Paranormal Research Department

"Ala Ala~ The little nun really has holy water...."

Himejima Akeno stared at the small water bottle in Xiye's hand and said with a smile.

Xiye's previous"mistakes" were forgiven, and his"true colors" were exposed at this moment. As for why Xiye appeared here, it was because he was dragged here by Koneko-chan.

In order to ask Rias if this small bottle of holy water was enough to deal with that guy Raiser,...

Rias sat on the sofa, her eyes fell on the holy water in Xiye's hand.

She thought for a moment, then said solemnly:

"This bottle of holy water is enough. Although Raiser is a top-level demon, the destructive power of the holy water should be enough....."

In fact, this is just Rias's guess. Only Xiye knows that this holy water will only leave a temporary scar and psychological shadow on Raiser.

Maybe it will be useful for a playboy like Raiser....But Xiye didn’t think he really needed this thing.

He picked up the holy water in his hand and threw it to the girl Kong:"I’ll give it to you to play with first, don’t pour it out, I still have to give it back to Asia. After all, this is what she got for her kind heart, and it can’t be wasted...."

After explaining it to Sora, Xiye looked at Rias again and said,"Your fiancé should be here soon. That Gurefia has been back for a few days...."


Rias nodded.

Indeed, she had met Raiser several times, a scumbag man....And his temper is very annoying.

I suddenly have a"boyfriend" Xiye...I guess Lesa will be furious...

This is the happiest moment for her since she knew she was engaged...

But she is still a little worried about Xiye's worry....

"Alaa......Xiyejun..I am looking forward to you.."Jidao Zhuno changed her attitude of absolute spurring Xiye and said with a smile.

At the same time, the magic circle connected to the underworld on the side suddenly flashed a dazzling light.....

Then, the flower on the magic circle represents that Gremory's article has changed...

"Phoenix Lessar..."

Following Rias' whisper, a group of figures appeared in the center of the magic circle......

The magic circle then ignited a burst of flames, and the popularity immediately swept the entire room....

"call....It's been a long time since I came to the human world..."

The man standing in the front waved his hand, and the flames gradually dissipated....

Then he looked around the conference room and saw Rias...

"Dear Rias...I came to see you..I heard you brought me a surprise..."

While finishing...The expression on her face showed anger and a twisted look..

Rias frowned and did not answer, her eyes full of disgust....

The others were briefly silent by the arrival of Lesa....

Xiye raised his eyebrows and smiled.

He was still worrying about when this Lesa would come....I thought he was a turtle....


"This is Lesa....Seems a bit special...But there is a pretty loli behind her. She has the same physique as him....."

Suddenly, Raiser, who was talked about by Rias and others, appeared. Even Sora took a curious look and said


Xiye glanced at Lesa and found a figure in the crowd behind him. It was a girl in a pink princess dress....The girl with twin ponytails, big waves, and a baby face... isn't she Raiser's sister...


The two of them also met eyes at this moment.

Xiye was looking for Rebel, and Rebel was also looking for Xiye... the human who made his brother cuckold.....

Among the people here, Xiye is the only human being....

She was also looking at what was so special about this man....

Including Lesa, who saw Xiye at this time...I looked at him.

It was this human....Humph...

He looked at Rias and said calmly,"Rias, I won't say any more nonsense....Let's go check out the venue in the store.. The date is coming soon.. These things should be decided earlier..."

As Raiser said this, he came to Rias and tried to grab her hand...


Xiye pulled between the two of them and grabbed the left hand that Lesa extended....

"Feel sorry...Could you please stop putting your dirty hands on my girlfriend?.."

Hearing Xiye's calm words, Himejima Akeno and Tacheng Koneko suddenly widened their eyes in astonishment.

Xiye's acting was really good....

Then, Himejima Akeno, a standard"waiter", began her voluntary work and made tea....

"ha...Who are you?"

Leisa was stunned at first....He knows Xiye's identity...Because Grayfia has already said that Rias has a human boyfriend...Why did they do this in front of him?

It was just to strike a blow to this human....

Then, Raisa looked at Rias with a smile and asked,"Rias, you really did everything you could to reject this marriage proposal, even finding a human gigolo as your boyfriend...."

After saying that, he turned his gaze to Xiye again, his eyes full of contempt....

"Are you worthy of Rias?...You are tired all by yourself, yet you are eating field meat like a toad. Are you trying to make me laugh to death?...As a noble, you should be generous..."

"I know that this idea came from Rias, and she did it... but as a noble, I am willing to let you go....Get out of here now, or you'll be in trouble..."


Xiye chuckled and said lightly

"What kind of man is he if he doesn't even dare to protect his girlfriend?..."

The atmosphere at the scene suddenly became quiet. Himejima Akeno looked at Xiye with a smile on her face and put the coffee on the table.

A hint of surprise flashed in Tacheng Kitten's eyes..

Didn't Xiye say...Become stronger and protect the one you love...

Even the followers that Raiser brought with him looked at Xiye in surprise and nodded imperceptibly in agreement with his words.

One of them, Rebel, a smaller girl with blond hair and twin ponytails, also had a glint in her eyes....

