Saint and the young king abandoned Xijing and killed King Xiong and countless soldiers. They are no longer qualified to be called the King of the World."

Du Gou nodded repeatedly, "Where are the Golden Saint and the Young King?"

"In the north, at the border between Qin and Liang states and the Great Wall." Xu Chu replied.

"She was so frightened by He Rongren that she wants to hide in such a ghost place?"

"In short, I can regain the king's title, but I must have the support of the three kings. I definitely can't do it by myself."

"Of course you can't. The Golden Saint can tear you in half by herself. She is a woman that even the King would admit defeat."

Yan Peiying on the side interjected: "The Golden Saint must have used a trick to defeat the Xiong King by one and a half moves. I don't believe that she is really the Xiong King's opponent."

"I don't believe it either." Du Gousan leaned forward, "We will help you regain the king's title, and then you will pass the throne to us, right?"

"That's true, but there is one thing that can only be passed on to one of you."

The three heavenly kings looked at each other, feeling a little wary of each other.

Xu Chu immediately added: "But don't worry, I believe King Xue has already made arrangements. When the three of them help me regain the king's title, one of them will stand out and become the undisputed new king. He can ascend to Tushita Heavenly Palace." Pay homage to Maitreya Buddha, and he will command millions of incarnated armies to roam the world and create a kingdom of Buddha."

Du Gousan was leisurely fascinated, Emperor Mu and Yan Peiying were also moved, the expressions on their faces were changing.

After waiting for a while, Xu Chu said: "Can I drink wine and eat meat?"

"Uh... ok, I have some left on this table..."

"I want new wine and meat, and I want to give some to my entourage." Xu Chu took matters into his own hands, pulled out a felt blanket, and sat down under the three of them. "I haven't finished my plan yet, but I have to wait. You can continue talking after you have had enough wine and food.”

Du Gousan sent an order, and someone soon brought a small table and newly cooked meat outside the tent. They opened the mud-sealed wine jar and poured it into a big bowl.

After Xu Chu confirmed that Chang Yan also got a portion, he ate and drank heavily. Du Gousan kept urging him, but he was not in a hurry. After he was completely full, he pushed the table forward slightly and let out a sigh of relief, " Full."

"Then let's continue talking." Du Gousan was impatient.

"We are going to the north to get back to the king. The three of us are not strong enough, so we have to gather all the new troops together and march north together."

"Hey, the new army has just been defeated by the He Rong people in Xijing. The only ones that have taken shape are us, the team that just came from Hanzhou. But except for the dead Xiong King, no one in the army is willing to submit to anyone. You have a way Let everyone obey one person’s orders?”

Xu Chu pointed at the food and wine on the table, "I won't eat your food for free. I said I have a way, and I have my own way. The three of you just invite the leaders of the new army and find a place to gather. In less than ten days, the new army will be unified and powerful in the world." !”

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