Lesa narrowed his eyes and stared at Xiye, his eyes full of coldness.....

"I admit that I underestimated you before.....Next Steps...I won't hold back on anything...."

Then he put aside his astonishment and stared at Xiye.

Even so, he still had the confidence to deal with Xiye, the confidence that came from the bloodline of the noble Phoenix family....

Behind him, the eight-winged bat wings spread out, representing the supreme demon-level strength....The flame slowly burned on the bat wings under Lessa's control....

The raging flames dyed half the sky red. The people watching in the Supernatural Research Department looked at Raiser in amazement.....

"Raisa's strength has increased again...."

Rias said worriedly...Because it has been a while since we last met Raisa....

Rias was very satisfied with Xiye's power. She consumed some of Raiser's magic power and finally used her ultimate move, Holy Water....I believe that Raisa will definitely admit defeat....

But now, she felt that the small bottle of holy water still had such a great effect on Lesa....

Just as everyone was thinking about this question, the magical girl Seraph showed a puzzled look, swung the magic wand in her hand and said,"Little Rias....Maybe things aren't that bad...."

Because the magic power displayed by Xiye far exceeds that of Lesa....

However, only Serafla and Gurefia could see it....

Under the gaze of the crowd, Xiye calmly looked at the attacking"roast chicken" with a fist of scorching flames....

As Xiye injected his thoughts, the blue soul ring formed by the"True Word Technique" in his hand surged again. The shadow of a dragon that had vaguely appeared before now turned into a real little blue dragon....

As Xiye swung forward....

The air suddenly produced a strong vibration. When the Turkey Lesa was only a few meters away from Xiye,....

The blue dragon soul gradually doubled in size and suddenly collided with Raisa.


The fist with scorching flames was instantly extinguished by the impact of the dragon shadow.....

As if encountering an insurmountable resistance, Raiser's body suddenly stopped and flew backwards....

He fell directly onto the teaching building. Although Lesar was small, the vibration caused by this punch also caused the entire teaching building to collapse in an instant.....、

After several seconds, a figure slowly flew out from the ruins.

Lesa touched his cheek, looked at the blood moon in his hand in silence, his eyes filled with endless anger!

This was the first time he had suffered such harm at the hands of a human!

"Hahaha...Haha Hobby....Ha ha ha ha..."

Lessar was floating in the air, laughing crazily.....Eliminating Ravel and the other followers of Raiser, who were outside, all looked horrified.....

Ravel smiled and said,"This is the first time I've seen Raiser get beaten up like this by a human at the beginning of a game...."

"Ahhhhh...! Xiye Jun is so strong.."Himejima Akeno looked at the power of Xiye's True Word and said with a trembling body.

However, although they were happy, they still held their breath. Raiser was not so easy to be defeated....

At this moment, Raisa's face was gloomy....

No one knows better than him how powerful his attack is....But now this human being was able to block this attack head-on by himself....

And also made myself so embarrassed...This guy's current strength is at least equal to his.....

If he is given a few more years, will he be able to challenge the Demon King?...Maybe even Demon King level?!...

"I really underestimated you. That's what I said.....There's no way Rias would really want a good-for-nothing gigolo to be her boyfriend....."

Lessar's face was a little gloomy.....The coldness in his eyes did not diminish at all....

"If you are given a little more time to grow up, I believe you will definitely become the strongest human being.’....You should never jump out this time. If I lose this time,....The Phoenix family will lose face...."

"Of course I won't lose here....Do you know my last name?..Phoenix!..Possessing the characteristics of the phoenix, absolutely immortal....No matter how much damage I suffer, I will recover immediately in the next moment. Blood can increase a person's lifespan....Tears can heal all injuries! Isn't it amazing?..."

After saying that, Lesa looked at Xiye with disdain and said

"So, you have absolutely no chance of winning against me!.."

But Xiye ignored any of his words...

It's just the blood of 'roast chicken'...If they were really that powerful, the ones who were now staking their claim on the net in the underworld wouldn't be the four great demon kings....The Phoenix family....Moreover, if it is really so miraculous, how could this family survive until now?

Xiye suddenly thought of something....The consciousness entered his mind and said to the girl:"Old leftover woman....come out faster...Are you interested in this 'roast chicken'? I can help you with it."

He sent the message to the girl in his mind, and Xiye's eyes moved upwards slightly, looking for Gurefia's figure....

In the distant sky, Gurefia also noticed Xiye's actions..

She didn't say anything, but just frowned slightly....

"Huh...Obviously a loli...I haven't done anything for a long time....Are you sure you want me to take action?...You have been hiding your strength....Let me take action..!?."

The girl Kong looked at Xiye in disbelief. She didn't take it seriously when she was asked to take action....

I didn't expect Xiye really wanted her to take action....

"if...Can I use the"Collapse" theme of the"Rage" library to unlock the world structure in advance?...And achieve——collapse phenomenon!!"

Xiye recalled that in the original plot, Kannozuki Ailin had used this method to achieve the collapse phenomenon...

