Plan to cut off the nine states

Chapter 404 King of Heaven

Everyone around looked over, even Chang Yanzhi, wanting to hear what Gong Le could say, but Xu Chu refused to speak out immediately, "If you are not in a hurry to kill me, why not set up camp first and chat while drinking."

The three kings were stunned, and the short and strong king said angrily: "We are here to take revenge, who wants to drink with you?"

"It's okay not to drink, but there are some things I can't say in public... As the saying goes, walls have ears - there are no walls here, but there are many ears. My plan can not only prove that I am Xu Chu, but also make the various armies of the world convinced and recognize the one who killed me as the leader. But if someone spreads my "clever plan" to the Hundred Eyed King, the clever plan will be It doesn't work. "

The relationship between the various armies is extremely complicated. The short and strong king agreed with this, but he said, "Whoever dares to leak the news, I will pull out his tongue and drink it. What do you think, brothers?"

The yellow-faced king said, "This Xu Chu is said to be good at fortune-telling and has some skills."

"Why didn't he expect that he would fall into our hands?"

"We are a net of heaven and earth, he can't escape, and he is just 'some' capable, not very big."

"If we want to kill him, will he be willing to give us advice?"


The three kings gathered together to discuss in a low voice, and finally reached an agreement to return to the camp overnight, and then merge into one, and then make plans.

When they came, they chased and stopped, and when they returned, they galloped all the way, and the speed was much faster, but they deliberately bypassed Zuojiazhai and did not take the main road in front of the village to avoid Qiang soldiers. No one mentioned the revenge for Yiqitun.

The three camps were not far from each other and could easily be combined into one. Here, Xu Chu seemed to have returned to the past. The chaos he saw was not much different from the camp of the King Xue Liujia.

After a night of travel, everyone was tired and rested separately. Xu Chu and Chang Yanzhi were placed separately.

Xu Chu used a torn mattress to cover several holes and fell asleep.

He was woken up not long after sleeping. He opened his eyes reluctantly and said to the standing figure, "What time is it?"

"It's almost noon, you slept soundly."

"Well, I'm really tired. Why are you alone?"

The Yellow-Faced Heavenly King sat on the edge of the bed, "What's wrong with being alone? You only have one head, and it's hard to divide it with many people."

Xu Chu sat up, rubbed his face, and smiled, "No."

"What's wrong?"

"I can't say the 'clever plan'. I have to wait for the other two Heavenly Kings to be present before I can speak."

The Yellow-Faced Heavenly King's face sank, that is, his face became yellower, "Don't refuse a toast and drink a forfeit. I can chop off your head now."

Xu Chu was not afraid, "Chopping off my head is to become the leader. The three Heavenly Kings captured me alive. If you secretly chop off my head, I'm afraid you won't get the forgiveness and support of the other two. How can you be the leader?"

The Yellow-Faced Heavenly King held the hilt of the knife, "I have my own way."

"Then don't ask me for my way." Xu Chu smiled.

The yellow-faced king was hesitating when the black-faced king came in from outside. He was probably running fast and was a little out of breath. "Kumie King, you got up so early, why didn't you call me brother?"

The yellow-faced Kumie King immediately let go of the knife handle, stood up and said with a smile: "It is said that Xu Chu is cunning, I am worried that he will escape, so I came to check."

"I see. Uh... me too, I always feel uneasy, so I came to see."

The two laughed dryly, and Xu Chu also laughed, "There is another king, who probably also dreamed that I want to escape, and will soon be able to..."

Before he finished speaking, the short and strong king rushed in and cursed, "You two are really cheating, I called you 'brothers', since we have a falling out, let's go out and fight, I will fight you two alone!"

The yellow-faced and black-faced were a little embarrassed. Just as they were about to speak, Xu Chu said first: "You misunderstood these two 'brothers'. They came here to prevent me from escaping, not to steal my head."

"Really?" The short and strong king was a little suspicious.

The other two hurriedly said, "It's true."

The short and strong king looked at Xu Chu again, "Do you really want to escape?"

"I do have this idea. I can't just sit there and wait for death, but before I could think of the idea of ​​escaping, I was stopped by your two 'brothers'."

"Oh, blame me for being reckless, don't blame me, my two brothers."

"No, no."


Xu Chu said, "Since you are here and there are no outsiders present, why don't we talk first."

The tent was small and it was a bit cramped to accommodate four people, but none of the three kings wanted to leave. They sat side by side opposite each other. There was nothing under their buttocks, so they grabbed the quilt as a cushion. They were not very picky, and then they looked up at Xu Chu who was sitting on the bed.

Xu Chu looked at the three of them one by one and said, "Really don't you want to drink some wine?"

"When I chop off your head, there will be wine to drink naturally." The short and strong king said.

Xu Chu smiled and nodded, looking at the door, "No one will eavesdrop, right?"

The short and strong king shouted without turning his head: "Listen, everyone outside, retreat ten steps. If anyone dares to approach the tent, I will pull his head off, dig out the brain juice inside, and use his head as a chamber pot!"

There was a noise outside, and it seemed that everyone had been ordered to retreat. Judging from the sound, many people retreated more than ten steps.

"Okay." The short and strong king stared at Xu Chu, like a gambler waiting for a long-awaited dice point.

"Okay, but I still don't know what to call you three? I'm not deliberately shirking it, and there's really nothing to shirk. I just want to know the names of the three heroes, so that I can die with a clear mind."

