Plan to cut off the nine states

Chapter 255: Disbelief

"Why are you here?" Xu Chu acted relatively coldly.

After galloping all night, Xue Jinyao's face turned red and his forehead was covered with beads of sweat. He sighed, turned around and looked at the meandering army, and said, "Let me ask clearly."

"Isn't it clear, General Cao?" Xu Chu frowned slightly.

"Except for asking me to wait for your order, he didn't say anything. How can it be clear or unclear?" Xue Jinyao took the master out first. This was a matter between her and King Wu.

"You ask, and then go back as soon as possible. I don't want the Advent Army to be suspicious again."

"They won't." Xue Jinyao paused, "At least they won't be suspicious of me."

After meeting, Xu Chu showed a smile for the first time on his face, "So you are the general who came to the world." He took out a silk handkerchief from his belt and handed it over, "Wipe your sweat."

"How many of these things are you hiding on your body?" Xue Jinyao took the silk handkerchief, which was smooth in her hands. She was a little reluctant to use it, so she wiped it gently on her forehead, hesitated for a moment, and returned the silk handkerchief to her husband.

"You can keep it, I did 'hide' a lot."

Xue Jinyao also had a smile on his face and carefully stuffed the silk handkerchief into his belt, "I want to know two things. First, when will we attack?"

"The day after tomorrow is scheduled. You will lead the Jingzhou army out in the morning. I will arrive to join the battle within half an hour to an hour."

"At most an hour?"


Xue Jin remained silent, and Xu Chu said, "Is there one more thing?"

"One more many people do you plan to let the Advent Army die?"

Xu Chu was stunned, "It is inevitable that people will die in a war. In order to draw out the Jingzhou Army and entangle them tightly, there will definitely be some casualties, but this is not my plan. If I must make a plan, I hope the fewer the better. Come to the World Since the army recognizes me as the King of Wu, they are the most important soldiers under my command. Without them, I am nothing."

"You still have these people." Xue Jin shook his chin slightly and pointed at the advancing team.

Xu Chu smiled and said: "The Luozhou Army is a surrender of generals and soldiers, but has not yet completely surrendered to me. How can it be compared with the Descendants of the World Army? Besides, the number is not large, less than 30,000."

"But they understand the art of war, know how to fight, and know how to advance and retreat..."

"It's not them you suspect, it's me." Xu Chu sighed softly, "What should I do to make you and the World Army believe that I have no selfish motives?"

"I believe you." Xue Jinyao whispered, looking away, and soon turned to her husband's face, a large amount of tenderness suddenly welled up in her heart. It was something she once laughed at others and thought she would never know. Produces, “I believe whatever you say.”

"I just want to win this battle, defeat the Jingzhou Army, and immediately retreat to the Eastern Capital. I have no other thoughts, and I have no intention of deliberately framed someone. Please believe me." Xu Chu couldn't feel his wife's tenderness. He felt that those eyes were full of inquiry, which made him nervous, like a ray on his back.

"After this battle, I will lead the Wu and Luozhou people to the east to pursue Ningbaoguan. You will lead the World Army to the west and pacify Qinzhou. If you can capture Hanzhou by the way, that would be even better. According to my plan In as little as three months, as long as six months, our husband and wife will be reunited in Xijing. By then, half of the country will be in your hands, and we will be able to run freely without any constraints. Within two years, we will have peace in the world. "

A smile appeared on Xue Jinyao's face again, and the probing in his eyes was much less, "Do you really plan this?"

"Well, this is a plan I have thought about for a long time. King Liang must stay with me. Among the whole army, who else can take charge except you? So you should understand that I don't want to see the World Army lose too much. I still count on you to march west for me.”

"Actually...after this battle, I want to hand over the title of General of the Coming World."

"Why? Don't you think it's impressive enough?"

"Of course not, I just feel that I am not worthy of being a commander. It turns out that I thought too simply, thinking that fighting is about being braver than anyone else. After listening to General Cao's lecture on the art of war, I realized how stupid I was. I figured it out, I I would rather hand over my military power, become a female mage, and be... your wife. I may never be able to be like Niu Tiannu, but I will try to imitate her. It is at least easier to learn from her than to learn the art of war."

Xu Chu didn't expect his wife to say such words. He stayed for a long time and then smiled on his face, "If I lose a general like you, I don't know who to replace. What's more, the World Army only recognizes you, others... "

"You can always find the right person. The more victories you have, the higher the prestige of King Wu will be. The descending army will soon understand that following King Wu to win the world is the right way. As for who is the commander-in-chief, it doesn't matter."

"Have you made up your mind?"

"I've thought about it a long time ago."

"Okay, whatever you want, you can be a female mage, be my wife, and stay with me from now on. I will first find someone to lead the World Army, and then I will return it to the young king when he grows up."

"At that time, you were done. There was only Wu's army in the world and no Incarnation Army. What was there to give back? It was enough to keep his title of king and let him live... your old life."

In Xue Jinyao's eyes, the son of the general must live a life of fine clothing and fine food, and he can always take out a clean and soft silk handkerchief.

"He'll be better off than this. Are you willing to believe me?"

"I have always believed in you." Xue Jin took a step forward and was very close to her husband, with a strange greed in his eyes. "I have always believed in you, and even believed in your lies."


"No, no, please don't misunderstand. I will go back to supervise the World Army and go out to fight with all my strength the day after tomorrow. I will tightly entangle the Jingzhou Army and wait for you to lead your troops to kill them all. I only need a guarantee from you."