"To be exact,...But the time is short...But I can't kill this guy....But it can destroy his soul..."The girl paused...I didn't expect Xiye to know all this....

She only knew this. She had never told Xiye this....

This man made him more interested....This dimensional world?....

Confirmed by the girl Sora...Xiye slowly raised the corners of his mouth...

It just destroys the soul.....

In the virtual projection space, is there another world to construct? Define the rules of the world yourself. Then, Raisa is equivalent to losing his soul in the world he defined.....

That is to say...Lessar will always be a corpse...To be exact, the corpse is still there.’....

"Stains...How dare you be distracted?...How much do you despise me?..."

Seeing Xiye ignoring his declaration and standing there in a daze....Lesa was immediately enraged.....

The wound on his arm, which was just in a mess, has been healed....

Blazing flames continued to burst out from Raiser's body....The surrounding temperature suddenly rose....As if trapped in a sea of fire...

Several magic bullets attacked Xiye....

Xiye's figure flashed past like a phantom, and the incoming flames hit Xiye's back directly....

"about there...Let you have a taste of fear.."

Looking directly at Raisa across from him, Xiye curled his lips in dissatisfaction.

He was not worried about being chased by the underworld for exposing part of his strength....

After all, Xiye is helping Sirzechs's sister Rias with her engagement....

If there is a risk to life....He could use the time travel card to go to other worlds...Or even have absolute defense to let yourself escape...

"Activate the Devil Factor..."

As soon as the words fell...Xiye has undergone drastic changes...A pair of huge energy wings spread out behind him....A kind of wings different from the three major forces in the Bible appeared in front of everyone...

Xiye's strength is now at the level of a sub-demon king.....

It only takes a moment....

Suddenly...Gurefia and Serafla frowned at the same time....

Because at this moment, Xiye's magic power was extremely strange and seemed to be much stronger....But at what level of strength?...They can't see clearly...

Rias also looked at Serafla curiously and asked,"Lord Leviathan...Xiyejun, what is this?....Is it a second ban?...."

Xiye's moves completely confused them, and she herself couldn't see through Xiye's strength.....

So the focus is not on the same point as Seraflor...

"I am not sure as well...."Seraphlu also shook her head in confusion.....

But while they were talking,

Xiye had already started to move....

"Connect to the 'Rage' library!"

"Implement the theme of"collapse"!"

The next moment... the magic book"Astir's Manuscript" on his body suddenly flew out of Xiye's mind....A flash of white light suddenly plunged the whole world into a pure white space....

The next second... the white light disappeared!

The space suddenly became dark again.....Look carefully at the sun in the sky...

It has turned into a black ball of light....

The entire virtual projection space fell into endless darkness.....

However, Xiye and Lesa, who were at the academy, disappeared in front of everyone.....

Suddenly, the world changes...The calm face of Gurefia changed.

The darkness could not block her sight....

Unfortunately, even after she scanned the entire space, she couldn't find the figures of Lesa and Xiye....

"what happened..."

I have never encountered anything like this before. Gurefia muttered in disbelief.....

She's a demon king.....He actually let two people disappear right under his nose....

However, everyone in the Supernatural Research Department was also confused.....

The light curtain in front of me suddenly turned white....Suddenly it was dark again...

This virtual projection space is the world created by Beelzebub, one of the great demons....

Such a weird scene actually happened...

Is there a space collapse phenomenon?....

"Allah Allah...Is there any bad reading situation?..."

Himejima Akeno looked at Seraflu and said helplessly...

Koneko-chan also nervously held Himejima Akeno's hand...Her eyes were fixed on Leviathan, a magical girl who was about the same height as her....Seraphlu, one of the four great demon kings...

After all, she is the most authoritative representative here....

He is also the strongest one....

"..."Facing the gazes of the crowd, Seraflor used her magic wand to nod her head....With an awkward smile, he hugged Cang Na's arm in front of everyone:"Woo~...Cang Na Sauce...People don't know what's going on....This thing was researched by Beelzebub...I don't understand this stuff...."

Seraphlu, with an innocent look on her face, is acting like a spoiled child on Sona....


Cangna's head is full of black lines...Because even if Seraflor was embarrassed, why did she lie on her own sister?...Make yourself so embarrassed...

A head full of black crows flew over her head....

After a moment, she frowned again and looked at the light curtain....

I began to ponder...

This is not a virtual projection space. She has studied it before. Her dream is to be able to develop such a space herself....

The phenomenon in front of us seems to be that this space has suffered spatial destruction....

But who is the one who shot it?...Then it is unknown....

Maybe Lesa.....But this dude....I don't have that ability....

If it's Xiye...It doesn't seem likely....After all, this is not a space collapse that an ordinary demon king can accomplish.....And it can also disrupt the order set by Beelzebub...

Besides, Gurefia was also watching the two of them from above.....

So who is behind the collapse of this space?.... ps: Please subscribe automatically and give me monthly flower tickets! Thank you for your support! Below is a picture of Seraful!

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