
Nami and the others were extremely worried that Qingyun would not be able to withstand Enel's lightning, and they couldn't help but tear up in anxiety.

"It's over!"

Conis swallowed and felt that Qingyun couldn't bear it.

"That bastard!"

"I'm going to kill him!"

Nami turned the boat around and planned to go back and kill Enel, completely forgetting that she was very weak and could never be Enel's opponent.

"I'm going to kill you!"

Except for Kaya and Makino, Nojiko and the others all said viciously, and all prepared for battle.

Kaya was not angry, nor did she not want to help Qingyun get revenge.

It was because she was kind by nature, and as a doctor, she could not kill anyone.

She looked at Qingyun who was engulfed by lightning with tears in her eyes, praying that Qingyun was okay.

Makino was not angry, nor was she worried about Qingyun.

It was because she had the ability of the barrier fruit, although she could not cast a barrier to protect Qingyun at this distance.

But she could feel that Qingyun used the barrier that only she could use, and she was in shock..

She did know that Qingyun could obtain the power of the Devil Fruit and the Devil Fruit by killing the Devil Fruit user.

But she also knew that the Barrier Fruit was snatched by Qingyun from Dezaia and the others, and it was not obtained by killing the previous Devil Fruit user, and she had already eaten it.

So Qingyun should not have the ability of the Barrier Fruit.

Before this, Qingyun had never used it.

Am I feeling it wrong?

Makino was puzzled and began to doubt whether she had sensed it wrong.

At this moment, when Enel had released the lightning, Qingyun was seen standing there intact.


Seeing Qingyun was actually safe and sound, Nami and Conis were all very shocked.

The lightning that Enel had just released was undoubtedly destructive.

Because a big hole was blasted out of Xiaoyun Mountain not far behind Qingyun, and now it was still emitting thick smoke.

Qingyun was indeed hit head-on, and even if he didn't die, he should have been seriously injured.

But he was fine.

His clothes didn't seem to be electrocuted either.

"Looks like you avoided me."

"You are quite fast."

Enelu was also very surprised, but he was extremely confident in his lightning power and thought that Qingyun must have dodged it instead of withstanding it.

"One hundred and fifty million volts!"

Crack! Crack! -

Enel immediately turned the scepter in his hand to quickly charge, and then released extremely powerful lightning towards Qingyun again.

Qingyun still stood in the same place, quietly casting a barrier.


Qingyun was engulfed by lightning again.

Nami and the others and Conis's hearts were hanging again.

Only Makino looked at Qingyun who was engulfed by lightning with shock:

I was not wrong!

Qingyun can really use the barrier!

But why can he use it?

Makino was puzzled.

Although he felt it, she did not say it out.

Because she found that Qingyun used the barrier secretly, and lifted it after Enel had discharged the electricity, obviously not wanting Enel to find out.

She naturally would not make things worse and let Enel find out why Qingyun could withstand his lightning.

After Enel had discharged the electricity, Qingyun appeared in the same place again safely.


Seeing this, Enel did not say much, and directly turned into lightning, and instantly came to Qingyun's head, with his right hand aimed at Qingyun's head, less than 0.01 meters away from Qingyun's head:

"Two hundred million volts!"

"Divine punishment!"

Crack! Crack! -


The lightning released by Enel instantly engulfed Qingyun.

"Could it be because Qingyun possesses the ability of the Sand-Sand Fruit?"

"Aren't the Shasha people afraid of lightning?"

Nami and the others speculated.

They also didn't know that Qingyun could not only obtain the power of the Devil Fruit by killing the power users, but also by subjugating others.

Before this, Qingyun had not used the power of the Barrier Fruit, nor had he used the power of the Devil Fruit of Nojigo, Robin, Miss Valentine and Two Fingers.

So they had no idea that Qingyun could obtain the power of the Devil Fruit by subjugating others.

Even if the people he had subjugated took the Devil Fruit and obtained the power of the Devil Fruit, he could also obtain it.

"Probably not."

Makino said with certainty.

"Why is that?"

Nami and the others looked at Makino curiously.

"You will know in a moment."

Makino kept it a secret.

It was not because she was stingy.

She wanted to prevent Enelu from hearing it.

"Have you had enough of the trouble?"

Qingyun kept his middle finger and index finger overlapping each other, and opened Enelu's


Seeing this scene, except for Makino, Nami and Conis were all shocked, their mouths opened so wide that they could almost fit a fist as big as a sandbag.

After Enelu stabilized his body, he was also stunned, looking at Qingyun in disbelief, with snot running.


Seeing this, Qingyun knew that the time had come.

He knew that in the original work, Enelu was shocked like this after seeing that lightning had no effect on Luffy, and had a short reaction period, so he was kicked in the abdomen by Luffy.

The reason why he did that just now was to make Enelu have this short reaction period.

But he didn't do it to kick Enelu, but to kill Enelu directly.

Although this is a bit opportunistic.

Qingyun is not incapable of killing Enelu from the front.

But it's not Qingyun's style to use a method that can save energy to achieve the goal.

Besides, If Qingyun fights Enel head-on, if Enel finds out that he is no match for him before he kills him and chooses to run away, he may not be able to stop Enel from escaping.

Because he knows that Enel can move at the speed of light.


Qingyun immediately summoned the Sandaime Kitetsu, and while rushing towards Enel, he used the armed color domineering to strengthen his right hand and the Sandaime Kitetsu.

At the same time, he used the domineering color domineering to entangle, greatly enhancing the power and the suppression of the devil fruit ability, to ensure that Enel can be killed directly.

At this moment, Enel is desperately shaking his head, trying to calm himself down:

Calm down!

Anyway, all physical attacks are ineffective against me!

And I also have the heart net, and my speed is light...


While Enel was still trying to calm down, Qingyun had already rushed to Enel, and directly split Enel in half with a knife.


"Physical attacks have no effect on me."

"But you dare to cut off the body of God, I will definitely destroy you."

Enelu was not panicked and directly threatened to kill Qingyun.


""A frog in a well."

Qingyun said disdainfully.

After that, he put away the Third Generation Kitetsu and walked towards Conis without looking back.

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