Plan to cut off the nine states

Chapter 253 The Future

Tan Wuwei was still unwilling to lead the troops for the King of Wu, but he could give advice, but he was still a little shy. Every time he would sneer a few times and express some emotion before he was willing to speak his mind, which made the people around the King of Wu extremely annoyed.

Tang Weitian didn't like this General Tan very much, and said to the King of Wu privately: "Don't look at him as tall and carrying a long sword that I don't know whether it is real or fake. I can knock him down with my bare hands. If he pretends again, the King of Wu will give me a look and I will teach him to follow the rules."

Xu Chu smiled it off. He urgently needed someone like Tan Wuwei now. He immediately understood why the founding monarchs recorded in history books were all courteous to the wise and humble - they were all forced to do so. At the critical moment of life and death, let alone pretending, even if Tan Wuwei spoke ill of him or even stretched out his hand to hit him twice, Xu Chu could tolerate it.

It was under Tan Wuwei's "suggestion" that Xu Chu assembled all the soldiers in the city, including all the Luozhou soldiers and the miscellaneous righteous army. Even more than 800 civilians who had been imprisoned were recruited into the army and allowed to make meritorious contributions while serving their sentences.

In addition to the unarmed civilians, Dongdu had almost no defense, and only some women could be in charge of the gates. They were the families of the Advent Army and at least they were familiar with weapons.

The key to this battle was to leave the city in full force, and this was also where Tan Wuwei's plan was completely different from that of the King of Wu.

Xu Chu originally wanted to leave an army to guard the city, but Tan Wuwei laughed at his approach, "Even if only one soldier was left, this plan would not succeed. It would be better to let the whole army defend the city and wait for the enemy to come to the door, so that they could hold on for a few more days."

"Does General Tan hope that everyone can fight bravely and have no worries?" Xu Chu guessed.


"Then there is no need to take such risks and leave no one behind, right?"

Tan Wuwei sneered, "King Wu has won battle after battle and occupied the Eastern Capital alone. He thinks he has won the hearts of the army and can use the army as he pleases?"

"I dare not have such a delusion."

"All the generals under King Wu are well versed in military tactics, and all of them are famous and fierce generals?"

"Only a few dozen people are useful."

"The Luozhou army was originally an official army. They just joined King Wu and their hearts are not yet determined. The other soldiers come from different sources. They can trust each other. Ren?"

"Don't cause any casualties, that's my highest requirement for the troops."

"Then who will the King of Wu leave to guard the Eastern Capital, so that the troops who are going to the expedition won't be suspicious?"

"I understand what General Tan means." Xu Chu laughed, "Is that why General Tan thinks that General Jiangshi will lose?"

"Well, the King of Wu guarded the city by himself, and most of the people who stayed with him were from Luozhou, but he sent the Jiangshi Army to fight. The Jiangshi Army was originally a rebel, and they had no trust in the officers and soldiers. If they went alone, they would have no fighting spirit. How could they be the Jingzhou Army? Opponents?"

"Even with the Wu soldiers in front, they can't make the Jiangshi Army feel at ease?"

"Hey, maybe the Wu people are the first to have doubts. After all, the King of Wu is not a real Wu person. He relied on his biological mother's identity to get the loyalty of the Wu people. But recently, too many Wu people were killed and injured. Two generals committed suicide in the city, and thousands of Wu soldiers were burned outside the city. One of these two things would be better, but they happened at the same time. How can the Wu people not be chilled? "

Xu Chu sighed lightly, "I'm sorry for the Wu people, but..."

"Wu soldiers asked for a fight, and the King of Wu thought everything was fine? Hey, who dared to express dissatisfaction in front of the King of Wu? Even if they were truly loyal to the King of Wu, could they keep it up when they returned to their camp and faced the soldiers full of resentment? After the initial battle with the Jingzhou army, they were not favorable. Can they still be loyal to the King of Wu?"

Tan Wuwei didn't intend to show mercy. There were no guards in the room. Only Tang Weitian stood aside, with cold eyes, looking at the King of Wu from time to time, waiting for his hint, but he never got it.

Xu Chu was silent for a while, and said to Tang Weitian: "Go get some hot wine."

"Just wine?" Tang Weitian hoped that there was a hint in this sentence.

"Just wine." Xu Chu waved his hand to drive Tang Weitian away, and then said: "I did too many things wrong."

Tan Wuwei did not sneer this time, "The King of Wu did nothing wrong, but he was unlucky, and many things happened together, leading to disaster."

"If I hadn't let Ning Baoguan go, the Wu soldiers would not have been burned. If I hadn't forced General Meng to death, there would be no one around me, which made the people of Wu suspicious. If I hadn't sent the King of Jin away..." Xu Chu didn't say anything else. In Tan Wuwei's eyes, as long as it was related to the King of Jin, the wrong thing was also right.

"It is hard to say whether the disaster caused by letting Ning Baoguan go or keeping or killing him is greater. If the King of Wu had closed his doors and refused to accept Ning's army, the Jiangshi Army would have been wary and would not have been able to wait for the subsequent victory, because at that time Ning Baoguan was still the respected and respected king of the Jiangshi Army. If Ning Baoguan was kept, he would not be willing to be trapped and would stir up trouble. How would the King of Wu deal with it? He would still have to go back to the path of killing or letting him go."

"Then there is no correct way?"

"The only correct way is to win his heart. Ning Baoguan is a natural general. In one or two years, if he does not die, he will become a hegemon. I once reminded the King of Jin that if he wants to compete for the world, the King of Wu is The current enemy, King Ning, is the enemy of the future. Whoever can subdue him will be even more powerful. "

Xu Chu didn't believe that anyone could subdue Ning Baoguan, and laughed: "General Tan, do you think I can't last until the 'future'?"

