Xiye looked at Lesa calmly and said:

"No need, let's finish the matter now. I can take care of you and all your relatives by myself..."

As soon as the words fell...Everyone present looked at Xiye in astonishment.

Gurefia remained calm, but she stared at Xiye with eyes flickering....

After a long while, Lesa finally came to his senses and looked at Xiye with disdain....

"Hahaha....You are so ridiculous....Just a human being...Actually said such a big thing..!?.Go ask Rias, ask her if she dares to say such a thing? You are so arrogant...."

"Arrogance..This is your library..This guy..."The girl said jokingly in Xiye's mind.

Rias also looked at Xiye with concern. She was afraid that this was just an irrational and angry remark from Xiye....

Although I don't want to admit it, what that annoying guy said is true.....

Even if it was me, I would have to bring all my followers with me to fight him, and the chances of winning were slim......


Xiye shook his head, signaling Rias not to worry

"minister~...Believe in Xiyejun..."While handing over the coffee, Himejima Akeno also spoke.

Looking at Xiye's face under the silver-white hair in the mage state, Himejima Akeno chose to believe Xiye.

Mao Maojiang also nodded to Rias. In this case, she was Xiye's real"boyfriend". She also agreed with Xiye's statement.

After all, Xiye said that he would protect the people he loved....

At this time, Rias finally smiled and said to Xiye seriously,"Then, Xiye, be careful."

There was no more confusion in her eyes....

"Oh, what a touching play.....Since you insist on sending the reporter to his death, I will grant your wish!"

Lesa, who had been watching coldly, laughed.

He had completely decided to kill this arrogant human......

It's not just about Rias, but also about this guy's disdain for the nobles. This is absolutely unforgivable.....

"So...I'll leave the judging to Lady Gurefia...can you please?"

"It is so..."

Gurefia readily accepted...Then he turned around and went out. It took him about ten minutes to appear in front of everyone again.....

Slowly glanced at everyone...Under the gaze of the clan members, Gurefia slowly spoke:

"I have prepared a virtual space projection for battle....That alternate space is a replica of this Juwang Academy...The condition for victory is that only when one party is unconscious, seriously injured, or admits defeat, the other party can win. Do you have any opinions?..."


"I have no opinion either.."

Lesa sneered and glanced at Xiye, then immediately responded.

Xiye also expressed his opinion......

"In this case...Please go and prepare....The match will start in ten minutes...."

The silver-haired maid Gurefia nodded.....Then he reminded her..Leisa glared at Xiye fiercely....Sneered..

"Cherish your last ten minutes of life..."


Xiye ignored his ridicule....Just apply and smile indifferently...

Raisa smacked his lips in disdain, then motioned for the fifteen girls behind him to follow him and leave the Occult Research Department....

"Then, I should go too....See you later.."

Smiling at Rias and the others, Xiye turned and walked towards the magic teleportation array that led to the other dimension....

With the dazzling light, his figure disappeared from everyone's sight......

I don't know if it was because of Gurefia's loud movements, or because Serafla's senses were sharp.

Not long after Xiye left, Serafla and Sona came to the Supernatural Research Department again....

"Rias...how did this happen..."、

As soon as they entered the door, Cang Na asked directly.

Rias sighed deeply and then began to explain the problem to Cang Na....

And Seraphlu seemed to have sensed the fluctuations in the alien space:"Sona-chan....They seem to have started..."

"Little Lias...Can Xiye bring the holy water?..."

"Lady Seraphle...Xiyejun brought it..."

Rias nodded in response....

But this battle... Rias can't enter...Because in this kind of competition, no one else is allowed to enter....Will disrupt the order of the game....

Rias pretended to be calm in front of Koneko-chan and everyone else while sitting on the sofa in the conference room.

She looked at the ceiling and said,"Now we can only hope that Xiye can create a miracle...."

Seraphlu took out a magic wand and threw it towards the sky...

A huge irregular screen appears...

Able to see the current situation in another space..

"Let's take a look first..".......

In the other virtual space, the sky was clear. It was exactly the same as the scene in the original world, with no difference. The only difference was that there was no one here, just an empty shell....

Xiye stood not far from Lesa and his followers, waiting for the duel to begin.....

"You are really calm.....I'll be merciful and give you some more time....Tell us about your final words...."

Lesa seemed very unhappy with Xiye's indifferent attitude, and immediately started to challenge him.

Xiye curled his lips and ignored Lesa's words....

"You bastard!.."

However, at this moment, the campus broadcast was heard, and it was the sound of the drums flying...

"In the name of my master Sirzechs, I will bear witness to the battle between the two sides.....So, let’s get right into the topic...The battle area this time was decided based on the opinions of Ms. Rias and Raiser. A replica of the human school that Rias attended was prepared in the other dimension.

Both parties are ready. If Raiser wins the match, Ms. Rias will have to get married. If Xiye wins, the engagement will be cancelled. My master Sirzechs has already agreed..."