This young man, who was just an ordinary person, showed no fear when facing his brother, Leza, and even said such words very responsibly.

She couldn't help but feel a little fond of this very responsible young man.....

Raiser looked at Xiye deeply.

This guy didn't seem to be scared away by his domineering attitude, but he would not ignore the provocation just because of such words... No matter what, this man is also Rias's boyfriend in name... and there is only one thing he can do.....

He can't wait for the chess match.....He wanted to kill the cuckold in front of him right now...

Before the underworld began to spread....

Lessar stared at Xiye with cold eyes, and the scorching flames gradually spread from his body to his left hand....

Xiye frowned slightly, and powerful magic power slowly rose from his body. The magic book"Astir's Manuscript" turned into a blue light and wrapped around Xiye.

Automatically transformed into magician mode...

The azure light enveloped him. He held Lessar's hand, shielding him from the heat of the flames. His eyes became increasingly cold.....

The atmosphere in the room is explosive...

Then, all of this fell into the eyes of Rias who was right in front of her....

Rias suddenly stood up and said coldly:"This is not your battlefield......"

Raisa's expression changed and he let go of her hand....

With silver-white hair, Xiye's magician mode is once again displayed in front of everyone...

Lesa also looked at Xiye carefully..with a surprised expression on his face:"It turns out that he is not an ordinary human, but the owner of a divine weapon...."

At this point, Raiser also realized that it was not wrong for Rias to find someone to pretend to be her boyfriend. She might have really cheated on him....

Can a person who possesses a divine weapon be compared to a noble pure-blooded demon like me?...

In Lesa's eyes, this cannot...

It's just an insult....

"Rias...Don't you think...Do I have an obligation to deal with this human being in front of me?.."Lessar said with a grim look on his face....

"you..."Rias wanted to turn hostile..but she thought...The Gremory family can't drink the Raiza family. They have a complete falling out, but they still have to endure it....

He said with disgust,"This is the human world....Can't stand being spoiled...Even if the leader of Phoenix comes, he must abide by the Peace Treaty..."

Rias can only rely on the rules of the human world to restrict Raiser...just in case...Xiye was accidentally killed by Lesa...

So what about Kitty?...

This is not a virtual projection space for chess...

There is no such thing as dying in battle and coming back again....

"snort!...I can't wait any longer.."Raisa suddenly became furious...

Rias is also in trouble...With a complicated expression, he looked at Xiye...

After receiving Rias 's gaze, Xiye smiled and was about to speak....A white light suddenly appeared..Everyone looked over....I don't know who will come at this time..and when I see���People, Rias's eyes flashed with joy:"Grefia..."

Raiser also suppressed his anger.. looked at the only silver-haired maid in the room.. including Raiser's followers. He also made way for Gurefia behind him....

"Miss, Lesa... Mr. Xiye... please calm down...If Raiser doesn't stop, I won't just sit there and watch... For Sirzechs-sama's honor, I won't be polite...."

Gurefia's words were very calm....

But it brought with it a strong pressure... and also made Lisa's expression stiffen. This silver-haired maid Gurefia was not someone he could mess with. Even if he was given ten times the courage, he would not dare to disrespect her....

Raisa extinguished the flame in his hand, indicating that he would obey Gurefia's order....

Then, Gurefia turned her gaze to Rias and said,"Sirzex-sama, I know that Raiser will cause trouble for you....So I was sent here specially.."

Hearing this, Rias secretly breathed a sigh of relief. If a fight really broke out...I don't know what the result will be...But she definitely stood on Xiye's side..

But this was spread out...The Gremory language will be greatly affected....

Lesser also took a deep breath and shook his head.

"..You who are known as the strongest"Queen" say this, even I am afraid, Sirzechs-sama's followers are really off the list of monsters, I don't want to be your enemy at all..."

"But didn't you mention that this human wanted to play chess with me?..."

After all, Raisa is a nobleman, so he knows how to speak the necessary public relations words. He tried to please Gurefia....Then he directly stated his purpose..

"Lesa... the date of the competition has been set, it will be on the day of your wedding with the lady....This is your first real meeting....The next time we meet will be on the battlefield..."

Gurefia said calmly.

"Wedding date?...interesting.."

Raiser looked at Rias with a teasing look on his face....

"Hello...Rias... I'll defeat your human boyfriend... I'll see how you can reject me..."

"Stop talking nonsense...."Leisa!"

Rias took a deep breath and held Xiye's right hand tightly in her arms, then Chen Sheng said

"I will not marry you..Lesa...I want to marry the person I like....Even though he is a human....I am a demon...It doesn't matter!"

Hearing this, Lesa's eyes suddenly became extremely cold, and his face became very ugly....

He narrowed his eyes and sneered

"Since you trust that pretty boy next to you so much, I will kill him in battle....ah...correct...As a noble, I will mercifully give you a few more days to prepare..."

Rias's expression suddenly turned ugly, and she looked at Raiser with cold eyes....

Xiye held Rias's hand, smiled and shook his head, indicating that she didn't need to worry....

Ps: The following is a picture of Rebel.. personal preference, please customize it if you want

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