"King Wu can't subdue the 'future general', and he doesn't have the 'future soldiers', so it's hard for him to become the 'future king'."

"Haha, let's make a bet... What does it take to be the 'future king'?"

"Well... If King Wu can hold on to Luozhou and seize another big state as a rear, he can barely be considered the 'future king'. I don't know if he can compete for the tripod, but at least he is still a king and can be called a local overlord."

"Okay, if I win, I have only one request. "

Tan Wuwei handed over his hand, "In that case, I am willing to take on the name of a traitor and serve the King of Wu. What if the King of Wu loses?"

"If I lose... that will be the biggest punishment for me. I will probably lose my life. What else does General Tan want?"

"That's true, I don't want anything else."

Xu Chu was a little puzzled, "You said I don't have "future generals," but does King Jin have any? You said I can't conquer Ning Baoguan, and King Jin is probably even less able to do so, right?"

Tan Wuwei shook his head, "It's different. Each king has his own strengths and weaknesses. The King of Wu is wise and brave, but he can't follow the crowd, which is a big worry. The King of Jin is not the best in terms of wisdom, courage, virtue, trust, etc. But there are no obvious shortcomings. As for King Ning, he is similar to King Wu, with too many strengths and too few shortcomings.”

"What are Ning Baoguan's shortcomings?"

"He is cruel and ruthless, and although he can win over people, he cannot attract real heroes. If there is only one enemy, and King Ning is also a general, he has a good chance of winning. If he is attacked on two or several sides, and they are all strong enemies, King Ning will be defeated. "

"He lacks a capable general."


"All the kings are in short supply, but the Jin king has them but doesn't use them." Xu Chu said with a smile.

Tan Wuwei sighed, "Maybe... maybe it's too early."

"What's too early?" Xu Chu didn't understand.

Tang Weitian came in with hot wine and poured it for King Wu. After King Wu signaled twice, he gave Tan Wuwei a cup, "Be careful, don't burn it."

Tan Wuwei took a sip and sighed, "It's really too early."

Tang Weitian glared and said: "Why, do you think I came back early and interfered with your business? King Wu didn't say anything about me, so when is it my turn..."

"Tang Weitian!" Xu Chu shouted, and Tang Weitian reluctantly walked back behind King Wu.

Tan Wuwei didn't care about the attitude of one of the guards. He drank the wine in one gulp, poured another one himself, and said to King Wu: "It's too early to tell who will be the 'king of the future'. It will have to wait at least two or three years." In the future, the battle between the heroes has become a certainty, and we will know who is strong and who is weak. The strong will fight for the throne, and the weak will perish. Today, all kings may die, and no one will be left. There are others who have risen, but no one pays attention to them now. "

Xu Chu was also filled with emotion, silently drank a glass of wine, and said: "When this person takes over the world, many people will say that he has the appearance of an emperor from the beginning, and even history books will record it as such."

"That's right, it could be anyone, maybe right next to King Wu, who hasn't been revealed yet."

Tan Wuwei's eyes just glanced over, and Tang Weitian said in surprise: "It's not me!"

Tan Wuwei smiled and shook his head, "If it were you, both King Wu and I would be a big joke."

"You are making a joke, don't involve King Wu." Tang Weitian said.

Xu Chu felt that the topic went too far, so he said: "It is useless to talk about the past, and it is too early to talk about the future. Let's just talk about the present. I will rush out of the city, but I don't know how long I will let the general who comes to the world in front of me hold on? When should I go to war?"

Tan Wuwei was still immersed in speculation about the "future". It took him a while to wake up and casually said: "This is simple. Although Xi Yun is a general, he is greedy for profit. He will only do this after the World Army shows its defeat. Send all the soldiers. Either when both sides are defeated, or when the Jingzhou army is chasing and defeated, the King of Wu can join the battle and reverse the situation."

"What if the Advent Army cannot hold on and collapses early?"

"In that case, King Wu can also participate in the battle, and the chance of victory is still 60%. It depends on the fighting spirit of the Jingzhou army."

"What if the Luozhou soldiers refuse to be used by me, refuse to fight in front of the battle, or even switch sides?"

"Then King Wu is completely defeated and can't even return to the east capital. He should flee as soon as possible."

Xu Chu smiled, and Tan Wuwei said: "That's it, there is no sure-win battle in the world, you have to act according to the situation. I have nothing to say. King Wu can make the decision himself. I will go back and have a sleep. Call him when I set off." Fuck me."

As soon as Tan Wuwei left, Tang Weitian said: "Who is he? He went to sleep and made King Wu work hard."

"Hard work is my duty." Xu Chu walked out. The soldiers in the city were leaving the city one after another. He had to check the situation.

Tang Weitian followed closely, "I have a feeling that Tan Wuwei has no good intentions."

"You also communicate with God and can predict the future?"

"It's not a foresight, it's just a feeling. Tan Wuwei advised the Governor to take everyone away, leaving the Eastern Capital unguarded - does he want to leave the Eastern Capital to others?"

This is something Tan Wuwei can do. Every time he gives advice to the King of Wu, he is actually sharing the worries of the King of Jin.

Xu Chu said as he walked: "This is a game of competition. If I win quickly, Dongdu will still be mine. If I delay for one more day, or even an hour, Dongdu will fall to the King of Jin or someone else." hand."

"How fast is that?"

"The faster, the better." Xu Chu murmured.

According to Tan Wuwei's calculations, if he wanted to draw out the entire Jingzhou Army and drag it into chaos, at least half of the Jingshi Army would have to die. Xu Chu's "fastness" also meant less losses.

He hoped so.

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