When he returned to Yecheng, Kou Daogu's identity had changed from a staff member of the King of Eastern Hunan to an advisor to the King of Liang. The scholars in the city were in an uproar, but he was not affected at all, and his expression was as aloof as ever.

Facing the King of Liang, he did not hide his hatred for Xu Chu, "Xu Chu is my lifelong enemy. The Tiancheng court did not avenge its hatred, but protected Xu Chu, so it is also my enemy. Please appoint me as the envoy, King Liang." Follow the imperial court northward and supervise every move. If Princess Huanyan has any tricks, someone might as well inform Prince Liang in advance."

"There are only a few soldiers in the imperial court, so there is nothing to be afraid of for the time being. I am only worried about one thing. If Tiancheng really borrows a large army from He Rong's tribe, he will not follow his promise and march westward to Bingzhou. Instead, he will turn around and capture Yecheng again."

"Princess Huanyan is as treacherous as Xu Chu. You can't believe a word she says. Prince Liang needs to take precautions early."

"Mr. Lao Kou is going north. If anything happens, please send someone to notify me at any time. It would be best if you can prevent Tiancheng from borrowing troops to go south to Ye City in advance. I only have three months. Before autumn, Ye City will be in my hands and will be impregnable. I won't be afraid anymore." Foreign enemies peek."

"I should do my best to lead the He Rong people to Bingzhou. The King of Liang cannot be stubborn about defending Yecheng and needs to make more plans. The imperial court broke with Huaizhou and encouraged King Ning to cross the river and attack the Sheng family. We should do the opposite and win over the Sheng family. If we have no choice, we would rather give up the Eastern Capital to win the favor of the Sheng family to avoid being attacked by enemies from both the north and the south. "

"Mr. Kou's words awakened the dreamer. Without Mr. Kou's reminder, I almost missed the big event. Mr. Guan can be called the 'King Master'."

Kou Daogu accepted the compliment from King Liang calmly and said goodbye.

Prince Liang looked at his background and sneered at Gao Shengze who was standing by his side: "His reputation is difficult to live up to. This person is not just a middle-aged man, but he is good at being a teacher. He will suffer the consequences in the future."

Gao Shengze smiled apologetically and said, "No, what kind of person is the King of Liang? How could he be deceived by Princess Huanyan and form an alliance with Tiancheng? Huaizhou soldiers are scattered around Yecheng, why would the King of Liang offend the Sheng family? Kou Daogu thought that he was the only one to see through this. Yes, Prince Liang actually had a plan in mind. "

King Liang sneered again, despising and liking the old eunuch at the same time, "I have inquired about it. He really hates Xu Chu, and he also hates Princess Huanyan. This is very good. Let him go to the north to torment, no matter the result No matter what, it won’t do any harm to me.”

"The king of Liang must make the best use of his troops, so although Liang's soldiers are few, they can stand proudly among the heroes." Gao Shengze praised carefully, not too low or too high.

Kou Daogu couldn't hear what was happening behind his back, and didn't care. As the envoy of King Liang, he went out of the city to join Tiancheng's court.

In name, the King of Liang accepted the imperial title and was regarded as a natural minister. Of course, his envoys could follow the emperor northward. However, Kou Daogu was regarded as a "traitor" and was ignored along the way. He received a lot of glares, but he remained unmoved. , and never associate with other people.

Shan Yu invited the emperor to meet, but Kou Daogu insisted on accompanying him to the He Rong camp and obtained permission.

Zhang Shiyu only cared about his own safety and did not even notice that there was Kou Daogu among his entourage. Princess Huanyan believed that it was necessary to appease King Liang at the moment, so she did not raise any objection.

Entering the camp, inspecting, banquets... Kou Daogu stayed with the emperor all the time, and did not get any attention - he did not drink, and although he was tall, he looked like a weak scholar at first glance, and was not valued by He Rong people.

The banquet lasted until midnight, and both the guests and the host were drunk. He Rongpingshan stood up and declared in public that he did not want to marry Princess Fangde again. Shanyu expressed his support. He was so happy that he even relieved the arduous task assigned to King Zuo Shenwei.

