In the big tent, He Rongpingshan was just a "servant". Although he only served one person, he was not free after all. He had no food or drink all night.

The banquet was finally over and everyone else went back to their tents to lie down and sleep, but He Rongpingshan wanted to eat some food first. Dozens of real servants stood in front of him, feeling "ashamed" that he could not share his master's worries.

Xu Chu was also called and stood with the servants. After waiting for a while, seeing that He Rongpingshan didn't pay attention to him, he walked forward, sat on the edge, and said to the nearest servant: "Get a bowl." Come."

The incident happened suddenly, and none of the many servants stepped forward to stop him. By the time they reacted, Xu Chu had already sat down, only a few feet away from his master.

Everyone's expression changed.

He Rongpingshan was also surprised. He stared at Xu Chu for a while, nodded to the servant, and motioned for him to bring another bowl.

Xu Chu poured himself a drink, while He Rongren didn't use chopsticks. He didn't have a knife, so he just tore the meat with his hands and ate it in large chunks without showing any signs of indifference.

When they were almost done eating, Xu Chu said, "Thank you, I won't disturb you."

"Wait a moment." He Rong finally spoke. He was eating slowly and had been thinking about his thoughts. At this time, he finally thought of what to say and said to the many servants: "Step back."

A servant obeys his master's orders and leaves obediently.

He Rongpingshan used a knife to carefully cut out the last bit of meat on the bones. This was a habit he had developed since he was a child, and now it has become a hobby. He can only feel comfortable when the bones are clean.

"I don't have to force you to surrender anymore. Shan Yu relieved this task last night." He Rongpingshan was still staring at the bones in his hands.

"Congratulations." Xu Chu also stared at the bones, wondering what fun this was.

"Tian Jiang is dead, so he is lucky. As for you, I originally planned to let you go, but someone reminded me that the Shan Yu only relieved me of my mission and did not pardon you, so I can do whatever I want with you now, no. will be punished for this.”

"Congratulations." Xu Chu smiled.

"I've thought about it, and I won't kill you for the time being."

"Congratulations to myself."

He Rongpingshan finally cut out the last small piece of muscle, but did not eat it. He put down the bones and the knife, feeling satisfied, "I want to keep you to watch the princess's wedding - the person the princess wants to marry is no longer me, But Shan Yu." He Rongpingshan stared at Xu Chu and added: "Congratulations."

"Why should I be happy when someone else gets married?"

"You succeeded. The princess won't marry me, but - she won't marry you either." He Rongpingshan smiled, "It's true if you think about it carefully, the princess should be married to a single man. Oh, I forgot to mention, Shanyu's eldest wife is also from the Central Plains. She...will entertain the princess well and change her appearance." He Rongpingshan picked up another bone, cut off a large piece of meat, and chewed it slowly.

"And you're going to let me keep watching?"

He Rongpingshan smiled and swallowed the meat, "Why not? It's quite interesting to think about it. Isn't that Kou Daogu the person who made enemies with you in Yecheng?"

"That's right."

"He is a talented person. Maybe I should persuade Shanyu to keep him."

"You should keep him by your side, at least as a 'surrender'."

"Haha, you can't humiliate me now. Get out and wait for the wedding banquet."

Xu Chu stood up and said, "No matter how clean you pick the bones, it can't prove your ability. Shanyu treats you as his biological brother, but what he needs now is a general, not a child who can pick meat."

Xu Chu turned around and left. He Rongpingshan was silent for a while, and suddenly roared: "I want you to watch her suffer, and then feed you to the dogs alive!"

Xu Chu returned to his residence and smiled at Changyan: "We really can't leave."

Chang Yan did not show his disappointment, "Then stay for two more days."

"I shouldn't have offended so many people." Xu Chu said suddenly.

"Who did the young master offend again?"

"They are still the same people as before, Kou Daogu, He Rongpingshan... Thinking about it carefully, I have no reason to enmity with them. If I had taken a step back..."

Chang Yan said: "That's not a matter of taking one or two steps back. If you don't want to make enemies with these two people, you have to step back from the beginning: don't stay in Siguo Valley, and don't accept the little princess. Find a real deserted valley, in That way, the young master will not have any enmity with anyone, and no one outside will remember the young master, and even former acquaintances will completely forget the young master. "

"I don't want to be forgotten."

"Then there is no way to retreat. Mr. Fan left a message for Young Master. Although there are only three words, it also shows that he is waiting for you. Young Master, are you willing to let Si Guo Valley go to those mediocre disciples?"

"They're not mediocre, but I'm not willing to let them go."

"Then the young master will inevitably become enemies with Kou Daogu. When the young princess comes to ask for help, can the young master have the heart to turn her away?"


"Then Zi will definitely become enemies with the He Rong people. Instead of flattening the mountain, he will also uproot or push the mountain away."

Xu Chu smiled and said, "You are right."

Chang Yan couldn't hold it in anymore, "The world is in chaos. Ordinary people have to fight and have grudges with others just to fight for food. Not to mention that the young master is fighting for things and people that ordinary people don't dare to hope for, but he wants to fight with others." How is this possible when there is no conflict in the world?”

Xu Chu said seriously: "What General Chang said is absolutely true. I should change my ways."

Chang Yan was a little embarrassed, "I'm a bit unscrupulous in my words, sir, don't blame me."

"No wonder, I want to be grateful to you. Just because I don't want the title of king doesn't mean I have to give up everything. I still have something I care about, which should belong to me and is suitable for me."