"The duel begins!"

As Gurefia's voice fell...Xiye began to move..

"Connect to the 'Arrogance' library. Open the 'Domination' theme!"

""True Words!""

Holy Rites!"


The spell is superimposed on the body like a BUFF, and the arms are surrounded by blue soul rings with runes.....The azure blue magic on his body is constantly rising...

Xiye's eyes turned cold and his primary goal was to deal with the fifteen followers behind him....

Then it's time to 'deal properly' with Raisa...

"ha...You are about to die..and you are still trying to be cool?..you don't even take people seriously...."

There was endless anger in Raisa's eyes....He felt that the guy in front of him was the kind of person who came to make him angry!

At this critical moment, he still showed such a nonchalant expression......

Do you look down on him?...


Lessar waved his hand gently...

The followers behind him surrounded Xiye....

As for Ravel, she slowly walked to Raiser's side.

"Brother, you look very angry...."

"Humph!" Lesa snorted, looked in Xiye's direction and said:"Next, let this human boy see what strength is...."

Xiye's own strength was influenced by the magic book"Astir's Codex", which was not visible to someone like Lesa....

However, Gurefia, the referee, saw it clearly....

"The strength of the highest level demon.."

Here Xiye is surrounded in the middle....

The Queen of Raisa floated in the air, looking down at everything with a smile on her face....

Xiye glanced at the girls around him and narrowed his eyes slightly.

These were the women that Lesar had played with....Xiye has no sympathy for women....

What's more, their strength is only at the level of a mid-level demon, and the"queen" in the air is only at the level of a high-level demon.

For Xiye now, it is easy to deal with them....

One of the followers surrounding Xiye suddenly launched an attack, and was about to attack Xiye with a savage fist.

However, Xiye had already seen her move after scanning the crowd.

Her figure was as fast as lightning....The right fist burst out...The 'Soul Ring' of the Mantra floating in the hand has the shadow of a dragon.....


With a powerful blow, the female relative turned into powder and disappeared in this space....


Gurefia plays the situation on this field...

The power of that blow immediately attracted the attention of the surrounding relatives. As a group, they could not fight alone, so they chose to gang up on him....

Several figures jumped over from all directions of Xiye...

The huge magic circle in the hands of the Queen on top of Raisa gathered in her hands......

Xiye's mouth curled up...The body disappears on the spot...

"Number Secret Technique..."

Fluctuations in space....Xiye suddenly appeared in the sky... in front of the 'queen'...The attack in his hand, which had already been charged, hit her....



The queen was killed by Xiye before she could even react....

Everything is just between the sparks of calcium carbide...

The followers below rushed to the middle and made an empty...

In the air, Xiye's hands...A huge magic circle is formed..A smooth attack method...

A huge blue magic bullet blasted down below... boom!




But in the blink of an eye...Except for Raisa and Ravel, all are eliminated....

All of this fell into Lesa's eyes....

His eyes widened...Looking at Xiye in disbelief...

But Rebel showed a strange look.

It seems that this human is not as simple as he seems....

Lessa suffered...

Ravel is Raiser's follower.. She is only there to supplement the number of Raiser's followers because of her mother.....

And he had no intention of taking action in Xiye's battle this time....

Ravel understands Raiser's true nature...

But she is looking forward to Xiye's next performance...

Lessar took a deep breath as he looked at the tragic scene below, feeling somewhat at a loss.

"What a bunch of trash..."

The current situation was completely beyond his expectations....

This guy actually dealt with his own family members so quickly!...

He immediately realized that the person in front of him...His strength is definitely at the top of the upper demon level or he is a top demon like himself.....

The faces of the clan members, Rias and others watching the battle were full of surprise....And Cang Na stared blankly at the scene just now...

This is just the beginning...The strength of that 'queen' is about the same as mine....

It was instantly killed...

Then, the magic circle around them began to fluctuate....

A dozen eliminated relatives appeared in front of them...

"It seems that I still underestimated Xiyejun.."Cang Na pushed his glasses and said as he looked at the situation on the screen.

In Cang Na's mind, the last time he fought with Xi Ye, he didn't seem to have the same momentum as now....

He still retains his strength...

And these moves reminded her of the time when she encountered the fallen angels in the church and was wiped out....

Sona looked at Rias....

She must know Xiye's strength....

Then she didn't stop me from fighting....

Damn Rias.....

At this time, Rias and Cang's eyes met...Seeing her eyes full of hatred...

A look of confusion...

But at this time...

In another space...

Rabel raised her hands and said to Xiye:"I'm just passing by....I'm just watching the fight...You and my brother are the only rivals here...."

However, Gurefia said to the referee:"I give up...."

Then...Then a light appeared on her....Brought out of this space...

Raiser looked at Ravel....The corner of his mouth twitched...

But there is no way to deal with this sister...

Now only Xiye and Lesa are left on the field..... ps: Please give me flowers and votes! Please order it yourself!

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