A furry tail of the cat in his arms fell on Xiye's arm from the hem of the cat's skirt.

The cat's tail, which represented the full power of the cat, fell into Xiye's sight.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing the mission: Untie the knot in the heart of the kitten in Tacheng"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining the"Sloth" library of the Seven Deadly Sins of the Royal Library...."

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, the magic book"Astir's Manuscript" has started +5 magic power progress%..."

Xiye didn't care too much about the system's notification sound. He just touched the cat's ears and tail with love.

As a cat lover, it was the first time for him to see the cat's tail. This cute little girlfriend really liked it.....

"It feels so comfortable, Kitty....You are so awesome...."

While touching it, Xiye also showed an expression of enjoyment, and said with emotion


When Xiye touched her cat ears and tail, Xiaomaojiang's pretty face turned red and she whimpered. She twisted her fair thighs and was a little overwhelmed.

It was a little shy to have the cat ears and tail touched by someone you like.....


Tacheng Kitten secretly raised her head, and her watery golden eyes looked at Xiye.

Then, when she saw Xiye's loving gaze on her, her petite body trembled, and then she pursed her lips and nodded shyly.

"Really, don't you even know to block us?..."

There were three girls sitting in Xiye's mind, observing Xiye who was doing bad things. The girl Kong spoke first.

"night...."As the little saint of the Bible lolita, she is also a little shy

"...Master, this is..."Ilya also looked at him with a puzzled look, listening to Sora's teasing.

The three girls gathered together, and they were receiving on-the-spot teaching from Xiye.

Xiye also paused, and suddenly realized the seriousness of the matter.


As the three girls were locked in the magic book,

Xiye started to fight.......................................................

The next day, Xiye opened his eyes and lowered his head to look at the little cat in his arms, blinking its watery golden eyes and staring at him.

"Kitty, when did you wake up?..."Xiye said with a chuckle

"...Half an hour ago, I wanted to see how Xiyejun slept..."The kitten in Tacheng blushed and said embarrassedly.

Although Xiye could see the kitten in Tacheng as clearly as in the daytime

, in the morning, under the sunlight, it was even more red.

"Have you seen enough now?...Have a good sleep after watching enough, after all, you didn't get much rest last night..."Xiye gently kneaded Xiaomaojiang's face lovingly.

"Um..."Tacheng Kitten shyly buried her head in front of Xiye, nodded with a sound like the chirping of insects, and closed her eyes again.

In fact, if you convert it, Kitten only slept for a maximum of one hour.

After all, with the blessing of the powerful"Gluttony" library's True Word, Xiye's abilities are all enhanced in all aspects.

Although Kitten has the physique of a demon and a cat goblin, it is still not good enough.

After a short nap ,

Kitten was awakened by Xiye's hand stroking her body. She looked a little shy, but when she saw the alarm clock next to her, her eyes widened.

Today is not the weekend, she has to go to class.

And Lord Demon Lord Sirzechs is coming to see Xiye.

It is obviously almost late now.

Like a panicked kitten, Kitten picked up the clothes that fell on the ground.

The three-no girl turned into a stealing kitten and quickly put on her clothes.

"Xiyejun~I'm going to be late..."


Xiye looked at the current state of Xiaomaojiang and smiled gently.

Suddenly, he thought of something, and a fruit suddenly appeared in his hand....

Natural Fruit: Improved version, the weakness of the devil fruit is found, the taste is improved, and the appearance is maintained.

Ability: Elementalization, and the ability to transform between various elements of the natural system

"Hey, what are you?..."

The dressed Tacheng kitten looked at the thing in Xiye's hand and asked with some confusion:

"This is called the Devil Fruit. It is delicious and good for your skin..."

Xiye handed the big devil fruit to Xiaomaojiang, looked at her and said.

This natural devil fruit has been improved, and its function has also been improved. It is not a single element, but can be converted into all natural elements, and its own magic attribute has also become multi-element.

Xiaomaojiang's strength can still be greatly improved.

As for why she was not allowed to be her Seraph's follower, it will take some time. Now I am afraid that something unexpected will happen and she will be targeted by certain people.

