The Chanyu was going to marry Princess Fangde. Zhou Yuanbin was the most anxious person in the whole camp. He tried to find out the news and tried every possible way to stop this unexpected marriage. However, he was too timid and only dared to go among his relatives and make indirect suggestions. He never dared to advise the Chanyu in person.

After wasting most of the day, Zhou Yuanbin had to find Xu Chu again when he saw that the team going to Yuyang to welcome the bride was about to return.

"It's unfortunate." Zhou Yuanbin pretended to be sympathetic, as if he had never been anxious about this matter. "Another news came that Princess Fangde had been received and was on the way back. She would definitely be able to rush back to the camp before dark. Alas, the marriage will be held tomorrow. Even for He Rong people, this is too hasty and too careless. The Chanyu... really didn't take the princess seriously."

"Times have changed, and the Tiancheng court is lingering on. If it needs help from He Rong's tribe, the Chanyu will naturally not take it too seriously."

"Mr. Xu is not anxious at all?"

"There is a way but it can't be used You should be anxious when you are in trouble. It is useless to be anxious when you are helpless. "

"Haha, I don't believe it." Zhou Yuanbin sat opposite and stared at Xu Chu, "Mr. Xu has a good plan in mind, right? Before leaving, Mr. Liu told me that Mr. Xu can be trusted and asked me to consult Mr. Xu when I was in a dilemma..."

"But you didn't come until now."

Zhou Yuanbin widened his eyes, "This is unfair to me. I came twice last night. Mr. Xu didn't remember? I was the first to inform you of the change in the situation. In the daytime, I thought I wouldn't bother Mr. Xu first, But after looking around, no one dared to persuade the Chanyu. Instead, they all thought it was a good idea for the Chanyu to marry the princess. "

"Does the Chanyu's wife think so too?"

"Seventh sister... I really can't figure her out now. She persuaded the Chanyu to cancel Pingshan's marriage with the princess before, but when the Chanyu wanted to marry her, she refused to persuade him again. In front of the Chanyu, she agreed with him and said that she would get along well with the princess and be as close as sisters in the future. Alas, you can persuade others about other people's affairs, but you can't persuade your own affairs."

"The reason why General Zhou couldn't figure out the Chanyu's wife is very simple. . "

"What do you mean?"

"Zhou Canjun thought that the 'family' of the Chanyu's wife was the Zhou family and the Shen family, but it was actually the Chanyu and his two sons."

Zhou Yuanbin laughed and said, "That's not right. Without her natal family's support, how could the seventh sister..." The smile on Zhou Yuanbin's face gradually disappeared. "This is a matter of the past. The seventh sister no longer needs support. Instead, she thinks her natal family is a burden, but... but there is still family affection, right? The seventh sister's family still lives in Jinyang. If she doesn't help me, how can she have the face to interact with her family again?"

Xu Chu just smiled and felt that there was no need to answer.

Zhou Yuanbin shook his head and temporarily got rid of the doubts in his heart. "Let's not talk about the seventh sister. Does Mr. Xu have a way? You must have one. Mr. Liu will never be wrong if he believes in someone. "

"Well... we will get married tomorrow."

"Yes, if we don't do something, the rice will be cooked. I didn't quite believe that the Chanyu would really turn to Tiancheng, but now it seems to be true! The person who pushed it secretly is the seventh sister!" Zhou Yuanbin still felt incredible.

"Time is running out."

"Very tight."

"General Zhou has only one thing to do."


"Go and persuade the Chanyu to hold a grand wedding. Since the wedding is so hasty, we must make up for it with the pomp and circumstance."

Zhou Yuanbin felt like a bucket of cold water was poured on his head. After a while, he said, "Mr. Xu, are you kidding me?"

Xu Chu shook his head, "At this moment, how can I be in the mood to joke?"

"I came to ask for a clever way to stop the wedding, but you want to hold a grand wedding?"

"Have you met the Chanyu?"

"Uh, no, I haven't. I haven't figured out how to persuade him, so I came to find Master Xu."

"General Zhou doesn't dare to persuade the Chanyu."

"That... it's not that I don't dare, it's that everyone in the camp doesn't dare."

"Persuade the Chanyu to have a grand ceremony, do you dare?"

"This is something that will make the Chanyu happy, why not... Oh, Master Xu means that at least we can talk to the Chanyu first?"


Zhou Yuanbin smiled, "It's a good idea, and then what? After pleasing the Chanyu, how should I change the subject?"

"No need to change."

"Hmm?" Zhou Yuanbin was confused again.

"Is Zhou Canjun dissuading the marriage for himself?"

"Of course not, I don't know the princess."

"For me?"

"Uh... sort of - Master Xu asked knowingly, I am doing it for the Shen family and the King of Jin."

"In that case, Zhou Canjun only needs to say something in front of the Chanyu, let outsiders think that you have advised before, that's enough, why give up the easy and do the difficult, and insist on stopping the marriage?"

Zhou Canjun was stunned, then laughed: "I'm not surprised that Mr. Liu came up with such an idea, Master Xu... hehe, I'm not that kind of person, Master Xu, do you have any other ideas? Analyze the pros and cons, Weighing the pros and cons, making the Chanyu realize that the best option is to ally with the Shen family. "

"He Rong's tribe intends to conquer the Central Plains. Since the Chanyu has this intention, an alliance with Tiancheng is the only option. The more you persuade, the more determined the Chanyu will be. This is what is called persuasion without persuasion."