The drunken He Rongbu adults cheered in unison. Most of them were already unconscious. As long as Chanyu spoke loudly, they immediately expressed their support without hesitation.

He Rongpingshan still felt that his face was damaged, but he no longer had to fight for Xu Chu's surrender. He breathed a sigh of relief and no longer cared about anything else.

Although his sister's reputation had been belittled, Zhang Shiyu only felt Shan Yu's kindness at this time, and he was also greatly relieved. He promised on the spot to choose a girl from the clan to marry King Zuo Shenwei.

Everyone was happy except one.

When the noise subsided, Kou Daogu stepped forward, bowed his hands to Shan Yu, and showed his identity.

"The King of Liang? The King of Liang who occupied Yecheng?" The strong-armed Shanyu was also a little drunk. He suddenly heard these two words and was a little confused.

"Exactly, but King Liang did not 'occupy Yecheng', but was ordered to guard Yecheng."

The Shanyu looked at the emperor, and Zhang Shiyu reluctantly nodded, "Yes, King Liang has been canonized by the imperial court."

The strong-armed Shanyu understood in his heart what was going on, and did not ask any more questions. He picked up the wine glass and said to Kou Daogu: "I am a guest here. Please drink to the full."

Immediately a servant gave a glass of wine to the guest.

The strong-armed Chanyu suddenly put down the wine glass in his hand and said, "Since you are the envoy of King Liang, you cannot wait for a small cup."

The servant understood the idea, replaced two large bowls, and filled them both.

The strong-armed Chanyu picked up the bowl and said, "Go back and tell your family, King Liang, to guard Yecheng well and don't let the emperor's brother-in-law worry about it. For our He Rong tribe, nothing is more important than family. The emperor's brother-in-law is my family." After that, he took a big gulp of wine, his throat kept crawling, and he quickly drank up the bowl of wine, leaving only a few drops in the corner of his mouth.

There was another round of cheers in the tent.

Kou Daogu held a large bowl of wine in both hands, and felt that his stomach was completely empty, as if he couldn't hold so much wine. He stared for a moment and vaguely saw Xu Chu's smile. He made up his mind and drank the bowl. A lot of it spilled, and his clothes were soaked, but more than half of the bowl was still in his mouth. He immediately felt dizzy and a little unstable.

But he didn't fall, and he still knew what he was going to do.

No one cheered for him, but there was a little more interest in the eyes of the strong-armed Chanyu, "Are you a scholar?"

"I am a scholar."

"It is said that scholars in the Central Plains are the most loyal. Why are you the envoy of the King of Liang instead of an official of the emperor?"

"There is no two suns in the sky and no two masters in the country. The King of Liang and his ministers are all ministers of the emperor."

"It is true that there are no two suns in the sky, and there is no two masters in the country-aren't I and the emperor two masters?"

Zhang Shiyu's face changed slightly, and he wondered how Kou Daogu followed him. He was so tall, but he didn't notice it.

"No." Kou Daogu said affirmatively.

"Who is the 'unique' master?" Strong-armed Chanyu asked again, more interested.

Zhang Shiyu wished there was a place to hide so that he could avoid this embarrassing situation, so he picked up the wine glass and looked down, as if he could get into it.

Kou Daogu bowed and said: "The emperor is the 'unique' master of the Central Plains, and the Chanyu is the 'unique' master of the outside of the Great Wall."

"Haha, it sounds good, but in fact, there are still 'two masters'."

"Otherwise, the Central Plains does not regard the outside of the Great Wall as the land of the Nine Provinces, and the outside of the Great Wall does not regard the Central Plains as a grazing ground. It is natural that each is the 'unique' master."

"The Central Plains and the outside of the Great Wall are close neighbors, separated by only a wall. One day, can we break the wall and become one family?"

"If we become one family, there will be only one 'unique' master."

"Haha." Chanyu looked at the embarrassed emperor and laughed.

The younger brother didn't understand what the adults were saying. He only wanted to please the Chanyu, so he said, "The Chanyu's sister is my Queen Tiancheng. We are already a family, right?"

"We are a family." The Chanyu nodded and smiled.

Kou Daogu said, "It's still a little short of a family."

