Chapter 49: Mao Maochan’s love crisis!

"Well... for some reason, you'd better go and find out where the lost godfather is."

Rias leaned on her head with a sad face.

"Got it."

Himejima Akeno made an OK gesture.

She was very happy that Rias didn't reveal that everyone was a demon to Asia today..

She was obviously trying to protect Koneko-chan....

The corners of her mouth curled up, and a plan came into her mind.

"Ala Ala, Xiye Jun, let's settle all the old and new grudges together... for Xiao Mao Jiang...Go!..."

After saying that, Himejima Akeno did not forget to rub her chest twice.....

It seems that the fatal injury caused by Xiye last time is still vaguely engraved in my mind.............

Outside the school gate, a large crowd of students were leaving Juwang School.

Only two little girls stood out.

Xiye saw them at a glance and went to meet them:"You're back so soon?"..."

"Xiyejun~..Why doesn't Asia go to church?.."

Xiaomaojiang brought Asia to Xiye and asked in confusion.

She didn't ask in the Supernatural Research Department, but when she saw Xiye, they were together last night, something must have happened.......

After all, as a 'cat ghost', I am still quite sensitive....

He exchanged glances with Asia.

After receiving Asia's victory signal,

Xiye said calmly,"Yesterday, I thought about letting Asia go to Juwang School as well."

"She shouldn't go to a place like the church. After all, the church here is already abandoned."

These excuses were thought of by Xiye a long time ago.

So it seemed very natural.

There was nothing strange about Xiye, so Xiaomaojiang nodded.

After all, Asia's life experience was a bit pitiful, and she was expelled from the church for saving a demon.

"Then I can talk to our minister, she will definitely help....."

The little cat sauce had always had a blank face, and now it showed a smile

"not bad..."Asia looked at Koneko-chan curiously...

"certainly.."Mao Maojiang walked up to Xiye and said,"

She knows Rias's status and position in Kuou School."....

It was easy to get a student to study.

However, in front of him,

Xiye saw a man with brown and yellow hair.

"Shiro Keimoto...."

Xiye was not mistaken, that person was the owner of the artifact"Black Dragon Vein": Shiro Chimoto.

It seems that he has not been turned into a reincarnated devil!

Has the other queen of Kuou Academy, Cangna, not made a move yet?....

In fact, it's not that Sona didn't notice him, but because Rias asked her to investigate Xiye's affairs last time, leaving Shirou aside.

After the investigation results came out, because of the fallen angel, Sona would not let it go so easily.

So she has been paying attention to whether there are any more fallen angels in Kuou Academy.

"Xiyejun~What are you looking at?...."

Asia tugged at Xiye who was thinking

"Oh, it's okay."

Xiye lowered his head and responded.

However, Xiaomaojiang suddenly thought of something and asked:"Xiye Jun~...What about Asia? She still lives in your house..."

Although Xiaomaojiang asked naturally, she was not good at expressing her inner feelings, and she still felt a little aggrieved.

"Asia still lives in my house, and I pay for her tuition, but as compensation, she has to take care of my food and clothing."Xiye said to Xiaomaojiang

"Food, clothing and daily life....Babysitter?...."

Koneko-chan frowned.

Himejima Akeno's words echoed in her mind like a slide show.

"It turns out to be another little loli...Asia is more polite than me...."

And it looks like he can cook......

I am still a little foodie......

And Xiye seems to have a quirk towards loli’....

A deep sense of fear spread within her....

A sign of an impending love crisis!

"Yes, Asia cooked when she was in church....So it should be no problem to be in charge of Xiye Jun's daily life...."Asia said sincerely.

However, she had not considered the so-called love between men and women. She was not as thoughtful as Mao Maojiang, a girl who fell in love early.’

"Really...But Kitty-chan is pretty good too.....At least I learned by helping Asia, right?..."

Xiye raised his hand slightly and gently stroked Xiaomaojiang's head.

From Xiaomaojiang's emotions, Xiye could sense that

Xiaomaojiang was jealous.....

Then, Xiye's warm palm fell on Xiaomaojiang's head.

Xiaomaojiang's unhappy emotions were instantly wiped out.

Pah! Xiaomaojiang's hairpin fell to the ground due to Xiye's touch. When Xiaomaojiang was about to squat down to pick it up, Xiye took out a black hairpin in the shape of a kitten from his pocket.

"Kitten Sauce~...look here"

"..Um..."In order to let Xiye touch her better, and because it was her first time to be touched on the head in front of everyone, Xiaomao lowered her head shyly. She raised her head in confusion.

When she saw the gift in Xiye's hand,

Xiaomao was slightly stunned:"Is this for me?...."

Then, Xiye helped Xiaomaojiang put on the hairpin while she was stunned.

"of course..."


Asia saw this scene.

She felt a little bitter inside, but she still smiled sincerely.....

However, Koneko-chan's face turned from slightly red to crimson.

After Xiye finished dressing, she hurried away.

Xiye shook his head helplessly.

After all, she is a little loli and has no experience in love.

It is normal for her to be thin-skinned.

Asia also saw Koneko-chan's actions and covered her mouth with her hands and laughed.

However, after Koneko-chan left.

Xiye looked in the direction where Shirou left.

"The next one should be you, the owner of the sacred weapon. Shirou Chimoto..."............................................................................................................................................................ ps: I'm begging for flowers and monthly tickets.

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