Chang Yan said with a smile: "I was relieved to hear the young master say such words. For a while, I really thought that the young master was going to become a family member."

"Haha, I'm afraid no temple keeper will accept me."

"Master, please sleep for a while, and I will go out to find out the news."

Xu Chu didn't sleep long last night, but he didn't want to rest. He sat on the blanket and meditated.

Guan Daogu came uninvited and stood at the door. The high crown on his head almost touched the roof of the tent. He stared at Xu Chu for a long time. I kept my word. "

Xu Chu smiled and said: "You are trapping yourself."

"Young Master Xu's calmness is admirable. I want to see how long you can hold on. Oh, Shan Yu has just decided to marry Princess Fang De. He has already sent people to Yuyang to welcome her. The emperor will stay here until the wedding is over before leaving. ”

"If you want to be a counselor, you need to have a sense of 'going up and down with the world'. I lack some of it, and Mr. Guan doesn't have it at all. Persuading princes is one of the most dangerous things in the world. You have a heart for revenge, Talking loudly and wagging your lips among princes will soon lead to trouble. "

"Isn't Mr. Xu wandering among the princes for his own selfish interests?"

"So look at me, stuck here, not accomplishing anything."

"I will learn from this." Kou Daogu suddenly showed anger, "After you, the woman named Feng will not have a good death."

"She is harder to deal with than me, so be careful."

Kou Daogu exited the tent, knowing that he had arrived too early and would have to wait a while before he could see his enemy's collapse.

Chang Yan came in and asked, "What is he doing here?"

"Like He Rongpingshan, he wants to see me panic."

"Hey, then they must be very disappointed. The emperor sent someone over and asked the young master to come and meet."

Zhang Shiyu thought he could drink well, but he was defeated in front of Shan Yu. He woke up with a hangover, a splitting headache, and his whole body was weak. He vomited while holding a clay pot, but he couldn't vomit much.

"Xu Chu, you have read a lot of books, but have you ever seen an emperor more unlucky than me in the history books?"

"I've seen people's lives hang in the hands of others. They can't even protect the people closest to them. In the end, they are either killed or forced to live in meditation and live like prisoners."

Zhang Shiyu raised his head and said with a smile: "Those you are talking about are the kings of the subjugation of the country... No, no, I will not be the king of the subjugation of the country, the emperor of all things is the emperor. Even if Tianzheng is going to perish, he cannot perish in my hands. Hehe , I didn't call you here to talk about this. Something happened last night that I couldn't figure out, and Princess Huanyan was not here, so I had to come over to discuss it with you. "

Xu Chu glanced around. Zhang Shiyu understood and said to the attendants: "You guys step back."

Several attendants looked at Xu Chu and did not move. Zhang Shiyu said: "Don't worry, Xu Chu will never do such a thing as an assassin again - you can't, right?"


Zhang Shiyu waved his hand and the attendants withdrew.

"First the King of Liang and then the Chanyu. They were helpless and couldn't help me share my worries. However, they had to show their loyalty to a scholar." Zhang Shiyu laughed.

"You can't force anything, they can only do this."

"If I don't force it, I will really become the 'King of Subjugation'." Zhang Shiyu was dazed for a while, vomited a few times, and continued: "The Chanyu wants to marry my sister. I will pick her up today and we will get married tomorrow. Then he wants to join me in attacking Bingzhou and raising an army to investigate. Do you understand? It's not borrowing troops, but combining them into one army. But he has two to three hundred thousand cavalry, and I only have less than 10,000. He said he was taking Bingzhou for me, but in fact. For himself."

"What did Princess Huanyan say before we set off?"

"She... only said that the alliance would be done and that I didn't have to worry, but she didn't say what to do if we don't lend troops."

"The princess is a careful person and would never have expected this situation. She just agreed without reminding her."

"Well, this seems like a decision that Huanyan would make, but what about the longer term? After Bingzhou is captured, who does it belong to? Will Tiancheng benefit from it?"

"Princess Huanyan must answer these matters herself."

"Oh, she still thinks I'm a child and doesn't discuss anything with me." Zhang Shiyu looked slightly annoyed and immediately added: "Xu Chu, don't think about it. I have no other intentions now. I mentioned it to you before." Forget everything that happened.”

Zhang Shiyu once encouraged Xu Chu to fight against the Prince of Eastern Hunan and his daughter. At that time, there was still Yecheng to defend, but now there is almost nothing. He is far more dependent on Princess Huanyan than dissatisfied.

"I never thought of it." Xu Chu said with a smile.

"I can trust you." Zhang Shiyu nodded, "I'm just going to wait and do nothing?"

"My ideas may be different from those of Princess Huanyan. I wonder if you are willing to listen."

"Huanyan is not right in everything. I would like to hear other people's opinions."

"Insist on borrowing troops. If we don't get 100,000, we will need 50,000. If we don't get 50,000, we will reduce it."

Zhang Shiyu smiled bitterly and said: "Why do you still ask for it when you know you can't borrow it? The Chanyu will never let me attack Bingzhou alone."

"It's hard to say. It often happens that the mantis stalks the cicada and the oriole follows behind."

" you know?"

"I don't know anything, I just think you should persist. If you can't borrow the soldiers, you will just continue to use Princess Huanyan's plan. If you can borrow them, you will have your own path."

Zhang Shiyu nodded slowly, "My sister's don't care, do you?"

Xu Chu thought for a while and said, "I care."

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