The short and stout Heavenly King said: "Let you know that I am Du Gou San, the Heavenly King of the Sun, the Incarnation Army."

"Ditch? Iron hook?"

"None of them, seductive hook, one, two, three, three."

"What a good name. Are you a member of your family?"


The black-faced Heavenly King next to him smiled and said: "In front of my brothers, please don't lie to the Sun Heavenly King."

Du Gousan raised his head and said, "I used to rinse the house with water and goug the cracks in the walls. I only rinsed it three times at a time and refused to do it more than once. That's why I got the name Du Gousan. Is this true?"

The black-faced king nodded, "That's more or less the same. I'm the Demon-Subduing King Yan Pecking the Eagle. He can fly rocks to hit birds with one hand, so he's called Eagle Pecking."

"Usually it's just a sparrow, and it has to be a sparrow sitting on a tree, not flying in the sky." Du Gousan said disdainfully.

Xu Chu thought of the "circle of subduing demons" where the hero is difficult to defeat. He suppressed his laughter and looked at the third yellow-faced king, who was the first to arrive.

"Mu Tianzi, the king of suffering," said the yellow-faced man without any explanation, and the other two people did not reveal his background.

Xu Chu cupped his hands and said, "I'm sorry."

"Stop talking nonsense. You already know the name. It's time to make your decision, right?" Du Gousan urged.

"Don't worry, let me ask again, do the three heavenly kings recognize Xue Liujia?"

Du Gou San was impatient and immediately said: "Of course I recognize him. He is the former king who came to the world and a direct disciple of Maitreya Buddha. He has an invincible beating stick in his hand and rides on a unicorn horse with sun and moon eyes. It can vomit when it opens its mouth." The ten thousand-character mantra..."

"King Du Tian is from the same hometown as him?" Xu Chu interrupted.

"Uh... no, he is from Qinzhou, and I am... we are both from Hanzhou." Du Gousan said.

"I see. It is said that there is no famine in Hanzhou. Why did you join the World Army and leave your hometown to come to Qinzhou?" Xu Chu asked, very curious.

When they talked about this matter, the three people across from them sighed in unison. Du Gousan actually choked up a little, "King Demon Slayer, please tell me."

Yan Pei Ying sighed again: "There is no famine in Hanzhou, but all the food has been confiscated by the government. At first it was said that the Dongdu was collecting food to attack the He Rong people, and then it was said that it was to provide relief to the victims of Qinzhou nearby, and then it changed. They hoarded food to protect themselves, but in the end, without any excuses, the officers and soldiers went to the house to rob them, not even leaving the seeds. This was the case in every county, city and town. What else could we do if we were not to be part of the World Army?

"That dog emperor of all things! It would be easier for him to die early." Du Gousan said angrily.

"Then why come to Qinzhou? It's still a remote place in the west of Qin, and it's almost to the border of Liangzhou." Xu Chu didn't want to mention the Emperor of All Things.

Du Gousan shook his head helplessly, "King of the End of Bitterness, please tell me."

Mu Tianzi borrowed the name of the ancient emperor, and he was indeed more impressive. He sneered and said: "Xu Chu tried to trick us, thinking it was a way to delay the war. You two are really willing to say it."

"Are you using a delaying strategy?" Du Gousan stared at Xu Chu.

Xu Chu shook his head, "The three heavenly kings did not intend to kill me immediately, so why did they use a 'delay strategy'? If you want to hear my opinion, fine, you can say it at any time. I just feel that we are familiar with each other and can be more sincere."

Du Gousan glanced sideways at Emperor Mu, and then said: "It's useless if he's familiar with it. I've killed people I know better than you. To be honest, I cooked a few parts of his body. The taste is just average." Not as delicious as pork or dog meat, haha.”

Emperor Mu did not want to offend Du Gou San, and said: "The officers and soldiers of Hanzhou used to guard one city. For some reason, they suddenly united together and received assistance from the Yizhou Army. We couldn't defeat it, so we had to come to Qinzhou. Originally, we wanted to defect to Qinzhou. King Xiongtian, he is also our fellow countryman. Who wants King Xiongtian to die at your hands, so we vow to take revenge.”

Mu Tianzi suddenly stopped and looked at the other two people, "I think he is Xu Chu. He can't be wrong. There is no need to find anyone to confirm."

Yan Peiying also nodded and said: "The appearance and conversation are the same as in the rumors."

"It's just that he looks ugly and doesn't look like a real hero." Du Gousan said critically, but he also felt that this person must be Xu Chu.

Xu Chu smiled and said: "I have never denied it, but my recognition and your recognition are not enough. It must be recognized by the eight heavenly kings - now the seven heavenly kings, the sixteen venerables, and the twenty-eight gods."

Du Gousan said: "That's true, but the number is wrong. They are the five heavenly kings, the nine great sages, and the fifteen divine beings. Alas, the officers and soldiers are chasing closely, and we often have it ourselves... You hurry up and make up your mind. If it doesn't work for me, "I wish, our three heavenly kings will divide your head into three parts and take turns to be the leader."

Xu Chu smiled and said: "It's already ugly, but it becomes even uglier when it is divided into three parts. Well, we are familiar enough, I can tell you my ideas."

The three people on the opposite side listened attentively, especially Du Gousan, who listened very carefully. They just wished they couldn't bring him in, so they couldn't point to the sun or the sky.

Xu Chu paused for a moment, "Why don't the three of you go one step further and compete for the title of King of the Coming World?"

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