Plan to cut off the nine states

Chapter 406: Accidental Injury

Xu Chu hoped that all the new armies would gather together to compete with the other heroes. It was a big talk, but it was extremely difficult to do, even more difficult than he expected.

Du Gou San laughed twice, his heart was moved, but the other two kings were expressionless.

"The new army will be unified and the world will be shaken." Du Gou San repeated.

Yan Zhuoying frowned slightly, "Xu Chu, do you know why the new army has so many leaders and can't always unite? Even the great reputation of the Xiong King can't do it."

"Because the King of the World is not in Hanzhou?" Xu Chu guessed.

"That's just a small reason. The most important one is the lack of food. There are dozens of leaders of the new army, big and small, each leading an army, with as many as 10,000 people and as few as hundreds of people. It all depends on how much food you can provide. Like our three families, we are considered relatively large. I don't know about others, but I have 30,000 troops under my command..."

Du Gou San laughed and said, "You said that others have as many as 10,000 people, but I have 30,000 troops - is it a dream? Lend me 10,000 people?"

Yan Zhuoying looked normal, "At least ten leaders are as close to me as brothers. As soon as I open my mouth, they will come. All of them together exceed 30,000. Is there a problem?"

"No problem. Uh, among the people who are 'as close as brothers', I and the King of Bitterness are not included, right?"

"You are definitely not included." Yan Zhuoying raised his head and said.

Before the other new troops arrived, the existing leaders were about to quarrel.

Xu Chu smiled and said, "I understand. The new army is short of food, so the scale cannot be too large. But how can the three kings get together?"

When talking about this matter, the three of them showed anger at the same time. It was Du Gou San who spoke first, and his tone was as hard as hammering iron: "Who knows! We clearly agreed to go in different directions, but the two brothers followed me and refused to leave."

Yan Zhuoying immediately said, "I was the first to propose to go to Liangzhou. Who broke the agreement and insisted on getting ahead of me?"

Mu Tianzi also said, "It's not that I am competing with you for the road. I have acquaintances in Liangzhou, and they invited me to go..."

"I have acquaintances all over the world!" Du Gou San said angrily, "Demon Subduing Heavenly King, you wanted to go north to Liangzhou one moment and south to Yizhou the next, but you were indecisive and missed the opportunity. When you saw me going north, you followed me shamelessly. You still have the nerve to..."

"Bah, you always grab the good things when you see them, and you still think you are right?"

The three Heavenly Kings were very angry. They quarreled and stood up almost at the same time, kicked over the table, and were about to fight. When the soldiers guarding outside the tent heard the voice inside, they all drew their weapons, either blaming each other or rushing into the tent to protect their master. The scene suddenly became chaotic.

Xu Chu stood up to persuade, "Everyone listen to me..."

But no one listened to his words. He was immediately drowned in the noise and had to retreat to the side to watch.

Yan Zhuoying and Mu Tianzi were armed with swords and were tall, so they had an advantage in the narrow tent. Du Gousan was short and was pushed twice. He could not help but get angry, roared, and rushed out of the tent. Others did not know what was going on and made way.

Without Du Gousan, the situation eased a little. Yan Zhuoying suddenly said, "Not good, the king will get the long spear..."

Before he finished speaking, he heard the continuous roar outside the tent, mixed with shouts of "Yo Yo", "Hide quickly", "Madman".

With a swish, a long cut was made in the tent. Du Gousan rushed in with a spear, and stabbed hard without caring who was in front of him.

Xu Chu was originally standing on the side, but unfortunately became the target of the long spear. He was startled and hurriedly dodged, but his feet were tripped by the messy blankets, and his movements were quite unsmooth.

Fortunately, Du Gousan did not have a clear target either. He pierced the tent with the spear and rushed out straight again.

Xu Chu felt a sharp pain, and his left shoulder was cut, bleeding.