"What guarantee?"

"Be kind to my brother."

"Of course, I just said it, and you are here..."

"I want a promise."

Xu Chu thought for a while and said, "No matter what, I will treat the young king well."

There was neither an oath nor any specific content, but Xue Jinyao was very satisfied, "I'm leaving, the day after tomorrow?"

"Early the day after tomorrow."

"Within an hour?"


Xue Jinyao strode away. When he passed by the guards, he turned to Tang Weitian and said, "Jianshi Stick told me that your stick is a distant relative and cannot be considered a family. It will soon break into pieces for no reason."

Tang Weitian was shocked and grabbed his stick tightly, "Not far, not far at all, they are..." Before he could think of the relationship, Xue Jinyao had already walked away.

Xue Jin got on his horse, rode up, and asked loudly at the bottom of the slope: "I am your wife, everyone in the world knows?"

"Everyone knows it." Xu Chu replied.

Xue Jin shook his head and left, quickly disappearing into the advancing team.

Xu Chu stood motionless and silent on the top of the slope. Tang Weitian was about to run over, but Tan Wuwei held him back.

"It's not appropriate for you to go, you must have said the wrong thing." Tan Wuwei held his sword and walked towards King Wu.

"How could I say something wrong? King Wu likes to chat with me the most." Tang Weitianji was unconvinced, but did not follow him. He took off the stick from his waist and examined it carefully, fearing that it would suddenly break.

Tan Wuwei walked closer, cupped his hands and said, "Did King Wu convince the general to come to the world?"

Xu Chu nodded.

"Then it's foolproof. We can't let outsiders think that King Wu intends to delay. He will send a thousand people to join the battle the day after tomorrow to boost the morale of the World Army. The longer they persist, the easier it will be for King Wu to defeat the Jingzhou Army."

"She..." Xu Chu was a little strange and looked at Tan Wuwei, "Is General Tan giving me advice?"

"So be it."

"This is really rare. Why did General Tan change his mind?" Xu Chu asked with a smile.

"The general trend is that King Wu's defeat of the Jingzhou Army in this battle is the real solution to the siege. The Jin Army and the Huai Army will not dare to attack. Yecheng can't stand alone, so it can only retreat and seek peace. From then on, the Wu Army marched westward and southward. The situation is overwhelming, no matter how many magical powers Yecheng has, there will be nothing that can be done. I can’t say that everything will be smooth sailing for King Wu from now on, at least he will be able to compete for the title.”

"What should King Jin do?"

"I will persuade the King of Jin to submit to the King of Wu. If the three attempts fail, I can only give up. But there is only one thing. I will not fight the Jin army no matter what."

"The world is vast, and there is a place for General Tan to gallop."

Tan Wuwei let out a long sigh, "Fortunately, the general who came to the world is a woman. King Wu really had the foresight to let her be the general who came to the world. Let her be someone else... Haha, I'm afraid it won't be so easy for King Wu to gain trust."

"She doesn't believe me." Xu Chu murmured.

Tan Wuwei was stunned, "How is that possible? Look at the appearance of the general who came to the world..."

"She doesn't believe me, but she will still lead the World Army to fight and entangle the Jingzhou Army for me."

Tan Wuwei was stunned again, then smiled and said: "It turns out that the general who came to the world is still an infatuated woman. King Wu is so lucky."

"She makes me feel guilty."

"Well, so what?"

"General Tan... doesn't he take it seriously when he lets so many people die?"

"To die without benefit is to die, to die to win is called the art of war. Why did King Wu suddenly become sentimental? Do you want a general who cares about the life and death of his soldiers? Then don't use me. The world is a chessboard, and the general is based on Soldiers are pawns, and emperors use people as pawns. If King Wu can't stand what I do, you will be even more unbearable in the future. "

Tan Wuwei shook his head and whispered, "Did I change my mind too early?"

Xu Chu shouted loudly from a distance: "Tang Weitian, come here!"

Tang Weitian ran over happily, "What's the matter, Grand Governor?"

"Ride in pursuit of the Advent General."

"Yes, do you want her to come back?"

"No, tell her that the plan has not changed, but she must wait for my order and cannot lead the troops out of the camp without permission."

"Isn't General Incarnation that obedient?"

"Pass my word and don't worry about anything else."

"Okay." Tang Weitian ran away, climbed down the hill and mounted his horse, chasing the general who came to the world.

Tan Wuwei's face lost all joy, "King Wu is making a big mistake. You are not worthy of my following, and you will kill more soldiers."

"I haven't changed my mind, it's just that... the general who came to the world said he was willing, but who knows what she was thinking? I have to comfort her to prevent her from changing her mind."

"That's it." Tan Wuwei smiled and held his hands, "Wang Wang, please forgive me for being rude just now. Please appease people's hearts, especially women's hearts. I am indeed not as good as Wu Wang. Fortunately, there will be results in the future. The general who came to this world should not have time. Think too much. The emperor is ruthless, and King Wu has done it."

"The emperor is ruthless." Xu Chu did not feel relaxed in his heart, but the burden became heavier.

If you can't pass this level, why should you fight for the world? Xu Chu secretly reprimanded the weakness in his heart, looked at the direction where Xue Jinyao disappeared, and comforted himself that his wife was not so stupid that she was willing to die.

Not that...

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