The interest of the Strong Arm Chanyu had been exhausted, and he said coldly, "The King of Liang and I have no relationship, no friendship, and we are indeed not a family."

"If we talk about relationship, the Chanyu and the Bingzhou Shen family are the real 'family'."

The Strong Arm Chanyu's face sank, and Zhang Shiyu couldn't stand it anymore. He smiled and reminded, "Mr. Kou, if you keep talking, you can't even be a minister of the King of Liang."

Kou Daogu ignored the emperor and said, "Since we are a family, why doesn't the Chanyu want to marry Princess Tiancheng?"

Zhang Shiyu Yu kept coughing, and the strong-armed Chanyu was a little confused, "The princess has lost her virtue as a woman."

"The princess does have a bad temper, but she has no loss of virtue as a woman. Growing up in an imperial family, she is more or less spoiled, and Chanyu's sister must be the same."

If the kings of the Central Plains heard this, they would regard it as an insult, but Chanyu laughed and turned to the emperor and said, "My sister is indeed unruly and used to freedom on the grassland. I hope she didn't embarrass her brother-in-law."

"No, no, not at all." Zhang Shiyu said hurriedly.

Shanyu looked at Kou Daogu again, "So the rumors are wrong, Princess Fangde is not a woman who does not observe the virtues of a woman?"

"Although the imperial family is spoiled, there will be no relaxation in etiquette. Princess Fangde is dignified and generous, and can be regarded as a role model."

Shanyu hummed, not very interested in "dignified and generous", "But she dared to run away from marriage."

"The princess thought she would marry outside the Great Wall, so she ran away from marriage. Now that He Rong's tribe has entered the pass, she naturally does not have to run away again."

"Does she look down on life outside the Great Wall?"

"No, the princess loves polo the most. If she doesn't play it for a day, she will be unhappy all day. She thinks she will never play polo again in the Great Wall."

Shanyu knows what polo is, "We Herong people have many horse games, which are no worse than polo."

"The princess is young and knows little about the Great Wall."

"A princess who loves to play polo." Shanyu laughed.

"Moreover, the princess's appearance is unparalleled in the world. When she was still in the Eastern Capital, she was known as 'the most beautiful'. The noble ladies in Yecheng also said, 'I would rather live in a lonely tower than stand beside a beautiful woman', and they dare not compete with her for beauty."

"Haha, the enemy envoy is getting more and more exaggerated. Brother-in-law, the princess really looks like this."

"Ah... she is not ugly." Zhang Shiyu said.

"Your Majesty is too modest. The King of Zuo Shenwei has seen the princess, and the Chanyu can ask him."

He Rongpingshan has been standing by. Seeing the Chanyu's eyes looking over, he nodded and said, "Although the princess has a bad temper, her appearance is indeed unparalleled."

"Why don't you want to marry her?"

"A good bow needs a long arm to pull it, and a fierce horse needs the best rider to control it. I don't have this ability." He Rongpingshan looked ashamed.

"A man of honor is worthy of any woman!"

Kou Daogu stepped forward and said with a bow: "The King of Zuo Shenwei is worthy of her, but they are distant after all. If we want to strengthen the relationship, Princess Fangde must become the wife of the Chanyu."

The Chanyu was slightly stunned, and Zhang Shiyu blurted out: "The Chanyu already has a wife."

Kou Daogu was prepared, "The Chanyu can have two wives. In the past ten generations, at least three Chanyu had two wives."

The Strong Arm Chanyu himself did not know the past of his clan, and asked an old man who was accompanying him for drinks: "Is there such a precedent?"

The old man nodded, "Yes."

The Chanyu waved his hand and smiled: "Even if there is such a precedent, I cannot take the wife of the King of Zuo Shenwei."

"The King of Zuo Shenwei has already broken off the engagement, how can he take his wife?"

"Just drink tonight, don't talk about trivial matters." Shanyu refused to express his opinion.

Kou Daogu knew that the matter was done, so he stopped talking and walked to He Rongpingshan, whispering: "Xu Chu and the princess have a past, you can't let him leave."

He Rongpingshan nodded slightly without saying a word.

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