Someone in the tent shouted: "The Heavenly King is going to kill Xu Chu, we can't let him get ahead!"

A group of soldiers rushed over. If Yan Zhuoying and Mu Tianzi hadn't tried their best to stop him, Xu Chu would have died inexplicably under the swords.

The two Heavenly Kings personally escorted Xu Chu out of the tent, took him to another tent nearby, and took people to guard outside.

Chang Yanzhi was eating, and suddenly saw Xu Chu coming in with blood. He was shocked and hurried to meet him, "Did they do it?"

"An accidental injury." Xu Chu smiled reluctantly.

Chang Yanzhi bandaged the wound and asked, "What's going on? There's a lot of noise outside."

"Alas, it's hard to explain."

"Young Master, can't you convince them?"

Xu Chu smiled bitterly, "I convinced them. They were very interested in my plan. They were chatting and suddenly quarreled, and then they started fighting..."

"It's really the true nature of the Advent Army... If there was no Young Master, wouldn't the Advent Army in Dongdu be like this?"

"Wait a minute, since it's the true nature of the Advent Army, it will calm down later."

The quarrel outside really subsided slowly.

Du Gousan suddenly rushed in without a long spear in his hand. Looking at the wound on Xu Chu's arm, he looked unhappy, "Why are you so stupid? Everyone else is fine, but you are injured. My long spear is so conspicuous, didn't you see it?"

"I saw it, but because it was too conspicuous, I was shocked for a while, so I didn't dodge." Xu Chu smiled.

"Well, that's right. My long spear is different from others and has a history... I'll tell you in detail later. Let me tell you that we will set out early tomorrow morning to meet up with other leaders and discuss the 'big plan' you mentioned."

"Have you found enough food?"

"You don't need to worry about this. Just focus on how to unify the armies and how to regain the throne of the King of the World."

Du Gousan left without a word of apology.

Chang Yanzhi was surprised again, "Regain the throne of the King of the World?"

"Expedient measure." Xu Chu pressed the wound, but still felt pain.

"How long will the young master plan to be 'expedient'? I think this person means what he means."

Xu Chu smiled and said: "Don't worry, I will never really lead people to fight for the king's title from the Golden Saint. I just want to gather the leaders of the new army together, and then use emotion to move them and reason to achieve success." More, become a powerful force. I have succeeded once in Dongdu, so I have experience.”

"Young Master became king in the Eastern Capital, what about this time?"

"I will never be king this time." Xu Chu said firmly.

"What if it's 'expediency'?" Chang Yan asked.

"I won't call myself the king, I'll just talk about it." Xu Chu took a step forward and said, "Counsels do need to be ups and downs in the world, but there are things to do and things not to do. I will not sink to the bottom, nor will I float to the sky. "

Chang Yan was a little embarrassed, "You blame me for talking too much... The young master is bleeding again. I'll bandage it again."

Early the next morning, before eating, Xu Chu was called up to go on the road.

The three armies gathered together were already too large. The food and grass could not sustain them for long, and they could never turn around and join the other armies. Therefore, the three kings left their confidants to manage the camp, and then each took 200 people with them. Find another leader.

The relationship between the new armies was complicated and they rarely trusted each other. The three kings were worried that someone would rob Xu Chu, so they did not take him to the Hundred-Eyed King who was mentioned frequently by them. Instead, they took a detour to meet another Shenxing King.

"The Shenxing Heavenly King is an elder and is not greedy for fame and position. We gave him the title of Heavenly King forcibly. The leaders of the New Army must go to him when discussing matters." Du Gousan explained on the road.

When they first left Hanzhou, the leaders chose different directions. Most of them went north to enter Qinzhou. Du Gousan and others took the west route, while Shenxing Tianwang took the middle route, which was not far away.

Yi Yan sent a message claiming that he had captured Xu Chu alive, and all the leaders came one after another. Only King Shenxing didn't move - he led his army to attack a small city at a critical moment.

