"Nami, come here."

Qingyun did not ask too much about who wanted to eat the Thunder Fruit this time, but smiled at Nami and said directly.

He felt that the best owner of the Thunder Fruit was of course Nami, who was a navigator.


Seeing that Qingyun didn't ask who wanted to eat the Thunder Fruit, but directly let Nami go, everyone was stunned for a moment.

They didn't expect Qingyun to play by the rules this time.

In order to fight for the right to eat the Thunder Fruit, many people, including Nami, planned to rush up to Qingyun and hug him to eat it and act like a spoiled child after Qingyun asked.

""You...are you going to give it to me directly?"

Nami asked in disbelief.

Ke Ya and the others looked at Nami, all more or less envious.

Ke Ya was the less, while Dashiqi and the others were the more.

Because compared to the powerful Thunder Fruit, Ke Ya still wanted the devil fruit that could allow her to heal and save people more.

But they did not raise any objections.

Because they believed in Qingyun's judgment. They also believed that Qingyun would���They are looking for the devil fruit that suits them.

"Of course."

Qingyun nodded affirmatively:

"The most suitable person for this thunder fruit is you."

"If I don’t give it to you, who will it be for?"

"The devil fruit that I told you about before is the Thunder Fruit that suits you best."

Hearing this, Nami was overjoyed.

She trotted towards Qingyun, jumped up, and hung directly on Qingyun's body, staring into Qingyun's eyes, and said excitedly:

"Qingyun, I love you"

"mua! mua! mua!——"

As soon as she finished speaking, Nami kissed Qingyun's face.

Qingyun was very happy, but also a little disgusted.

However, he was holding a knife in his left hand and the Thunder Fruit in his right hand, so he couldn't drive Nami away at all, and could only let Nami take advantage.

After leaving a face full of saliva on Qingyun's face, Nami stopped and looked at Qingyun excitedly and happily.

"Okay, come down and eat the thunder fruit."

Qingyun said with a smile


Nami smiled and nodded.

Immediately, Qingyun began to feed Nami the Thunder Fruit.

After Nami swallowed the first bite despite her nausea, she gained the ability of the Thunder Fruit.

Qingyun's Thunder Fruit ability was also strengthened by 16%.

The reason why the degree of strengthening is 4% lower than that after Vivi ate the Sand-Sand Fruit is because Enel's development of the Thunder Fruit is deeper than Crocodile's development of the Sand-Sand Fruit.

Similarly, Qingyun did not stop there, but continued to feed Nami the remaining Thunder Fruit.

Nami remembered the reason, so she swallowed all of it despite her nausea.

After eating, Nami tried the Thunder Fruit ability a little bit, and after feeling its power personally, she felt so excited that she couldn't help but hug Qingyun and chew it crazily.

Nokigo and the others were a little envious of Nami.

Because they found that the Thunder Fruit is worthy of the title of the strongest natural devil fruit. Whether it is speed or power, it is top-notch.

"All right."

Qingyun had nothing in his hands this time, so he directly picked Nami up and sternly told her:

"Although the ability of the Thunder Fruit is very strong, what is even more powerful is Haki"

"Don't rely too much on the ability of the Thunder Fruit. Usually, you should only focus on developing the Thunder Fruit, but also focus on training your physical strength, mastering the Armament Haki and Observation Haki as soon as possible, and then work hard to practice Haki."

"Otherwise, if you encounter a truly powerful enemy, you won't even have a chance to escape."


Nami nodded solemnly:

"I remember that."

Qingyun looked at Nojigo and the others:

"The same goes for you, remember?"



Nokigo and the others also nodded affirmatively.

The priests in the Island of Gods did not know that Enel had been killed by Qingyun.

So when Qingyun brought Nami and the others to the Island of Gods and encountered the priests who had just killed the pirates who broke into the Island of Gods and tried to steal the gold, the priests did not hesitate to attack Qingyun and Nami.

"As an illegal immigrant, he dared to trespass into the Island of Gods. The penalty is death penalty!"

"Nami, let's take the first two."

""Weiwei, Robin, the next two are up to you."

Qingyun said to Nami, Weiwei and Robin, and then took out a coin, placed it between the index finger and thumb of his right hand, aimed it at an attacking priest, used the Thunder Fruit ability, and began to quickly charge his right hand and the coin with lightning.


Nami, Vivi and Robin answered in unison.


Nami also took out a coin, placed it between the index finger and thumb of her right hand, aimed it at another attacking priest, and used the Thunder Fruit ability to charge lightning quickly.

Vivi raised her hands, aimed at another attacking priest, and used the Sand-Sand Fruit ability to charge lightning quickly.

Robin crossed her hands in front of her chest and began to use the Flower-Flower Fruit ability to charge lightning quickly.

""Super Lightning Cannon!"

Qingyun and Nami almost simultaneously used the move that Qingyun had just developed and taught Nami, the Super Lightning Cannon.

Qingyun's source of inspiration naturally came from the move that the heroine of another anime world, Misaka Mikoto, often used, the Super Electromagnetic Cannon.


Qingyun and Nami flicked out the coins on their right hands, which directly transformed into small but powerful lightning cannons, and attacked the two priests at a rapid speed with a shocking momentum.

The two priests felt extremely bad, but the speed of the Super Lightning Cannon was too fast, and they had no time to dodge, and could only raise their hands to resist.

However, the Super Lightning Cannon condensed a large amount of lightning, and its power was so terrifying that how could the two priests who couldn't even grasp the iron block be able to resist it?



The two priests were directly blown up by the coins, and their flesh and blood flew everywhere, and they died on the spot.

""Desert Diamond Knife!"

At the same time, Weiwei directly used the moves Qingyun taught her, turning her hands into four large sand blades, and quickly attacked a priest.


The priest only dodged the first two large sand knives, but was hit head-on by the two large sand knives behind, chopped into three halves, and died on the spot.

""A riot of colour - giant tree - clapping palm!"

Robin also used the moves Qingyun helped her develop. First, countless hands grew out of her hands, and quickly formed two huge hands, and then slapped the last priest together.

The priest couldn't dodge and could only open his hands to resist.

But at this time, Robin had been nurtured and taught by Qingyun's love, and her strength had already reached a higher level.


The priest only resisted for a moment, and was directly slapped to death by Robin on the spot.

Nami, Vivi and Robin did not feel the slightest guilt for killing the priests.

Because they knew that if they were not strong, they would be the ones to die, not these priests.


"As expected of the strongest Thunder Fruit, and indeed the one chosen by Qingyun."

"Nami just ate it, and she was already able to use such a powerful move."

Nokiko and the others did not sympathize with the four priests at all, but looked at Nami in surprise.

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