Xue Jinyao waited impatiently. He took out his sword and put it back into its sheath. He kept asking Cao Shenxi: "When will King Wu send you a letter?"

Cao Shenxi was still calm. He was ordered to assist Xue Jinyao in order to balance the impatience of the female general. His answer was the same every time: "It will always come when it is time to come."

"Haha, Master...there's really no rush."

"When the two armies are fighting, the competition is stability, not haste."

"Just waiting blindly?"

"It's better to be safe than to wait. General Jishi really wants to do something, so go and appease the morale of the troops so that there won't be no one available when the war starts."

In this matter, Xue Jinyao was not in a hurry, "I understand the World Army. King Wu personally led the army to support. The biggest problem has been solved. I will have my own way to let them contribute when the time comes. But King Wu had better not let it go." We have waited too long and cannot hold our breath for too long... Why is Master looking at me like this?"

Cao Shenxi hurriedly looked away, "Nothing...I was thinking that General Jishi might be able to change his fighting style and reduce some casualties."

"Master, do you have any ideas? One less person will die. My father has recruited enough people to go to heaven. The rest should live well."

"Yesterday's battle, the Jingzhou Army took some advantage, and they must despise the World Army. Why don't you do this, send people out of the camp to invite a battle, promise defeat but not victory, and lure the Jingzhou Army to attack the camp, and the World Army If you switch from offense to defense, the losses may be smaller.”

Xue Jinyao thought for a while, "In this case, wouldn't the person sent out first be destined to die?"

"Fake defeat is a strategy. As long as the general can retreat in time and the soldiers can follow the flag closely, the casualties will not be too great."

Xue Jinyao smiled and said: "If the soldiers of the World Army could do this, I would not have been forced to withdraw my troops yesterday. The Army of the World must have many people and must be united. Only in this way can we feel safe. Send out in groups and see The enemy's army is so large that their hearts will be in chaos. Once they are in chaos, they will be defeated, and once they are defeated, it will be unstoppable. It will be better if I can break their rear, but if there is no one to break their rear, I am afraid that not even three people can escape. "

Cao Shenxi had a lot of contact with the Incarnation Army, and of course he understood that what Xue Jinyao said was true. He thought for a moment and said: "Then let them die. The casualties will still be less than the two armies fighting."

Xue Jinyao showed obvious surprise, "As long as the King of Wu arrives in time to join the battle, the World Coming Army will achieve a great victory, and there won't be too many casualties, right?"

"This...I can't say for sure." Cao Shenxi said vaguely.

Xue Jinyao couldn't help but look at Cao Shenxi twice, "Master, is there something you're hiding from me? King Wu didn't lead his troops out of the city at all. He sent you just to trick me into fighting to the death with the Jingzhou Army and consume the strength of the World Army, right?"

Cao Shenxi smiled bitterly and said: "Even you believed the rumors in the army. If the Jingzhou Army cannot be defeated, the more casualties the World Army will have, the more disadvantageous it will be to the King of Wu. He did lead the entire city to come, at least when I set out. , the vanguard is already on the road, responsible for clearing the way and trying to block the news. "

Xue Jinyao was a little embarrassed, "I shouldn't doubt King Wu. I just... It's hard to send people out to die. Although there are many annoying people in the World Army, they are my subordinates after all. I would rather lead them to death myself." In a battle, we cannot intentionally harm their lives.”

Cao Shenxi shook his head, "One general will become famous and thousands of bones will wither. With your kind of thinking, you can't become a general."

Xue Jinyao was reprimanded, but a smile suddenly appeared on his face, "To be honest with Master, I don't want to be a general. When this battle is over, I will return the general title and let King Wu choose someone else to lead the army. I will still be mine." The golden saint is teaching together with the mages."

"Huh? Then why do you want me to teach you the art of war?"

"I used to want to be a general, command thousands of troops, be invincible, and let the world know that women can fight. But after learning the art of war for a while, I became timid. Master is right, sometimes in order to win a battle If we want to fight, we may lose fewer soldiers and have to let a few people go out to die. I understand this principle, but it is too difficult to do.”

"You once led your troops to storm the enemy camp for a whole day, with over 10,000 casualties, but now you can't bear it?"

"I just said, let me lead the troops to 'die', send others to 'die', and hide behind and enjoy the victory - I can't do it."

"A woman's kindness." Cao Shenxi was a little annoyed.

"I am a woman. And Master, don't say 'women's kindness'. You haven't seen it when a woman's heart is cruel."

"For example, Mrs. Niu Tiannu, Mrs. Ning? I heard that she killed many people in the World Army."

"Among the women in the World Army, she has killed fewer people than my mother, but she doesn't like to show off. Let's rank her seventh or eighth."

Cao Shenxi shook his head repeatedly. The more he came into contact with the World Army and women, the harder it became to understand. "In case King Wu comes late, you must be prepared."

"What else can we be prepared for? Once a fight breaks out, we can only hold on and not retreat. King Wu is a man of his word..."


"Master, don't laugh. King Wu is good at making plans and his thoughts are hard to guess. But he...is really a man of his word. I know when he lies and when he tells the truth. When he lies, he often talks in a long way and tries hard to make you believe it." When telling the truth, there are only a few words, which seems extremely insincere, but in fact, it is determined. "

Cao Shen washed his hair and was stunned for a while, "We people can't see as clearly as you. But you can't see King Wu now, so you don't know how much of his promise is true and how false."