A few days later, when Xu Chu and others arrived, the town had just opened its doors to surrender, and King Shenxing was leading people into the city to search for food.

There were not many people left in the small town. The hundreds of defenders were all haggard. They sat at the gate of the city, bowing their heads in silence. They seemed to have no concern for the safety of the city and themselves.

The three heavenly kings were not surprised by such a scene and sent people into the city to report it. They waited outside the city, dismounted and chatted and laughed without any sign of anger.

The injury on Xu Chu's shoulder had just recovered, and he was helped off his horse by Chang Yan. He sat on a stone on the side of the road and glanced at him casually. He suddenly found that someone among the prisoners frequently looked up at him.

"I seem to see an acquaintance." Xu Chu said.

"Are they officers and soldiers, or are they the Advent Army?"

"Officers and soldiers, if they really are officers and soldiers."

The prisoners' clothes and armor were in tatters, and they didn't look like Tiancheng officers and soldiers.

Chang Yan also noticed the prisoner who kept looking at him, so he said, "I'll go ask."


"It's okay." Chang Yan has been with the World Army for a long time and already knows the tempers of these people. He went straight to the prisoners without asking for instructions. Du Gousan and others did not pay attention to him, but the subordinates of Shenxing Tianwang thought he was one of their own. Don't ask.

After Chang Yan talked with the prisoner for a while, he actually called the man and brought him back with him. The Jishi Army guarding the prisoner was unhappy, and someone stepped forward to stop him. Chang Yan pulled him and spoke in a low voice. He didn't know what he had stuffed in, but he was let go. .

Xu Chu saw it from a distance and was very surprised. What surprised him the most was that this "bribery" happened in front of nearly a thousand World-born soldiers, but no one showed dissatisfaction, or even took a second look.

Chang Yan seemed to have just bought an animal in the market.

When the two came to Xu Chu, the prisoner was about to kneel down. Chang Yan stopped him and reminded him in a low voice: "Be normal and don't draw attention to yourself."

The man said tremblingly: "Yes. Young Master Seventeen, I never thought I would see you again in this life."

Xu Chu hadn't heard this title for a long time, and was surprised again, "Forgive me for my blindness, I see you are so kind, but I really can't remember..."

"I am Duan Siyong, the Seventeenth Young Master."

Xu Chu finally remembered, "Duan Siyong from the Guangling Palace?"

"That's me. I remember when I served the young master on his trip to Luozhou..."

Xu Chu nodded repeatedly. When he was still an unknown member of the Lou family, he traveled around the eastern capital with the support of Zhang Sheduan, the eldest son of Prince Guangling, and his entourage was Duan Siyong.

When Prince Guangling's family fell into decline, Duan Siyong disappeared.

"How did you end up here?" Xu Chu asked in surprise.

"Oh, my life is miserable. After the incident in the palace, all of us servants were made into military slaves and came to Qinzhou with the general to quell the chaos. The general was ambushed and defeated, so we ran away in all directions. We were unfamiliar with the place and ran in the wrong direction. Instead of returning to Luozhou, he went deep into Qinzhou. First he was captured and worked as a civilian, and then he was sent to various cities. After arriving here for only three months, he didn't even have a bite to eat, and he became a prisoner of war again. "

Even Xu Chu, who has rich experience, admitted that Duan Siyong was indeed unlucky, "It's a good thing if you can save your life. Are you... officers and soldiers?"

Duan Siyong turned to look at the other prisoners, "I don't know, anyway, the boss claimed to be a court official, but I don't look like..."

While the two were chatting, Du Gousan said loudly from a distance: "Xu Chu, come here, let's go see King Shenxing. If he is interested in your strategy, the matter is half done."

Duan Siyong whispered: "Seventeenth Young Master, be careful, the city guard surrendered, he actually has no good intentions..."

Before he could finish speaking, Xu Chu had been pushed away by several soldiers of the Advent Army.

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