"Azazel?....The fallen angel governor likes to collect some artifacts..."

Xiye said with interest that he was not interested in Azazel himself, but in his collection of the governor's artifacts.....

And the artifacts he created...

Although the points for exchanging artifacts are insignificant compared to the items in the exchange shop, but mosquito meat is also meat, and Xiye treats them equally.

"oh...It seems like you are quite familiar with Azazel...."

Sirzechs looked around Xiye's body, but lingered on the pendant on Xiye's neck.

He didn't find it strange.

She also learned about Xiye's ability from Rias.

Using multiple artifacts at the same time, this seemed like a perverted ability.....

As for Azazel's collection, it must be related to this element of his own.

"However, you are not an ordinary artifact owner...."

This speculation is due to the fact that Xiye, at this age, was able to defeat someone of Kirkbol's level, and he was still so young, less than 20 years old.

For ordinary artifacts to reach such strength, one must be an uncle, it is impossible.

Humans are different from demons. The owners of artifacts are only slightly taller than ordinary people, but they are not at the same age as demons.

For example, Rias is now hundreds of years old, but she is still at the same age as Xiye.

According to his visual estimation, Xiye is at least the owner of a Divine Annihilator.

But he has never seen a Divine Annihilator before, so he wanted to ask clearly....

"I have nothing to say about this."Xiye smiled and said

"How can you ask others like that?"Lias defended Xiye.

After all, she is now Xiye's boyfriend......

"...It's bad.."Sirzechs was embarrassed. This was the first time that Rias defended a man in front of him.

However, just as he was about to say something,

Seraphlu appeared outside the door, and a middle-aged man in a gray and black kimono appeared.

"Sirzechs, you are here too."

At the door, Seraful said as she stared at the red-haired devil king who was stunned inside.

Beside her, a middle-aged man in kimono glanced at the situation inside calmly.

After a circle, his gaze paused from Xiye, and finally looked at Sirzechs and said,"I didn't expect that the devil Lucifer would be here, but it seems that you are still discussing something. I am sorry for disturbing you."

Seeing this, Sirzechs stood up and looked at the man in kimono:"Fallen Angel Governor Azazel, you are here too, aren't you here to collect your debts?..."

"oh...Are you talking about Kirkbol?...In fact, I didn't want to make a fuss about it, but unfortunately his subordinates wouldn't give in, so I had no choice but to come and discuss it with you."

Azazel showed a helpless expression, and then walked inside. He didn't seem to be afraid of the Demon King Sirzechs.

Serafla also looked at Xiye hugging Rias at this moment, and probably understood something, but this approach was indeed right.

Hearing what Azazel said, Sirzechs realized that things were not so easy to solve, and frowned.

At this time, Azazel came in and his eyes fell on Xiye:"Are you Xiye! ? You're the guy who killed Kirkbol...."

"oh...He is actually your brother-in-law, Sirzechs.

Seeing Xiye hugging Rias, he was somewhat surprised to learn that Sirzechs was born in the Gremory family and had white hair.

"Rias is indeed my girlfriend.."As he spoke, Xiye hugged Rias again and pressed her against his body.

"But apart from this identity, what else do you want to say?"

"Don't be so startled, I'm just curious about you." Azazel chuckled.

"Curious? Are you interested in this thing on me? Shouldn't you spend your bad taste on others?"Xiye said coldly

"Uh... what a hot-tempered fellow." Azazel scratched his hair, still looking lazy and calm.

"Let me tell you, I haven't settled the score with you about Linali and Kirkbol yet.....You dare to come?....Don't you think your people are courting death?..."Xiye spoke with a proud look on his face.

Xiye knew that Azazel knew about the crimes of Linali and Kirkbol. Xiye was just reminding him.

Rias's face turned pale. Even if he was her boyfriend, she couldn't talk to the governor of the fallen angels like that....

Seraphlu and Sirzechs were both stunned. Xiye had killed someone else's men, but he dared to speak like that.

Suddenly, they both stared at Azazel to see how he would react.

"Forehead...Linali is also you.....It is indeed our fault for not disciplining him properly."Azazel looked embarrassed, and he was also miserable.

He wanted to use this incident to study the artifact on Xiye's body, but now, he has lost both the wife and the army....

This is the territory of Sirzechs's sister, and there are two demon kings here. I can't resist them all by myself.


Everyone looked at Azazel in amazement. Although it was the Fallen Angel's fault, as the commander of the Fallen Angels, a man whose status was comparable to Michael of Heaven and the four great devils of the underworld.....

And their price was very high, losing a sub-demon king-level cadre...

"It seems that you are quite competent as the governor. Why don't you just let a few artifacts come out and admit your mistakes?"

Xiye said lightly. In fact, he had thought about the situation between himself and Azazel. With two demon kings around him, why should he be afraid? After Xiye got the magic book"The Fragment of Elias", he didn't think he would fall into Azazel's trap.

"oh...interesting..."Azazel was stunned for a moment, then smiled with his eyes narrowed. He looked at Xiye and wondered if this guy could really use multiple artifacts at the same time..... ps: Please give me flowers and full order!

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