"As a minister, you should do your best when encountering things. You know it is impossible but still do it. The Chanyu is difficult to persuade, so I have to persuade him. Although Tiancheng has the title of emperor, he is fickle and not trustworthy. The Shen family and He Rong have been intermarrying for decades and are as close as a family. This is what I want to say to the Chanyu. I will not disturb Mr. Xu anymore. Goodbye."

Zhou Yuanbin left with his head held high. To be a "loyal minister" and "adviser", Xu Chu knew very well that Zhou Yuanbin would follow his instructions and pretend to advise, but in fact he was flattering.

In the eyes of outsiders, Xu Chu was calm and composed, and seemed to not care about the marriage at all. In fact, he was more anxious than anyone else. He was waiting for a message, but it showed no sign of coming.

According to Liu Youzhong, he should have met with the King of Jin who was on his way yesterday and persuaded him to return to Bingzhou as soon as possible, lead his troops out of the border, and attack the nest of He Rong's troops.

If the King of Jin was really persuaded, the news should have spread to He Rong's troops quickly.

When persuading Liu Youzhong, there was one thing Xu Chu was cautious not to mention, but he believed that with the wisdom of the King of Jin, he would be able to figure it out: the Jin army did not have to really go out of the border, which would put Jinyang's hometown in danger, and the best result would be a lose-lose situation. The King of Jin only needed to pretend and spread the news that he was going out of the border to force the Chanyu to make a new choice.

Shanyu's cavalry was too tempting and too scary, and no one wanted to really turn against him.

But there was no news, and Chang Yanzhi often went to inquire, and every time he came back, he shook his head.

This time, Chang Yanzhi finally brought back news, but it was not good news, "The wedding procession is back, and everyone is watching. It is said that Shanyu wants the princess to get out of the car and walk into the tent to show her beauty in public. Shanyu really... doesn't take the little princess seriously."

Chang Yanzhi is used to the title of "little princess" and often pops up.

"This is the idea of ​​Shanyu's wife." Xu Chu whispered.

A servant lifted the curtain and said coldly: "The King of Zuo Shenwei wants you to go."

Xu Chu was brought to the entrance of the camp. He Rongpingshan and a group of adults were also there. He turned around and said: "I will let you meet the princess later."

Xu Chu was silent, thinking about what he could do. If the news of going out of the border was delayed, or the King of Jin had other ideas, the only means he could use was the death of the old Chanyu, which was not a good trick. If he spread rumors in the camp, it would certainly embarrass the strong-arm Chanyu, but it would also put himself in a dead end...

At least there is one night to wait, Xu Chu could only comfort himself in this way.

Emperor Zhang Shiyu stood opposite, shoulder to shoulder with the Chanyu, surrounded by adults of the He Rong tribe, and the smile on his face was a little stiff, not for his sister, but for himself. In his mind, the emperor should be like the emperor of all things. No matter whose house he walked into, he could naturally put on the posture of the master. Now he had to stand with a group of vulgar foreigners. Not to mention "master", he was not even a "guest".

Kou Daogu stood behind the Chanyu. He was tall and could show most of his face without standing on tiptoe. Seeing Xu Chu, he nodded slightly.

It was getting dark, and torches had been lit in the camp. People on both sides of the passage wanted to see the real face of Princess Fangde. Their curiosity was aroused by Guan Daogu's description and they urgently needed to be satisfied.

The wedding procession appeared on the road, and the vanguard cavalry came in batches to announce the princess's arrival, which always caused a tsunami of cheers.

Although the princess was the only one to be welcomed, there were more than 20 carriages. Apart from the people, the rest were all dowry.

Zhang Shiyu saw the convoy in the twilight from a distance and breathed a sigh of relief. He was really worried that his sister would insist on her own way and put on a cold face because of coercion, which would embarrass him. The long convoy seemed to indicate that she had accepted her fate.

"Emperor is not free, let alone you?" Zhang Shiyu persuaded silently in his heart, planning to find an opportunity to meet with his sister in private, first to comfort her, and second to persuade her to please the Chanyu wholeheartedly and help his unlucky emperor brother.

The convoy stopped, and the strong-arm Chanyu spoke a lot, which attracted cheers again, and then walked towards the car to personally invite the princess to get off.

The escorts around the car retreated one after another. They were all officers and soldiers from Yuyang, and they lowered their heads and dared not look. The He Rong people who were a little further away tried to squeeze forward, hoping to see the princess as soon as possible.

The strong-arm Chanyu walked to the back of the car, coughed, raised his hand to lift the curtain, and looked at it seriously for a while, with no expression on his face. No one could tell whether he was satisfied or disappointed.

The Chanyu lowered the curtain, looked at the emperor, and then looked at the adults, as if there was something difficult to decide.

Did the sister dress up ugly on purpose to anger the Chanyu? Zhang Shiyu's heart skipped a beat, and he hurried forward, trying to explain, "The princess is still young..."

The Chanyu raised his hand to stop the emperor from coming over, then lifted the curtain again, leaned in, and pulled a person out of the car, pulling, not "inviting" or "hugging".

The people around didn't see clearly at first, and felt that the princess was a little stiff. When the Chanyu held the "princess" high up, they recognized that it was not a real person, but a paper-mache figure, with powder on her face, quite charming.

Zhang Shiyu screamed, took two steps back, and almost fell down.

Xu Chu was also shocked. He knew that Princess Fangde was brave, but it was beyond his expectation that she was so brave.

The strong-armed Chanyu spoke loudly, angry and excited.

He Rongpingshan turned his head and translated to Xu Chu: "The army will set out immediately, and tomorrow morning, flatten Yuyang City, leaving no chickens or dogs alive."

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