Sirzechs knew that Azazel had a strange personality, but now even he couldn't figure out what Xiye was trying to do....

Did you think that you could challenge the fallen angel commander Azazel just because you killed Kirkbol?

Rias also hugged Xiye's arm with some worry, wanting her to take back what she had just said.

"If you want a magic weapon, it's not impossible...Fight with me...If you win, I can give it to you, or even let you choose..."

Azazel looked at Xiye with interest, and did not feel unhappy about his words. He added:

"But if you lose, I want to borrow your stuff to observe or study it....."

""Hmm?" Xiye frowned. This guy really had a strong sense of weirdness.

He had just said that as a joke, but Azazel obviously took it seriously.

Then Xiye slowly said:"How much stock do you have! ? Do you have any God-killing Tools! ?"


Everyone in the audience was stunned. Is Xiye speaking sensible words? He asked others how many divine weapons and divine extermination tools they had before the fight even started. Did he think these were just cabbages and just said them casually?....

What’s more, the opponent is a twelve-winged fallen angel!

""Mr. Xiye?"

Tacheng Kitten also looked at Xiye in surprise.

However, after seeing Xiye's serious expression, she kept silent.

This made Azazel look up and look at Xiye in surprise, as if he didn't expect him to ask such a question.

"...It's been a while since I've been so excited."

Azazel said excitedly.

"I do have some artifacts, but most of them are semi-finished products.....As for the God-killing Tool you mentioned....I really don't have such a precious thing...."

"Only a half-finished product!?"

Xiye was so upset that he wanted to take this opportunity to blackmail the richest local tyrant in the world, but in the end, it was all a half-finished product....

However, Xiye immediately realized that, at this timeline, Azazel had not yet developed the artifact, and many artificial artifacts were produced later.

Among them, the semi-finished artifacts could not be recycled at half the price of the artifacts.....Xiye was thinking that it was a magical artifact anyway, so he could give it a 50% discount, right?....

Finally, hope is shattered...

"That's fine. I want eight artifacts. Although they are only semi-finished products now, I can wait for you to develop the finished products before giving them to me....But it's best if you ask me...."

After thinking about it, Xiye said, I think eight artifacts shouldn't be too many...

"....this.."No matter how rich Azazel was, he was so angry that he vomited blood after hearing Xiye's words. Are artifacts as cheap as cabbages?

How much effort and cost went into the successful development of each artifact ?....He asked for eight pieces right away.

Sirzechs also looked at Xiye in confusion, and his original judgment of Xiye had changed subtly.

On the side, he watched Xiye's next move as a supporting role.

Azazel hesitated for a moment, but when his eyes fell on the pieces of equipment on Xiye's neck, he was a little tempted.

As a"researcher", nothing is more exciting than seeing this unknown power. If he could find any results from the equipment on Xiye, it would be a great pleasure.

"I really want to see the power of the unknown weapon on you...Then let's have a try...But I won't stay..."

Azazel nodded and agreed.

"me too.."Xiye stood up, his arms held by Rias. Although he could feel the impact of the meat shield, he still had to harvest the"leeks" that were delivered to his door.

"Xiyejun~No~He is the governor of the fallen angels...Not weaker than Lord Leviathan..."Rias reminded him again.

She was afraid that Xiye was just showing off. After all, there was a huge gap between the Ten Wings and the Twelve Wings, and it should not be underestimated.

"It's okay."

Xiye grabbed Rias's fair hand and comforted her.

The warmth in Xiye's eyes touched Rias a little. Then she let go of her hand and strengthened her heart.

She believed that Xiye could definitely defeat Azazel.

Leaving Rias, Xiye came to Xiaomao-chan and touched her head.

Xiaomao-chan immediately felt uncomfortable because of the madness of last night.

From an ignorant girl to a married woman, being in front of her beloved would always cause some kind of reaction.

Her face flushed.

And Himejima Akeno, who was standing next to Xiaomao-chan, had a look of loss on her face. Was she redundant?....

As the representative of the devil, Lucifer Lord Sirzechs also stood up and said to Azazel:"I didn't expect you to do such a thing.....But this guy is really exciting..."

"oh....You actually said that...I'm really a little stressed...."Azazel frowned. Red-haired Lucifer was the leader of the four great demons.

To be praised by him, Xiye must be more than the one who defeated Kirkbol on the surface.

"Xiye classmate....You have to be careful, this guy's artifact ban is not bad..."Serafla also reminded Xiye with concern.

It seemed that the difference in strength was huge in this battle, and Serafla could only do this, reminding

"Okay, I understand."

Xiye said calmly, taking Seraful's reminder to heart.

"Well, since you chose to fight, let’s fight somewhere else...."Sirzechs said calmly.

As he finished speaking, the red magic power on his body gradually increased, and everyone present was instantly in a huge red teleportation array.

"Fight in the virtual projection space."

After saying that, he looked in the direction of Rias and met her eyes.

Rias nodded gratefully to her brother Sirzechs and thanked him.

Because here, unless you leave this space, you will be protected and you will not really die here.

This is also Sirzechs's move to protect his brother-in-law. ps: Please give flowers and full subscriptions to give the author some motivation to continue writing. The following is the picture of Himejima Akeno 1

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