Asia's identity may be able to explain it. After all, no one has witnessed her past, but Xiaomaojiang grew up in the underworld.

This is not easy to deal with.

"Really..."Xiaomaojiang's ability as a foodie was clearly revealed. She took the natural devil fruit from Xiye's hand and gently took it with her pink little mouth.

"...tasty.."The devil fruit was eaten by Xiaomaojiang in an instant, and she looked at Xiye with blinking eyes, obviously wanting more.....

It seems that I consumed a lot of energy last night.....

However, after eating, under the effect of the devil fruit, the face of the cat sauce became more attractive and charming.....

"No more."Xiye felt distressed. One thousand points.....

Then Xiye put on his clothes in front of Xiaomaojiang. Xiaomaojiang's face became hot.

However, as the devil fruit took full effect, Xiaomaojiang was surprised to find that she had changed miraculously.

Only now did Tacheng Xiaomao know what good thing Xiye gave her to eat. No wonder there was only one. She felt even sweeter in her heart.

The two left the room and went to the hall.

Hearing the footsteps, Asia looked at Xiye in confusion.

"Kitty, why are you here too?...."

Jenova and Shido Irina, who were wearing maid outfits, looked at Xiye and Tacheng Koneko suspiciously. They muttered,"Why is Koneko-chan blushing? I feel like the atmosphere between the two of them has changed.""

"Huh...It really is."Asia was also surprised to find out.

He went to Xiye to wake him up in the morning, but Xiye's room was decorated with a barrier, so Asia did not disturb him.

"Is there something fishy going on between the two of them?..."Shido Irina stroked her chin and analyzed

"....."Asia was a little surprised, then she drank the tea carefully and found that it was true.

When Mao Mao heard this, her pretty face turned red.

",nothing...I just talked to Koneko-chan about her past last night...."Xiye said what he could say, and filtered out the things that were not suitable for children.

"Heart to Heart...."Asia felt a little disappointed. Did they need to set up a barrier to talk to each other?...

But looking at Koneko-chan, she smiled sincerely.

Unfortunately, the alarm on her phone rang.

"late...."Asia's face was suddenly panicked. She was a good student and had never done anything against the rules. She only skipped class once under the persuasion of Koneko-chan.

Koneko-chan was also a little nervous.

Fortunately, what happened yesterday was not discovered. I hope that Minister Rias will not find out.....

However, she didn't know that her sister Heige was still here.......

Then the three of them went out and headed towards the school.

At noon.

Xiye came to the Supernatural Research Department according to Maomaojiang's instructions.

This was a familiar place, and Xiye walked in.


A man with a stern face was sitting on the sofa, and opposite him, Rias was also sitting there with a serious face.

Xiye paused, he didn't expect that this Sirzechs would come so quickly.

Since you choose to act, then act like one.

Xiye stepped forward.

In front of Sirzechs, sat next to Rias.

His hands were around Rias's slender and elastic waist.

Rias was a little caught off guard by Xiye's actions.

Seeing a human man hugging his sister so skillfully, he frowned:"You must be Xiye, right?...."

"Um...He looks quite strong, and he was able to kill Kirkbol."

Sirzex crossed his arms and leaned back on the sofa.

He didn't think there was anything wrong with this action, but he did dispel the idea that Rias' boyfriend was fake......

"Kirkbol doesn't look very strong either." Xiye said calmly.

"oh...interesting...Someone actually said that a fallen angel cadre is not strong...You are the first one who dares to say that."Sazekes said with a smile.

However, Himejima Akeno on the side did not think that Xiye was bragging again. It was not surprising that Xiye, who could kill Kirkbol in a few moves, said such a thing.

"elder brother..."Rias said beside her

"Rias, you look anxious. I don't mean to criticize your boyfriend, don't worry... But from the looks of it, the fallen angels are not easy to deal with...."

Sirzechs briefly explained the situation. We still have to wait and see what Seraflor says. ps: Please order it yourself, please order it all! Please give me some free data! Here is a picture of the cat-eared girl!

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