No matter how innocent Xue Jinyao was, he could still hear the meaning in Cao Shenxi's words, "Master saw it. When King Wu told you the plan, did he say more or less?"

Cao Shenxi didn't want to answer directly and sighed, "I'm not you, and I can't see through King Wu's true intentions. I just guessed from the art of war: if King Wu comes earlier, it can boost the morale of the Jishi Army and defeat the Jingzhou Army. They are sharp, but they cannot annihilate them all, and may even scare them back into the camp. It will take more time to capture them, and the aftermath is unpredictable. King Wu will come later, and the World Army may fight endlessly with Jingzhou, making it difficult for him to do so. If they leave the battlefield, or if the Shenshi army is defeated and the Jingzhou army is pursued, the King of Wu can win in one fell swoop without attacking the enemy camp."

Cao Shenxi paused, "I don't know which fighting method King Wu will use."

Xue Jinyao finally understood, "So if King Wu comes late, it is definitely not an accident, but intentional. Just like Master suggested that I send people out to die, King Wu may also be asking the World Army to die?"

"I don't agree with the idea of ​​'sending death'. If the rebel generals were like you, they would be defeated faster and suffer more casualties. In the final analysis, 'women's kindness' cannot win a war, and 'women's ruthlessness' is more useful. Not on."

Xue Jinyao smiled, "Master looks down on 'women'."

"I said a lot, and you only noticed these two words?"

"Sorry, I understand what Master means."

"So I suggest you attract the Jingzhou army to attack the camp. In this way, no matter whether King Wu comes early or late, you will not be at a loss."

"If I hold the camp, I won't be able to completely entangle the Jingzhou army. After King Wu arrives, it's rare to win a big victory."

"I really don't understand, are you soft-hearted or cruel? You are asked to send a few people to 'send death', but you don't agree, saying that you should take the lead. King Wu may have sent the entire army to 'send death', but you are willing to do so. Instead, think about him - why not do your own thing, King Wu is so smart, let him figure it out on his own."

"I... want to see King Wu in person to ask for a clear explanation, at least to see clearly."

"If you leave, what will happen to the Advent Army?"

"Master, please take charge of the camp on your behalf."

"Me? The Avatar Army won't recognize me at all." Cao Shenxi was startled.

"I'll make you...strategic general, on an equal footing with me. Don't worry, although those people talk a lot, don't know the rules, and each one looks more fierce than the last, in fact they are all greedy for life and fear of death. As long as the camp is surrounded by fences, as long as the enemy The army has not yet invaded, and they will stay here. I will go back quickly. If I encounter King Wu's people on the road and tell them to attack immediately, I will turn around immediately without delaying things here. "

Cao Shenxi didn't expect that a few speculative words would involve him. Just when he was thinking about how to refuse, Xue Jin had already made up his mind. He stepped forward to help his master, helped him out of the tent, summoned the generals, announced the appointment, and then said: "I'm going to ask the King of Wu for troops, and I will never let the Jishi Army and the Wu Army fight the enemy alone."

When the generals first saw Cao Shenxi, and then heard the promise of the Golden Saint, they all cheered, and no one became suspicious.

Xue Jinyao set out with only dozens of guards and more horses. He kept going all the way and only asked a few words when he met the messenger.

Early the next morning, Xue Jinyao met the vanguard army and learned that King Wu was supervising the army not far behind. He felt a little more at ease. When he saw that there were many Luozhou soldiers in the army, he felt a little more at ease.

An hour later, she met the army and saw King Wu's flag in the distance. She thought that King Wu only wanted a victory and it was enough to force the Jingzhou army back. There was no need to sacrifice a large number of the World Army in order to seek complete victory.

Xue Jinyao regretted his hasty decision, but he had already arrived, so he couldn't just turn around and go back without saying anything, so he sent someone to inform King Wu of his arrival.

Xu Chu was riding on his horse to supervise the troops moving forward. When he heard the announcement, he was shocked and appointed someone else to supervise the troops. He stopped himself and summoned General Jishi.

The snow on the roadside had melted and was quite muddy. Xu Chu found a slightly drier soil slope and waited for Xue Jinyao.

Tan Wuwei, who had no official or position, followed the King of Wu in white clothes and whispered, "The King of Wu must be careful to appease General Jishi if he is suspicious. If the Jishi army refuses to fight with all its strength, or is defeated too early, Wu will It is difficult for the king to win a complete victory, and the Jingzhou army will come back in the future. When the time comes, it will be impossible for the king of Wu to stay or retreat..."

"I understand." Xu Chu interrupted Tan Wuwei, feeling a little nervous.

Tan Wuwei held his sword and left, saying to the guards: "Wu Wang and his wife are talking, you don't need to stay."

Tang Weitian and others ignored him, and after receiving a signal from King Wu, they retreated some distance away.

Xue Jinyao rode alone. He dismounted halfway and walked uphill. Watching her passing by, Tan Wuwei whispered to Tang Weitian: "If King Wu can be ruthless, he will achieve great things. Maybe I can consider whether to choose the lord again."

Tang Weitian snorted disdainfully and did not answer.

Tan Wuwei didn't take Tang Weitian seriously. He kept staring at General Jishi and murmured: "For such a woman, King Wu will not do stupid things."

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