
Enel was very angry, but just when he wanted to say something, he found that he was too weak to speak and fell to the ground.

Enel looked closely and saw that his body, which should have been fine and recovered automatically, was bleeding profusely, and his internal organs were scattered all over the floor, and he could not recover at all.

"How can this be……"

Before Enel could finish his words, he fell to the ground and died with his eyes open.

【The host kills Enelu, and his physical fitness increases by 60... and he gains the ability of the Thunder Devil Fruit, as well as the Thunder Devil Fruit.……】

The next moment, the Thunder Fruit suddenly appeared in Qingyun's left hand, and he also mastered the Thunder Fruit ability, to the same extent as Enel.

In other words, Qingyun can use all the moves that Enel can use.

And after he lets the people on board eat the Thunder Fruit in the future, his Thunder Fruit ability will be further enhanced.

Now... it should be said that he has already decided who to give the Thunder Fruit to.


Nami and the others were very happy to see this.

Even Conis and the others were very happy. They finally didn't have to live under Enel's dictatorship.

But they were also very curious about why the devil fruit suddenly appeared in Qingyun's hand.

""Connie, are you willing to board my ship?"

Qingyun put away the Thunder Fruit and came to Connie and asked again.

Connie hesitated.

Although she was grateful to Qingyun for killing Enel, she didn't like Qingyun's threat to Laqi just now, just like when Kaya and the others were coerced and lured by Qingyun to board the ship.

"What if I say I don't want to?"

Conis stared at Qingyun and asked nervously, hoping that Qingyun would not threaten her like he threatened Laqi.

"You don't want anything to happen to the uncle, do you?"

Qingyun asked calmly.

Hearing this, Conis was very disappointed, very angry, and very helpless.

The same was true for Pagya.

Nami and the others were used to it.

But everyone else was shocked.

They didn't expect that Conis and Pagya had tried their best to speak for Qingyun and Nami before, especially Conis.

But now, Qingyun used Pagya to threaten Conis.

But they didn't dare to say anything. They were afraid that Qingyun would kill them like he killed Enel.

"Conis, don't worry about me, don't agree to him."

Paigeya immediately stood in front of Conis and said fearlessly

"I didn't expect you to be this kind of person."

"I will never let Conis go with you."

Then, Paigeya stared at Qingyun and said firmly


Conis was very moved.

Nami and the others were also somewhat affected and felt indignant.

"Uncle, Connie, you misunderstood. Qingyun is not a villain."

"The reason why he invited Connie to board the ship was that he couldn't bear to see a beautiful woman like you, who was like an angel, living her whole life on this empty island."

"He wants to take you to travel around the world with us and see the beautiful scenery of the world"

"I also want to give you a devil fruit that suits you, so that you can have the ability to protect yourself and even help others."

At this moment, the Sea King had sailed back to the shore. Ke Ya jumped directly from the Sea King and said to Conis and Pagya solemnly.

"The reason why Qingyun threatens you is because he is not good at talking, and he is impatient and not very good at speaking. Once he speaks, he means he wants to beat or kill you."

"He actually had no ill intentions, he just made up his mind to take you out to sea, even if he had to use any means to do so."

Keya went on to explain.

The reason why Keya stood up to speak for Qingyun was because she knew Qingyun very well, and knew that Qingyun would most likely use his Conqueror's Haki to knock out Pagaya and then threaten Conis, just like he had threatened her before.

She knew that Conis and Pagaya were both very kind, and she couldn't bear to see Conis be like her, who didn't have time to say anything to Pagaya, so she separated from Pagaya directly. She couldn't bear to see Conis disappear after Pagaya woke up.

Am I that good?

Qingyun felt a little guilty and embarrassed when he heard Keya's words.

He was surprised and happy, and he never expected that Keya would speak for him and act as his wingman at this time.

"That's right, that's right."

Nami nodded and agreed.

Their thoughts were exactly the same as Kaya's.

"So that's it."

Hearing this, Conis and Paigeya both chose to believe Ke Ya's words.

Ke Ya and the others were so pretty and kind, and Qing Yun himself was also suave, handsome and elegant.

"If that's the case, Connie, just agree to Qingyun."

"I know you are full of curiosity about the world below, this is a good opportunity."

Paige immediately turned to Conis and persuaded her with a smile.

Conis was very moved:


"You don't have to worry about me."

Before Conis finished speaking, Paigeya continued:

"My body is still strong."

"I'll wait for you at home to come back and tell me what the world down there is like"


Connies' eyes were filled with tears and she nodded affirmatively:

"I will definitely come back."

Seeing this scene, except for Weiwei, Qingyun and Nami were all very moved and envious.

Because they were either orphans since childhood, and had never seen their fathers or even mothers.

Or their fathers or even mothers were no longer around.

Weiwei also missed her father a little.

Conis looked at Qingyun and answered affirmatively:

"Qingyun, I promise you"

【Congratulations to the host for subduing Laqi and joining the Sea King Group.���Jobs in Zerachi】

"Very good."

Qingyun smiled slightly:

"From now on, Conis, you are the musician of my Aquaman Group. As soon as the words fell, Qingyun gained all of Conis's positive and beneficial abilities.


Connie replied with a smile

"Go back and pack your things first, and then say goodbye to Uncle Pagaya."

"We will go to the Island of Gods first, and then come back to pick you up."

Qingyun continued, and then took the lead to walk back to the Sea King.

Nami and the others followed closely behind.


Conis nodded.

After returning to the Sea King, Qingyun moved his mind and controlled the Sea King to head towards the Island of God.

Immediately, he took out the Thunder Fruit and a knife.

Nami and the others saw this and knew that this was Enel's devil fruit, and they were very excited.

Because they had just seen the power of the Thunder Fruit with their own eyes.

Nojigo, Makino, Vivi, Robin, Miss Valentine and Shuangzhizhi all felt a little regretful.

Because they had already eaten the devil fruit and could not continue to eat it.

Nami, Kaya, Tashigi, Kalina, Carmen, Dezaia and Miss Golden Week all had more or less expectations, hoping that Qingyun could give them the Thunder Fruit to eat.

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